Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Dead 2

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Items (61)
Overly Cool Animation - Kriss Vector (MP5)
Created by iiopn
And the Kriss is done. Replaces the CSS mp5. Well, most of you guys wanted to see an AK, so you get it then. Credits: Animation/Compile: IIOPN Models: Activision/Raven HUD/Texture Edit: Raizen Materials: MxDIZnB Navaro,New World Interactive,Nightmaremutant...
Overly Cool FMG and P90 - Sound Files
Created by iiopn
the sounds files needed for the Overly Cool FMG and P90...
Overly Cool Animation - FMG9 (UZI)
Created by iiopn
The FMG9 to replace the UZI sub-machinegun (normal SMG) Hope ya all enjoyed it. Thank you for people that have noticed the bug where the reload would finish before the animations is actually finished. This would lets me create animations that lets me conti...
Overly Cool Animation - P90 (Silenced SMG)
Created by iiopn
Another one done. Replaces the silenced SMG The last fmg release made me realize a certain functionality of the reload. in L4d2 there's 2 different reload sequence. If you set them at different timing, you can set the point where you can shoot to be at a d...
Overly Cool Animation - USR M24 (SCOUT)
Created by iiopn
More release. Replaces the CSS Scout Those that follows my YT channel, I have to remove the camera animations for the Shoot, Melee, and Draw animations, since it creates bug where the alignment of the crosshair would be misaligned if you were to scope duri...
Overly Cool Animation - Pump Shotgun
Created by iiopn
The release of my Overly Cool series. Replaces the Pump-shotgun, on Mossberg 500 from Insurgency. I'll be releasing the next ones on my YT channel first. If you want, you can check it there first on what I'm working on. https://www.youtube.com/c/IIopnWorks...
Overly Cool Animation - Shotgun Sounds
Created by iiopn
The sound files for my Overly Cool Shotgun...
Overly Cool Animation - Desert Eagle
Created by iiopn
You guys asked for it. Here ya go. Credits: Killing Floor 2 - Model; Textures; Audio; Briar Insurgency - Flashlight assets IIopn - Animation, Compile Lt. Rocky - Port; Normalization; Compile; Shading The required items on the right doesn't mean that the mo...
Overly Cool Animation - Desert Eagle sound files
Created by iiopn
The custom sounds that I currently use for the Overly Cool animation...
Overly Cool Animation - Kelt-Tech KSG (Chrome Shotgun)
Created by iiopn
Another release for my Overly Cool series. The Kelt-Tech KSG, replaces the Chrome Shotgun. Oh, and I needed custom sounds for the draw and spins for this one, so this might conflict with the chrome shotgun sound files Credits: IIopn - Animation & Compile T...
Overly Cool Pistol Animation - M9
Created by iiopn
The release from my videos of the Unrealistically Cool Reloads. The M9, of course it's gonna replace the pistols. Credits: IIopn - Animation & Compile Tripwire Interactive - Model, Textures, and Sounds Lt. Rocky - Engine Rip Splinks - Providing the origina...
Created by Flagg
Weapon Katana. This mod Replaces the Katana from L4D. It adds models and textures. No new sounds, scripts and hud. 3D realtime preview available here p3d.in Model and textures: Flagg Compiling: Flagg LICENSED UNDER A CREATIVE COMMONS ATTRIBUTION-NONCOMMERC...
Halo SRS99-AM (Military Sniper)
Created by Adorabirb!
"The SRS99 is a semi-automatic, gas-operated rifle that fires 14.5×114mm ammunition from a four-round detachable box magazine. The ejection port is on the right side of the weapon and the charging handle is on the left side. Unlike all other known models o...
Legacy Particles Support ( muzzle effects )
Created by Urik
to everyone asking about FOV slider: it's from this or this mods Important: for modders. Previous conflicts now have been resolved by changing material paths, but still, if you want to reuse some of the effects here, please, do make effort to completely re...
