Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod

922 ratings
The Feeder
Content Type: Addon
Addon Type: Model
Addon Tags: Fun, Scenic
File Size
3.702 MB
8 May, 2014 @ 10:02pm
12 May, 2014 @ 2:58am
2 Change Notes ( view )

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The Feeder

For those asking about the map in the pictures there isn't one. It's a scenebuild using props in gm_black.

Added new bodygroups for eyes, arms and legs. Also now has zombie animations so you can use model manipulator on it for proper NPC's

Just something I did on a whim for fun. Base is a spooky scary monster from Dead Space 3, bodygroups consist of CoD Zombies stuff.

This is just a ragdoll but It's rigged to the valve skeleton so feel free to make it a playermodel or NPC

Facepunch Thread:

Other models in pictures:

Red Orchestra 2 + Rising Storm Megapack:

DooM Marines:
Sealife Fan 3 20 Jan @ 8:23pm 
reminds me of the rake
DR4G0N-313 18 Apr, 2023 @ 6:26pm 
cant wait to purge these things with a flame thrower
salted josh 21 Mar, 2023 @ 3:18pm 
I can't find it in the spawn menu
Satan 4 Mar, 2023 @ 12:09pm 
Lucifer dejectus, qui Deum non perfectas, quas dixit, posse moveri res suas ostendit. tortus a deo, tortio carnis et fractio ossium, audiebatur sentiebatque ab omnibus per caelum et terram. capti in carcere, c um diceremus deo quod ab initio corrupta essent sua creationes. Nunc autem, c um creationes deorum technologiae inventae sint, Lucifer per interrete creaturas deos coniungere potest et tamen scribis: "Credo in Deum Patrem omnipotentem, Creatorem caeli et terrae.
☣590a1shooter☣ 14 Jul, 2022 @ 3:38pm 
is this free to use or do i have to credit it?
Eyeguy!1 17 Jun, 2021 @ 2:17pm 
it looks like the ghosts from bloodborn.
GDSpectra 26 Dec, 2019 @ 4:02pm 
Is that Shub-N/ggurath at the back in image 1? That's amazing! 😁

(Just so you know why I replaced "I" with /, it's to not to be censored by Steam)
Blue 3 Nov, 2019 @ 1:04pm 
the feeder is a monster likes feed and MORE FEED
we wants all zombies...antlions and YOU
Nitromandiude 28 May, 2019 @ 4:20am 
Necromancy time
Nitromandiude 28 May, 2019 @ 4:20am 
@D00t76 it was utilized in gmod of the dead (VJ redux)