Kingdom Rush Origins

Kingdom Rush Origins

53 ratings
Kingdom Rush Origins Walkthrough 100% (IMPOSSIBLE)
You will find everything you need to beat every level on IMPOSSIBLE difficulty and get all the achievements.

Enjoy !
Gray Ravens
The High Cross
Waterfalls Trail
Redwood Stand
Royal Gardens
Gryphon Point
The Crystal Lake
The Unseelie Court
The Ascent
Arcane Quarters
Mactans' Retreat
Shrine Of Elynie
Galadrian's Wall
Blood Quarry
Beheader's Seat
Dwaraman Gates
Tainted Pit
Duskwood Outpost
Duredhel Outskirts
Achievements PART 1
Grow 100 barbed vines!: You need level 4 melee towers, Forest Keepers with the "Eerie Gardener" ability to achieve.

1.21 Gigawatts!:
Cast 1210 lightning bolts: Use your Thunderbolt skill 1210 times, this skill replace the '' Rain of Fire'' from previous Kingdom Rush games.

Ace of Spades
Complete Stage 5 without building any barracks.
Watch the video below.

Have 8 or more Runed Bears in any single stage: You need level 4 artillery towers, Arch-Druid Henge with the "Runed Bears" ability to achieve.

Brave Little Tailor
Don't let the hero die against an Ettin on Stage 4: Ettins are two-headed beasts wielding trees as maces.

Brother vs brother
Have your Renegades defeat 50 twilight elves: Renegades can only be purchased in a special barrack tower in Shrine of Elynie.

Call me Mr. Pig
Make the Razor Boars trample and kill 20 enemies: Razor Boars only charge when friendly ground units are a fixed number of paces ahead of them on the path. Razor Boars only appears in The Ascent, Mactans' Retreat and Shrine of Elynie.

Candy Rush
Save Hans and Ethel.
Watch the video below.

City of Splendors
Earn 3 stars on each Ancient City campaign stage: Ancieny City levels are The Ascent, Arcane Quarters, Mactans' Retreat and Shrine of Elynie.

Counter Master
Defeat 250 enemies while silenced: You need level 4 magic towers, Wild Magus with the "Ward of Disruption" ability to achieve.

Have Beresad and Ashbite defeat 100 enemies: Beresad and Ashbite can only be used in Arcane Quarters for gold.

Ding! Ding! Ding!
Raise all 3 basic heroes to level 10: The 3 basics heroes are Eridan, Arivan and Catha.

Dogfight Ace
Have your Gryphon Riders defeat 25 Perythons: Gryphon Riders are a special unit that only appears in Gryphon Point. When tapped on, a Gryphon Rider will take flight, attacking enemies below him, then will return to the perch after a few waves.

Dwarf Falls
Save 13 barrelled dwarves.
Watch the video below.

Grow the beanstalk to the clouds!
Watch the video below.

Perfect Parry for a total of 1000 damage: You need level 4 melee towers, Bladesinger Hall with the "Perfect Parry" ability to achieve.

Game of Thrones
Defeat Malicia!: Complete the level "The Unseelie Court", campaign mode.

Garden Song
Activate 50 magical plants: You need to activate Magic Blossoms and/or Venom Vines. They can be found in Waterfall Trails, Redwood Stand, Royal Gardens, Gryphon Point, Rockhenge, Grimmsburg, Neverwonder and The Unseelie Court.

Squish 10 gnomes!
Watch the video below.

Gathering the magic
Defeat 80 enemies with the magic Blossoms: Magic Blossoms are magical plants that, upon being clicked, release 8 magic bolts to track down and damage enemies. They only appear in Waterfall Trails, Redwood Stand, Royal Gardens and Gryphon Point.

George Fall
Find George!
Watch the video below.

Get the party started
Win stage 1 with 3 stars.

Defeat 100 gloomies before they duplicate: They usually spawn near Venom Vines, simply click on the poisonous plants to quickly get rid of gloomies or use your Thunderbolt skill.

Defeat 900 gnolls.

Defeat 100 Bloodsydian Gnolls: Blood Gnolls are mutated by Bloodsydian or Blood Ogre, making them faster, stronger and more powerful. They only appear in Galadrian's Wall, Blood Quarry and Beheader's Seat.

Great Defender
Complete the Campaign in Normal difficulty.

Green Arrow
Defeat 500 enemies with reinforcements' projectiles: Your reinforcements need the Elven Stars upgrade to throw projectiles.

Heavyweight Class
Stun 10 or more enemies with a single clobber: You need level 4 artillery towers, Weirdwood with the "Clobber" ability to achieve.
Achievements PART 2
Heroic Rush
Complete all campaign Heroic challenges.

I like to move it!
Entertain the funny lemure.
Watch the video below.

I meant the red wire
Have your soldiers avoid 50 blasting spell explosions: The blasting spell explosions are from the the Avenger and his "curse" ablity. This spell transforms all enemies except for Twilight Eleves into a bomb that will explode upon death.

I need a Hero
Complete 3 stages without the hero dying.

I volunteer as tribute
Deploy 500 or more reinforcements into battle.

Iron Rush
Complete all campaign Iron challenges.

It's a kind of magic
Defeat 50 enemies with Eldritch Doom explosions: You need level 4 magic towers, Wild Magus with the "Eldritch Doom" ability to achieve.

It's a Trap!
Prevent Mactans from webbing at least 8 towers. Mactans the giant spider can be tapped on to stop her short of disabling towers in Mactans' Retreat and Shrine of Elynie.

Jurassic Lake
Crystalize a single creep for more than 10 secs: This can only be achieve with Faery Dragon Aerie towers in The Crystal Lake level. Improve the ''Harder Crystal'' ability and hatch as many dragons as you can to make things easier.