The Particles Manifest
Created by Urik_shared
Disclaimer: this is a new experiment of mine. I don't know how it will go - please don't immediately bash it if it doesn't work out because of conflicts & complexity; in my view, it could solve some issues I had with earlier system. The new proposed manife...
Australium Scattergun (SPAS)
A must-have for scout-mains (I'm definitely not gonna waste $60 for that), even if in Zombie Apocalypse. Equipping this improves meatshot accuracy and makes it 500% easier for bunny-hopping. This replaces the SPAS Shotgun. By the way, a huge thank-you to e...
M9A1 Anti-Tank / M1 Garand Rifle Grenade
Created by Lt. Rocky
More fucking godamn by-the-Jesus Garands. When Schnitzel-speaking Spiegels are charging down the valley of the shadow of death fearin' no evil on account of driving a house-sized treading mass of fuck you straight towards your butt hole with dubious intent...
Bren Mk I LMG [M60]
Created by [ΖмBя.™] Dusty
English (by Google translator): Anyway this is my first mod addon published in workshop Steam :D The mod developed is the famous light machine gun called the Bren, with variant Mark I (Mk I) or simply Bren, which was used by the British army during conflic...
Sound Monkey Bomb
Created by P'El is
Skin Monkey Bomb: https://gtm.steamproxy.vip/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=125466444&searchtext=Monkey+bomb Como bajaron el otro mod yo descargue este y lo subi >:v ches gringos flojos...
Cymbal Monkey Bomb
Created by Splinks
The Monkey is out of the bag and is ready to go out with a bang! SOUND MOD: https://gtm.steamproxy.vip/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1619300191 ~~~~~~~~~ATTENTION~~~~~~~~~ If you would like more of my mods not hosted on workshop please feel free to visit the...
Boomer Juice (Boomer Bile)
Created by Majro
"Christ, there's a Boomer around here." -Bill Here's just the thing if you need more "boomer" in your Boomer Bile: Monster Zero Ultra! I mean, what else did you think was sloshing around in that big Boomer body? This addon is kind of a continuation of my E...
Dynamic Light
Created by Sw1ft
READ THE DESCRIPTION Dynamic Light This is a server-side add-on (for YOUR Listen / Dedicated server) Creates dynamic light on molotovs, pipe bombs, spit, burning infected (SI and Tank) and muzzle flash Chat Commands !dl_reset - reset settings to default !d...
Cinematic Lighting Effects
Created by Red Schism
Changes most light sprites and some particle effects into a more "Hollywood stylized" effect. Adds horizontal flare to pathway lights, changes 3rd person flashlight glow to a smaller more realistic glow, new sun glare, and changes various other glowing lig...
Proto Tyrant (Charger)
Created by xdshot
Now it knocks out with his over-buffed mighty arm. That's what happens when the experimental subject was placed in a blending complex and suffered from the changes. Replaces Charger. Credits: Models, textures - based on XNALara port by Adngel, originally c...
Flood Carrier (Halo 3) -BROKEN-
Created by MonkeyRebel117
The Flood Carrier from Halo 3 replaces the BOOMER. I added tentacles as arms for the model even though the real model doesn't have arms on the sides....
Snork HD
Created by o'night
Model is from S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Call of Pripyat (2009) Replacement for Hunter Has physicis, custom animation, hunterfx support, hands have default models but retextured Original model by: GSC Game World Ported to Source Engine by: S-Low ...
Mutation 2.0 - jockey blood eagle
Created by Ramm.asmiette
Be scared....it is coming for your head The blood eagle is a ritualized method of execution, detailed in late skaldic poetry. According to the two instances mentioned in the Sagas, the victims (in both cases members of royal families) were placed in a pron...
Grim {Smoker}
Created by Huron
*****Now with Global Radar Support***** Grims are a strain of Chimera that are created from humans through the Spinner strain. Although frail in form, Grims are fast moving and pose a serious threat when in groups. This bloodthristy creature can be found a...
"Sexy" Spitter
Created by Fine
Original joke ...
