Primal Carnage: Extinction

Primal Carnage: Extinction


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Cockatiel novaraptors
Items (4)
Harlequin Novaraptor
Created by BBQ
Murderbird -------- more cockatiel novas coming soon. intended to be sold as a bundle with the other cockatiel skins if possible....
Pied Novaraptor
Created by BBQ
Scritches won't satisfy her. ------ part 2 of my cockatiel novas. might be subject to change in the future. intended to be sold as a bundle with the other cockatiel skins if possible....
Cinnamon Novaraptor
Created by BBQ
Do not taste him, else you'll get from the beak ------------ more cockatiel novaraptors. intended to be sold as a bundle with the other cockatiel skins if possible....
Pearl Novaraptor
Created by BBQ
A pearl you wish to not find ------------ aand probably the last tiel raptor. next up, pied nova update. intended to be sold as a bundle with the other cockatiel skins if possible....