

265 ratings
Scaled World
Mod, 1.4, 1.5
File Size
40.034 MB
24 Apr, 2022 @ 3:10pm
16 Jan @ 8:10am
51 Change Notes ( view )

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Scaled World

This mod adds dragons from the world of How to train your dragon. They are strong compared to vanilla animals, beware!

LOAD ORDER: Dragon descent > Scaled world > Dragon genetics
Dragon descent adds the ability to fly, it will not work without!

* 28 Detailed dragons
* Custom egg textures
* Custom scales (leather) textures, some are good for furniture while others are great for armor
* Same sounds as in the movies/series
* Special abilities for each dragon (VE framework required)
* Careful balancing to ensure the dragons have the power they deserve without being to overwhelming
* 3 Dragon related encounter quests (2 hostile 1 taming/hunting)
* Flight ability for most dragons (Dragon Descent required)

*Flight has been resorted, dragons shall fly once more


* Added 6 new dragons
* Added 6 re-textures of existing dragons. They have slightly lower spawnrates then the originals.
* Upgraded original skrill textures to match the 2 new ones.
* Completely reworked all scales (leathers) and their stats.
* minor dragon balancing
* Got no available CE patcher at the moment, but it will be worked on once i find one.
* Flight ability can be updated as soon as Dragon Descent updates.
* Giddy up patch will be updated as soon as Giddy up 2 updates.

Q: How strong are the dragons?
A: They are tanky, faster, and have ranged attacks, Make sure you're prepared before attacking one!
(Or abuse traders/visitors to tank it for you)

Q: CE Compatible?
A: After many requests, Yes, it is now compatible!

Q: Could you add x dragon?
A: Feel free to post a message here or in the discord about what dragon you want to see next!

Q: Can this mod be added mid-game?
A: Yes, it's safe to add. Removing shouldn't break anything but keep in mind that removing mods can always bring issues.

Q: Can you get dragon genomes from this dragons for creating the hybrids?
A: Yes, they are fully compatible with eachother, some genetic dragons even share the same abilities.

Q: What does each dragon do, what's it good at?
A: Abilities and their main roles can be found in this sheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1lCDwlk2k4sflmI5vmyJAZa6NDGVfv-JUtqOIv6okDIk/edit?usp=sharing

A Dog Said
Cyber fauna
Giddy up 2
Alpha biomes
Vanilla Genetics Expended
Dragon Descent
Dragon Genetics (load scaled world before dragon genetics!)
Combat Extended
Medieval overhaul
Choose Wild Animal Spawns (set custom spawn rates for each dragon per biome)

Sovereign for XML coding and workshop art
Ravvy for textures of all dragons
Sokryan for C# coding
Dendroid101 for new improved dragon sounds

For any bug reports, please go to the discord instead of workshop discussion.
You can also use the discord to share any ideas/suggestions.

Supported mods:
Dragon Genetics
RavenousEye  [author] 23 Jan @ 1:41pm 
With flight functional, they're supposed to shoot you with 1 ranged attack, and then take flight and land right next to you. 1 isn't that hard, but against a group you're gonna be in trouble. a large group of skrills demolished me in the past :p
ZzzDarkCloudzzZ 23 Jan @ 9:25am 
Only complaint i have of the mod is no Grunkle :(
ZzzDarkCloudzzZ 23 Jan @ 9:24am 
Paolini as far as im concerned all of the dragons are really easy to kill with one drafted pawn and run and gun, they also give a lot of meat and scales, the only dragon i had a problem with was the death song i believe, as it flew directly next to my pawn and paralyzed then killed it, but the others so far have been really easy and havent exactly flown directly next to my pawn like the death song did, the nightfury also died in one rifle shot for some reason.
Paolini 23 Jan @ 7:44am 
Oh that's nice balance, Thanks for the answer !
RavenousEye  [author] 23 Jan @ 6:36am 
The strength really depends on what dragon, and what range they are in for their ranged attacks.
some dragons are designed for hitting fast and hard, others are weaker and mainly for mounts.
and others are great for range, but kinda squishy in melee. so hard to give a accurate answer.

Assuming you fight with the dragons that are designed for melee combat (after 1 ranged attack both sides are gonna close the gap and turn to melee) the strongest dragons could 2v1 the dragon descent one, weaker ones 3v1. mount ones 4v1, i guess?

Those are all average numbers, but should give a reasonable idea of their strength
Paolini 23 Jan @ 5:55am 
Yo this is amazing thanks a lot for your work !!
Quick question (sry if it's asked often i couldn't see it) how strong are these compared to the Dragon Descent dragons ?
ZzzDarkCloudzzZ 22 Jan @ 12:26am 
Thnx will check next time im on!
RavenousEye  [author] 21 Jan @ 8:36am 
The flight thing is a ongoing issue, no 1 can seem to find the cause, no matter how many coders look into it :p
the fix is simple, enable dev-mode and relaunce the game. you can turn off devmode once the game started.
As for the ability thing, if this dev-mode stuff doesn't fix that, please send a log in discord.
ZzzDarkCloudzzZ 21 Jan @ 7:42am 
Hey Author i have a problem with the mod, i tamed a razorwhip (or i guess it self tamed), and i was able to ride it and use its abilities but after four sessions later, it no longer can use flight and razorwhip spikes, everytime i click on it it doesnt give me the aim indicator and sometimes its icon vanishes and becomes a giant X instead, any fix for this?
MonoLiion 16 Jan @ 2:25pm 
Thanks for reading my comment! Also that does make sense lore wise.