Beta-Styled Spitter Goo v1
Created by FatFuckingWorm
remember back in the good ol days when we got our first glimpse of a spitter and got wowed by it's awesome color changing goo? And then we finally got a copy and cried like babies because it was just boring old green? Well cry no more! This mod makes the s...
Flood Tank (Halo 3)
Created by MonkeyRebel117
The Flood Tank from Halo 3 replaces the infected Tank....
HQ M14 Improved/Arima's animations
Created by 洛洛无霍
Replaces the Hunting Rifle.替换猎枪 Silenced Version Thanks to the following people for their help: 感谢以下人员提供: Materials and Models / 材质与模型-> QUERENTIN Animations / 动作--> Arima HUD by me. sound by me. 吐槽:640×360像素的gif图,起码要把时间压缩20秒以下帧率,才能压缩到2M以下大小进行上传,steam上传图片,...
Crossbow zhnets [ak47]
Created by Ramm.asmiette
Crossbow zhnets replaces ak47 because it's badass : Viewmodel Worldmodel New firing sounds Jigglebones no hud icons (yet) Credit : Prodigy for animations 3D model by Andrey Bezbogov MILITARY VERSION IS REMOVED UNTIL FIX...
Fallschirmjagergewehr 42/SG
Created by Lt. Rocky
MOD, MUTHAFUCKA. This was the weapon of choice for the Germans that had to fight to defend their Lebens during the Dark Times, where the biplane pilots had to keep the skies clear of the encroaching dragons, tank crews had to steer clear the werewolves pac...
Last Stand Finale Restored
Created by True_Boredom
Restores the original gascan scavenge of The Last Stand's finale: This addon will restore the original gascans needed to be scavenged, including the cut Singleplayer Difficulty. In Co-op, the number of gascans is determined by difficulty: 6, 8, 10, or 12 f...
Red Tide
Created by Monsterman94
(Instructor hints are highly recommended) Dropped off in a seemingly abandoned town in Florida, the survivors must make their way to their own little slice of paradise... safety....
Killing Floor 2 Machete
Created by Lt. Rocky
A weapon historically proven to be improved in performance when tied to a broom or an RC helicopter, its a machete from Killing Floor 2, the knife of the Support class, and the tool of choice when realizing that welding doors is a completely useless affair...
The Talos Principle Axe
Created by Lt. Rocky
Here's may latest little bit of work: Its axe that can be found in the game The Talos Principle. What an amazing piece that game turned out to be, I'd go so far as to say it should have diserved a spot as a contender for 2014's Game of the Year. It should ...
Various Vigors as Pain Pills
Created by al
"A Life with Vigor is a life that's Better!" - Fink Manufacturing advertisement (screens taken at cl_viewmodelforsurvivor = 75) Here's a bunch of vigors from Bioshock Infinite! Consists of: - Shock Jockey - Murder of Crows - Bucking Bronco - Charge! - Unde...
Vox Burstgun as Desert Rifle
Created by al
"There's already a fight, DeWitt. Only question is, whose side are you on?" -Daisy Fitzroy It's the Vox Burstgun! Replaces Desert Rifle. Includes: - first and thirdperson models - HyperMetal's AK-47 animations - Custom sounds Enjoy!...
Diescraper Redux
Created by Rectus
After being firebombed, the survivors must flee their safehouse, and find their way to safety. A 4 map campaign playable in all game modes. Extensively tested on Versus. Now playable on offical servers (possibly running outdated versions). Supported mutati...
Hunting Rifle Upgrade
Clip : 15->20 Damage : 90->132 CycleTime : 0.25->0.21...
Military Sniper Upgrade
This add-on upgrades the performance of the Military Sniper. Clip : 30->40 Damage : 90->128 Range : 8192->8800 CycleTime : 0.25->0.21...
Silenced SMG Upgrade
This add-on upgrades the performance of the Silenced SMG. Clip : 50->70 Damage : 25->33 Range : 2200->3000 PenetrationNumLayers : 2->4...
M16 Rifle Upgrade
This add-on upgrades the performance of the M16. Clip : 50->70 Damage : 33->57...
