Sid Meier's Civilization VI

Sid Meier's Civilization VI

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XCOM Squad in Civilization VI
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6 May, 2022 @ 8:34am
13 May, 2022 @ 7:25pm
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XCOM Squad in Civilization VI

※Add the XCOM squad as final unit of the late game.

Do you remember XCOM which appeared as Firaxis' own collaboration in Civilization 5 The Brave New World? If they don't come back when the two expansion packs and the Frontier Pass are out now, we'll have to do it ourselves. good luck. Commander.

@ The graphic resources for this mod have been constructed from materials provided by Deliverator. I salute him for his work.

As noted science fiction writer Arthur C Clarke: 'Two possibilities exist. Either we are alone in the Universe, or we are not. Both are equally terrifying.' And if there really are only these two dreadful possibilities for extra-human intelligence, then it would make sense for leisurely, rational leaders to prepare to overcome them rather than sit back and watch the dice of the gods that will determine the coming doom. Recognizing the potential threat from Giant Death Robots, aliens, and other external threats, the XCOM Initiative was born to protect the populace from enemies known, and unknown.

[The content below is based on Firaxis's XCOM official canon]
The organization's predecessor, established in 1962 as the Bureau of Operations and Command, a stay-behind military and intelligence network to organize resistance in case of a communist takeover. The Bureau expanded into an internationally supported organization. Its operational 'areas of responsibility' has since globally expanded to include all Council Nations, and enjoyed the unequivocal support of the United Nations, with the freedom to act across the world, even during the height of the Cold War. Despite decades of ever-evolving enemies, tactics and technology; its broad and continuing mission directives remain unchanged: 'Survive. Adapt. Win.'.

in 2015, Council activated the top-secret XCOM Project contingency in response to First Contact reports as confirmed 'hostile'. Previously, XCOM operated on limited materials and skeleton crew to maintain and operate all vital facilities. Comprised of some of the best military, engineering, and scientific personnel the member nations have to offer- XCOM worked to defend Earth from the extraterrestrial threat. However, despite the construction of a plasma weapon system and IFO through various reverse engineering, this initial contact ended tragically with the surrender of the world and the establishment of ADVENT due to the ruthless psionic attack of Ethereal.

But leaving XCOM to fare for itself as a fourth-generation warfare resistance movement based aboard a converted alien transport known as the Avenger twenty years later.

XCOM Squad are Future era Advanced Reconnaissance unit. jump ability allows movement 40 tiles away. Can attack support units directly without having to eliminate the combat unit first.

Promotion Class: XCOM Combat & RangedCombat & AntiAirCombat="95" Range: 1 Move: 3 (+ 40 tile jump) Prereq District: Spaceport Prereq Technology: Smart materials (future era tech)

●Able to move and fight in water. Resistant to Weapons of Mass Destruction.
●Does not consume any strategic resources to build and maintain.
●Unlike GDR, XCOM squads can have Promotion and military formation.

Tactical Advice
1. Destroy an enemy city using a WMD then drop XCOM. They can withstand fallout.
2. After striking the enemy, immediately retreat to the rear with a 40 tiles jump.
3. Fully promoted XCOM Squad Corp can overwhelm even GDR.

Supported Mod
1.Future Warfare(NON-GDR unit upgrade):
The XCOM squad is also a future Era unit. If you install this mod, they will also receive the upgrade.

2. Area 51 - World Wonder + Alien Units:
Of course, they are resistant to UFOs and can overwhelm the alien Infiltrator.

●Of course I tried to implement the XCOM Initiative through the World Congress. But given my time and abilities, this is difficult at this point. And as you may remember, they could have just produced CIV6:BNW!(Personally, I hope there are more capable modders than me)

●As a result of our test play AI leaders do not use jump. (this is why the GDR Cybernetic upgrade had a +3 movement bonus in addition to the jump ability!) To recreate human players dropping XCOM squads into the depths of their enemies, i've added a buff and penalty that only applies to AI leaders. (+37 move & Cannot attack after moving)
Popular Discussions View All (1)
18 Feb, 2023 @ 2:09am
Bug Report Recruitment
Alterd-Rushnano  [author] 13 Aug, 2023 @ 4:57am 
@Zombie Slayer
Sorry for the late response. Due to my lack of skills, this unit has animations, but the unit's sound file and projectiles have not been implemented. But functionally it's perfect.
Zombie Slayer 17 Jun, 2023 @ 4:13pm 
Does anyone have gameplay of this? I couldn't find any videos and I'm curious to know what the animations and sounds are like.
Reaper One Six 2 Apr, 2023 @ 5:20pm 
Is it possible to make the lasers come out of the rifle. It's invisible on this mod
3am 8 Dec, 2022 @ 9:50pm 
you legit need this for alien invasion mod trust me
marius8990 3 Nov, 2022 @ 4:49pm 
A bit overpowered, but very cool. By the time you get them you probably don't _need them. But should a problem come up there's nothing these guys can't get done. I wish there were more units with ranged attacks but still capable of conquering cities.
Solarius Scorch 17 May, 2022 @ 6:03am 
Fair enough :)
Alterd-Rushnano  [author] 17 May, 2022 @ 5:29am 
@Solarius Scorch
Because the first reason is that Firaxis created their own XCOM squad in Civilization 5
The second reason is simply because I like the XCOM series as an XCOM modder. XD
Solarius Scorch 17 May, 2022 @ 4:37am 
The idea is pretty cool, but... why X-Com? From the description it sounds like your standard future commando. The entire lore fits tacked-on for no logical nor gameplay reason.
Not a complaint or anything, just pretty weird.
Alterd-Rushnano  [author] 13 May, 2022 @ 7:28pm 
[Update Notes]
Debugging with artdef. (presume that the code still linked with other mods was the problem)
KZFKreation 12 May, 2022 @ 9:03pm 
Any luck with getting the assets to work?