Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod

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Items (124)
(GDCW) M1 Garand
*Requires Css for hand textures and shell models* (Found in "Nikolai's Sweps, in "Weapons" Section of Q Menu) One of the most notable weapons of America, the M1 Garand, has been published for gmod 13. Has very nice ironsights, includes a world model, uses ...
A35A2 Grenade Launcher
Created by smithy285
A simple little grenade launcher, with its own models! Introduction The original code for the grenade launcher was developed by ArmadaIV and was posted on, I have since ported the grenade launcher to Garry's Mod 13 and added my own take on it...
Air Vehicles
Created by Sakarias
Air Vehicles 1.5 This addon includes one helicopter and two jet fighters. Each air vehicle has two versions. One with weapons (admin only) and one without. THE CONTROLS SHOWN IN THE VIDEOS ARE WRONG! CONTROLS = Default Key Jets Jump : Increase Throttle Wal...
Air-to-surface Missile
Created by Xegor
Blow up your enemies from the sky with a controllable missile! ---------- Usage ---------- Left click to launch a air-to-surface missile from the sky above the aimed position. When launched, use the mouse or the movement keys to direct it, left click to bo...
Aliens Pulse Rifle
Created by Zayn
Wanna Go On A Bug Hunt Well Now you can! watch the video to see what you can expect updates will continue so things may change from the video. Redone Version: Donate Donate Here Donation will ...
All WWII DOD Weapons For Gmod 13
Created by Simi
************Controls************ To reload the Machine guns, you must deploy them first by crouching or on a ledge. To use a bazooka, you must deploy it first. To use weapons, you must spawn the corresponding ammo for the selected weapon, or it will not se...
Amnesia SNPC's
Created by Maxwell
ATTENTION! As prior to 2018, there are some changes. 1. Convars has been removed, everyting is editable just like any vanilla item (Going to desktop mode, right clicking on entity and selecting "edit properties"), NPC features can be changed only by admins...
Begging Nazi
Created by DeadShot
Need Sniper Elite German Models....
Beretta 92FS [GDCW]
Created by Zaeryn
Kimono's Beretta 92FS on HyperMetal's FNP45 animations, using Generic Default's SWEP base. Features ironsights, run pose, world model, icon and sounds. Pietro Beretta's 92FS is an updated version of their 92F (and subsequently, 92) pistol, released to addr...
BioBall - Sandbox
Created by Welcome To Heck
NEW CONTENT! This addon adds a custom Infectious Zombie NPC and the BioBall weapon to Gmod, complete with Player Controlled Zombies and Infection mechanics! Simulate your own zombie pandemic! If you come into contact with a Biohazard Ball, you will become ...
Bioshock Elizabeth Ragdoll
This is Elizabeth from Bioshock Infinite. This was a quick rig that i did, there's one or two issues with it such as the hands (Her hands were so tiny) I may get back to editing the model again and fix it up. -She's rigged with citizen animations so she co...
Borderlands 2 Claptrap
Created by [PH] Zyx
The claptrap ragdoll model extracted from Borderlands 2. Original texture and model by Gearbox. Rigging by me. While I love getting comments from all of ya'all, you should know that I will not be converting this into a player model because: 1. I do not hav...
Climb SWEP 2
Created by Jon a scone
My own reiteration of the original climb swep (I wrote it from scratch). Using this SWEP you can parkour! It comes with some cool stuff like: Falling Effects Wall Jumping Prop Riding - You can grab onto props and move with them! Ability to switch between C...
COD BO NVA and Vietcong NPCs and Playermodels
Created by Professor Heavy
Finally i can add bodygroups now :) Credits: Treyarch and i didnt port them. Source: All playermodels and npcs have bodygroups and skingroups. Weapons are Customizable weap...
CoD WAW NPCs and Playermodels
Created by Professor Heavy
These models ported by Bloocobalt. Credits: Treyarch, Bloocobalt and Professor Heavy. All models have skinsgroups and bodygroups Enjoy!...
