Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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SV Wehen fans animated
4 SV Wehen fans animated ( applauding )

2 are sitting and applauding

2 will get up and applaud and sit down

every animation has 420 frames. Place all these fans in pause mode wherever you want and the fans start to applaud at the same time every loop.
Items (4)
SV Wehen sitting clap 1 (animated)
Created by SvenBerlin
SV Wehen sitting clap 1 by SvenBerlin thanks to stockjr97 that I can use the models of the 50s citizen pack....
SV Wehen sitting clap 2 (animated)
Created by SvenBerlin
SV Wehen sitting clap 2 by SvenBerlin thanks to stockjr97 that I can use the models of the 50s citizen pack....
SV Wehen standing clap (animated)
Created by SvenBerlin
SV Wehen standing clap by SvenBerlin thanks to stockjr97 that I can use the models of the 50s citizen pack....
SV Wehen standing clap 2 (animated)
Created by SvenBerlin
SV Wehen standing clap 2 by SvenBerlin thanks to stockjr97 that I can use the models of the 50s citizen pack....