Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

896 valoraciones
Their Finest Bruh (TFB)
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28 JUL 2021 a las 12:03 a. m.
25 NOV a las 10:45 p. m.
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Their Finest Bruh (TFB)

Main multiplayer mod used by the famous youtuber/streamer Bokoen and WoW streamer Tommykay.

Currently being developed by ThatGuyFromCollege, Vik and Packerfan.

Mod right now would not be possible if not for the work of previous mod leads Cho King and Loweee. RIP Swimmy. Huge thanks to Peef and Spitfire for their blood, sweat, and tears to make this mod.

Also credit to:
- Machotacoman, Colonial Rebel and the rest of the blackice team: Focus, idea and equipment gfx
- Hearts of Oak Team: Focus and idea gfx
- Lennard for the resource topbar mod and the meat of the Host Tool code
- Soviet portraits reworked for a great resource of period correct portraits
- Battlesound for some excellent soundfiles
- Modifier Icons for their beautiful icons that make the UI look so much better
- Thank you to FoxDie24 for the updated Mexico Portraits and the Bokoen1 Portrait
- Thank you to Marco for updated icons and idea graphics for Brazil and the Netherlands
- Zeno and Co for his work to refresh the Brazilian, South African, and American trees, as well as the new France Tree
- Chezloc for some focus localization, and some Embargo related ideas
- Horst for their Fleet Cap mechanic we based ours off of
- 34 German, 14 Vichy, and 78 French Focus Icons from the mod 'Vanilla GFX & Aesthetic Overhaul'

NOTE: This mod is not designed for singleplayer. This mod is made for large multiplayer competitive games. Small improvements have been made to the AI in recent patches, but they still will not make good divisions or take full advantage of the mods features. They have had their focuses scripted out until roughly the start of Barb and the start of the pacific war. This is not a full quality AI, but should allow for easier test builds/minor amounts of solo play.

If you want to provide feedback for the mod join the discord: https://discord.gg/3U6xBJBVu3 and talk to us.
693 comentarios
Incorrect1002 hace 20 horas 
just go left side eco it doesn't hurt you that bad and you are gonna have the final focus instead of rolling the dice hopeing you take africa or the caucuses. or worse when you can't push cause you axis is mentally challanged
büyük üstad hace 21 horas 
For Germany Autarky focus the requirement should be 1000 Tungsten. Having 2000 Tungsten is too much and overly demanding.
Incorrect1002 25 NOV a las 10:02 p. m. 
Okay makes sense, with the tree for germany will you make it so you can do the war with france focus after danzig for Slovakia one? im curious since you could have a fascist poland or a reichskommissariat czech's played by someone while not losing out on the bonuses after France. Thinking it could be better suited towards a germany that holds tension down pre-war and goes left side eco
Packer  [autor] 25 NOV a las 11:27 a. m. 
No I will just Nerf Hungary until its closer to being in line with pre DLC Numbers once people stop bitching
Incorrect1002 25 NOV a las 11:04 a. m. 
with Hungary having an eco buff will you make expand greater Romania path stronger now ?
Gooman 24 NOV a las 7:50 a. m. 
Swimmy stank all over my piru
Packer  [autor] 24 NOV a las 7:27 a. m. 
Its probably possible, though they may not be capable of designing the correct tanks. Our tank system is a bit custom so it might not work with them.
domin8ting 24 NOV a las 1:57 a. m. 
@Packer Oh yeah no problem I’m just wondering if it would be possible to make AI effectively play TFB or is the mod just too much focused for MP?
Packer  [autor] 23 NOV a las 9:17 p. m. 
@domin8ting I am unlikely to work on that in the near future
domin8ting 23 NOV a las 5:53 p. m. 
is it possible to add compatible AI to this mod? I love the focus trees but don't have any friends