Empyrion - Galactic Survival

Empyrion - Galactic Survival

318 ratings
SI - Phanes AX5 [T1]
Blueprint: Small Vessel
Custom: Airtight
Tags: Blueprint
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284.408 KB
17 Jun, 2020 @ 8:28am
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SI - Phanes AX5 [T1]

In 1 collection by MoMo
S.M.A.R.T. Industries (EN/FR)
31 items
Our reverse engineering team have worked hard on "fox443" and "gorodoff" SV to create a tier 1 level 5 multicrew SV. With this little one you will be able to take your first steps on the moon of your home planet.

Okay, I think I will stop here to play it RP this time ... I had this project in mind : Creating a new starter SV with an interior cockpit and spherical hull. The SV build by "fox443" and modified by "gorodoff" was the perfect match for what I wanted to do. So thanks to both of them for allowing me to build my own version.

Note : All my ships have been upgraded for Alpha 12. Let me know if there is a problem.

  • SMART Design : Compact, Multirole, Cheap, good value for money, automatic doors, upgradable, compatible with all game restrictions (Mass ; CPU ; Open Thruster Exhaust Path ...).

  • Starter : SV Class 1 ; CPU Tier 1 ; Unlock Level 5

  • Multirole : Exploration ; POI looting ; Base defense ; Space Shipyard exploitation ; Transport

  • Other features : Regular steel hull & composite ; 1 O2 station ; 1 fridge ; 1 armor locker ; 1 detector ; 4 Gatlings ; 1000 SU cargo ; 1000 SU ammo container

  • This SV can't warp jump ! (level 10 equipment)

Tips :
  • To change camera distance on external view : press ALT, release, then scroll down with your mouse, press ALT again and the camera distance will be saved.

  • In space you need a light armor to move when you leave your seat. Press "J" to activate your jetpack.

  • Don't forget to fill up with oxygen before going into space.

  • Your character is always perpendicular to the planet's surface and not with the floor of the ship. You could get stuck if you don't land on a straight surface.

  • It's a tier 1 level 5 SV. Remember, it's a pretty weak ship. With 4 gattlings you will be able to take down drones but avoid stronger ennemies like Zirax Base with the non-upgraded version ...

Drone by fox443 (original author)
Drone 166 mk V - Oblivion by gorodoff (Variant)

Notre équipe de rétro ingénierie a travallé sur un vaisseau produit par "fox443" et ayant subi une première modification par gorodof. Avec ce vaisseau vous pourrez faire vos premiers pas sur la lune de votre planète de départ.

  • Design intelligent : Compact, Multi rôle, faible investissement, supporte les restrictions de mass/volume, portes automatiques , sous la limite du CPU.

  • Pour débuter : Vaisseau de classe 1 qui se débloque dès le niveau 5 avec peu de minerai

  • Multi rôle : Transporteur, exploration, exploitation des points d'intérêt, exploitation des cimetières d'épaves

  • Autres caractéristiques : châssis en acier/composite , 1 station O2, 1 frigo, 1 casier à armure, 1 détecteur, 1000 SU de capacité de cargo et de munition.

  • Ce vaisseau ne peut PAS effectuer de saut entre les planètes ! (Équipement de niveau 10)

Astuces :
  • Pour changer la distance de la caméra dans la vue externe : Pressez la touche ALT puis relâchez la, ensuite utilisez la molette. Pressez ALT à nouveau pour sauvegarder la position.

  • Dans l'espace vous avez besoin d'une armure sur votre personnage pour vous déplacez, n'oubliez pas d'activer vos propulseurs en appuyant sur la touche "J".

  • N'oubliez pas de remplir les reservoirs d'oxygène avant d'aller dans l'espace.

  • Votre personnage est toujours perpendiculaire à la surface de la planète et non au plancher du vaisseau. Vous pourriez vous retrouver coincé si vous n'atterrissez pas sur une surface plane.

  • Vous pouvez améliorer ce vaisseau si vous voulez l'utiliser plus loin dans le jeu. Il vous suffit de placer un extenseur de CPU T2, d'ajouter un constructeur, de remplacer les propulseur S par des M (T2), et d'améliorer le blindage.
Luke 5 Jan @ 10:29am 

All of your designs are lovely, but I feel that the simplicity of this one makes it special.
ramonsanches 10 Sep, 2022 @ 4:15pm 
ToeJam & Earl ship :)
MoMo  [author] 15 Apr, 2021 @ 1:13pm 
It is my pleasure to know that @Pes
Pes 15 Apr, 2021 @ 4:38am 
Havent been playing the game long, but this is one of the first SV's I've grabbed off the workshop. And I'm in love, it feels great to fly and my buddies in our server keep gawking over the compact utilities and the way its all set up. I cant get over how great it is to use, lol
MoMo  [author] 29 Mar, 2021 @ 11:54am 
@VitaminT2 :
I don't think this one will get 250+ upvotes if players won't be able to take off. It's a T1 L5 SV with interior, don't miss this. You won't find a more functional starter SV ...

You're probably on a 1G+ planet. If you take a look on the last screenshoot, I show you how this one can be upgraded.
VitaminT2 27 Mar, 2021 @ 9:47pm 
Doesn't steer or take off well. Hard to control. Rate design and space as "A" but functionality a "F" Appreciate the creativity but save your mats. Cannot leave the ground.
Ramar 12 Nov, 2020 @ 11:38am 
Man, these drugs leave me stupid. I'm sorry. I should have said an SV. :)
MoMo  [author] 12 Nov, 2020 @ 11:30am 
I feel sorry for your illness @Ramar.
If you really like this SV you could just swap gatlings for mining lasers and add a CPU extender.
Note : Mining on planet with a CV is not possible.
Ramar 12 Nov, 2020 @ 11:21am 
LOL Just found your Hellbat! thanks! Should have finished looking first. :)
Ramar 12 Nov, 2020 @ 11:14am 
I have decided to go with the series you created, but I can't find a planetary mining CV. with Drill lasers. I'm an old man with stage 3 cancer and am just not good enough to rebuild this into a mining CV. I was wondering if you would be interested in adding a CV like this one with lasers for planetary mining? I'm hoping to keep all my ships in the same line.