Transport Fever 2

Transport Fever 2

375 ratings
Cars of the '90s
Scenario: Europe
Vehicle: Bus
Misc: Car
File Size
178.481 MB
2 Jul, 2021 @ 3:39pm
26 Oct, 2024 @ 11:31am
16 Change Notes ( view )

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Cars of the '90s

This mod adds 25 luxury cars from the 1990s.
Included models currently are: Alfa Romeo 155, Alfa Romeo Spider, Ford Escort, Honda Civic, Lexus LS400, Mercedes Benz C-class (W202), Mercedes Benz E-class (W210), Mitsubishi Pajero, Nissan Micra, Opel Astra GSi, Peugeot 406, Renault Clio, Toyota 4Runner, Toyota Celica, Volvo 850, Volkswagen Golf & Toyota Land Cruiser, BMW 3-series (e36), BMW Z3 (e36), Mitsubishi Eclipse, Seat Ibiza and Ford Ka, Audi TT (8n) and Audi A6 (d5) and VW Bora.
All vehicles are available in several variations, some just differing by colour, others have differences like with/without a sunroof and some cars offer a right-hand drive version.
The driving vehicles have different engine configurations and can be used to transport passengers.

It is now possible to deactivate the driving vehicles in the mod setting load screen so only the assets load for your game. Please note this will also exclude any repaint pack activated from the vehicle depot buy menu.

This mod will not generate AI traffic.

Asset included, in the categories cars and Bko.

Vehicle features include:
- 194 driving vehicles.
- Passenger capacity 4 to 12 (1 to 3 in game), load speed 4.
- For vehicle availability see the included catalogue images.

Asset features include (all cars are available at once as of 1990):
- 25 models in 194 colours/variances plus a gadget child car (Porsche 911 Carrera).
- Overall random feature.
- Selected model random feature.
- Turnable front steering wheels.
- Random steering wheel rotation (only when random all is active).
- Lights off/on/other (for most models the other lights setting are dimmed lights).
- Blink lights off/on/left/right.
- Choice from 18 different European license plate lay-outs with on text labels.
.. ++ Create your own unique cars;.
.... - Script to set unique asset names by default with help of Doug.
.... - The name you give the asset in game is used to render it's license plate text.
- Longitude and cross slope angles.
- Selectable capacity kind Commercial/Industrial/Residential with a capacity value of 1.
- Changeable config, also after placement.
- See the included catalogue images for more details.

The following rules are applicable for use of this model:
- Repaints that require the original mod can be published without restriction provided that the correct vehicle data is adhered to, I do request you to inform me in advance of your intention to prevent duplicate developments.
- Usage of this mod, or parts of it's content, in other mods that are 'stand-alone' need my approval. If a request is not answered for more than 6 months, cc-by-nc applies.
- Ports to other games need my approval. If a request is not answered for more than 6 months, cc-by-nc applies.
- Distribution of this mod on sites other than is not permitted, unless should go offline.
- Contact me on for authorizations.
dview  [author] 15 Dec, 2024 @ 10:59am 
@Bruh.exe @Buralei, since the last update the mod allows you to select such in the load menu for your game
Bruh.exe 14 Dec, 2024 @ 7:28am 
@Buralei I don't think there's a way to do that.
mmcomes2u 25 Jul, 2024 @ 1:35am 
thank you
AWARD 26 May, 2024 @ 1:31am 
Will you ever make a Cars of the 80s? The Mk2 Golf and Opel Kadett E would be a welcome sight.
Buralei 5 Apr, 2024 @ 11:12am 
Hello. Is it possible to remove the cars of this pack from the vehicle purchase menu? I don't buy them and they really clutter up the menu.
dview  [author] 4 Nov, 2023 @ 4:46pm 
@Baguette, something is already in progress with the Modwerkstatt team. So you might want to hold back. Otherwise please contact me on
Baguette 14 Oct, 2023 @ 12:07pm 
Hi, i'm currently working on a mod and i would like to know if it was possible to use your cars as loading on car carriers
FunGaming44 5 Mar, 2023 @ 11:25am 
@dview That would be awesome thank you, whenever you got the time to do so.
dview  [author] 5 Mar, 2023 @ 10:26am 
@FunGaming44, I won't do stand-alone AI traffic but may consider to make a mod parameter to enable/disable the driving vehicles for a game. However if such that will be on the longer term. Plenty projects are on my to do list
FunGaming44 5 Mar, 2023 @ 8:24am 
@dview Is it possible to make a AI Traffic only version then