Cod waw zombie survivors npc
Created by Mr.Jiggles
Hi, i didnt make these models i just found them on a backup HDD for gmod 12 but i updated them for gmod 13 this includes npc's Nikolai Takeo Richtofen & dempsey you can spawn them as enemy or as friendly to hunt down some zombies together Have fun! =-)...
COD2 Mosin Nagant (MADCOW)
WILL MAKE A NEW BASE FOR THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ~Requires CSS for Hands and Shells~ Mosin Nagant Ported from COD2 by Xplor3r on MADCOW Base. I was suggested not to use GDCW this time, and was decently successful making this swep. Includes sounds from COD2, a...
Created by Kally
THESE ARE RAGDOLLS. This pack contains all of the LVTs (Tracked landing vehicles) used by the USMC in Call Of Duty: World At War. Features fully bodygrouped hatches, ragdolled guns, tracks, and ramps where applicable, and there are some extra bodygroups fo...
COD:WAW Weapons Gmod 13
Created by Simi
This is a COD:WAW pack, I started on the pack last night with lots of help from malrwolf in porting the models, but for me it takes a lot to get them together, porting is only half the battle. There is no more progress with this pack, this is it. A failed ...
Coil Nailgun
Created by kitsune residue
It's a gun that shoots nails. Fascinating! Pin your enemies to walls and turn adversaries into swiss cheese with this wonderful little metal-spitting device. DISCLAIMER: This is the only OFFICIAL Coil Nailgun SWEP for GMod 13. If you got this from some pla...
Collector Praetorian
Created by Eschaton Monk
The Praetorian from Mass Effect 2. Ported by Haxxer. Posted by me to the Workshop. This is NOT an NPC, or a Playermodel. It's just a ragdoll....
Corvo playermodel
Created by Alpharius
Corvo, from Dishonored, as playermodel, also ragdoll for your amusement ;)...
Creepy Woody
Created by Matt
*you MUST facepose to get the Creepy smile* Ive also added facepose control to the eyelids. This addon includes a Woody player model/ragdoll. If anyone is including this addon in a video or even a picture, Link me, I'd love to see it....
Simple Useful Scripts
Created by V92
A collection of simple-yet-useful scripts I've made. Includes Drop weapon script with selectable animations Drop weapon on death Third-person use animations with selection animations Silent kill command & server-side toggle Vanilla suicide disabler Knock f...
Created by Wolly
These are basic turrets/emplacements. They actually work as entities. Use them at your own discretion. Have fun. No longer requires GBombs. The 4 turrets are 7.62x39mm Turret - Fast rate of fire, good for crowd control. - Not very effective at long range. ...
Finn the Human & BMO NPC and PLAYER MODEL
Created by Michael007800
This is Finn the Human and BMO! Finn is a 16 year-old and is the LAST confirmed Human currently on Ooo. He adventures with his brother Jake the Dog (Who is yet to be added)! As a baby, he was abandoned in the woods on a leaf as a baby before being picked u...
Fire Extinguisher
Created by Rubat
Extinguish fire! A classic fire extinguisher, just like in Half-Life 2: Beta. And it pushes physics objects too! It uses custom ammo, which can be replenished by jumping into water or picking up another fire extinguisher....
Firearms Source Weapons For Gmod 13
Created by Simi
************Mirror************ Gamebanana *NOT UPDATED ************Controls************ To Switch weapons, you must first holster the weapon, then you are able to switch to another weapon. To use weapons, you must spawn the corresponding ammo for the selec...
FlipOff 2.0
Created by MacTavish
This is Flipoff SWEP 2.0 Info: LMB - Make someone angry RMB - Make someone frendly Reload - Make you scare Flipoff SWEP originally made by TechedRonan...
Friendly Gnome
Created by Dez
A friendly garden gnome. An entity created by someone else (not me), edited by me to be a gnome and stand back up if knocked over. Can be found in the 'Other' category of entities. This used to be on the ToyBox way back when, and it remained in incompatibl...
Gatling Gabe
Created by aoaklsoe
Gabe Newell's been working on something, luckily through a leak we find out today and it's far from Episode 3!...
