68 ratings
Multiplayer Basics
By アンジェル
A Quickstart Guide for an improved Multiplayer Experience
1. Greet Each Other
Start each hunt with a proper greeting. It does not have to be some lengthy poem ~ it suffices to use the premade shortcuts which have auto translation, or a nice sticker which says "Hi!". Small talk is up to you personally - I can only encourage people to do so, for there have been many friendships born from a good gaming session together.

While this may sound simple and banal, there is a deeper meaning behind this action. Even when you are playing with strangers you probably would not meet again, it creates some feeling of having a proper hunting party which works together. That is certainly something you should not miss out.

Same goes for a proper "goodbye" at the end of a hunt.
There is a default auto-translated shortcut for that very reason!

Veteran's Tip
Share Guild Cards with your fellow hunters. You get extra bonus points towards friendship rewards when you are playing with someone you exchanged Guild Cards with!
2. Radial Menu Shortcuts
On the matter of communicating quick and easy, it is a good idea to prepare a Radial Menu for your most used stickers and lines. That way you can react quick, with affirming others that you understood them, or by showing a cool gesture in response!

Here are some suggestions for stickers you can put on hotkey

Over here!
Good job!
High five!

In addition to that I recommend some auto-translated lines like

Can you post a quest?
I'm posting a quest.
Hang on a minute!
Ready to go!
Thanks for the hunts!

You can adjust everything to your liking and needs. Maybe you want something like

I need the target captured!
I need the target killed!
I need to get supplies!
Bring the target over here!
Getting Hunting Helpers!
3. I like You! And You! And You!
At the end of a hunt you get the chance to give your fellow hunters "a Like".
That way you do not only show them your appreciation, but it also contributes towards "Friendship Points" which you can collect. Once you have accumulated enough "Friendship Points", the guild will reward you not only with several usable goodies - but also with special Friendship Vouchers!

The best about it:
You can give "a Like" to everyone in your hunting party!

Veteran's Tip
While getting "a Like" is a nice touch, nothing beats a proper "good job!" / "thanks for party!" sticker. It may sound banal, and maybe it even resembles an automatic message somewhat, but it still matters. Especially when you trigger it manually with your favourite sticker.

Who knows ~ maybe you are going for more than just one hunt together after all?
I like playing Monster Hunter. But I like playing it together with you even more!
4. Hello, Newbie!
Let others know if you are a beginner or you do not know the monster you are dealing with yet.

There is no shame in admitting you are what I call a "newbie". Veterans love newbies.

Every new player is an addition to our beloved community and a possible friend and partner to enjoy the game even more.

Be considerate towards each other.

Veteran hunters are willing to help and to teach. In return all you need to do is to be willing to learn and avoiding reckless actions. Do not overestimate yourself and just throw yourself into the fray because the others do that seemingly.

If you are new, take your time and let the others know - you will be soon enough on par wwith them hen you allow it. Every beginner is a potential great hunting partner in the future!

Everyone started as a beginner. Everyone used to be a beginner. There is no shame nor disadvantage in telling others that you are new. Only advantages and benefits awaits you, when people know not to ask too much from you and teaching you the ropes if needed.
Veterans are role models after all.

We are playing the game together so we can enjoy the game more together.

5. Supplies Are For Everyone
In Gathering Hub quests you will notice the generously stacked supply chest.
Well, it sure looks "generously" if you are playing alone. The content is in fact always prepared for four players.

There is a clear thought behind 4x4 or 4x3 stacks, when it could have been 2x10 e.g.

Take your share and leave what you do not need.
With two players each hunter take half and leave what they do not need.
With three players: leave the leftover share as reserve.

Beginners and unlucky hunters do not need to fear losing their face for taking the leftovers when it happens they run out of supplies. That can always happen, even to the best of us.

~ Sharing is caring ~

6. Eat Before Each Hunt & Resupply
Not enough supplies in the supply box?

No big deal!

You can get items from your personal chest and even change equipment any time in the tent at camps.

Even if you forgot to eat before the hunt, you can still catch up!
You will not get an extra smille from Yomogi, though...

The best you can do is sticking to a kind of "post-hunt-routine" which I will go into detail later. Make it part of your routine after every hunt to refresh your Item Loadout and eat some tasty Dango, once you know what awaits you for the next quest.

Veteran's Tip
Low on Dango tickets? But they are so good to increase the chances for the Dango skills to kick in! Here, let me tell you how to get big batches of Dango Tickets!

Motley Mix is the solution!

First: make use of Rondine's trade goods by exchanging Kamura Points for Raw Meat e.g.

Second: have them processed by Yomogi.

The more you use her Motley Mix service, the more Dango Tickets you get!
Sounds weird, but it works! You can do with the processed meat whatever you want...
Just... do not tell her or anyone else if you actually throw her cooking away, okay?
Let us hope The Informant will keep shut too...

Want to learn more about Dango benefits? Check out my guide Eat, Hunt, Love
7. Stay Flinch Free
Some weapons like Hammer, Long Sword, or Switch Axe e.g. can trip or worse your fellow hunters in your party. It is recommended to have for yourself an armour decoration which provides you with the Flinch Free skill for that matter.

Trivia: once you finished the Village Quests you usually get access to the first armour which provides an inbuilt Flinch Free skill.

But it actually starts with being considerate and knowing

"Hey, your weapon does that which you might never knew from Singleplayer!"

Please keep that in mind when you are in close combat. Some range attacks do that too.
There is not much like "friendly fire" which does damage, but tripping someone by "friendly fire" can still cause combos to disconnect or worse. Leading to unnecessary frustrations.

Therefore, having the Flinch Free skill equipped is highly recommended among fellow hunters ~

Veteran's Tip
Advanced hunting parties know their individual roles. Cutters go for the tails, breakers for breakable parts, knockers for the head and so on. With a maximum of four players in a hunting party there is usually always enough space to distribute around a monster so everyone can do maximum damage without being in others' harms way.

Also: keep in mind when you are using Flinch Free skill, you cannot be tripped and knocked by your fellow hunters' weapon attacks to be helped in cases of paralysis, stun or sleep. But you still can be knocked back when they throw a bomb at you! Prepare accordingly! As a veteran I prefer to use the decoration slot for Flinch Free for something else, relying on my fellow hunters experience ~

There is also a Dango on the menu which might help. Check at Yomogi's!
8. Capture or Kill?
Monster Hunter Rise offers with some monsters different rewards and different chances with different quest finishers. Depending if you kill a monster or capture it, it might significantly influence the outcome of rewards. As a lobby guest in a hunting party it is custom to let the host decide about the finisher.

As a matter of course I encourage people to chat beforehand about the hunt.
Even just a little to make clear what you are after in the hunt.

Here is an example of a reward/loot table

You can see there that Freezer Sacs will not be rewarded when capturing the monster.
A capture would erase the 3(+1) opportunities for the carve chances. Block of Ice+ on the other hand will not be rewarded when killing the monster. But they can become available via capture.

What you need to know is: there is a significant difference which matters.
Imagine you are after a certain item to craft a weapon or armour piece, and just at the finishing moments someone takes those chances away from you, just for using the unfit finisher. It can be frustrating. Therefore, make sure your goal is clear to everyone ~

Preferably not talking to yourself, but having a dialogue with stickers.
9. Emergency Capture
It is custom to discard the idea of killing the target after two faints. That is purely due to the exponentially risen risk that if two carts already happened, the risk of a third time being incredibly high (as a matter of course: the monster just carted players two times - of course it can and want to do it a third time!).

That also often puts into consideration when you kill a target while one just got carted - the kill might very likely happen within the next few seconds when the monster is already weakened. Often the carted ones will have a hard time to return to the battlefield in time for the carving.
Again it is all about being considerate towards each other and fairness.
10. Item Loadouts
A more detailed version of this part of the guide can be found here

Using Item Loadouts is a given. Having one for Multiplayer is optional and yet highly recommended.
You can have 40 Item Loadouts and 24 Radial Menues with four loadouts. You have more than enough possibilities to adjust your hotkeys to have not only hotkeys for your Singleplayer hunts, but also for different setups in Multiplayer. Most likely you just need one menu loadout for Multiplayer. The rest is for communication hotkeys.

This is an example Multiplayer loadout I am using

It consist of

10x Mega Potion
10x Herbal Medicine
6x Nullberry
2x Well-Done Steak
2x Max Potion
5x Flash Bomb
8x Tranq Bomb
1x Shock Trap
1x Pitfall Trap
2x Trap Tool
2x Thunderbugs
2x Mega Barrel Bomb
1x Large Barrel Bomb
1x Scatterfish
10x Small Bomb
1x Farcaster

Powercharm, Powertalon, Armorcharm, Armortalon
(when available)

The Large Barrel Bomb and the Scatterfish is for crafting one extra Mega Barrel Bomb for a wakeup. During Elder Dragon hunts you may leave traps at home as those monsters cannot be trapped.

