Sid Meier's Civilization V

Sid Meier's Civilization V

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The Sioux (Brave New World)
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3 Jul, 2014 @ 9:29pm
24 Jan, 2017 @ 5:45pm
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The Sioux (Brave New World)

In 1 collection by Tomatekh
Tomatekh's New Civilizations
31 items
Adds the Sioux to the base game.

The Sioux are a Native American people in North America, traditionally belonging to the Great Sioux Nation or Seven Council Fires. They can be subdivided into three major divisions based on dialect and culture: the Santee, the Yankton-Yanktonai, and the Lakota. As each group adapted to different Plains environments, their lifestyles changed and diverged from one another. Yet, they maintained their political, economic, and social ties through intermarriage, trade, religious ceremonies, communal hunting, and military alliances. They are perhaps best known today through the image of the Lakota hunting Buffalo across the Great Plains and as a symbol of native resitance to U.S. westward expansion. The Sioux first came into contact with Europeans during the 17th century which would begin a series of conflicts as European settlers continued to push west onto Sioux lands. After three major wars and numerous other skirmishes, the battle of Wounded Knee in December 1890 marked the end of Sioux resistance as hundreds of Sioux men, women, and children were massacred by U.S. troops. Today, the majority of the Sioux live at the 2,782 square mile Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota.


- This civilization requires the Brave New World expansion.
- Updates to the Mod will most likely break save games. Please do not update until you are ready to begin a new game.
- I am aware that “Sioux” is pronounced wrong in the intro. I didn't forward a pronunciation guide when getting it recorded. It is simply not feasible to fix at the moment in what is otherwise an excellent recording by Charlatan Alley.


Leader: Sitting Bull

UA: Great Buffalo Hunt: Starting with your second City, settling near Plains Tiles will spawn a Bison Resource. Bison in Sioux territory may no longer be improved but instead provide a large base yield (increased at Chivalry) and periodically roam throughout the map.*

UU: Strong Heart: Replaces Knight. Can receive defensive bonuses. +25% vs Gunpowder Units. The first Strong Heart trained will also act as a Great General, providing a combat bonus to nearby land units. If this unit is killed the bonus transfers to another random Strong Heart warrior.

UI: Tipi: Available at Trapping. +1 Food. +1 Food after Horseback Riding. +1 Culture after Chivalry. May move City Population.** Requires Flatland Plains tiles. May not be built adjacent to another Tipi or on Resource tiles. Cannot be captured unless pillaged.

* Must settle on or adjacent to Plains Tiles. The resource moves to a random adjacent tile every 9, 12, 15, 24 turns on Quick, Standard, Epic, Marathon game speeds, respectively.

** If built near a City near which Bison/Wild Bison are also present, you have the option to move 1 Population from your largest City to the Tipi City.


- Leader scene and leader and UU icons by Janboruta.
- Tipi and Bison graphics and icons taken from the Firaxis "Conquest of the New World Deluxe" scenario.
- Strong Heart graphic[] converted by Wolfdog, originally made for Civ IV by bernie14.
- DoM voiceover by Andrew Holt (Charlatan Alley[])
- Peace and war music taken from the "Into the West: Original Soundtrack" by Geoff Zanelli, copyright 2013 La La Land Records. Leader ambiance: "Sitting Bull's Memorial Song" by Lakota Thunder, copyright 2000 Makoché Music/BMI.
- Promotion and Wild Bison icons by Sukritact.
- Sukritact (random resource placement), JFD (interface/popups), and LastSword (troubleshooting) for various parts of the lua code as well as code samples.
- JFD for SQL help.
- Leugi for general help and ideas.
- All code and art otherwise not listed created by Tomatekh (primary author).
Tomatekh  [author] 30 Jul, 2023 @ 7:59pm 
The mod still works off Steam and is compatible with the last Civ V patch. However, I am no longer able to maintain external downloads for my Civ V mods (many of which are over 10 years old). If you are having issues with Steam, you might be able to manually download using a third party website like steamworkshop download, etc.
X333 27 Jul, 2023 @ 6:21pm 
So is this mod dead? cause i cant download it with steam and the external sites arent working
matteus47 19 Jul, 2021 @ 8:32am 
Truewan- thank you for your comment. i am a white dude that sometimes struggles with prejudice.

I live in South Dakota. I was unaware that native american was offensive to your people.I always thought "indian" was more offensive. so do most native peoples prefer "Native Indians"
Truewan 14 May, 2021 @ 1:04pm 
I am Lakota Sioux

First, getting the words wrong such as Sioux isn't that big of a deal, a lot of work went into this mod and I appreciate being able to play as my ancestors (being a direct descendant of the Minicoju tribe which was Part of the Lakota resistance). I also grew up on a reservation in South Dakota.

That said, please stop calling us "Native American" and refer to us as American indians. This is the term you will hear on my reservation because it's part of our treaties, history, and legal laws in agreements we've made with the United States of America. Every elder, lawyer, and most kids use Indian. I can't tell you how frustrating these comments can be seeing people speaking on our behalf.

History is complicated, but it's 2021 and you can listen to the Lakota people now because of the internet. @Lakotaguy on tiktok for the kiddos.

Pilamiya Kola
Tomatekh  [author] 24 Nov, 2019 @ 11:38am 
The mod was meant to encompass all the Sioux people which includes the Dakota people (more specifically the Santee, Yankton, and Yanktonai peoples) as well as the Lakota peoples.
Reesey124 23 Nov, 2019 @ 5:23pm 
I know its old, but you should've named them Dakota
Joey The Lemur 17 Mar, 2018 @ 6:34am 
It crashes my game when I subscribe.
Cinn 29 Sep, 2017 @ 3:10pm 
Lol: 'We're outta here!' OK, thanks -- that makes sense now.
Tomatekh  [author] 29 Sep, 2017 @ 7:49am 

it refers to the improvement tile. Normally, capturing a city has no effect on the surrounding tile besides change of ownership (all the improvements, even unique ones, stay on the tiles). Tipi improvements, however, will be removed leaving an empty tile unless you pillaged them before capturing the city (at which point you can repair the pillaged ones to use for your cities).

In an earlier build, the removed tipis were converted to a population bonus for the Sioux, but I later removed this bonus for balance reasons. Thematically, though, I still liked the capture effect so kept it. Basically, all the Sioux living in those Tipis get up and move away when the city changes ownerhip.
Cinn 29 Sep, 2017 @ 12:58am 
Sory if I"m being dense here, but can someone explain what 'Cannot be captured unless pillaged' means please? Does this mean the nearby city can't be captured unless the tipis are pillaged first? Or that even if the city is captured the tipi spaces will remain in the possession of the Sioux? Or something else?