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Ghost Manta
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17 Jun, 2021 @ 8:28am
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Ghost Manta

In 1 collection by RainDreamer
RD Designs
3 items
An experimental stealth submarine commissioned by a smuggler with deep pocket, the Ghost Manta is designed to sneak around any sort of danger posed in the depth of Europa with its silent running mode. It is lightly armed but highly maneuverable, and also equipped with a secured cargo room and a brig for unruly passenger or crew .

Lots of items, might cause performance issues on lower end pcs.

Dimension: 39x12m
Recommended crew size: 5-8
Recommended crew experience: Intermediate
Price: 12000 mk


1. Silent Running mode
Activate from nav terminal, this mode will do the following things:
- Throttle engine power to 20%, which removes the engine's sound signature. If you are at full speed when activating this mode, it will take a few seconds to completely eliminate the engine sound.
- Set reactor turbine & fission rate to 0, which effectively shut down the reactor temporarily and eliminate noises from reactor. This will also take a few seconds if reactor is on. When silent running is off, if reactor is on auto mode it will go back to normal.
- Cut off power to fabricators and deconstructor, to eliminate noises from these as well.
- Turn off all internal lights and other support systems to conserve battery power for O2, movements and navigation.

* This mode does not help if your crew are monkeys and making noises by sprinting around and opening doors rapidly.

2. Powerful battery arrays & reactor assembly from BogdanWOOP:
- 32MWm capacity for extended silent running duration
- Comes with various stat displays for captain & engineers to easily determine the status of energy systems on board
- The battery arrays are located at the guns' blind spot for balanced reason, keep it safe and dry. The entire sub relies on these batteries.
- When all buffer batteries are 98% full the reactor will be forced to shut down to prevent over voltage. Shut down the reactor from time to time (save fuel!) or use silent mode often to help managing this.

3. Weapon systems:
- 2 coilgun/railgun system controlled by variable periscopes to condense space. Use the levers to switch between railgun/coil gun mode.
Note for AI: Only assign AI to coilgun, if you want them to man railgun, assign to coil gun and manually switch to railgun mode for them.
- Burst Coilgun - Now the Ghost Manta is armed with burst coilgun systems, that can output a higher amount of firepower in a shorter time. Be wary of the limited ammo store on board, however. (Newly added, with help from Crusade on Undertow Game Discord)
- The captain have a periscope in command room. However, periscopes in security room take priority if both are in used.
- 4 powerful discharge coils to deter close range enemies.
- Proximity sensor in captain room helps determine the direction of enemy or anything that is close to the sub. (Cannot discern between dead/alive, and that is intentional)
- Armory now have sonar monitor that can be used to detect nearby enemy with active sonar if required. This will be turned off during silent running however.
- Gun coverage: nearly 90%, save for: behind engine, the curves above & below electrical room, & the nose of the sub.
- Discharge coil coverage: effectively 100%. You can fire around 3-4 times rapidly before using up all supercaps.

4. Auto Doors & secured areas:
- All internal doors aside from airlocks are automatic, with a switch to turn off auto mode to secure mode.
(Auto Door was adapted from Crusade on Undertow Games Discord)
- Secure mode require pressing buttons to opening door, which require ids to open for some doors.
The following are the permission of some roles:
+ Captain: All area & container of the ship is accessible
+ Security: All area of the ship is accessible except captain's room, command, fuel cabinet, toxic locker
+ Medic: Access to med bay's toxic locker
+ Engineer: Access to reactor's fuel cabinet
- All secured buttons are 1 way: if you are trapped inside, you can open to get out.
- Brig is an exception, you need captain's or security's ID for both way in and way out. There is an alarm everytime brig door is open.
- Brig periscope now can trigger pump to flood the brig. Use either for execution or for artifact holding.
- Doors automatically go to secure mode when flooded - Everyone need to prepare with welding tool for breaches, or crowbar through (there are 2 crowbars on board).
- If you play with AI, it is recommended that you turn on auto mode & overrides so they get stuck less
- 4 ID cards are stored in the captain's locker, which gives you security access. Give them to crews that you trust, or for AI to access areas easier.

5. Lights & Camera systems:
- The Ghost Manta have an array of pulsing light across the hull going from front to back. This helps diver locating themselves in the dark near the ship.
- External search lights can be directed and view through periscope in command room. Click to cycle through them, hold 3 seconds & release to toggle light for each.
(Search light system taken from Ricki:
- All external lights can be turned off for even better stealth in PVP by the captain in command room with the switch under bluelight on camera periscope.
- Internal security Camera in Brig, Medbay, Reactor, & Electrical room viewable by both security & captain to quickly determine the situation in the sub. Captain's periscope have priority to switch camera.

There is a secret stash on the sub for mayhem and clownery. Good luck finding it & opening it.
Venom JaсК 14 Oct, 2022 @ 10:58am 
bad sub
PudgyElderGod 6 Oct, 2022 @ 12:19pm 
Anyone try this sub with the latest update?
RainDreamer  [author] 8 Jan, 2022 @ 1:37am 
@Uncovered_Jager What kind of update? I haven't been playing for a while but if it is simple I can pop in and update the sub
Uncovered_Jager 8 Jan, 2022 @ 1:29am 
This really needs an update...
RainDreamer  [author] 13 May, 2021 @ 9:13pm 
The autoshutdown system of the reactor is fixed, and the diving suit lockers are now powered.
About the status monitor, the captain monitor does not require detectors, the status monitors in other sections require detectors, thus they can only see the area with the detectors. This is intentional.
用直升机放的C4 12 May, 2021 @ 4:54am 
It seems the reactor didn't automatically shut down when the batteries are more than 98%,not even at 100%.Did I misunderstand the description?Maybe I should shut it down manually?
And two small question:
How do the status monitors get the data of water and oxygen level even though they are not connected to any of the detectors?
And why the status monitor in the captain's room can get data from every rooms in the submarine while the monitor in the reactor room can only get data from some of the rooms?
RainDreamer  [author] 11 May, 2021 @ 6:49am 
1. That is intentional. The one that is linked to the tube has arrows downward to the tube.
2. Will fix this.
用直升机放的C4 11 May, 2021 @ 6:42am 
Great sub,but I found two little bugs(or featrue?idk).
1,Only one depth charge loader is linked to the tube.
2,The diving suit lockers in both ballast tanks are not connected to the power grid because one of the relays is not connected.
Wildly Unprepared 17 Feb, 2021 @ 7:06pm 
Wow that is actually really simple. Thanks
RainDreamer  [author] 17 Feb, 2021 @ 6:59pm 
@Wildly Unprepared: multiply the nav terminal x velocity output by 0.2 on silent mode