Nioh: Complete Edition

Nioh: Complete Edition

Two in the Shadows - Way of the Nioh
2 megjegyzés
FlintX  [készítő] 2021. márc. 20., 15:09 
Thx man. I have learned a few things with this video myself. In 3:04 for instance, if an enemy attack deals enough damage while you are blocking at low Ki, the attack can bypass your guard and deals damage regardless if you blocks it. Seems like this is true for any charged attack in the game, like the Iai draws. Also if you are too close to Okatsu while she perform this move, sometimes the attack hitbox will glitch and it will count as if you were hit in the back, complete ignoring your block.

Also in 3:27, it seems this particular parry skills loses some parry frames while you perform it immediately after doing some another action. At least it looked like this after throwing the kunai.
About the other ones, I just died because I was in the wrong stance lmao. Sometimes the swaping stances isn't responsive in keyboard and mouse, and my stupid keyboard config doesn't allow me to press more than 4 keys at once XP.
Andre75 2021. márc. 20., 14:33 
Hey Flint- about two in the shadows- I am impressed with your ability and the ending was lol ..he will die right now .. now ... no, he did it !!