Middle-earth™: Shadow of War™

Middle-earth™: Shadow of War™

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Middle-earth™: Shadow of War™ - All Achievements & Roadmap Guide
От ๖ۣۜKyozo ✗ ๖ۣۜKami
Welcome to the Middle-earth™: Shadow of War™ Achievements Guide! The role of this guide is to help you keep track of your achievements and help you with achieving 100% progress.
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Welcome to the vastness of Mordor! In Middle-earth™: Shadow of War™ you will once again command Talion and embark on his quest to wage war against Sauron. The direct sequel of Middle-earth™: Shadow of Mordor™ brings back some of the old gameplay mechanics with new and improved abilities that make the fights more dangerous and challenging, in the context of full-on war waged through sieges with you taking charge of the battlefield.

  • Estimated achievement difficulty: 4/10
  • Approximate amount of time to 100%: 40-45 Hours
  • Offline Achievements: 69
  • Online Achievements: 3
  • Number of missable achievements: 1 (It Came from Within)
  • Glitched achievements: None
  • Does difficulty affect achievements?: No
  • Minimum Playthroughs: 1

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Part 1: Play through the game and DLCs and find all collectibles
The first step would be to adapt yourself to the new mechanics of the game, which are considerably different then the ones of his predecessor. In this step of the roadmap you should enjoy the story and the gameplay without worrying to much about the achievements, as you will get more than enough by just completing every quest, finding all collectibles and finishing the DLCs. One achievement you should attempt to get as soon as possible is "It Came from Within" as it is missable. For more information, scroll to this achievement section without proceeding further.
Part 2: Complete any missing achievements for the main game and DLCs
In this part, you will have already finished the main story and the DLCs. This is the tedious part as you will be hunting any achievements you missed while playing normally. You should also focus on completing the Shadow Wars if you haven't already, while also making sure that you have found all the collectibles in the DLCs as well! This includes finding all the gauntlet upgrades for the Desolation of Mordor DLC.
Part 3: Desolation of Mordor Gold Rating
In this final part you will need to finish the DLC 'Desolation of Mordor' with a gold rating which can sound very difficult at the beginning, but it is very easy once you have attempted it a few times. First of all, remember that playing that DLC means you will be playing as Baranor, not Talion and unlike Talion, Baranor is mortal, meaning that dying will cause you to end your run and try again from the start. Second of all, you should have unlocked all the gauntlet upgrades by this point so you should make sure that you make use of them effectively. The main goal is to reach 225000 points in order to achieve a gold rating. In order to reach that amount, you will need to play on the Nemesis difficulty (which is the easiest difficulty you can do this on) and finish the conquest of the fortress as fast as possible. The score is determined by the difficulty and the time. Don't be afraid to try a few practice runs first as you will get the Gold rating at the end.
What Once Was Lost

  • Secret Achievement. Story-related. Can't be missed.
First Steps

  • Secret Achievement. Story-related. Can't be missed.

  • Secret Achievement. Story-related. Can't be missed.
Lord of Horror

  • Secret Achievement. Story-related. Can't be missed.
Brought to Heel

  • Secret Achievement. Story-related. Can't be missed.
Undeath Defeats Undeath

  • Secret Achievement. Story-related. Can't be missed.
Fall and Rise

  • Secret Achievement. Story-related. Can't be missed.
Stalemate is Victory

  • Secret Achievement. Story-related. Can't be missed.
Peace in Death

  • Secret Achievement. Story-related. Can't be missed.
Banish the Darkness

  • Secret Achievement. Story-related. Can't be missed.
For Gondor

  • Secret Achievement. Story-related. Can't be missed.

