Turok 2: Seeds of Evil

Turok 2: Seeds of Evil

117 beoordelingen
Turok 2: Seeds of Evil – Campaign Route
Door AustrAlien2010
A detailed guide describing a route to finish the campaign.
The guide uses written instructions and images.
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LEVEL 1 - Port of Adia
1. Distress Beacon 1
  • Distress Beacon 1 is in a chamber near a wagon, behind a hole in a wall.

Distress Beacon 1
2. Power Cell 1
  • Use a projectile to hit a barrel at the base of the nearest slope. (An explosion creates an opening in an adjacent wall.)
  • Move through this opening, then climb up a ladder, and follow the path to the right.
  • Power Cell 1 is located in the next chamber.

Power Cell 1
  • Bring Power Cell 1 to Distress Beacon 1.
3. Key 1
  • Continue following the path onward. Climb up a ladder. Walk through a tunnel. Wade through some water. (A teleporter is situated on a plateau, inside a chamber with shallow water in it.)
  • Enter that teleporter.

a teleporter on top of a plateau
  • Exit from the teleporter. Continue onward. Take a left turn.
  • Key 1 is located in the next chamber.

Key 1 on a pedestal
4. Child 1
  • Continue the way onward, and take a right turn. Crawl through a small tunnel in the wall. Move through the next doorway to the left, then dive into a water basin near a bridge, and swim through a flooded tunnel leading out of the basin.

a flooded tunnel
  • At the end of that tunnel, move onto land over some rubble. Then climb up a ladder. Keep to the right, and move over a suspended wooden walkway. If not already done, overcome an adversary standing on the wooden walkway. This opens a passageway to a lever. Switch it. (This opens a door below the walkway.)
  • Climb up a ladder at the far end of the walkway, and enter a passageway.
  • Continue travelling onward. When arriving at a lever, switch it. (A passageway next to the lever opens.)
  • Child 1 can now be heard crying, and is located in the next chamber.

Child 1 is trapped in a prison cage

To open the prison cage:
  • Go beyond the prison cage, following a path upstairs.
  • Upstairs, switch a lever to open the cage, then return downstairs, and rescue Child 1.
5. Distress Beacon 2
  • Return to the wooden walkway, anchored high into the wall of the chamber which has the water basin in it.
  • If not already done, switch the lever (which is accessible from the walkway), which opens the door below the walkway.
  • Go through that doorway below the walkway. Jump down to the ground floor, near the bridge, and enter a teleporter located in the centre of a meadow.
  • Exit from the teleporter, and follow a path to the right, around a ruined stone structure, then turn left towards a gate. Switch a lever near that gate. Then return to the ruined structure, and go through a now opened doorway to the right.
  • Follow the corridor, the corridor leads to an open area, and has a ladder placed next to a wall on the left. Climb up that ladder, and switch the lever on the plateau above it, to open the nearest gate below it. Go through that gate.
  • Beyond the gate, keep following the road, until arriving at a gate which automatically opens. Go through that gate, to an open area.
  • In the open area, there is a boat kept onshore. Near that boat is a high plateau, accessible by climbing over a few boxes and up a ladder.
  • Distress Beacon 2 is located on that plateau.

climb a few boxes to reach Distress Beacon 2
6. Power Cell 2
  • Near a gate which leads to the ocean, stands a barrel in front of a wall. Destroy that barrel to reveal Power Cell 2.

a wall blocks the way to Power Cell 2
  • Bring Power Cell 2 to Distress Beacon 2.
7. Distress Beacon 3
  • At the gate which leads into the ocean, go through the doorway nearest to it, and arrive at an open area, which has two boats kept ashore.
  • Distress Beacon 3 is secured to a wall, near a solemn box, which is standing on the same meadow as the boats are on.

Distress Beacon 3 is near two boats
8. Power Cell 3
  • Near the two boats, go up a slope (to the left of three closed gates), and switch a lever. (a gate nearby opens.)
  • Power Cell 3 is found behind that gate.

Power Cell 3 is behind a gate
  • Bring Power Cell 3 to Distress Beacon 3.
9. Child 2
  • Switch a lever to the left of Distress Beacon 3. (This causes the gate nearest to it, to open.)
  • Go through that gate, and continue going onward. Ignore a slope leading upwards, until arriving at a stack of six bundles of planks, with three boxes next to them.
  • Climb those boxes, and switch the lever, on top of the stack of planks. (This opens a gate on the plateau which was past earlier, and is accessible via the slope.)
  • Go up that slope, turn right, and go through the gate (near a fire).
  • Go onward over a drawbridge, and switch a lever next to Checkpoint Station: Port of Adia - Harbor. (Two gates next to each other will open, below the drawbridge.)
  • Jump down, and go through one of those gates. Then go right through a tunnel, which leads to a chamber with shallow water in it.
  • Wade through that water. Then climb up a ladder, and switch a lever. (A passageway opens, on the other side of the water.)

notice the open passageway on the other side of the water
  • Jump across the shallow water, towards the passageway, and through a tunnel, which leads to Child 2.

Child 2 is also in a prison cage

To open the prison cage:
  • Enter the chamber where Child 2 is held, and overcome some adversaries. (A passage opens, and has a lever beyond it.)
  • Switch that lever to open the prison cage, and rescue Child 2.
10. Key 2
  • Return to the chamber that has shallow water in it, then climb up the ladder, and turn right to locate another teleporter.
  • Enter that teleporter.

a teleporter leading to Key 2
  • Exit from the teleporter, and climb up a ladder, up to another chamber.
  • Key 2 is in that chamber.

Key 2 is in a gloomy environment
11. Key 3
  • After obtaining Key 2, go onward through a tunnel that leads to the chamber with the wooden walkway. (To the left, a door adjacent to the walkway is now open.)
  • Jump down on the walkway, turn left, and go to the recently opened doorway.
  • Go through that doorway, and go onward until reaching another teleporter on a meadow.
  • Enter that teleporter.
  • Exit from the teleporter, to an urban environment with a water fountain.
  • Enter a tower near the fountain, and switch a lever. (This opens a passageway behind the fountain's waterfalls.)

a lever is located inside the tower
  • Key 3 is found behind these waterfalls.

Key 3 is behind the waterfalls
12. Warp Portal 1 (feather)
  • Enter the alleyway right next to the fountain, and go onward until arriving at Warp Portal 1.
  • Go beyond Warp Portal 1, and press a warp portal switch. (This activates Warp Portal 1.)

a warp portal switch activates Warp Portal 1
  • Enter activated Warp Portal 1, where an altar may be found. (It's not possible to do anything at the altar now. Only after obtaining a mystical eagle feather, altars can be used.)
13. Primagen key 1 (foresight)
  • Go upwards through a passageway beyond Warp Portal 1.
  • On exiting the passageway, go along a house, by following the pavement. (The sound of a waterfall can be heard below, as the protagonist is now on the platform above the fountain.)
  • Behind four boxes there is a lever. Switch it. (A nearby doorway opens.)

search for some boxes near two palm trees above the fountain
  • Go through a doorway behind the boxes, and continue going onward. Look up to see Primagen Key 1.
  • Primagen Key 1 cannot be reached before obtaining the Leap of Faith talisman (which is obtainable at the River of Souls). (P.S. In the final section of this guide, all these keys will be located in sequence. The guide also allows them to be obtained anytime in between, after obtaining a talisman.)

foresight to Primagen Key 1
14. Child 3
  • After this foresight, return to the house on the plateau above the fountain, then turn right, and continue going onwards, until arriving at a house without a wall.
  • Beyond the house, follow the road, and locate a teleporter (next to Checkpoint Station: Port of Adia - Village).
  • Enter that teleporter.
  • Exit from the teleporter, go onward and turn right, until arriving at a ruined structure, which has collapsed, and is obstructing the way onward. Climb up on that rubble, and jump towards a ladder, which connects to a plateau.
  • Switch a lever on top of that plateau. (A hidden passageway below, opposite to the lever, and left of the the rubble, opens.)
  • After switching the lever, go through that passageway (it leads to Child 3).

a hidden passageway leads to Child 3
  • Go through the passageway, overcome all adversaries, and switch all levers, to locate Child 3.

the third prison cage

To open the prison cage:
  • Switch a lever opposite of the prison cage, and rescue Child 3.
15. Child 4
  • After rescuing Child 3, return to the rubble obstructing the path, and go over that rubble, towards the winged statues.
  • The waterfall on the right has two levers next to it. Switch them both. (A hidden entrance behind the nearest waterfall opens.)
  • Go through that entrance, and wade through the shallow water, until arriving at an archery range.
  • Inside the building, switch a lever. (This opens a nearby gate, behind some boxes.)
  • Go beyond that gate, and then go through a passageway.
  • On exiting the passageway, ignore a stairs which leads into a house, and instead enter the house through it's ground floor entrance, and switch a lever inside. (This lowers a drawbridge, and opens two nearby gates.)
  • After switching the lever, go outside, and around the house. Then go up a slope (next to the lowered drawbridge), and go through a passageway, which leads to the lowered drawbridge.
  • After crossing the drawbridge, enter a teleporter.
  • Exit from the teleporter. Turn right, go down a slope, and past two houses. Then climb up, on top some boxes, and switch a lever. (An entrance opens, behind those boxes.)

a lever opens a hidden entrance behind some boxes
  • