Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Dead 2

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花園ゆりね 自用
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4:且需要启动项添加-novid -processheap -freq 165 -heapsize 9000000 -lv +sv_consistency 0 -high -tickrate 128 +cl_interp_ratio 0 +cl_interp 0
5:或者游戏设置-高级画面设置-可用的页池内存-低,且添加:-novid -processheap -freq 165 -heapsize 13500000 +sv_consistency 0 -high -tickrate 128 +cl_interp_ratio 0 +cl_interp 0

6:弓箭替换榴弹mod,B站搜索:求生之路2MOD-[印花集]Bow in Crysis3(SYS) 榴弹-复合弓重置版
7:可选:AK印花集,B站搜索:【求生之路2】印花集CODOL AK117熔岩 描边RNG替换AK47
Przedmioty (85)
【东方Project】铃仙李恩菲尔德替换鸟狙 SCOUT
Autor: 驴的仙儿
感谢两位老板的大力支持(贡献榜上的两外老板 这把枪做的一波三折,期间经历过重头开始,可算做出来了 我不是可疑人士,我是守护和平的玉兔! https://s2.loli.net/2024/12/20/mIqxhyivQlDo3wc.png 耽误你一秒钟请务必点个赞!希望大家多多支持,多多点赞,你的赞就是我的动力~~ 替换:鸟狙 小狙 Replacement: SCOUT 模型来自:https://gtm.steamproxy.vip/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2611131959...
【求生之路2】银狼 德尔塔 主题 钴蓝匕首 替换 铁铲
-这个是铁铲的版本- 感谢 久辞辛勤劳作,制作的钴蓝匕首 新的一年祝大家,身体健康,万事如意 这份新年礼物,我随求而不得,却能,邀诸位共赏 原模型来自这里 https://gtm.steamproxy.vip/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3323904744&searchtext=apex https://s2.loli.net/2024/12/31/OWcIfKydrC7Z8eL.png https://s2.loli.net/2024/12/31/nKksPJzRpvadIT...
【印花集】Overwatch OW源氏 邪鬼太刀替换katana
Replaces katana. 替换近战武器 太刀 大伙喜欢的话可以给我三连关注哦 谢谢大家,此版本为白色刀光版。 预览视频:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1x14y1Z7zy?share_source=copy_web 原MOD地址:https://gtm.steamproxy.vip/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=800871175&searchtext=%E9%82%AA%E9%AC%BC 原作者:我带头冲锋 DANIAO ...
【bang dream!】官模auto shotgun【宇田川亚子主题】
感谢带鱼提供修复的模型 带流动描边+不刺眼夜光 替换法线贴图,替换一代连喷 套用了Beau佬的“【Auto shotgun】arby26 Animations 重制”的动作。感谢佬授权 动作mod链接:https://gtm.steamproxy.vip/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2885646815 可搭配音效mod使用 希望大家喜欢 未经允许,禁止二次上传与移植! 展示图: https://s2.loli.net/2024/09/04/4YefKZNrQVbk6F3.jpg...
【Bang Dream!】官模spas-12【牛込里美主题】
巧克螺可爱捏 感谢带鱼提供修复uv的模型,感谢Akazie的动作授权 原动作mod:https://gtm.steamproxy.vip/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3277613627 带不刺眼夜光+全息+黑色描边 下放了枪托,替换法线贴图,替换二代连喷 该mod无法套用其它动作,可搭配枪声mod使用 喜欢的话点个赞吧,你们的点赞就是我创作的动力 最后祝大家玩得开心! https://s2.loli.net/2024/11/03/tV76AeTBXDKGIdR.png...
【bang dream!】官模铁喷【仓田真白主题】(改模版)
再次感谢带鱼帮忙修好的uv,辛苦了!最爱我鱼了!(爆哭) 这次带来的是“邦太子”小白。我白含金量,无需多言!( 该模型套了苦黄瓜大佬的铁喷动画: 链接:https://gtm.steamproxy.vip/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3163216350 枪声来源:https://gtm.steamproxy.vip/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1386283941 加了一些小部件装饰品,模型均为自建模。(建模低手还请见谅) 带不刺眼夜光+流光+描边 ...