Killer Tomatoes!
Defeat 500 enemies with the poison Vines: Venom Vines can only be found in Rockhenge, Grimmsburg, Neverwonder and The Unseelie Court. Click on the plant to release poisonous gas all around its bulb in a small radius.

Crimson Sentence 10 enemies in a single wave: You need level 4 ranged towers, Golden Longbows with the "Crimson Sentence" ability to achieve.

Kingsfoil Leaves
Give regeneration 25 times to the same soldier: You need level 4 melee towers, Forest Keepers with the "Circle of Life" ability to achieve.

Defeat 50 sleeping enemies: You need level 4 ranged towers, Arcane Archers with the "Slumber Arrows" ability to achieve.

Malik Unchained
Help Malik escape.
Watch the video below.

Collect the 3 strange skulls.
Watch the video below.

My Lord Bag of Rice
Defeat Baj'Nimen the hateful warlord: Complete the level "Duredhel Outskirts", campaign mode.

Nimloth the Fair
Stun 200 enemies with the white trees' power: The Sleeping Tree is an enchanted tree that when tapped releases a glittering powder that sends all nearby enemies to sleep for 4 seconds. Can only be found in Duskwood Outpost.

No Pain, No Gain
Deal over 100,000 damage with Sylvan Curses: You need level 4 artillery towers, Arch-Druid Henge with the "Sylvan Curse" ability to achieve.

Not Today!
Complete 7 stages without the hero dying.

Off with your head!
Defeat Bram the Beheader: Complete the level "Beheader's Seat", campaign mode.

Only counts as one
Defeat 10 enemies with a single thunderbolt power.

Find the three playing friends.
Watch the video below.

Peerless Defender
Complete the Campaign in Impossible difficulty: You need to beat the main campaign once (in any difficulty) to unlock the impossible difficulty.

Pest Control
Kill 100 Mounted Avengers.

Phantom Zoned
Keep enemies out of time for a total of 1000 seconds: You need level 4 magic towers, High Elven Mage with the "Timelapse" ability to achieve.

Earn 3 stars on each Faery Grove campaign stage. Faery Grove levels are Rockhenge, Grimmsburg, The Crystal Lake, Neverwonder and The Unseelie Court.

Rambo Style
Defeat 50 flying enemies with Arcane Burst arrows: You need level 4 ranged towers, Arcane Archers with the "Burst Arrows" ability to achieve.

Red Five
Complete any stage with 5 active arcane sentinels: You need level 4 magic towers, High Elven Mage with the "Arcane Sentinel" ability to achieve.
Achievements PART 3
Robin Of Elfwood
Earn 3 stars on each Elven Woods campaign stage: The levels are Gray Ravens, The High Cross, Waterfalls Trail, Redwood Stand, Royal Gardens and Gryphon Point.

Earn 50 stars.

Find the matching bushes.
Watch the video below.

Shenzi, Banzai & Ed
End stage 3 without scaring more than 3 hyenas.
Watch the video below.

Shroom Says
Complete a 9 tap challenge of the Shroom game.
Watch the video below.

Build a Level 4 tower on every holder of a stage.

Sorcerer's Apprentice
Find the three apprentice relics!
Watch the video below.

Earn all stars from each Campaign stage.

Earn 30 stars.

Earn 15 stars.

Supreme Defender
Complete the Campaign in Veteran difficulty.

Tauriel Apprentice
Make 600 Blade Dance moves: You need level 4 melee towers, Bladesinger Hall with the "Blade Dance" ability to achieve.

The Art of War
Read all tip cards.

The Banner Saga
Have Bolverk kill 100 enemies: Bolverk is a secondary hero who's only available in Tainted Pit, campaign mode.

The bigger they are...
Defeat 7 Golems before they walk past half the stage: Twilight Golems only appears in The Ascent, Arcane Quarters, Mactans' Retreat, Shrine of Elynie, Duskwood Outpost, Duredhel Outskirts and Twilight Invasion.

The Bone Collector
Collect 100,000 gold from defeated enemies.

The Pick of Destiny
Defeat Godieth the Dark Balrog: Complete the level "Tainted Pit", campaign mode.

Truth or Dare
Call 13 or more early waves on any given stage.

Valar Morghulis
Mark a total of 5 targets simultaneously: You need level 4 ranged towers, Golden Longbows with the "Hunter's Mark" ability to achieve.

Vorpal Blade
Defeat 5 Bandersnatches only by dealing them damage: Bandersnatches are giant, porcupine-like creatures that roll quickly. They can be found in Grimmsburg, The Crystal Lake and The Unseelie Court.

War never changes
Have 1,500 of your own soldiers defeated in battle.

We are the Champions
Defeat the Spider Goddess!: Complete the level "Shrine of Elynie", campaign mode.

White rabbit
Scare 11 idle white rabbits!
Watch the video below.

Why so serious?
Defeat Hi-Hi Enha, the Gnoll Chieftain: Complete the level "Gryphon Point", campaign mode.

Wildfire harvest
Throw 1,000 burning nuts: You need level 4 artillery towers, Weirdwood with the "Fiery Nut" ability to achieve.

Wile E.
Help Wile E. capture the elusive bird.
Watch the video below.

Winter is coming
Freeze 100 enemies with the Sorcerer's Stones: When tapped on, a Sorcerer's Stone will cast a random spell (freeze, magical beam, boost attack power). They are found througout The Ascent, Arcane Quarters, Mactans' Retreat and Shrine of Elynie.
「F」- TOMAS 12 Jul, 2023 @ 9:23pm 
Thanks! this is one of the best game guides i have seen. I just finished the main campaign, but the extra levels havent unlocked? How does it work?, do i have to get 3 stars on every main level?