  • To unlock this achievement you need to combine three gems of the same type to create a higher quality one. There are five levels of gem in the game. You find gems as loot from killing Orcs that have a white symbol above their head, as well as rewards for completing quests and usually for completing the bonus or secondary objectives in quests.
Master Forger

  • To unlock this achievement you will need to forge a top tier gem. There are five levels of gems: Basic, Carved, Polished, Refined and Perfect. You need three of any level of gem to combine into one of the next tier. Once you craft a Perfect gem, the achievement will unlock.
Rule of Three

  • The gem slots are present on each of your pieces of equipment, so your weapons, armor and each other piece of equipment can have one slot opened up, in order to place a gem and improve it. You start with one gem slot already open, but for each one after that you need to buy with Mirian. Go into your inventory and beneath each piece of equipment is the gem slot. Hover over them and purchase the other 2 slots on an equipment piece in order to unlock this achievement.
I Like to Watch

  • The easiest way to unlock this achievement is during the Pit Fight missions that become available after taking over fortresses. Start one of these missions, watch the show and this achievement will unlock.
No Orc Lives Forever

  • In order to complete this achievement, you first need to conquer the fortress of a region. Once you have the fortress of a region go to the Fight Pit mission on your map and you can then pit your fighters against other Orcs. You need to win the first Fight Pit mission to then unlock the next one. There are three Fight Pit missions per region: Maggot, Warrior and Champion. Complete all three in all five regions and the achievement will unlock.

  • Notes: The Orcs within each arena will have weaknesses and advantages. Make sure to exploit those in order to ensure your chosen Orc is successful. The online Fight Pit missions are not required.

  • To unlock this achievement you will need to purify all of the Haedir. These are the towers that act as fast travel points on each map and there are three of them per region. Just climb to the top and purify them. Once you have purified them all this achievement will unlock.
Finished Tales

  • To unlock this achievement you need to collect all of the Gondorian artifacts. You can find these by first activating the all Haedir towers in a region and using them to locate the artifacts in that region. There is one artifact that you cannot pick up and are instead given it during a Gondor quest while in the Seregost region. Once you have them all the achievement will unlock.
The Web Revealed

  • To unlock this achievement you will need to find every Shelob memory and reveal the Web of Fate. There are three Shelob memories in each region and you will need to find them using the Haedir towers. When you activate one you will need to rotate it until you can make out an image out of it and then a very short cutscene will play. After collecting all of them, you will get a final quest in Minas Morgul and once you finish that, the achievement will unlock.

  • This is one of the harder achievements in the game. There are a lot of times during the game that you will be in a fight with a Captain and he will have Olog allies fighting for him. You will first need to weaken the Orc Captain, then stun the Olog and mount it. You can now control the Olog and use him to kill the weakened Captain. The achievement should unlock afterwards.

  • To unlock this achievement you will need to destroy a monument. You will find these scattered across the regions. Once you spot one, simply climb it and destroy it to unlock this achievement.
Bad Boss

  • To unlock this achievement you will need to attack one of your followers until they have had enough. You can do this with any of your followers though it would be best to do it with one that you don't care about. Choose one that is not currently busy with a mission and mark them to find where they are, then head to them and start to attack them. Eventually they will have enough and betray you, unlocking this achievement.

  • In order to create a Vendetta mission, you will need to allow an Orc to kill you.Then the missions will allow you track him down and have your revenge. Complete it and this achievement will unlock.
Life of the Party

  • To unlock this achievement you will need to send a destroyer on a Vendetta mission. If you need create a Vendetta mission see the achievement section for "Avenged" above for how to do so. Once you have one of these missions available you will then need a 'Destroyer' class follower. Go into the Army screen and command your Destroyer to kill the Orc Captain on which you have a Vendetta mission on. The achievement will unlock right away.
Better Luck Next Time

  • To unlock this achievement you will need to meet an enemy or follower that has cheated death. This is random and can't be triggered, however this will often happen when you do not inflict fatal executions on Orc Captains (such as decapitating them).This will occur naturally as you will kill a lot of Orc Captains during the course of the game and occasionally one of those Orcs will reappear and attack you and the message 'Cheated Death' will appear beneath their name when they are introduced. As soon as one of these Orcs attacks you and you see that message this achievement will unlock.
Speak Friend and Enter

  • To unlock this achievement you will need to open one of the Ithildin doors. There are five doors total, one in each region and you will need to find six Ithildin fragments in order to open a door. Ithildin fragments are pinpointed on the map once the Haedir towers are purified. Once you have found all six fragments and the barrow in a region, go to the door and activate it. You will then need to put the six fragments in order to complete the poem on the door for it to open. Once that is done, the achievement will unlock.
Best Defense