【bang dream!】COD:MW FAMAS F1 SD Black【宇田川巴主题】
感谢凯妈的枪模授权 带不刺眼夜光+流动描边 替换了法线贴图,替换SCAR三连发步枪 整了个比较喜欢的vmt参数,金属质感确实挺不错的 可以的话就点个赞吧,希望大家喜欢 原mod:https://gtm.steamproxy.vip/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2910458475 未经允许,禁止二次上传与移植! 展示图: https://s2.loli.net/2024/09/11/ZN5bu2PBFmfvKVi.jpg https://s2.loli.net/2024/09/1...
【Blue Archiive】碧蓝档案 普拉娜主题--A.R.O.N.A 加特林Minigun Gatling
替换加特林 Replaces the Minigun Gatling 喜欢就好 ...
Autor: ❤anon❤
小手枪按住鼠标左键连发,解放双手 本地服务器房主装了后,别人也能生效,服务器也能用(大概) 仅含.nut文件,不会与其她任何mod冲突,放心使用 ...
https://gtm.steamproxy.vip/ugc/1747928954307596622/A6A3F8745997A4CB8CF071D7601604907FFD22F8/ 简介 嘤嘤嘤 这个mod替换的是游戏中的三种投掷物 土质炸药,胆汁,燃烧瓶 带夜光,不瞎眼 玩的开心! 一些废话 半年将近没做mod了 其实游戏也没玩了 因为要中考了明年 mod如果突然出了什么问题 真的很抱歉我很难及时来解决 而且刚刚电脑炸了重置了系统 3DMAX,C4D都得重装 以及一堆东西得去弄...
Autor: 超级小咪
replaces pills 替换 止疼药 做不了三个面的动态 不然文件太大会炸 图片来自推特 作者名字是 bridman Image via Twitter The author's name is Bridman 目前该武器有 -模型 -model -最低亮度的夜光 -Lowest brightness luminous -法线 -normal -动态贴图 -Dynamic stickers Currently the weapon has sound, model, minimum brightnes...
神楽七奈Ammo Cans
Autor: mmi开心
神楽七奈Incendiary Ammo
Autor: mmi开心
Autor: Kamome
夏日口袋 神山识 动态iphone改肾上腺素(针) Shiki iPhone for Adrenaline 小识是会动的,手机后盖现在有百分之5的夜光,方便夜间寻找 屏幕亮度也改得比较低了,不容易瞎眼 Original mod link:https://gtm.steamproxy.vip/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1864228641 原MOD链接:https://gtm.steamproxy.vip/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=186422864...
神楽七奈Laser Sights
Autor: mmi开心
逆战 初霜-沙滩靓影 zoey
Autor: 橙枫
初霜-沙滩靓影 替换1代佐伊zoey 内含: 第一人称手臂模型,第三人称模型,基础表情,头像,倒地图标,无夜光 https://gtm.steamproxy.vip/ugc/2013724600511564141/244930CE5BCAF7531F43996CBCE9E7E773069B3E/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=false https://steamuse...
逆战 原力少女索娜 (Louis)
Autor: 橙枫
逆战 索娜 替换路易斯 Louis 第一人称手臂模型 第三人称模型 头像倒地图标 基础表情 部分夜光 bilibili橙枫-- ...
逆战 女巫艾琳娜 Nick
Autor: 橙枫
逆战 艾琳娜 替换尼克 Nick 内含: 第一人称手臂模型 第三人称模型 头像倒地图标 基础表情 无夜光 哔哩哔哩CF橙枫:https://space.bilibili.com/3493121895696847?spm_id_from=333.880.0.0 ...
逆战 卡珊 Ellis
Autor: 橙枫
逆战 卡珊 替换2代帽子ellis 内含: 第一人称手臂模型,第三人称模型,基础表情,头像,倒地图标,无夜光 https://gtm.steamproxy.vip/ugc/2013725870352636016/77DEB5C3EE4E90735E939B15860A62110C2831FD/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=false https://steamuser...
逆战 布兰妮 (bill)
Autor: 橙枫
逆战 布兰妮 替换比尔 bill 第一人称手臂模型 第三人称模型 头像倒地图标 基础表情 bilibili橙枫-- ...
