Primal Carnage: Extinction

Primal Carnage: Extinction

Winter Camo Weapon Pack

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weapons that use cool glowy emissives
Items (5)
Winter Camo Flamesaw
Created by BBQ
uses partially custom emissive. intended to be in a pack of winter camo weapons....
Winter Camo AR
Created by BBQ
uses partially custom emissive. intended to be in a pack of winter camo weapons....
Winter Camo Netgun
Created by BBQ
uses partially custom emissive. intended to be in a pack of winter camo weapons....
Winter Camo Sniper Rifle
Created by BBQ
uses partially custom emissive. intended to be in a pack of winter camo weapons....
Winter Camo Shotgun
Created by BBQ
uses partially custom emissive. intended to be in a pack of winter camo weapons....