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Brazilian Armies Faction Pack
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8 Apr, 2021 @ 10:51am
9 Apr, 2021 @ 1:19pm
3 Change Notes ( view )

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Brazilian Armies Faction Pack

WARNING: These are not actual events in brazil, nor are they the actual brazilian armies themselves, these are my versions of it made for myself personally and my group of friends.

The year is 2021.

North and South Brazil have been split apart due to different cultures and differentiating opinions. South Brazil has formed a big alliance with Russia, offering their materials in return for Russia's assets. North Brazil is given support by the west against South Brazil as the war between them intensifies. South Brazil is getting the upper hand.
South Brazil is being treated as the main part of brazil, North Brazil is struggling to gain recognition against the new red menace.

This mod features three OPFOR factions, and a BLUFOR faction, named as: South Brazil, SBRF, Dune Division, (OPFOR) and North Brazil (BLUFOR) respectively. All of which look mostly different from eachother.

South Brazil, being funded and given assets by Russia, has a lot of vehicles from Russia and is mainly focused on mechanized forces, however, they do have infantry forces.

North Brazil is being supported by the west and has some western assets due to it. They are more focused on infantry and armor, having less aerial and naval options. Despite joining NATO and having western support, they insist on developing some of their own stuff.

Just like other wars such as Vietnam, one side is supported by the east while the other is supported by the west.
Here we go again.

Cons of this mod:
- Preview images don't work, I don't know how to fix it

South Brazil Army
This army features mostly russian assets along with custom infantry loadouts with PvE in mind. Russia has offered their vehicles while South Brazil covers it's infantry with it's own assets. South Brazil has the upper hand in numbers and assets.

South Brazil Resistance Force
The fallen, major army has turned into a mere rebel force, realizing one of their mistakes too late. The main reason they lost is unknown. Holding onto what russian assets they have left, they steal from their enemies in an attempt to get leverage and triumph over their nemesis. They usually take what they're given.

South Brazil - Dune Division
This branch of South Brazil is in the East, doing peacekeeping and other types of operations in the East. They are considered to be an infantry-based spec-ops division due to their ranks compared to the regular South Brazil. They use a ZSU as their main armor due to them being more infantry-focused and mainly dealing with infantry threats.

North Brazil
North Brazil has more variety or at least more independence compared to South Brazil in terms of assets, as they have their own vehicles and don't completely rely on western assets. They are very confident in their military strength and prefer looks over camo to stand out and also avoid friendly fire. They do not have spec-ops units due to their confidence in their own military. Their air assets are poor but their armor and infantry availability are very high. Some of their forces act as a peacekeeping force for the west in order to gain recognition and reputation.
Arbiter Thel 18 Sep, 2021 @ 11:18pm 
come to brazil
Vynity  [author] 6 May, 2021 @ 6:18am 
when Brazil wants to be communist, lol
B r e c k 10 Apr, 2021 @ 9:55am 
Brazilian comunist ? cringe man.