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Landspeeder Mk-1-A
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14 Feb, 2022 @ 10:44pm
1 Change Note ( view )

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Landspeeder Mk-1-A

Trying out making a little something of my own (besides what I used in Campaign).

This is an improvement on the refined version previously made. Pretty fun to drive around. No droids you are looking for here. No sir!

-A/D (Steer Left/Right)
-W (Forward Engines)
-Spacebar [Brakes/Hover Deactivate]

(CAUTION: * Minor * scuffing or water intake may be expected upon hover-off/shutting off repulsor-lifts. Especially at high speeds.)

-Formula League: 9 Cores (4 Hover Pads, 2 mini-thrusters, 1 Dragon Jet)
-Can move up to 200-300 KPH (But easier to lose control)
-Fair turning speed (but still has to comply with hover-physics (No friction))
-Surprisingly durable (at lower speeds; crumples at mid-speed)
-Recommended Terrain: Flat Lands, Deserts, Plains (NEW: Can cross water)
-Hills are ill-advised to drive up or down recklessly, no less ramps. Mountains are if you seek plenty of ‼fun‼.
-Vehicle is, however, improved to tread hills more easily. Be sure to brake every once in awhile for an easier time climbing uphill or downhill.
-Side-Note: You can also hold down the brakes (Spacebar), and prime your accelration by hitting your engines (W) while you're NOT hovering (same with turning engines). Really helps for traversing hills, ramps, and slopes, with a primed boost.
-If (somewhat) possible, you can combine A/D/W for improved acceleration (much like the Afterburner in the Landspeeder Prototype. Hold all 3 down simultaneously to make it work.)
-Previous placeholder mounts now have headlights and taillights to add to the aesthetic and light up the darkness.
-Still plenty of room left for improvement