Project Zomboid

Project Zomboid

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Republic of Korea Army mod
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26 Apr, 2021 @ 11:26pm
19 Jul, 2021 @ 7:30pm
22 Change Notes ( view )

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Republic of Korea Army mod


Adds ROKA soldiers professions to game.
currently there are 5 professions

707th Special Mission Group Operator - SCAR-L(with suppressor, laser, sight)
UDT/SEAL Sniper - K14 Sniper Rifle(with scope, suppressor)
Teukgongdae(similar to commando or ranger) - K1 Carbine(with suppressor)
ROKA soldier - K2 Rifle
ROKA Yebigun(Reserve Soldier) - M16A1 Rifle
ROKA Squad Automatic Weapon Soldier - K3 SAW(60 ammo drum magazine)
ROKA Marksman - K2C1 Rifle(with scope)
Maengho Veteran(Vietnam War Veteran) - M1 Garand: Koreans used obsolete M1s in the Vietnam War.
Black Beret - K7 Suppressed SMG(with laser, sight)
KNP Special Force Operator - HK416 Rifle(with suppressor, laser, sight)
ROKAF Pilot - K5 Handgun

You can use ROKA digital camo instead of vanilla woodland camo by using ROKA retexture mod. Textures for some clothes will not chang because ROK Yebigun use woodland camo.

Before you play this mod, go to
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\108600\2469333439\mods\ROKA\media
and copy 'saved outfits.txt' file and than paste it in
ant then you will be able to use fashions in the photos above. Modify it as you like.

ROKA Survivors: modified version of 'Superb Survivors' for Korea, WIP
ROKA Vehicles: adjust vehicles from other mod for Korean Army

Workshop ID: 2469333439
Mod ID: ROKA. Retexture
Mod ID: ROKASurvivors
Mod ID: ROKAVehicle
Map Folder: Hilltop Survivor Camp
Map Folder: Military Blockade
Map Folder: Prison Escape
Map Folder: Woobury
ansm282 15 Feb, 2024 @ 5:22pm 
업데이트 플리즈
kod77 2 Oct, 2023 @ 3:44pm 
@sang0837 Also, a question: what's that edit of "Superb Survivors" mod for some so-called "korea map" you included in your mod? Like, wich map do you mean? Sema New city, Daegu Metropolitan city or Korean city - not named yet?
Yoon Geun-woo 3 Aug, 2023 @ 4:40am 
뭐야 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 작자님 업데이트 하셨습니까??
kod77 1 Aug, 2023 @ 3:20am 
@sang0837 Well, this mod does work still at some point

Retextures mostly do work, but sometimes the military ajcket doesn't get re-textured like all other military stuff does smh. But ig, the retexture does work, not counting this bug

But cars don't work tho (when I played with them, they weren't rendered, except their wheels only lol), as well as the ROKA soldier profession (can't choose it when creating a new character by some reason)

So, only the retexture works, but with a little bug (not a critical one bug, but still)
Survivors work fine 4 me also
sang0837  [author] 31 Jul, 2023 @ 6:40pm 

Does this mod still work? Actually, the mod is heavily outdated because I'm not playing PZ for now. Still, there is chance that I return and update the mod... But I can't make sure.
The problem you're dealing with would probably occurs because the mod is outdated for now. I will fix when I come back to modding.
kod77 31 Jul, 2023 @ 12:25pm 
@sang0837 If you're still reading the comments, please, can u make a polcie reskin too?

Plus, I've found one bug, wich occurs rarely, but it still does sometimes: instead of ROKA military jacket, a vanilla jacket may spawn, with no retexture from this mod. Well, at least when I equip the military jacket, it does look like a vanilla ones sometimes, however all the other equipment is re-textured as it should've been, using this mod
(KOR)zmfotutm 25 Jan, 2023 @ 11:00pm 
늅인데 너무좋네여, 아래쪽 꼬우면 너가 먼저 만들었어야지
고졸사토루 26 Dec, 2022 @ 8:05am 
업뎃은 제작자마음이지 뭘 왜만들었냐야ㅋㅋ 꼬우면 직접만들어
ehdwo29185 6 Sep, 2022 @ 6:56am 
센박 모드에서 의상제한 없음 하면 됨 .. 그거 적용안하면 빤스만 입고있음 ㅋ
District 17 5 Sep, 2022 @ 4:36pm 
왜만들었노 업뎃도안할거면 ㅋㅋ