  • To unlock this achievement you will need to equip three siege upgrades to your assault team. This is first possible in Cirith Ungol. When you accept the quest to attack the fortress you will be presented with a screen that shows your assault team and the defending team. On this screen you can manage your team and from here you can purchase more slots to assign more of your captains to the assault team as well as purchase and equip upgrades to each Captain. You must have at least three slots open each with an assigned Captain, then to the right of their slot there will be two to three smaller slots, each of these is an upgrade. Only one can be applied to each slot at once so purchase one for each of your three Captains and the achievement will unlock.
Vertical Mobility

  • To unlock this achievement you will need to help a grunt become an Overlord. You will first need to let a grunt kill you so that they become a Captain. From here you need to make sure you own the fortress and then go and find that Orc that killed you and dominate them to recruit them into your army. Once they belong to you, command them to switch positions with your current Overlord and the achievement should unlock.

  • To unlock this achievement you will need to send one of your followers to kill another in a pit fight. You unlock the pit fights right after you take over your first fortress in Cirith Ungol. This achievement can be paired with the 'I Like to Watch' achievement. Once you have unlocked the pit fights and at least two followers who aren't currently part of another mission, command them to fight one another and the achievement will unlock once the fight is over.
Hostile Takeover

  • To unlock this achievement you will need to defeat a Warchief. Warchiefs are installed as defenders of fortresses and can either be encountered when you attempt to take a fortress (not recommended) or you can attack them before assaulting their respective fortress to bring them out into the open. Once you defeat one of these orcs by your method of choice, this achievement will unlock.
No Orc Left Behind

  • To unlock this achievement you will need to rescue one of your captured followers.Your followers can get captured randomly after losing some missions or in the case you lose a fortress during the Shadow Wars. Once captured, a mission will show on your map and you should go ahead and complete it as soon as possible.
  • Notes: You should free them as soon as you can once the missions starts, or else they risk being killed by one of the Orcs that are guarding him.
If You Can't Beat Them

  • To unlock this achievement you will need to dominate an Orc that has killed you at least three times. You will first need to find an Orc and let them kill you. Afterwards, repeat the process 2 more times.Simply fight him again and proceed to dominate and recruit him. Once recruited, the achievement will unlock.
Fit for War

  • To unlock this achievement you will need to complete a challenge to upgrade a piece of gear. The Common gear does not come with any challenges but the other rarities do. When you have at least a Rare level piece of gear go into your inventory, equip it, then look at the challenge on it. Once you have completed the challenge, go back to it in your inventory and upgrade it to unlock this achievement.

  • To unlock this achievement you will need to encounter the same Orc three times during Nemesis missions without killing him. This is very likely something that you will unlock this without trying. If you don't get lucky however you will need to try and set this up by first getting yourself killed to create a Nemesis mission if you need one, then go and begin it. You can then defeat the Orc and dominate them, but DO NOT recruit them, instead shame them so that they remain an enemy Orc. You can then repeat twice more to encounter them three times total without killing or recruiting them, in order to unlock this achievement.

  • To unlock this achievement you will need to disable an Outpost. Outposts are present in all five regions and they each have a mission tied to their disabling. These Outposts are the red areas of each region that is not the fortress. Begin one of the missions that will be at the edge of one of these red areas and have the name of the Outpost in the title of the mission. Once completed, the achievement will unlock.
Promise Keeper

  • To unlock this achievement you will need to issue a death threat to a Captain and then follow through by killing them. Find a Worm and dominate them, then use them to send a death threat to a Captain that you have already discovered. Then hunt that Captain down either by starting any mission they are tied to or by finding them on the map and kill them to unlock this achievement.
  • Note: You unlock the ability to dominate Orcs during the story so you won't be able to attempt this until you have unlocked it.
Bound by Blood

  • To unlock this achievement you will need to complete an Online Vendetta. You will start to see these missions on your map once you get to Cirith Ungol and they are randomly chosen. These missions allow you to avenge other players in a somewhat Online mode. Simply find and complete one of these missions for the achievement to unlock.
Forged by War

  • To unlock this achievement you will need to unlock all skills, not to purchase all skills, rather you just need to unlock them all and effectively make them available for purchase. You can see locked skills behind yellow and red padlocks. Once there are no more padlocks, this achievement will unlock.
Rough Rider

  • To unlock this achievement you will need to ride every type of beast and rare beast. Every beast can be summoned if you have the required skills and if you can wait until the end of the game. You will ultimately need the following skills in the mounted category:
    • Caragor Rider
    • Graug Rider
    • Call Mount and its upgrades 'Dire Caragor', 'Graug Call' and 'Dragon Song'
    • Dragon Rider

      • You're going to want to summon the Graug 3 more times but in different regions so that the elemental version spawns (Gorgoroth for a Fire Graug, Seregost for a frost Graug and Núrnen for a Poison Graug.

