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far cry Mode
You are a gun for hire, trapped in a war-torn World state, stricken with malaria and forced to make deals with corrupt warlords to battlefield.
Items (11)
Created by 小米⭐苏茜
-AKM -AKM-S -AKM-K -AKM-K/S -AKM-P -AKM-P/s -AKM-DP -AKM-DP/S S-Suppressed K-Kobra sight P-PO4X24 DP-Drum magizine + PK-AS Some parts in AKM's model from Inusrgency:SandStorm Drum magizine from Insurgency Kobra sight from Insurgency:SandStorm Thanks for 41...
Created by c2holic_second
contents : Russian Assault Russian Recon Russian Engineer Russian Support Russian Medic & Multiskin mutators このModは5つのスキンとマルチスキンmutatorが含まれています。 mutatorには兵科をランダムで割り当てる機能があります。それぞれの兵科には武器(武器タグ)とガジェットを指定できるほか体力・移動速度・出現数など細かく操作できます。 またMod側で各兵科にあらかじめ指定してある武器は他...
Modern Russian Assault Weapons Pack
Created by 2042's BUG
This is a pack about modern Russian assault rifles! AK-74M The AK-74M was developed in 1987. It is the same as the AKM. It has been produced since 1991. In 1991, the Izhmash Izhmash factory began to fully produce AK-74 modified AK-74M assault rifles in the...
Russian Pack Expansion
Created by 2042's BUG
Russian weapons expansion! SVDS In 1963, the Soviet Army selected the sniper rifle designed by Dragonov to replace the Mosin Nagant sniper rifle, which is called SVD sniper rifle. After further improvement, it began to equip the troops in 1967. The SVDS ri...
the greatest vanilla styled rpg 29 COMMISSION ever
Created by hoider
an actual long tube It can one shot the vanilla tanks but it takes a while to reload if you want a commission done, DM us on discord to know our rates: hoider#8729 Or you can join the RF Modding community's commission server! https://discord.gg/YjXaZ7G フフ ...
Mi-24 Hind updated
Created by Hijong park
This is the updated version of my hind. Features : - added realistic rockets. - you can look around freely while using Shturm missile....
SIERRA 7 Version 2 Skin Pack (EXTRAS)
Created by SPHEXINE
This is the last Version of the skin pack and the project is finshed, but I'll give 1 last Update for the Canadians, enjoy....
Vanilla+ - Kestrels Faction Theme Set
Created by Sofa
For updates, feedback, bug/issue reports, or general prattlings-off about whatever, consider visiting my discord. https://discord.gg/6VyRH5HZdf The Kestrels faction theme set adds new assets to Vanilla+ for asymmetrical battles, themed for armies not as mo...
Vanilla+ - Kestrel Weapon Pack
Created by WeeErazer
Official weapons pack for the Kestrel Expansion. Currently contains: - Falil (Assault Rifle) - AMG - 3 (LMG) - Taro (Handgun) - Taromatik (PDW) - Tomahawk M/50 (Recoiless Rifle) - ZORG 20mm (AMR) - Baker M1898 (Shotgun) - K3 (Battle Rifle) - Union SP (Snip...
[T-90A+ Vladimir] Vanilla Styled + Vehicle Color Variants [Commission]
Created by Swoke
Contains versions with: Urban, Woodland and Desert camo T-90 is a third-generation Russian battle tank that entered service in 1993. Standard protective measures include a blend of steel and composite armour, smoke grenade dischargers, Kontakt-5 explosive-...
Ammo+Med Box (Replenishable!)
Created by MultiH
September 2021 Been seeing a lot of comments recently, mainly about animation issues with EA26 and AI stuff. Unfortunately my focus is elsewhere with other projects and real life responsibilities that have come up over the years since I made this mod. As s...