

605 ratings
Nanite Expansion (retired)
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26 May, 2021 @ 7:53pm
27 May, 2023 @ 2:24pm
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Nanite Expansion (retired)

In 1 collection by Machina Mystica
Nanite Expansion Compatibility Patches
2 items
Sincerest apologies but my interests have moved elsewhere and I no longer have the time or inclination to continue maintaining my mods. I hereby authorize anyone who wishes to do so to utilize my mods for their own as they see fit, provided you attribute the original source.

Ever felt like the Nanites in Stellaris were pretty useless? I did, and I made this mod to correct that. Exploring hypothetical technologies in scales from the Micro to the Atto and everything between, the mod offers a plethora of new options for empires, many of which are derived from the sci-fi encyclopedia at Orion's Arm. All heavily integrate Nanites and make them an essential component of cutting edge empires. Three variations of the ascension perk to start your nanotechnology journey have been included; one for Organic Empires, one for Synths, and one for Machine empires.

The mod adds 40+ new technologies; 5 new ship components, including a Colossus Planet Killer that turns worlds into Nanite worlds and access to the unique model of Strike Craft from the Grey Tempest; two new buildings; two new megastructures, one of which is a giant AI entity who’s “personality” you get to influence; a series of upgradable planet modifiers; a new planet bombardment stance; three new armies with a unique icon; and a set of traits for Synths and Machines equivalent to the Brain Slug for Organics.

The mod has a few overwrites, so some graphical issues may occur with other mods. The mod has graphical changes to the orbital_bombardment_effects entity, and the GFX_planet_view_bombarded sprite; and the event syndaw.10 has been altered. Compatibility for Gigastructural Engineering has been included by default; Nanite Expansion should go after Gigas in the load order for all graphical effects to work.

The full mod documentation can be found here[].

Special thanks to:
Tom Stone for the many icons and graphics provided
Elowiny for the use of the Matryoshka Model
OldEnt for frequently helping me out with troubleshooting the mod
zerg for providing a Simplified Chinese Translation; I was requested to include this message from him: 因本人的不专业性,对于翻译有意见的专业人士可重新译制
Fabien for providing a French Translation
Haly for providing a Russian Translation

Popular Discussions View All (5)
7 Oct, 2023 @ 5:03am
17 Sep, 2021 @ 8:10am
Suggestions for Balancing
3 Feb, 2024 @ 8:34am
Bug discovered
masiyi9406 24 Jun, 2024 @ 5:38pm 
Do you have any links or documents indicating what this mod does? Thank you very much!
Flagellum Dei 28 Jan, 2024 @ 10:31am 
@valtusiii I need to speak with you in regards to further assistance, since my build uses your fix, and there are some issues that need ironing out. I have sent you a friends request.
Flagellum Dei 21 Jan, 2024 @ 8:33am 
NOTICE: For those who have subscribed to my build, unsubscribe from this build! It may cause oddities otherwise.
Valtiel_The_First 19 Jan, 2024 @ 9:22am 
it was a honor and joy to play your mod all these years, farewell and godspeed in all your endeavours
Flagellum Dei 18 Jan, 2024 @ 11:02am 
I’m not overtly versed in Stellaris’s code, I will admit. But I have a plan to make up for that. I just need approval from the original dev to do so.

First release by me will be the CTD fix.
Flying_Squid_999 18 Jan, 2024 @ 9:38am 
@Sunconure11 If you manage to adopt it, can you check if you also get the weird bug where the Great Archailect research option costing a mere 20+ research points appears long before any prerequisites are fulfilled? I see nothing wrong in the code that would do this.
Flagellum Dei 17 Jan, 2024 @ 1:48pm 
I am going to try to take this up in the next few days, but it will remain in maintenance mode unless I either have a good idea or I can no longer maintain it.
Mr. Miyagi 13 Jan, 2024 @ 7:12pm 
Wow, I'm sad to see this mod retire. If you're still reading this, I really enjoyed your mod. Absolutely fantastic concept and I only wish I had the energy to keep it up to date. For anybody wondering, this mod does seem to still work.
Flagellum Dei 12 Jan, 2024 @ 12:54pm 
I decided to talk to the dev myself, and he is now far too busy, with future plans for going into medical school. He has hereby authorized anyone to take over his content.