逆战 艾米
Autor: 橙枫
逆战 艾米 替换弗朗西斯Francis 内含: 第一人称手臂模型 第三人称模型 头像倒地图标 基础表情 无夜光 无眼追 有bug可以评论区反馈一下,能修的我会修 bilibili:https://space.bilibili.com/3493121895696847?spm_id_from=333.337.0.0 ...
逆战 陌 (coach)
Autor: 橙枫
逆战 陌 替换教练 coach 第一人称手臂模型 第三人称模型 头像倒地图标 基础表情 这个MOD是由MR.serpent定制的,感谢老板愿意分享到工坊 ...
郊狼3.0 替换 心脏起搏器【真.电击器】DG-LAB replace AED/defibrillator(sadomasochism thing)
Autor: 枫雪の犬
奇奇怪怪的mod!【你的七夕礼物.JPG】 感谢鹭鹭姐的mod动作授权!(动作来自大嘴花电击器) 灵感来自@¥#%……&* 第一个自建模mod~ 没在工坊找到合适的mod,干脆整了个狠活) 快去电坤你的队友罢! ———————————————————————————————— strange mod! why not electric shock your friends now! PS:this is a sadomasochism thing(ha ha!) hope you will like it!...
麻薯替换TANK(带表情)/Mashu Replace Tank(With expression)
Autor: 好想睡觉
此MOD视为创意工坊“群限” 故使用时请不用与下面链接提到的作者的mod一起使用,以免变成直立牲口 https://gtm.steamproxy.vip/profiles/76561199123455699/myworkshopfiles/ Mod已经更新(2023.5.3) Mod Update(2023.5.3) 添加了一代坦克和牺牲中的坦克皮肤/New cloth added for tank in L4D1 and C7 优化了布娃娃物理/optimize ragdoll physic Credit...
<经典印花集系列>印花集 EBR-800 -升荣
Autor: H.百子合
替换:30连 制作者:B站/白桃wei汽水 工坊:怪异克服说的道莉 –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 定制者: B站:HS–百子合 工坊:H.百子合 未有定制者同意禁止二创 ...
(描边+特效)【碧蓝档案】普拉娜 问题解决者 - 兰伯特传家宝 | Apex Legends 替换棒球棍
Autor: DreamerDLT
(描边+特效)【碧蓝档案】普拉娜 问题解决者 - 兰伯特传家宝 替换棒球棍 replace baseball bat 萌新不懂事瞎做的贴皮 在原本的基础上增加了描边的版本 10.19更新 增加了攻击特效 视频演示 原作者:tonGreNto 原模型地址 觉得特效太多了晃眼睛可以 点这里 局内效果 https://s2.loli.net/2024/10/16/yCEuW32DgIkqVn1.png 带有局部夜光 https://s2.loli.net/2024/10/16/cOuSdAvFiQm3UxB.pn...
<经典印花集系列>印花集 X-EON—骁勇
Autor: H.百子合
替换:SG552 制作者:B站/白桃wei汽水 工坊:怪异克服说的道莉 –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 定制者: B站:HS–百子合 工坊:H.百子合 未有定制者同意禁止二创 ...
<经典>印花集 M13-逐影
Autor: H.百子合
替换:m16 如果你见惯了君王大道黄金枪身 那这款M13-逐影就非合适您 枪身和其他配件都有黑白配色 加上一点少许彩色描边 并搭配夜光做为副角 让您更加看好这款MOD ! 制作者:B站/白桃wei汽水 工坊:怪异克服说的道莉 –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 定制者: B站:HS–百子合 工坊:H.百子合 未有定制者同意禁止二创 ...
+Ultra Particle: Custom Melee Trail
You must subscribe to the texture file for this to work correctly Replaces steamworks.pcf Allow custom melee weapons to create many color trailing effects. This is only the base particle, it doesn't actually just give your existing weapon melee trail effec...
Autor: H.百子合
替换 电据 replace 电据 本MOD作者:闇_桜 定制者:H.百子合 枪械单主:H.百子合 Original model/author: Animal33 Weapon texture: 闇_桜 Sponsor: H.百子合 If you want to transplant other Source engine games, Repaint the texture yourself !!! 闇_桜:不要使用我的皮肤!/ Do not use my skin texture! ! ! I saw o...
+Ultra Particle: Texture files
Selective subscription version. This pack contain all custom textures used by the particle effect listed. Subscribe to this and any particle file you'd like to use. New vfx are optimized so it wont tank lots of fps compare to vanilla effect (except for a f...
<幻彩烛光系列>【印花集】CODIW Proteus S【深蓝•碎月]
Autor: H.百子合
替换 AWP replace AWP 枪械MOD作者:Animal33 本MOD作者:闇_桜 定制者:H.百子合 枪械单主:H.百子合 Original model/author: Animal33 Weapon texture: 闇_桜 Sponsor: H.百子合 If you want to transplant other Source engine games, Repaint the texture yourself !!! 闇_桜:不要使用我的皮肤!/ Do not use my skin t...
<幻彩烛光系列>[印花集]CODIW EBR-800[流光亮彩]
Autor: H.百子合
替换 15连木狙 replace hunting rifle 注意这是重新上架 创意工坊 This is a re-uploaded version. 枪械MOD作者:Animal33 本MOD作者:闇_桜 定制者:H.百子合 枪械单主:H.百子合 Original model/author: Animal33 Weapon texture: 闇_桜 Sponsor: H.百子合 If you want to transplant other Source engine games, Repaint the...
Admin Menu 2.0 (Simplified Chinese)
Admin Menu 2.0 Simplified Chinese...
Admin System
Autor: Rayman1103
With the Admin System, you are given Admin control. You can spawn Infected, give Survivors weapons/items, kill/revive Survivors, change Convars, change the timescale, and much, much more! All of this is done server-side via chat triggers. If you don't have...
Auto Bhop
Autor: 星魂桑丶
The script comes from the network and is made by okcf Any mode is supported. Please be sure to subscribe to the essential items Add function You can turn off autobhop manually Press y to enter! Bhop in the chat box There will be a prompt or It is on by def...
Genshin Impact's NPC voice (AI Japanese Voice)
Autor: 锦恢
I use four different speaker id in VITS to make AI voice for the replacement of NPC characters: Whitaker, Virgil, Soldier1, Soldier2. I use a low pass filter to simulate the space effect of voice. If you want to make your own voice mod, I have written a de...
Gollum (Jockey)
Autor: Juan
The Gollum from the Lord of the Rings saga (replaces Jockey). For Gollum's voice ---> http://gtm.steamproxy.vip/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=151360043...
Helsie (Rochelle)
Helsie from Fortnite replaces rochelle Features: -Viewmodel arms -Facial flex -Eye tracking -Hud icons -jigglebones Credits: Thedarksoul711 - Model and Texture Ripping, Viewmodel Arms, UI мяFunreal - Survivor Hud Prefabs Epic Games - Original model ...
Hunter - Prototype
http://i.imgur.com/UqMRK8k.gif "M..Mercer..?" Replaces the hunter with the totally new custom prototype hunter model. Credits: Handsome Dan - Hunter model; Textures luxox_18, 3dregenerator - Alex Mercer jacket model; Textures IRIS - Port; Rig; Compile ====...
HuTao voice replace Nick (AI Japanese Voice)
Autor: 锦恢
Install Procedure: 1. click subscribe above. 2. enter game via steam. 3. waiting for downloading and enjoy. > no need for extra command! This is a Japanese version of https://gtm.steamproxy.vip/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2985551390 Text is translated by A...
Keqing voice replace Coach (AI Japanese Voice)
Autor: 锦恢
Install Procedure: 1. click subscribe above. 2. enter game via steam. 3. waiting for downloading and enjoy. > no need for extra command! This is a Japanese version of https://gtm.steamproxy.vip/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2985523958 Text is translated by A...
Lumine voice replace Ellis (AI Japanese Voice)
Autor: 锦恢
Install Procedure: 1. click subscribe above. 2. enter game via steam. 3. waiting for downloading and enjoy. > no need for extra command! This is a Japanese version of https://gtm.steamproxy.vip/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2985556598 Text is translated by A...
Mashu / 麻薯替换 Tank [Voice]
Autor: Jo
Affects all of Tank's "voicelines" The voice in my- i mean my friend once told me how much of a sin it is for there to not be a voicemod made specifically for this questionably aged catgirl tank mod, taking that as a challenge, i told him to go touch some ...
Lux's Survivor Legs script
Autor: Shadowysn
NOTICE: This addon uses scripts. This will not work in Dedicated servers. Use local/listen servers, or singleplayer instead. An upside to this is that if you can see this addon's effects, everyone else can. This is a port-to-VScript of Lux's Survivor Legs ...
Miside Shared Content
Autor: Kitsune
This is the prerequisite Mod for my Mita model, and without subscribing to this Mod, other Mita models will not work properly! Since the Mita Mods use a lot of shared materials and texture parameters, I have organized and separated these shared files. This...
Monster Hunter Cat - The Division Medkit (Glow)
点个赞吧喵!给MOD点个赞吧谢谢喵! 替换了医疗包 Replace Medkit 替换了模型,材质,感谢原作者:scream Replaced the model, material,thanks to the original author:scream 原MOD地址/The original MOD https://gtm.steamproxy.vip/ugc/2270444281257658381/6735CCB5C0509306982077B257E571A986E5D91F...
Autor: H.U.N.K
Are you TOO LAZY to ALWAYS open the console and type "sv_consistency 0" so your friends can join your server FULL of scripts? USE THIS!!! this will ALWAYS enable "sv_consistency 0" in YOUR server without having to type it in the console :D Tags: no consist...
Overwatch Doomfist {Charger}
Autor: kaizen
It is welcomed to find me to make mods!//欢迎找我订制mods Price negotiable//价格好商量~ 欢迎加qq好友搞基 QQ号:249422525 Doomfist is coming! 末日铁拳来了! Replaces charger. 替换 charger Models and textures:Activision Blizzard, Inc. Animations,Clothes Physics,UI,Publish:Me models | 模型...
OKcf's Script Pre File Libs
Manager... Never conflict with other mods now!...
Rosaria voice replace Francis (AI Japanese Voice)
Autor: 锦恢
Install Procedure: 1. click subscribe above. 2. enter game via steam. 3. waiting for downloading and enjoy. > no need for extra command! This is a Japanese version of https://gtm.steamproxy.vip/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2987383430 Text is translated by A...
Shenhe voice replace Rochelle (AI Japanese Voice)
Autor: 锦恢
Install Procedure: 1. click subscribe above. 2. enter game via steam. 3. waiting for downloading and enjoy. > no need for extra command! This is a Japanese version of https://gtm.steamproxy.vip/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2985546682 Text is translated by A...
Sniper rifle script(AWP&scout) (狙击枪脚本)
Autor: 寒枫Feng
Arm bug has been completely repaired! If you have any questions, please ask them instead of running away with a bad comment. This is very impolite and not conducive to my script improvement. Major issue fixed: the shooting range and damage attenuation are ...
The Footsteps of high heels[V2.1]
Autor: Ribonsan
Make a small update Deleted the footsteps of the infected =The footsteps of high-heeled shoes replaced the footsteps of survivors= -Secretly updated version 2.0- *Correct the sound effect of missing tile floor walking quietly and squatting down. *Slightly ...
Updated melee unlock [Last Stand update!]
Autor: FallFox
Allows all 14 melee weapons to spawn on every official campaign! (Example pitchfork will now spawn on Dead Center) Also unlocks female Boomers on Dead Center, Dark Carnival, Swamp Fever, Hard Rain, The Parish, The Passing, Sacrifice and Cold Stream. Missio...
The Ultimate Mod Testing and Reviewing Area - Main Files
Autor: мяFunreal
This map pack is made to test your work-in-progress mods without having to load a campaign and use console commands to stop the director from throwing infected your way. You can simply spawn and pick up any weapon, item, upgrade and carryable object. You m...
Venti voice replace Bill (AI Japanese Voice)
Autor: 锦恢
Install Procedure: 1. click subscribe above. 2. enter game via steam. 3. waiting for downloading and enjoy. > no need for extra command! This is a Japanese version of https://gtm.steamproxy.vip/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2987380779 Text is translated by A...
Whitaker's Gun Range (Mod Test & Survival)
Autor: мяFunreal
What if Whitaker actually had a shooting range in the back of his store? What this map got: Standalone map with shooting range in the back, with targets that pop up randomly. Each target has invisible buttons, which give you a score on an overhead counter....
Yae Miko voice replace Louis (AI Japanese Voice)
Autor: 锦恢
Install Procedure: 1. click subscribe above. 2. enter game via steam. 3. waiting for downloading and enjoy. > no need for extra command! This is a Japanese version of https://gtm.steamproxy.vip/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2987377867 Text is translated by A...
Yoimiya voice replace Zoey (AI Japanese Voice)
Autor: 锦恢
Install Procedure: 1. click subscribe above. 2. enter game via steam. 3. waiting for downloading and enjoy. > no need for extra command! This is a Japanese version of https://gtm.steamproxy.vip/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2987386452 Text is translated by A...
- Replaces the Machete 替换砍刀,已获得大佬授权,大佬的传家宝真不错。 原作者:重伤倒地乐 原MOD:https://gtm.steamproxy.vip/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2962516899&searchtext=apex 预览视频:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Nk4y1E7ML?share_source=copy_web 最后非常感谢大佬的授权。 v1.1 已修复第三人称刀位置不正确的情况。 ...
[印花集]APEX恶灵传家宝印花集 替换 小刀
- Replaces the Knife 替换小刀,原作者: 重伤倒地乐 原MOD: 苦无(恶灵传家宝) 预览视频 最后非常感谢大佬的授权! ...
[印花集]APEX朱雀 瓦鸡传家宝
- Replaces the pichfork 替换草叉,用了闇_桜大佬的刀刃流动材质,感谢大佬的作品。 原作者: 重伤倒地乐 原MOD: apex朱雀(瓦尔基里传家宝) 预览视频 最后非常感谢大佬的授权。 ...
[印花集]CSGO防弹盾皮肤 替换防爆盾 夜光
原模地址 https://gtm.steamproxy.vip/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2846441676 替换模型 动作 replace model,animation 侵删 If the infringement occurs, I will delete this addon Original Credits: Animations - ThomasCat&Mav Models&Texture - Cs:Go- Valve. 这是我第一款发布在工坊的作品,做的不是很好...
[bang dream its' mygo!!!!!] Ano Pump Shotgun
Autor: 教士
2024.6.20 bang dream its' mygo!!!!! 是的,我贴邦了,老实说压力很大 刚有贴ano木喷想法时候,问了有没有人做木喷 当天汽水就发了美竹兰的动态,我贴木喷还是邦,真的假的 都起了退堂鼓,因为自己做的并不好 找了熟邦的朋友,为我找素材,贴!到底还是贴了. 幸好没有烂尾,还算能看罢 这里也要感谢资料室的大家为我提供思路~ 感谢带鱼,雪豹的贴图绘制思路 感谢枫雪的渐变制作思路(不会做渐变 感谢芙琳找的素材(打的最顺利的一次 还有还有 我也是找了汽水要了美竹兰的授权,做了渐变~(老师...
[Apex]Biwon Blade(Crypto Heirloom)
Autor: shu
Replace golf club. This is the remade version, which improves the inspect animation. Original Animation\Model: Respawn Entertainment Porting:shu...
模型和动作出处:重生娱乐 移植:不会贴皮の久辞(我) 贴皮:我二岁实现独立全款买下健达巧克力你拿啥比 与之前工坊的亡灵传家宝的切刀和退的动作有所不同, 该mod采用的是忠诚三的切刀,除此之外,该mod拥有 一切刀一推,一伸手视检,一倒地视检,如果您有音频库, 这些视检都是有声音的,此外我特地增加了粒子特效,订 阅即可使用,欢迎各大moder进行二创,如果需要二创,请 务必像我授权,b站名字加uid:不会贴皮の久辞,1007221457。 请勿以任何盈利方式出售整合等,如果发现上述行为,我将会立刻 下架该mo...
[Honkai 3rd]Eliudnir(Kallen's turret) replaces 50cal
【崩坏3rd】埃琉德尼尔(卡莲的炮台)替换点50重机枪 Replace 50cal with Kallen's turret Eliudnir in Honkai Impact 3. Sorry that I can only attach muzzle flash to one barrel. 抱歉我只能给一根枪管加上枪口火焰和射击动画。...
[Miside] Crazy Mita - Replace Witch
Autor: Kitsune
Crazy Mita Double Ponytail Form Replaces Regular Witch Crazy Mita Short Hair Red Eye Form Replaces Bride Witch "Did you lose something?" 👊🏻😆: "Come on, get to know her again!" 😵👈 ❌ ❌ (Throws) "Catch it!" 😆😆 The model comes from the love game Mita Miside, a...
Damage Display MOD Fixed and Enhanced
Autor: Alpha
Fixed several issues that the previous author did not modify, and added some new features. Bug Fixes: 1.Fixed a bug where when a small zombie is killed, two lines (Hit, Killed) were displayed. 2.Fixed a bug where the first shot from a witch showed no healt...
【蔚蓝档案/Blue Archive】COD:MW23 Rival-9 (MP5)
Autor: 香風 智乃
【蔚蓝档案/Blue Archive】COD:MW23 Rival-9 (MP5) 替换 MP5 Repalce MP5 https://s2.loli.net/2024/04/13/bjHvMTz9AJQmkwe.jpg 原MOD模型出自冥佬制作的MW23 Rival-9 原地址:https://gtm.steamproxy.vip/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3115194339 动画出自白麒麟制作的MW22 UMP9 原地址:https://steamcommunity.c...
Autor: 小薇薇
将激光改成粉色了,看创意工坊没人做我就自己做了一个,希望各位喜欢哦 ...
/ Spray / Arknights / 明日方舟 个人制作向第四弹 这次带来的是可爱的方舟干员们~ 订阅后在多人联机里选择,希望阁下们喜欢~ 喷漆包含: 能天使 空 克洛丝 阿米娅 杰西卡 刀客塔 ----------------------------------------------------------- 不要失去理智啊,刀客塔!! //放一张自己做的阿米娅靠椅子玩牌然后翻了的视距喷漆,感觉挺好玩的 链接(Download link):https百度网盘://pan.bai百度网盘du.com...
钴蓝匕首替换撬棍(replaces crowbar, No Impact Sound version)
Autor: Saeru
Original: https://gtm.steamproxy.vip/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3313755240 made for personal use bc I want it on my mod pack that has other melee impact sounds, go and sub to the original that addon is crazy good....
Bot AI Improvements
Autor: T-Rizzle
I noticed that bots are lacking in many features, this mod is made to be compatible with the mod Left 4 Bots and to add onto it. Like an DLC/ADDON Important: When this addon receives an update the setting.txt and const.nut will NOT automaticaly add the new...
Just Hud
Autor: AnkaThefool
I made this for myself,you can download it if you're interested about it. This contain every ui you need. A slim and simple hud,which is based on SCHISM H.U.D. (here is the one I based on:https://gtm.steamproxy.vip/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2567370052 ) ...
Left 4 Bots (Improved A.I.)
Autor: smilzo
This addon improves the survivor bots behavior to make them more human-like and a bit more useful during the game as well as improving their combat skills. It is a mix of vanilla AI improvements (via game convars changes) and new features added via vscript...
Left 4 Lib
Autor: smilzo
This addon contains some shared VScript code that is used by my addons: Left 4 Bots Left 4 Fun Left 4 Grief This addon is mandatory if you have one of the addons listed above. They will not work without this! Centralized User System L4L also contains a cen...
Autor: MIᨐYUKIഒ
z最大限度的与HUD不冲突 不喜勿喷,萌新作品 如果有更好的想法可以提出 我会采用 ...
[印花集Printstream]MW2022-KV-Broadside(Replaces AK)渐变版
Autor: 闇_桜
替换 AK,含夜光,动态描边,渐变动态 Replaces AK,Glow,dynamic outline,Gradient dynamics 只有V模有渐变,W模只有RNG,因为面数太大了 禁止压缩我的皮肤贴图 Do not compress my texture VTF. 禁止修改我的皮肤贴图 Do not modify my texture VTF. 原模组/作者: BaiF*ckmouse Original model/author: BaiF*ckmouse 定制者: H.百子合 B站主页/Bili...