GAU-2B/A (Minigun)
Created by Haven012
Credits: Se7en - Animations/Texture/Model Porting Treyarch - Model,Textures Rinfect - Texture/Model Porting, World Models Generic Default - GDCW base Notes: -The world models are not perfect because the hl2 animations don't fit properly -Ammo can not be re...
Created by SaLaMi
After creating gm_parasite i wanted to create a new horror map, so i present to you my newest horror map : gm_abandoned_metro PLAYSTYLE This map is supposed to be played on your own, but your friends can tag along. Also turn up your volume, make your room ...
Created by Bigwig
A big open city map. Fully noded for AI...
Gold & Uber Materials
Created by no loafing
Adds these textures to the Material tool's list: - Golden Wrench - Golden Wrench and Saxxy's gold statue texture - Spy-cicle's ice statue texture - RED Ubercharge - BLU Ubercharge None of these are custom-made - they're all stock textures pulled directly f...
Grand Theft Auto V Death Screen (Now with next-gen mode!)
Created by DyaMetR
Well... I guess it was about time, wasn't it? Back in 2014 I released this addon, during the Grand Theft Auto V craze, little did I know that it'd become such an instant hit being one of my most subscribed and rated addons ever. Time has passed, and with m...
Grappling hook V2
Created by Asymmetric Footwear
A heavily modified version of the old grappling hook Features new sounds by DICE, fixed bugs and it actually uses animations now....
Gravity cat npc
Created by firebug
It's just a model minipulated npc, so don't get too excited...
Created by SL G| J4k3
The HAAX!!! swep updated to work on gmod 13. Made by Kwigg, edited by NECROSSIN, updated by SL G| J4K3. Take care of those pesky cheaters in a fun way....
Created by snacks
Needs Sniper elite V2 hitler...
Halo 4 - Master Chief (NPC/Playermodel/Ragdoll)
Created by Dusty
Includes both a model for posing and another for playermodels/npcs. Bonus DMR is included inside. v1.1 - 26/06/2013 Shaders have been slightly updated and support for the new viewmodel system has been added. If you don't know what the fuck I'm talking abou...
Hellknight Playermodel
Created by Reidmaster
Hellknight Playermodel Credits: TalosAT for converting S-Low's model into playermodel....
TF2 Ice Material
Created by melonsky
Allows you to turn everything into ice, TF2 style. Accessed from Material tool, tooltip is ice_tool/ice_texture (preview is just a gray icon). Does not require TF2. Note however, ice material will probably be listed twice if you have TF2 mounted, disable/u...
Killing Floor Character Pack
Created by 76561198058857035
A character pack containing most of the character from KF as well including npc enemies from the game. Note: I did not create this! All credit goes to the original maker Nexus Elite. I will delete this once the original creator asks me to remove it to plac...
ME3 Husk Playermodel
Created by Reidmaster
Mass Effect 3 Husk Playermodel Credits: TalosAT for converting S-Low's model into playermodel....
Created by ief~☆
Type .m in the chatbox to turn yourself into a melon, or any prop! Inspired by The Mathias' Melonizer addon, this addon adds on to it, providing more customization. The server must have this addon installed in order to work!
MG34 Machine Gun
Created by Annoying Rooster
This is the model of the MG34 Machine gun from the game Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad. (NOTE: I DID NOT CREATE THIS: All credit goes to Tripwire, BeatTheZombie, and Skaarj for porting the models to Gmod.) This is a weapon that is part of the Axis c...
Unofficial Minecraft Model Pack
Created by Dj Lukis.LT
An unofficial Minecraft model pack for Garry's Mod! NEWS: 2020/03/11: Uploaded the conversion script mentioned below to 2017/05/26: Yup, this is pretty much dead, no motivation for this and nobody want's...
Mini Nuke
Created by Osmanny
Not so mini. ;)...
Molotov Cocktail
Created by Comp Hesi
A Molotov Cocktail SWEP, simple to use. Controls: Left click - Throws Molotov and when it hits the ground turns into fire. Right click - Throws Molotov, once it hit the ground it waits 4 seconds then turns into fire....
