Transport Fever 2

Transport Fever 2

263 ratings
Iron ore transport waggon Faals 151 and Falrrs 153/152
Scenario: Europe
Vehicle: Wagon
File Size
174.473 MB
17 Dec, 2020 @ 1:32pm
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Iron ore transport waggon Faals 151 and Falrrs 153/152

i provide the Faals 151 and the Falrrs 153/152 for you. This download includes overall five different waggons. The First one is the Faals 151 in DB Cargo livery, the Falrrs 153 which is a rigid coupler waggon unit in DB livery, the Falrrs 152 in Railion I and DB Railion Logistiks livery and finally the Falrrs 152.2 in DB Schenker livery.

technical specifications:
- top speed: 120 km/h
- capacity: Faals 151: 18
Falrrs 153/152: 35
- cargo types: iron ore
- weight: Faals 151: 35.500kg
Falrrs 153/152: 68.000kg
- lifespawn: 30 years
- loadspeed: Faals 151: 2
Falrrs 153/152: 4
- availability:
- Faals 151 : 1998 to 2008
- Falrrs 153 : 2000 to 2010
- Falrrs 152 Railion I : 2003 to 2013
- Falrrs 152 Railion II : 2006 to 2016
- Falrrs 152.2 DB Schenker : from 2011

This waggons have 3 lod's, a loadannimation, dds-textures, own sound, aging and the coupler is following the trackline

Players without Steam can find the download at ModWerkstatt[]

To use this mod, the Freight wagon bogie set mod must be activated in your savegame.

You really like my work? Then just leave a comment, a thump up or spend me a little drink.

Have fun with the waggons


Without my written permission, the re-use of this mod in parts or as a whole is prohibited.
It is also prohibited to upload the mod to other websites or file hosters. Should this happen, I will take legal action if necessary.
I accept no responsibility for damages to software and hardware.
xxkalifxx 21 Oct, 2024 @ 6:32pm 
die sind sehr schön aber die rollen sehr laut
davidmoore668 28 May, 2021 @ 4:57am 
Dear kaleut can you add u.s.coupler to your waggons Please and Thankyou. :-)
Poeli Mann 20 Dec, 2020 @ 6:58am 
@JumperGaming ich tippe auf die Ae 8/14, wird ja in deiner Fehlermeldung genannt. ;)
JumperGaming 19 Dec, 2020 @ 4:38am 
@kaleut Ohh ok, ich weiß ja nicht welche Schweizer Lok.
kaleut  [author] 18 Dec, 2020 @ 12:36pm 
@JumperGaming: Diese mdl ist nicht von diesem mod und nicht vom drehgestell set. der fehler kommt also von einem anderen mod. ich tippe auf eine schweizer lok.

@lollus: no and i will not add clacks because they are annoying.
elektronikfreak 18 Dec, 2020 @ 8:12am 
JumperGaming, liegt nicht am Mod, Drehgestelle installiert? bei mit läuft er Rund ohne Fehler.
lollus 18 Dec, 2020 @ 5:00am 
Have you added the clacks to the bogie set?
JumperGaming 18 Dec, 2020 @ 4:03am 
Bei mir stürzt das Spiel ab mit der Meldung. vehicle/train/Ae814_11801a.mdl
tommyheimdal 17 Dec, 2020 @ 1:54pm 
I like:steamhappy: