Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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Let's Play Cedar Bay - Master Collection
Kollektion zu meinem Let's Play zu Cities: Skylines - CEDAR BAY.

Diese Sammlung dient als Master-Kollektion aller in der Serie verwendeten bzw. für zukünftige Projekte vorgesehenen Mods, Assets, Props, Bäume etc. Die Sammlung bzw. die Unterkollektionen sollen zum stöbern anregen und sind NICHT dazu gedacht komplett installiert zu werden. Bei vollständiger Installation aller Mods, Assets etc. kann es zu erheblichen Performance-Einbußen kommen (je nach Rechner).
Items (3)
Cedar Bay
Created by Blackfrost
CEDAR BAY is a forest rich coastal area surrounding a large bay. CEDAR BAY is a fictional custom map build for CITIES SKYLINES. This coastal map offers a highly detailed landscape. Enjoy the creation of this custom CITIES SKYLINES map from scratch. Watch t...
Cedar Valley 4K
Created by MarkFire
After almost 2 weeks of work we are pleased to release 4k version of Cedar Valley map theme. Let your creativity run wild with great looking sharp textures. This theme is for the "Temperate Climate" and the screenshots above were taken with the Evergreen! ...
Created by einermusstot
Since I couldn't find a LUT that I really liked I did one for myself. Maybe someone else likes it too....
Linked collections (13)
Mods & Assets - Essentials
Contains 31 items
Mods & Assets - Optional
Contains 53 items
Roads & Streets
Contains 49 items