Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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VC Lakefront Seawall Overlook
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3 Jul, 2021 @ 3:35pm
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VC Lakefront Seawall Overlook

In 1 collection by VecchioChristo
Lake Thun required Mods and Assets
76 items
VC Lakefront Seawall Overlook by VecchioChristo

This Overlook is made to work with VC Lakefront Seawall.
It is an asset for a map of Lake Thun Switzerland that I am in the process of making.
You can follow development of this map on my youtube channel

This is a set of 3 assets, the Overlook (building electricity) and 2 network segments of the
Lakefront Seawall with sections of fence removed. One has a 19 meter gap, the other 26 meters.

The 2 variants are to compensate for the way networks draw out in the game when curves of varying
radii and straight sections are drawn. The sections will stretch in varying lengths.

Simply delete one of your Lakefront Seawall Segments and replace with one of the gapped segments.
Place the Outlook structure in the water and use MOVE IT to position.

If you place plants or trees on the Overlook you will need" No Radio Active Desert and More" by Bloody Penquin.
This will prevent plants and trees from dying ( the game will see them as being in water)

You will also need Prop and Tree Anarchy by Bloody Penquin

If you are using an Unlimited Trees Mod You must be using "Unlimited Trees Reboot" by Quistar
VecchioChristo  [author] 13 Oct, 2021 @ 12:33pm 
Modocero 13 Oct, 2021 @ 11:38am 
De lo mejor que vi hasta el momento en decoracion
Chamëleon TBN 17 Jul, 2021 @ 1:04am 
Great to hear :)
VecchioChristo  [author] 17 Jul, 2021 @ 12:50am 
Thank You Chameleon for helping me sort out incompatible Mods that were causing conflicts. It all seems to be working fine now.
Chamëleon TBN 12 Jul, 2021 @ 7:30am 
@VecchioChristo please contact me at discord
snowflitzer 12 Jul, 2021 @ 3:30am 
Thank you
VecchioChristo  [author] 11 Jul, 2021 @ 11:36pm 
Just because it an item is listed as required doesn't mean you have to use it. If you don't want an item just don't subscribe to it. There is no "coding" that points to required items at all, they are simply the items I used to produce the results shown in the pictures.
snowflitzer 11 Jul, 2021 @ 10:46pm 
can you remove this mod "No Radioactive Desert And More! " from the dependencies, please?

Hide-IT does this for me.
VecchioChristo  [author] 11 Jul, 2021 @ 1:57pm 
I disabled every mod and only turned on prop and tree anarchy, move it, and tree snapping as soon as you try to position the tree it drops under the outlook. If plant is placed on the ground move it will not move it vertically at all. Page up/down has no effect.
VecchioChristo  [author] 11 Jul, 2021 @ 5:37am 
I will check and see, thanks so much!