Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

145 beoordelingen
Gingerbread House
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Assets: Park
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2.934 MB
24 dec 2020 om 11:31
1 wijzigingsnotitie (weergeven)

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Gingerbread House

Gingerbread House by KingLeno


A simple gingerbread house. It's a Park Building, because who wants to live next door to a gingerbread house.

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10 opmerkingen
m4gic 24 mrt 2021 om 9:30 
Why do the gumdrops appear see-through?
m4gic 13 feb 2021 om 9:04 
Awesome! You should do a Christmas Village with Santa's Workshop, too!
KingLeno  [auteur] 30 dec 2020 om 6:27 
@apache1205lk hey, thanks! that's all that matters
-=Sunset=- 29 dec 2020 om 22:43 
Wish I could donate, but unfortunately, I don't have free money right now. The least I could give you is my thanks.
quirkygeekgirl 29 dec 2020 om 8:51 
I love it. It's awesome, great work!
PhiL 24 dec 2020 om 16:32 
Nice :D lets have some gingerbread Cims :D
Redstone 24 dec 2020 om 15:24 
Those M&Ms look delicious. Awesome asset!
tonycat333 24 dec 2020 om 14:26 
Nickayz 24 dec 2020 om 13:47 
Nice, great timing!
Producer K 24 dec 2020 om 13:31 
Ha! Good one. Just in time too.