The Small Bombs are of course to bomb out your fellow hunters from Stun, Paralysis, etc. when they are also having Flinch Free.

For higher rank hunts you might want to bring along Lifepowder and Dust of Life as those are very helpful support items which heal your and your team's health instantly.

Interested in the details of Upgrade Items? Check this new guide of mine out
11. Support Skill Wide-Range
Advanced hunting parties love support players. Not all of them are using a Hunting Horn. But a lot of them use the armour skill Wide-Range. With that skill you allow everyone nearby to benefit from support items you consume. No extra powder needed! You drink a Mega Potion? They enjoy the effects too.

It might not always fit, as mentioned above with the example of some hunters having specific skill builds which utilise lower health stati. But it is nonetheless a great skill every support hunter should have a look at!
12. Sleeping Monsters
On the matter of sleeping monsters there used to be a hunting tactic tradition which might seem outdated nowdays, taking the fast and fluid gameplay of Monster Hunter Rise into consideration.

I suggest you to coordinate with your fellow hunters beforehand, how you want to handle sleeping monsters. During battle you can tell a monster is falling asleep when the battle music suddenly stops. That applies to all monsters with the exception of Khezu. Khezu has no battle music, since battle music starts to play once a monster sees you. Khezu will never see you. Special boss monsters like the monster from the intro sequence will not be affected by the Sleep status to begin with.

Monster Hunter Tradition: Wake up the Monster with a Boom!
Either that, or with the strongest weapon attack available. Whatever is stronger. Having a sleeping monster is the time where the Mega Barrel Bombs you and your party are carrying gets into play. Hunters also often use the short recovery phase for sharpening their weapons as well.

With the fact that Mega Barrel Bombs deal a fixed amount of damage which can be considered low in comparison to hunters' attacks, not everyone is excersising this tradition any more. Let your party know when you have no bombs to place and you are ready to go on with the hunt.

However, the tradition is still a viable hunting tactic with benefits. Aside from the mentioned recovery phase, there is a certain advantage in using bombs to blow up specific parts of the monster which are normally giving you a hard time. Like e.g. Nargacugas wing blades.

Find more combat tricks and tactics in my guide for beginners
13. Use and Edit Autoshoutouts
As mentioned before, there are shortcuts which even have auto translate. But there is so much more when you check the chat menu. In addition to stickers for easy communication, I advise you to give the autoshoutouts a look as well. That way you can let other people automatically know when a monster starts limping e.g.

The game has so many convenient shortcuts for communication, considering there is no default keyboard with the original version on the Nintendo Switch. You have a keyboard now. Make good use of it to communicate. And make use of the mentioned shortcuts and tricks too - to keep it simple and convenient, yet very social for your hunts!
14. Chat Log
Coming from a console, the Monster Hunter franchise never had much need for chat when most communication is done via other means (stickers, direct talk, e.g.). However, for us as PC players chat can still be important, especially when you are not using any third party apps.

The biggest problem is how limited the chat is shown on screen - already vanishing after a few seconds and seemingly only holding onto two to four chat shouts at max. But there is indeed a longer - still short and yet longer - chat log you can access to reread missed messages.

For that you need to access the Chat Menu and call upon the Chat Log.

Sunbreak - Update v.
With the update to version which came alongside the Sunbreak expansion, accessing the Chat Log for recent messages has been made easier than ever! Just hit "Enter" to write a new message, and in addition to just the input box, now you can also see some of the Chat Log!

15. Post-Hunt-Routine Optimisation
A more detailed version of this part of the guide can be found here

Things you want to do regularly after each hunt:

  • "cash-in" sub-quests and take new ones
  • refresh your Item Loadout
  • check on new pal recruits for your roster
  • check on new trade-in items
  • after every 5th hunt send out Meowcenaries
  • when you send out Meowcenaries check on cohoot nest(s) for free items
  • after every 10th hunt give trainer at Buddy-Plaza a new Lagniapple
  • meld new talismans
  • in Elgado (Sunbreak expansion) check after every hunt on Pingarh for a free souvenir (trade-in item) - you can tell if he has any for you if the cargo boxes are not empty

All that takes circa 30-90* seconds when you are in routine? It actually goes really quick when I set the talisman melding for 5 or 10 melds in a row, to match the Meowcenaries cycle.