      • Notes: Dragon Song is unlocked after completing all of the Carnán quests while all the others must be unlocked by purchasing them with skill points.
Follower Perks

  • To unlock this achievement you will need to give a follower a gang via a training order. First you will need to have dominated and recruited a follower. Then head to the Army screen and hover over your Orc and command them, then issue a training order. You can pick between an Olog gang, a Savage gang, a Defender gang, a Hunter gang, a Archer gang or a Warrior gang and purchase one of them to unlock the achievement.
Such Great Heights

  • You will need a rating of 2500 total to be ranked as 'Captain'. Online Conquest is a mode where you can attack other players fortresses online to earn rewards such as loot and money as well as to try and recruit more Orcs from them. You will be timed when you attack a fortress and get a boost to your rank based on that. You get a one hundred point boost to your rank for earning gold, twenty five points for silver and no points for bronze and if you fail to take the fortress you lose twenty five points off your rating. Once you reach the required rating the achievement will unlock.

  • To unlock this achievement you need to recruit a follower of every advanced class. The classes are as follows:
    • Assassin
    • Beastmaster
    • Berserker
    • Commander
    • Destroyer
    • Marksman
    • Slayer
    • Tank
    • Tracker
    • Trickster
    Once you have recruited one of each of the above classes the achievement will unlock.
Blood on Blood

  • To unlock this achievement you will first need to find two Captains that are bloodbrothers and then dominate and recruit both of them. Afterwards, have them fight each other in the Fight Pits. This way you will be guaranteed to unlock the achievement when the fight ends.
The Operative

  • To unlock this achievement you will need to turn all of a Warchiefs bodyguards against him, then confront him. To do this you will first need the skill 'Dominate Captain' that you unlock during the story. Simply find one of the Warchiefs that guards a fortress and make sure he has at least two bodyguards. You can see his bodyguards and by extension count them when you hover over a Warchief. You will now need to find each of the Warchiefs bodyguards and dominate them to recruit them, then have them infiltrate their master. Afterwards, simply confront the Warchief and complete the mission and this achievement should unlock.
  • Notes: You can't kill any of the bodyguards and then turn the others. If you can't dominate any of the Warchiefs bodyguards because they have the 'Iron Will' trait then you will need to find another Warchief with at least two bodyguards.
Wild Things

  • To unlock this achievement you will need to kill a Drake while riding a Graug. You will want to have at least one of these 2 beasts as a summon then go into the world to find the other. You should weaken the Drake then mount the Graug (helpful if you can summon an elemental version of it as it can shoot damaging projectiles) and finish it off. The achievement will unlock afterwards.
Power Couple

  • To unlock this achievement you will first need two Orc Captains under your control.You will then need a Nemesis mission. These are randomly generated so check your map. Once you have the Nemesis mission active for one of your followers, hover over the other one and command them to reinforce your first follower. The achievement will unlock after completing the mission.
Death is not the End

  • To unlock this achievement you will first need the skill to resurrect dead Captains. Towards the end of the game you will unlock a skill called 'Raise Dead' and then an upgrade to that skill called 'Undying Loyalty'. Once you have acquired both of these go into the Army menu and find any of your Orc Captains that have been killed recently, then find them on the Army screen and resurrect them. The achievement should unlock afterwards.
The Stuff of Legend

  • Legendary Gear is the best quality of equipment you can find in the game. You receive them from certain missions, opening Ithildin doors and by completing Online conquests. There are ten sets of Gear to collect, though you only need any one full set for this achievement. Once you have a full set, equip them all and the achievement will unlock.
Everything is Permitted

  • To unlock this achievement you will first need to find an enemy Orc Captain that is an Assassin class. Afterwards, you will need to defeat then dominate him. You will need to shame him, which will reduce his level and make him flee. You will need to repeat this process until you have shamed him enough times that he becomes deranged. The amount of times it needs to be done varies, but if you're lucky it will only take a few tries.
  • Note: You can also unlock a skill upgrade called 'Worse than Death' by completing the Brûz quests, which gives you an increased chance for a shamed enemy to become deranged, but also a small chance to make the enemy Orc more powerful, but using this ability you will get this achievement much more easily.
Feed the Beasts

  • To unlock this achievement you need to attract every kind of beast using bait. There will always be bait hanging around in settlements and fortresses and you can shoot it from a distance to activate it. You will find bait hanging from ropes for the Caragors and Graugs respectively. Then there are the Ghûl eggs that you need to shoot to attract Ghûls. Finally there is the Drake bait that is a dead Drake stretched on a rack. Shoot this to activate it. Once you have used all four to bait beasts the achievement will unlock.
It Came From Within

  • To unlock this achievement you need to turn all the Warchiefs of a fortress into spies and then attack it. You achieve this by doing the mission that is attached to each of the Warchiefs, and when given the opportunity, dominate the Warchief and have them become a spy inside the fortress. You should attempt to complete this achievement as soon as possible because once you finish the Shadow War missions you will lose all opportunities to unlock this achievement.
  • Note: You need to recruit all Warchiefs of the fortress you plan on attacking, without killing any single one and recruiting the rest. Doing this will not unlock the achievement.
Second Age Warrior

  • To unlock this achievement you will need to complete all of the Shadow of the Past missions in any one region. These missions are short and tell the story of Celebrimbor's past. They each have a rating of bronze, silver or gold. You don't need to get gold in them, you just need to complete the main objective, however you get worthwhile rewards for silver and gold so it is worth trying.
  • Notes: Not all Shadow of the Past missions will be available straight away and some need a skill unlocked before they can be attempted. You can see which skill is needed by hovering over the mission on the map.
The Blade of Galadriel

  • Achievements from this point on are part of The Blade of Galadriel DLC.
Unlikely Alliances

  • Story-related. Can't be missed.
Holding the Line

  • Story-related. Can't be missed.
Scorched Earth

  • Story-related. Can't be missed.
Problem Solved

  • Story-related. Can't be missed.
Banished Ambition

  • Story-related. Can't be missed.
The Time has Come

  • Story-related. Can't be missed.
Complete in Defeat

  • To unlock this achievement you need to defeat the Lawless, an Orc that appears after you have completed all of the Fallen Blades quests to collect all of the Elven gear. Once you have completed all six of the Fallen Blades missions in each region, a new mission called 'The Lawless' will appear in Gorgoroth. Complete it to unlock this achievement.
Elven Conquest

  • To unlock this achievement you need to complete an Online Conquest while wearing an Eltariel skin. This needs to be done in the main game and can't be done in the DLC, so go back into your main game save, then go into your inventory and choose one of the three Eltariel skins. Now open your map and find the Online Conquest mission that will be at the front of one of your fortresses. Complete the Online Conquest and this achievement will unlock.
Flash Mob

  • To unlock this achievement you need to blind 100 enemies. You learn how to blind Orcs right at the start of the DLC. Blind 100 of them and this achievement will unlock.
I See the Light

  • To unlock this achievement you need to use the Light Trap skill against twenty Orcs. You will need to unlock this skill as it is the last skill in the Ranged category. You don't need to be in stealth to use this and can do it mid-combat, so as long as an orc triggers the trap, it will register towards this achievement.
Desolation of Mordor

  • Achievements from this point on are part of the Desolation of Mordor DLC.
No Way Out

  • Story-related. Can't be missed.
Belly of the Beast

  • Story-related. Can't be missed.
Festival of Blood

  • Story-related. Can't be missed.
Point of No Return

  • Story-related. Can't be missed.
Reap What You Sow

  • Story-related. Can't be missed.
Baranor the Conqueror

  • To unlock this achievement you need to beat this DLC with a Gold rating. You will be given a rating of either Bronze, Silver, Gold or Mithril and your score is determined by the difficulty you play on, the time you take to complete it and the number of Outposts you capture. This cannot be done on anything less than Nemesis difficulty as that's the lowest difficulty you can do to get a multiplier bonus for difficulty. You will also need to effectively speedrun to have the shortest time possible, aiming for between 1-1:30 hours. There is nowhere in the game that shows the required score for each rating but the general consensus online seems to be 225000 is the required score for a gold rating.

    The strategy is as follows:

  • Focus on buying the mercenary discount upgrades to hire mercenaries for cheaper, then unlock the extra spaces for more bodyguards, then the extra spaces for healing items. Any other points can be put arbitrarily into skills you find useful.

  • Hire the cheapest ones for outpost guards and only hire the Legendary ones as your bodyguards, they are very powerful and can do most of the work for you.

  • Take out three of the warchiefs before attempting the final assault.

  • The overlord is always the same with the same weaknesses and properties:
    Immune to arrows, fire, and poison;
    Vulnerable to executions.

  • To unlock this achievement you need to collect all nine Númenórean artifacts and return them to Torvin. You are given a hand drawn map with a vague location to track these down.

  • To unlock this achievement you will first need to find all the Númenórean artifacts needed for the achievement "Gauntlet", listed above. Afterwards you can proceed to killing at least 1 orc with each type of ammo. This doesn't need to be done in a single glide, but it needs to be done in a single playthrough.

  • Note:There is an augment for the crossbow called 'Time Explosives' that removes the damage from the steel bolts and has a delayed explosion on them instead. Do not use this one as the kills will not register.
Eastern Front

  • To unlock this achievement you need to conquer the fortress of Shindram while playing as Talion. You will need to load up your main game save to do this and ensure that you are wearing the default Talion skin. Afterwards, you need to travel to Lithlad and conquer the fortress there. This is much the same as the main game, you can make it difficult and try to conquer it right away or you can take the time to remove the Warchiefs or turn them into your spies to make it easier. Either way, conquer the fortress with the default Talion skin and this achievement will unlock.
Shadows of the Sand

  • To unlock this achievement you need to earn a gold rating in all six of the Shadows of the past missions in Lithlad. You access these by loading up your main game save and going to the new region of Lithlad on the far right of the world map. Each of the missions has two bonus objectives that you need to complete to earn gold.
9 коментара
Sv. Prolivije 6 апр. 2024 в 20:15 
Such Great Heights is wrong and written poorly. Your defense and assault ratings combined play a part in your rating which you didn't mention. This is calculated based on the orcs you have in your forts. So, you don't need to conquer others forts and do it quickly to get 100 assault points, you just need to reach 2500, which can be done by just playing the game and conquering all the forts there are and placing high ranking orcs there. So, please, edit this part as it's misleading and written as if the player needs to get to 2500 rating by conquering the forts of other players one fort conquered with a 100 assault points reward at a time.
๖ۣۜKyozo ✗ ๖ۣۜKami  [автор] 9 ян. 2024 в 9:57 
@HolyKef you should look up online where the local save for this game is located on the hard drive. Then make a backup copy of it, delete it and launch the game and start a new run. See if that fixes your issue.
HolyKef 9 ян. 2024 в 8:21 
๖ۣۜKyozo ✗ ๖ۣۜKami about my comment like in game or on steam library cause if it's the later I might need a guide
Vermilion 23 ноем. 2023 в 6:28 
Completed the whole story, somehow missed the 'Holding the Line' Quest, despite conquering Seregoth. Looks like I'll need to start a new play through for that.
teixeirafilipe670 16 ноем. 2023 в 15:34 
some of my missions get stuck on the loading screen how do i fix this
i already tried starting a new save but it didnt work
RebelBraz 17 ноем. 2022 в 5:48 
Very good!:steamthis:
๖ۣۜKyozo ✗ ๖ۣۜKami  [автор] 25 юли 2022 в 5:28 
Hi HolyKef! I think the best way to tackle your problem is to delete your save and start a new game. The achievement should unlock afterwards.
HolyKef 12 юли 2022 в 10:33 
for some reason Rule of Three and Master Forger didn't unlocked on my first run so I played the game from the start AGAIN I did the requirements of the achievements and they STILL didn't unlocked what the hell?!
Caps_Lock100 4 юли 2022 в 12:23 