Nazi Guard
Created by Joe Swanson
Requires Day Of Defeat Source (DOD:S)...
Nazi Zombies characters
Created by No Love Deep Web
The original Nazi Zombies characters from World at War (Ragdolls only). You can pose their fingers/faces, athough the expressions are limited. Credit goes to Half Dead....
Nazi Zombies Npc
Created by ツBOSSMANツ
HEY GUYS! Finally made my pet project. Most of the credit goes to Syntax error, for helping me with sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much. Some to me for fixing some things. And some to Ranger SUPERSTRIKE, who kept encouraging me. Enjoy! Hey guys. As you...
NPC Tools
Created by Silverlan
SPECIAL THANKS to Cpt. Hazama for fixing the addon! ----------------------------------- I'm done with gmod and I don't take requests, so please stop spamming the comment section. There won't be any updates or new packs. If you want to check out my new proj...
Nuke Pack 4
Created by Techjar
DISCLAIMER: If you have any problems with this addon, it's likely some kind of conflict. Try disabling some other addons you have. Beyond that I can't help you, as my own installation works perfectly and I cannot reproduce any of the issues that have been ...
odsd controlable droppod
Created by The Centurion
a controlable droppod (controls) + is down - is up ...
Order Turret Angel
Created by Spirit
The 'Order Turret Angel' from League of Legends. HP: 2550 AttackDamage: 35 (+6 each attack) AttackSpeed: 2.7 (+0.2 each attack) Original stats adjusted so it fits with the 100 HP proportion. Calculated with Akali's HP at lv. 1 (425 HP) Base model by Riot G...
Particle Attacher
Created by Dewdos
Updated to work in GMod 13. A tool that allows you to attach particles to entities. All Team Fortress 2 unusual particles are automatically detected and put into the tool menu....
Pedobear NPC
Created by Buu342
You asked for it, now you are all fucked!...
Penumbra Infected
Created by Eschaton Monk
One of the Tuurngait Zombies from Penumbra: Black Plague. Not made or ported by me. Just posted by me for ease of access. Anty comments on how it looks like it has a penis will be deleted because I cant's stand people who are too stupid to recognize a godd...
Penumbra Infected snpc + pmodel
Created by Buu342
"The Tuurngait Infected are the most common enemies in Penumbra: Black Plague. In layman's terms, they are re-animated human corpses. This does not mean that they're merely zombies. The Tuurngait Infected are far more intelligent than a simple zombie, and ...
PM1939 Maxim Machine gun
Created by Annoying Rooster
This is the model of the Maxim Machine Gun from the game Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad. (NOTE: I DID NOT CREATE THIS: All credit goes to Tripwire, BeatTheZombie, and Skaarj for porting the models to Gmod.) This is only a model, it is not a Swep, or...
Predator Models (AVP 2010 VG)
Created by James_UK
New ports of the Predator models from Alien Vs Predator 2010 using the original rigs/skeletons. Features 1) Full Eye Posing. 2) Dreadlocks, Shoulder Cannon, Wrist Blades and Wrist Panel posable by means of the Joint Tool. 3) Face Posable by means of the jo...
~Requires CSS for Hands, and Shells~ This 14.5x114 mm beast is now using GDCW. Ported from Call of Duty: World at War by Xplor3r, along with the scope hacked off by me. I can upload a scoped version of this if you guys want. Uses COD:WAW Sounds recorded in...
Ragdoll Blood
Created by Buu342
This addon makes your ragdolls/NPC corpses bleed when they take damage, be it from falling from big heights or from getting shot. Takes into account different material types, and even lets you add or remove more ragdolls to emit effects! Comes with a large...
Realistic Fall Damage [No longer supported]
Created by korin
GMod now has integrated realistic fall damage, this addon was made when mp_falldamge dealt 100 damage regardless of the height when it was on, but now this seems useless. Though, To get it to work type "mp_falldamage 1" in the console...
Red Orchestra 2 Allied Weapons
Created by Annoying Rooster
A collection of the Russian Allied weapons form the game Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad. These are not SWEPS and they are only models. (NOTE: I DID NOT CREATE THESE MODELS! All credit goes to BeatTheZombie, Skaaj, and Tripwire. I take no credit what...
Red Orchestra 2 Axis Weapons
Created by Annoying Rooster
A collection of the Axis weapons from the game Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad. (NOTE: I DID NOT CREATE THESE. All credit goes to the original creators BeatTheZobmbie,Skaaj,and Tripwire. I take no credit for this what so ever.) This is the German wea...
Red Orchestra 2 German Ragdolls
Created by Annoying Rooster
A collection of German Ragdolls from the game Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad. (NOTE: I DID NOT CREATE THESE!. All credit goes to BeatTheZombie, Skaaj, and Tripwire. I take no credit for these what so ever.) This pack includes: German Infantry (Fully...
Red Orchestra 2 Misc German Ragdolls
Created by Annoying Rooster
A collection of the remainder of the German Ragdolls from the game Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad. (NOTE: I DID NOT CREATE THESE!. All credit goes to BeatTheZombie, Skaaj, and Tripwire. I take no credit for these what so ever.) I meant to have these...
Red Orchestra 2 Pistol Props
Created by Annoying Rooster
A collection of Pistols from the Axis and Allies from the game Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad. (NOTE: I DID NOT CREATE THESE! All credit goes to BeatTheZombie, Skaaj, and Tripwire. I take no credit what so ever.) This pack contains: German P38 9MM C...
Red Orchestra 2 Russian Ragdolls
Created by Annoying Rooster
A collection of Russian models from the Game Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad. (NOTE: I DID NOT CREATE THESE! All credit goes to BeatTheZombie, Skaaj, and Tripwire. I take no credit what so ever.) (NOTICE: When using the Bodygroup tool on the Russian ...
Red Orchestra 2 + Rising Storm Megapack
Created by Half-Dead
Description ---------------- Anyways, Here's a shit load of WWII stuff from RO2, RS and RO2 Immersion mod. 1uping my previous biggest model pack with this one. Comes with Soviets, Germans, Americans, and Japanese with enough variations for any situation. B...
Red Orchestra 2 Tanks
Created by Annoying Rooster
These two tanks are both German and Russian and are from the game Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad. (NOTE: I DID NOT CREATE THESE!!!: All credit goes to BeatTheZombie, Skaaj, and Tripwire. I take no credit for these what so ever.) Both the T34 and the...
RO2 Mosin Nagant
Created by ❤Miss Fay❤
Now you can have the might of the Red Army in garrys mod. The weapon was directly ported from Red Orchestra 2. To check your ammo hold your secondary fire and use key. To get ammo go to your entities and click on RO2 Ammo My Tumblr My Steam Group Report An...
RP Evocity2 V2P
Created by marlboro
If it crashes, use +r_hunkalloclightmaps 0 in your gmod startup settings....
RP_Evocity2_V2P Content
Created by marlboro
This is the content required to use the rp_evocity2_v2p map. Still, this does not contain the Half Life EP1 and EP2 textures required in the map. I will try to upload those later....
scp 173
Created by hoodie
npc dupe...
SCP Facility
Created by Keithy
THIS MAP IS DEAD AND IS NO LONGER BEING UPDATED -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PLEASE READ ALL OF THE FOLLOWING BEFORE POSTING COMMENTS If you are still getting missing textures or y...
Created by TamiyaKC
BETA version always open: SCP-173, never lose it in your may cause ur death... Special Thanks to Mr. Blue (Weeping Angel) and Enclave Soldier sharing SCP-173 model And I just re-code...
Shoop Da Whoop SWEP
Created by Buu342
After 1 million attempts to upload this, its finally here! Made from scratch. I had the idea from the toybox one. Left click to fire L4Z0R5...
Created by LordiAnders
A sledgehammer! What else can i say? This is a "Charge up" like weapon, meaning you must hold down your mouse, and then release to swing! (Ill make the damage increase as you are charging later... Currently it causes a random damage amount) You can throw i...