Pistol Upgrade ((Crazy))
Clip : 30->50 Damage : 36->72 Range : 2500->3400 CycleTime : 0.175->0.155 PenetrationNumLayers : 2->4 PenetrationPower : 30->60...
Pump Shotgun Upgrade ((Crazy))
Clip : 8->12 Damage : 25->100 Range : 3000->4000 PenetrationNumLayers : 2->5 PenetrationPower : 30->90...
Auto Shotgun Upgrade
Clip : 10->15 Damage : 23->53 Range : 3000->3800 PenetrationNumLayers : 2->8 PenetrationPower : 30->120...
Magnum Upgrade ((Crazy))
Clip : 8->15 Damage : 80->258 Range : 3500->5500 CycleTime : 0.30->0.23 PenetrationNumLayers : 2->7 PenetrationPower : 50->255 PenetrationMaxDistance : 0->4888...
AK47 Rifle Upgrade ((Crazy))
Clip : 40->50 Damage : 58->166 Range : 3000->5000 CycleTime : 0.13->0.11 PenetrationNumLayers : 2->4 PenetrationPower : 50->70...
M60 Macine Gun Upgrade ((Crazy))
Clip : 150->250 Damage : 50->300 Range : 3000->5000 PenetrationNumLayers : 2->20 PenetrationPower : 50->500...
AWP Upgrade
Damage : 115->338 Range : 8192->10092 PenetrationPower : 50->90...
Custom Weapon Base
Created by Rectus
Enables custom scripted weapons to be used in the Official Campaigns. The server/host needs to have this installed along with the weapon mods. Incompatible with other mods that modify the system scripts. Used only for the following mods: https://i.imgur.co...
M72 LAW Rocket Launcher (Custom Weapon)
Created by Rectus
Adds the M72 LAW single shot anti-tank rocket launcher to all the official campaigns. The LAW spawns in the same place as melee weapons and takes up the secondary weapon slot. Note: This is a custom scripted weapon that doesn't replace any of the stock wea...
Barnacle Gun
Created by Rectus
The fan-favorite from Opposing Force is back, in new form. Your very own pet barnacle. The Barnacle gun functions as a grappling hook, allowing you to latch on to almost any surface or object and pull you along. Physics enabled objects (unfortunately not i...
Syringe Dart Launcher
Created by Rectus
Custom weapon that fires syringes filled with a mixture of powerful healing and revitalizing agents at your teammates. Not for use on infected. (This weapon is used to heal survivors.) Holds five syringes. After all the syringes have been fired, the last s...
Makeshift Flamethrower
Created by Rectus
An improvised flamethrower built out of hardware store supplies. Adds a new flamethrower weapon to all official campaigns. The flamethrower spawns in the same places as melee weapons do. Note: The server or hosting player needs to have the mod for it to wo...
Deployable Ammo Pack
Created by Rectus
A carryable pack that deploys into an ammo pile. Uses the secondary weapon slot. The ammo pack uses assets included with the game for an unreleased item. Does not work without the Custom Weapon Base. Console command: give custom_ammo_pack...
Recurve Bow
Created by Rectus
A custom bow weapon that fires deadly improvised broadhead arrows. Hold the fire button down to fire. Fired arrows can be picked back up again. Comes with 20 arrows. This is a custom weapon that doesn't replace any stock weapons. Requires the Custom Weapon...
Improvised Pipe Shotgun (Custom Weapon)
Created by Rectus
Hastily made bolt-action 12 gauge pipe shotgun. A powerful secondary slot weapon with heavy spread and a long reload time. This is a custom weapon that doesn't replace any stock weapons. Requires the Custom Weapon Base. Any feedback is welcome. Please read...
[Sentry Turret] XM215 Area Denial Device
Created by Rectus
Some kind of military prototype weapon? A round sentry turret equipped with a short range 12 gauge shotgun. The turret rotates itself to track enemies, often propelling it into the air. Notes This is a custom weapon that does not replace any of the stock w...