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Gallaecia & Galiza / Galicia waving flags pack 2
Assets: Prop
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10.804 MB
18 Sep, 2020 @ 11:00am
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Gallaecia & Galiza / Galicia waving flags pack 2

In 2 collections by MrMiyagi
Celtic World - Maps, Assets and more from the Atlantic Fringe
47 items
Celtic Flags - from across the Celtic world and diaspora
16 items
Animated waving action. Large and Small versions. These are corrected for the waving flag template "invalid LOD texture size" error you may experience in other waving flags.

Thanks to Toyota Land Cruiser for the model and guide! Learn how to make your own waving flags here:

Thanks to Armesto for suggesting these additional flags and for providing me with high quality textures for them that just aren't available online.

Info on the Castelao (mermaid) flag.

A comezos do século XX, Castelao (um dos páis do Nacionalismo Galego) propom um novo emblema Para Galiza.
Iste emblema inclúe a frase: 'DENANTES MORTOS QUE ESCRAVOS' que está no bordo dum escudo que contem umha estrela vermelha de cinco puntas e umha fouce num fondo de cor azul. Ademais iste escudo está sostido por umha sereia, que se encontra no centro da bandeira galega.

Esta sereia é a mesma que aparece na Lenda da Isla de Sálvora. Hoje em día esta bandeira segue a ter um significado nacionalista.
MrMiyagi  [author] 11 Sep, 2021 @ 1:07pm 
Hi, it appears wherever the radio mast (default prop) appears. The best way to handle this is to use Find It mod, which is incredibly helpful for multiple reasons. Just type in "flag" and you'll find all assets with flag in the name, including all my flags.
Ericadia 23 Jul, 2021 @ 8:37pm 
Where does this asset appear in game?