SW Grenadelauncher
Created by SligWolf
A grenadelauncher SWEP. Please read the description for all informations about the addon! Click for the terms of use. Requirements: You need to have the SW Base Addon installed! Info: This SWEP use smg-grenades. Console command: sv_sligwolf_reload_addon gr...
Sniper Elite V2 - German Army
Created by capybara.exe
bodygrouped / skingrouped convert: minson97 ripping: luxox_18 thanks for half-dead to release this useful heads...
Spartan Kick!
Created by chowdah908
Orginal fixed by SLG| Dashkov All credit to the original creator lunay
Stalker Scream SWEP
Created by TechGhost
stalker scream that kills. does ultra-damage. Have Fun!...
Star Wars Weapons
Created by SyntaxError752 Description: A pack of Star Wars weapons with both first person and third person models. This pack contains the following weapons: Bowcaster DC-15A DC-15S DC-15 Side Arm DC-17m Anti-Ar...
Stealth Katana and M4A1 NPC Weapons
Created by roguex100
Please read the full description, Adds an NPC Stealth Katana, Katana, and Steatlh M4A1 to your NPC weapon Override list. As with most NPCs that chase you it is HIGHLY recommended that you use this on a AI Noded map. NPCs might get stuck otherwise! For some...
Tau Commander Playermodel
Created by Reidmaster
Tau Commander Playermodel Credits: TalosAT for converting S-Low's model into playermodel....
The Meteor Storm
Created by kitsune residue
The Meteor Storm is back, now for GMod 13. Left click to designate a target to rain hell on Earth. Right click to designate a target to bring down a single meteor. DISCLAIMER: This is the only OFFICIAL Meteor Storm SWEP for GMod 13. If you got this from so...
The Sawgun
Created by Zombie Extinguisher
***Contains*** The Sawgun ~~ (left)Shoots Sawblades/(right) Shoots 3 Sawblades at once - sawblades auto dissapear - you will receive ammo if you pick up shot sawblades - 1 reload gives u 6 sawblades - Custom killicon, hud and entities picture - Custom Weap...
The SMGabe
Created by Burpee Boy
This add-on adds a SWEP called the SMGabe. Similar to Rake's Gatling Gabe - The SMGabe plays the gaben noise on fire. Also, the SMGabe will taunt on Right Click, playing various gaben noises. ...
Created by MacDGuy
Jump around all crazy like! The original Toybox trampoline entity, now for GMod 13. Made by MacDGuy and Voided. From GMod Tower,
Ultimate Amnesia Pack
Created by PhilosPHX
Ragdolls: -Brute (now with Phong!) -Servant Grunt -Justine Suitor -Piggeh Props: -Iron Maiden (open and closed versions see pic above) -Rock -Stephano Statue -Barrel -Untrusted Statue -Chair CREDITS: -AdamGuy61 for the Barrel, Untrusted statue, Chair and S...
Ultras Rail Gun
Created by chowdah908
(Was not created by me) Fixed it up for gmod13 Enjoy...
Undead Playermodel
Created by Reidmaster
Undead Playermodel (Includes NPC model too) Credits: TalosAT for converting S-Low's model into playermodel and NPC....
WAC Aircraft
Created by bop
A collection of several aircraft (mostly helicopters) that can be flown with keyboard and mouse. Even more aircraft GitHub Q: How do I download? A: It's one of the green buttons. Q: After starting it goes crazy and crashes! A: Neurotec conflicts with WAC. ...
[AZ] EMD GP40 - SCar Train
Created by Λrrick A badass diesel locomotive! The "In real life" version: Need help spawning it? Requires: Click this-->SCars Slim (for this to work at all) I REALIZE THIS IS...
Zero Punctuation | Player Model
Created by B-Bud
For fans of Zero Punctuation. Features: Four hat bodygroups; Yahtzee's hat, hatless, pants on head, and hair of the MASTER RACE. Colorable A wide* (*moderately-sized) range of facial expressions, including a Zombie skin. Option for gender. Big buff torso o...