* fast data storage is required for very short loading times

Training your Buddies will unlock new skills for Buddy Bargaining at the Argosy and increase the chances for good loot with the Meowcenaries. It also unlocks some hidden achievement.

Last but not least: do not forget to eat once it is clear what hunting quest you are going for next.
And if you forget, do not worry: remember you can do that during the quest in the camp's tent.

Especially early in the game the so called "trade-in items", items which you purely exchange to sell them, are very helpful in financing your equipment.

Veteran's Tip
For eating Dango you can setup sets you can order repeatedly as "usuals". Similar to Item Loadouts. That can save you some time, especially when you have a favourite set you order again and again.

Also: checking on the Lottery during a market sale can win you some miniatures for your room. This is especially interesting for collectors. And did you know that after every 100th lottery without a winner you get eventually a miniature as consolation prize?
16. Rampage

Just the most important things ~

  • Select a Hunting Installation Master
  • Determine early your Sub-Assignments Goals for better rewards
  • Go into the fray with your weapon as soon as the counter phase is signaled
  • Ride On!
  • Let people know when you are not used to the game mode yet!

For more details on the topic of Monster Hunter Rise Rampage, please check out my guide:
It is written with focus on Singleplayer, but you will surely find the information you can find there useful for Multiplayer sessions as well!
17. Charming Matter
After many urgent quests the inventory of the merchants update with new items. Among them you will find two relatively expensive trinkets: the Powercharm and the Armorcharm.

They give a passive bonus on attack and defense, and it is a standard that every hunter keeps them all the time in their inventory for the stats boni. Later, if you have not already noticed from the crafting list, you can use the trinkets to craft even better trinkets which give more passive boni on attack and defense.

By then you are going to carry four trinkets all the time to have passive boni on attack and defense during hunts.

Here is a screenshot without and another one with the trinkets

Veteran's Tip
The trinkets will never be discounted, so you can buy them any time without the need to wait for a sale.
18. Hunter Connect
Have you had some joyful Multiplayer sessions yet?
Interested in a convenient tool to team up easily with fellow hunters?
Check out the Hunter Connect function which comes with Monster Hunter Rise!

The Nintendo Switch is missing some tools many PC gamers consider "must-haves".
Tools like easy accessible forums, voice-chat, messenger services, discord-like-services ~

It can be hard to organise players who are all over the world with the limitations you have on the console. While on the PC it is very different, you can still make use of the Hunter Connect to set up a convenient and easy to use lobby system!

What is Hunter Connect?

I like to compare it with a simplified online-clan/guild system.

When you play with other hunters, you can invite them to join your Hunter Connect, or the other way around. As a member of the same Hunter Connect you can set up lobbies exclusively to connect members. That pretty much sums it up ~

What makes it so convenient is the fact that you can be part of multiple Hunter Connects.

Imagine it like this: you usually play with your partner and another pair. For that you have Hunter Connect No. 1. That Hunter Connect is often used between 5pm-7pm. In the later evening you might team up more often with a different group of friends. For that you have Hunter Connect No. 2.

Since the Hunter Connect is exclusive to the members, there is no need to setup passcodes or do special invitations via the 16-digit codes or Steam. All you need is to share a Hunter Connect. Even with players you do not have on your Steam friendlist at all, teaming up can hardly be any easier that way!

Give it a try!

19. Miscellaneous
  • Elder Dragons cannot be trapped, no need to bring along traps or tranqs for them
  • Running out of Rations? Remember you can "grill to go"
  • It is a legit tactic to collect Hunting Helpers (Turtle and Lanternbug for survival, Sleeping Toad and Blast Toad for EXPLOSION!) and Spiribirds during a hunt
  • It is recommended that the one hosts the party who has unlocked most (food)
  • "Crafting on the fly" allows you to carry more of what you use often without the need to go back to the tent to resupply
  • Dust of Life: Healing others is no waste of time, as it can make THE difference between a quest failure and success - a good teamplay yields the best possible results after all
  • When your quest is halfway finished, it is considerate to turn off the "Join Request" option so people will not apply for your ongoing quest just to see the ending without actually being able to participate
20. Personae Ingratae
SKIP THIS if you do not want to read about bad stuff, regarding cheaters and such.

The screenshot above shows Capcom stance on the matter.

When playing Multiplayer it can always happen that you come across subjects which might spoil your game. Whether during a hunt or even on the Steam forums. There is not much which can be done about it, with the publisher basically saying "you are solemnly responsible for your behaviour", without the mention of any consequences.

What you must not do are break the code of conducts and rules, which also includes that you must not name and shame anyone who spoiled your fun. No matter how justified it is, you have to be better than them by following the rules, which exist with the purpose so we all can enjoy the game together.

It is understandable when you become frustrated, angry, wanting to vent even. But keep the phrases in mind in which it says "you must not feed the trolls", "do not fight fire with fire" (it will not work with some rare exceptions, and that you are the only one who loses if you force yourself to lower your level so you can meet those spoilers on eye level. Whatever you try directly against them will not work. It is up to them alone that they bring shame upon their guardians, family and friends for showing a behaviour which can only be considered anti-social. Think of what Dale Carnegie has to say on the matter, or just 無為 it away ~ pun not intended...

What you can and should do instead, if they bother you too much - use the recommendation which is stated with the Steam forums rules and guidelines and just block all communication with them.

Simple as that!

Ingame you check the player list to open the player's Steam profile

On the forums you can access their profile with the option next to their avatar

Select on their profile that you want all communication with them blocked

Once blocked they will not be able to bother you again.
Not via Steam, not ingame in your Multiplayer sessions.

You are not condemned to do nothing at all. You are not entirely helpless. The best we can do is by excersising consequences by not paying them any attention any more. That way you spare yourself from grief, anger and stress - all the unhealthy stuff which we want to go away by enjoying ourselves with playing a great game! And if someone goes beyond certain lines: inform the police. They are there for you to protect you from serious harm. The internet is no lawless zone. Adolescents who read this and have encountered serious issues during online play are advised to consult their guardians without any hesistations! You deserve special protection!

Note: I know you are not here to read bad stuff. You are here because you want to enjoy the game. Like me. But after I have read so many forums threads of people getting enraged over cheaters and other questionable subjects, I felt like that this information needs to be underlined. Especially in a guide about multiplayer. You are supposed to enjoy the game. Do not waste your time by fighting or grieving over things you cannot change - focus on the things you can change instead! My attempt is remembering the people that the majority of good people are busy enjoying the game - that is why it looks like so many are complaining on the forums, which is simply not true. They are just "loud". By the end of the day I wish you wholeheartedly that you do never need this kind of advice. Believe every word of mine if I say: as someone who is experiencing F32.2 herself I do not wish you to suffer anything resembling that. Gift your attention to the things which truly matter to your heart and soul. There is nothing to gain in being angry about those questionable subjects which seem intentionally spoiling your fun. We can only pity them for the life they must live for them to feel they need to make others suffer so they can feel better.
21. Feedback Rules

From something very bad, to something very good ~ remember the feedback rules from school!

I often have the impression I cannot say it often enough! As long as you keep them in mind, most communications are becoming "lighter" ~

If you need a refresher make sure to check out this link[] and share!
I know most schools have their own versions, but this one is not only publicly accessible but also quite good written!

Every Ace hunter loves feedback!

And where else but in multiplayer you have the perfect opportunity to share? After all, it is in the hunting party's common interest that everyone can improve and enjoy the game to the fullest!
22. Multiplayer Region Selection
Having issues in finding random people when playing Multiplayer? There might be not enough players in your region. By switching your Steam's download region within the Steam settings you can also switch the game's Multiplayer region.

Currently favourited by the community are servers in Japan and the U.S.A..

Thanks for checking out these "Hunter Notes" of mine!
And sorry for my bad English, as it is not my native tongue.

This "guide" used to be originally a forums thread I made for fun, which you can find here.
It was surprisingly well received, despite my constant thoughts that everyone knows these stuff already and no one would want this as a guide to begin with. Not to mention how short it was!

Afterwards I have kept it updated for a while until it got to the point where the chapter-system of Steam Guides makes it so much more comfortable for me to add all the additions and improvements.

The result is what you see here now.
I hope it was useful to you, even if it was just a little.
And if you know someone who might like to see this ~ please share.

My special thanks goes towards all those who shared their kind words and even gifted me some awards on my forums thread. That encouraged me to keep on writing and improving, which also lead to the Rampage guide I have made. Wholeheartedly I can say: thank you for reading!

I wish you all lots of joy, great adventures and Happy Hunting!