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Beacons Extended
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1.749 MB
9 Feb, 2021 @ 6:09am
2 Sep, 2024 @ 7:13am
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Beacons Extended

Welcome to the Beacons Extended mod page!

The purpose of this mod is to make beacon missions less repetitive by adding new beacons from various authors in addition to the vanilla beacons.

The mod currently consists of 56 beacons

The current list of beacons is not final, more beacons will be added in the future

If you find a bug in the mod, you can report it here on the mod’s bug report discussion page (pinned below) or on mod’s Discord channel [], where you can also leave your questions and feedback

You can also visit the Shipwrecks Extended mod which adds many new wrecks to the base game.


Beacons Extended should be compatible with all basic beacon mods unless they have conflicting file names. Beacons Extended does not make any changes to the vanilla game, but simply adds additional beacons to the list.

Добро пожаловать на страницу мода Beacons Extended!

Цель данного мода – немного разнообразить миссии по активации маяков путём добавления новых маяков от различных авторов в дополнение к ванильным.

На данный момент мод содержит 56 маяков

Текущий набор маяков не финальный и будет пополнятся

Если вы нашли ошибку в моде, вы можете сообщить о ней в закреплённом топике (под описанием) или на Discord канале мода [] где вы также можете задать интересующие вас вопросы и оставить свои пожелания

Вы также можете посетить страницу мода Shipwrecks Extended который добавляет в игру множество новых обломков


Beacon Extended совместим со всеми модами на маяки если последние, не имеют одинаковых по названию файлов. Мод не вносит изменений в игру, а просто добавляет новые маяки в общий список маяков.
Popular Discussions View All (4)
20 Nov, 2024 @ 10:08am
PINNED: Сообщить об ошибке (report a bug)
Sneaky Hermit
25 Jan, 2023 @ 5:25pm
Sneaky Hermit
28 Jul, 2024 @ 12:47pm
RexTollBar (Reiss)
Moon-Shadow 20 hours ago 
It is better to ask the modder of the other mod whether the mod that allows differences in stations works with other mods.

Since the modder of the other mod should rather know if his mod works with other mods that create new locations with the original stuff.

Since the mod and the Warck mod use the original stuff, the modders of these mods can hardly tell you if their mods will work with the mod they mean.

The modders here would have to test the mod the you meant with beacon and wrecks themselves to be able to say for sure whether it works.
Moon-Shadow 22 hours ago 
I recently tested the mod “Station from beyond” which gives more differences for stations.

But I only tested it because someone said he wouldn't get more missions with the “MoreMissionsMod”, the two mentioned work together, gave me 14 missions, also kind of a mistake but at least both work.

Original 3 / “MoreMissionsMod” 9, and after saving and loading +1.

“Station from beyond” the Info says nothing that it would give you more missions.
Moon-Shadow 22 hours ago 
It should actually work.

This mod with more beacons and the one with more wrecks only use the original parts, and do not change the original stations and wrecks.

A mod that gives more content for the original stations should not be able to change stations and wrecks that come from other mods, because the mod for more parts would then have to know these mods.


The mod for these more differences should only interfere with other mods that do the same thing if these mods are not set to work together.
walter 15 Feb @ 4:47pm 
I just need to know before I inevitably have to troubleshoot for crashing reasons if the two mods conflict w/ More Level Content.
walter 15 Feb @ 4:47pm 
This is for Shipwrecks Extended aswell, but do these work with More Level Content?
Moon-Shadow 4 Jan @ 7:25am 
I don't even see where the reactor is supposed to be in the picture.

You Open the editor for creating submarines in the game and look at this station, the stations are far down.

And see if what you have found as a reactor is connected to anything at all, otherwise it is only used as an optical element, while the real reactor is somewhere else with other elements optically changed.
Poo the Trenchdog 4 Jan @ 3:52am 
teh station on slide 10 of your slideshow gallery cannot be activated somehow. Even that sonar is active and on. Strangely i cannot access the reactor to activate. is this bugged perhaps?
Hackeysack 30 Dec, 2024 @ 11:38am 
Does this still work with the most recent updates?
walter 15 Dec, 2024 @ 8:00pm 
Does this work with "More Level Content"? Just want to know.
Палач Рока 10 Nov, 2024 @ 10:02am 
@rav2n, всё работает. Перепроверил. Оказалось, стыковочный люк не настроен был. Маяки топ у вас!