Created by Ninya
Some xenomorphs from Colonial Marines, idk. Special thanks: All people who tested Joazzz Gearbox S-sega..? Ninja Nub Edit: Update for the broken xeno finger: Just drop it into your main garrysm...
WW2 Transport Scars
Created by Matchy
THIS ADDON REQUIRES: SCars Slim This started out as just a little side project with one jeep and now look at it XD I love these vehicles so I found the models, Took apart, Modified then made them into a Scars. This pack contains: -Willy Jeep Provided by As...
WW2 Soviet NPCs
Created by SyntaxError752 Description: Part of a NPC pack Contains: Commisar Conscript Strelky Marine Medic Sniper Frequently Asked Questions and Issues: How does one download this? Click on the green "Subscribe" bu...
WW2 Maps
Created by SyntaxError752 Description: A pack of WW2 maps. Steam group: WW2 GMOD You need to have DOD:S installed and activated within Garry's Mod for the map's textures to work. Maps: Berlin Hitler's Bunker Nernber...
WW2 German Motorized Division Models NPCs and Playermodels
Created by Professor Heavy
Credits: Taggart, Lt_Commander, RRDRL, Syntax_Error752, Krieg_Strunam and Professor Heavy. Includes all males 1-9 All models have bodygroups Enjoy!...
WW2 Weapons
Created by SyntaxError752 Description: Weapons from DOD:S and the WW2 era for the player and NPCs. This is the first pack, the second pack can be found here: WW2 Weapons II This pack contains these weapons: AVS-36 B...
WW2 Commonwealth NPCs
Created by SyntaxError752 Description: Part of a NPC pack Contains: Medic MP MP(Beret) Paratrooper Private Private(Beret) Frequently Asked Questions and Issues: How does one download this? Click on the green "Subscr...
WW2 American NPCs
Created by SyntaxError752 Part of a NPC pack Frequently Asked Questions and Issues: How does one download this? Click on the green "Subscribe" button, and Garry's Mod will download it the next time you start it. How...
Wunderwaffe DG-2 SWEP
Created by pickle surprise
Hey everybody, today I bring you another amazing swep, the Wunderwaffe from Call of Duty zombies! This swep works in first, and third person meaning that it will be fun for you and your friends to play with! Another thing this swep has is sounds, C model h...
Working ODST Pod
Created by Pandaddy
This is a working ODST Drop pod with doors that can be blasted off! Press keypad enter to shoot off the doors! ...
Working Combine-Mech
Created by Cole
This will allow you to spawn a fully working Combine-Mech from your entities menu. CONTROLS: WASD - Movement SPACE - Use your Jet system 1 - 7 - Switch Weapons Left click - Fire Weapons Right click - Toggle First or 3rd Person F (or whatever key you have b...
Wolfenstein - The Revenant
Created by Srgt. Shotup
Also called "The Despoiled", these undead Nazis are from the 2009 game Wolfenstein. This model is just a ragdoll, but it uses the Valve biped, so somebody with scripting knowledge can make stuff if they want. Credits go to Luxox 18 for the ripped model, an...
Created by WireTeam
A collection of entities connectable by data wires, which allows for the creation of advanced contraptions. Wiremod Landing Page: Github: Discord: Ultimate Guide to Fixing Wiremod: ht...
WAC Community 7
Created by Divided
Welcome to my seventh community aircraft pack for WAC. Of course, this being an extension of WAC itself requires the core WAC to function. You can find it here: - You may need to be signed int...
WAC Community 6
Created by Divided
Welcome to my sixth community aircraft pack for WAC. Of course, this being an extension of WAC itself requires the core WAC to function. You can find it here: - You may need to be signed into ...
WAC Community 5
Created by Divided
Welcome to my fifth community aircraft pack for WAC. Of course, this being an extension of WAC itself requires the core WAC to function. You can find it here: - You may need to be signed into ...
WAC Community 3
Created by Divided
Welcome to my third community aircraft pack for WAC. Of course, this being an extension of WAC itself requires the core WAC to function. You can find it here: - You may need to be signed into ...