Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

210 ratings
RAILWAY 2 - American Wooden (Network Pack)
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541.884 MB
24 Sep, 2021 @ 9:25am
18 Apr, 2022 @ 2:13pm
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RAILWAY 2 - American Wooden (Network Pack)

In 1 collection by REV0
(R2) RAILWAY 2: Collection
117 items

Railway 2 is a brand new network package which is packed with lots of new features, while maintaining the existing features of original Railway 1 project. It also brings new types of networks such as quads and mainlines. Check Railway 2 Guide in the collection, linked above.

This package contains TEN networks.
  • 1x1 noded, 1x1 nodeless
  • 1x2 noded, 1x2 nodeless
  • 2x1 noded, 2x2 nodeless
  • 2x2 noded, 2x2 nodeless
  • 4x2 noded, 4x2 nodeless

Station tracks are released separately, since R2 now have 3 types of station platform height. Check the collection and pick ones you need.

  • Brand new pack
  • Proper American sleepers with double shoulder tie plates
  • AREMA 136RE rail standard
  • Procedural gravel coloring with Network Skins
  • In-game customizable ballast with Theme Mixer
  • Guardrails
  • Auto-abutments
  • Introducing QUAD tracks
  • American AF tunnel portal and bridges
  • Local catenary customization with Network Skins
  • and more

All American Wooden tracks recycle texture and materials of track superstructure between each other. All R2 networks recycle ballast, gravel texture and materials, in order to maximize the optimization. Subscribing entire pack of Wooden style cost about 30MB load.

Comes as electrified networks. Use Network Skins to disable wires on-dragging, or Catenary Replacer to cancel wires map-wide. Part of RAILWAY project, thus requires Railway Replacer to customize track props.

Check the Complete Guide

Keywords: RAILWAY 2, United States, America, NEC, Northeast Corridor, Nodeless, RE136, Wooden, Sleeper, Railroad, Train, Network, Pack
REV0  [author] 15 Dec, 2024 @ 5:39pm 
I get the feeling that you are using elevations that do not have pillars by design. I recommend to read the manual
MarioSNPY 14 Dec, 2024 @ 6:54pm 
@TalyCat Same thing, the pillars are not there or are invisible
TalyCat 28 Dec, 2023 @ 3:48pm 
Well, the Overhead line is there but the pillars / things holding up the Overhead line.
REV0  [author] 28 Dec, 2023 @ 1:17pm 
Pillars are part of the networks, and they're bundled together automatically by the game. It's not possible to 'miss' them unless you have a mod that disables or removes pillars from networks.
TalyCat 28 Dec, 2023 @ 7:55am 
Missing pillars, Am subscribed to all the dependencies. I also got an erorr while picking them
LemonsterOG 25 Sep, 2023 @ 5:38pm 
@REV0 -- Thanks so much! Good to know about SingleTrainTrack AI. I'll happily unsub and test.

Adaptive Networks has been an amazing addition.

To avoid confusing anyone that comes after and reads this, I can tell you on Discord about how I was instructed on the use of the replacer mod.
REV0  [author] 25 Sep, 2023 @ 1:12pm 
SingleTrainTrack AI shouldn't be required anymore as base game has them. I'd recommed to test with and without see if trains behave differently, otherwise no network requires hard dependency, aside the replacer (and its props), adaptive networks (depends on the batch of networks made)
LemonsterOG 25 Sep, 2023 @ 10:52am 
@REV0 -- There are two assets included in the is pack (one noded and the other nodeless) that are 1 track 2 ways. In order for those to work, isn't the SingleTrainTrackAI mod needed? If so, shouldn't that mod be listed as a requirement of this pack?
Maybe I'm missing something?
Thanks so much!
Shevek 24 Mar, 2023 @ 2:50pm 
Interesting but that did not fix it.
However, I went through all subscribed mods again and deactivating Hide TM:PE Unconnected Tracks solved the problem (must have overseen it before). It's a bit outdated at the moment, anyway. Still, weird that it crashed with, e.g., American Wooden Mainline but not American Concrete Mainline - two networks that I guess are quite comparable.
REV0  [author] 24 Mar, 2023 @ 3:32am 
could be steam problem

The game was suffering a workshop connection issue resetting usergamestate file, that is responsible to track your subscriptions. it may be related to this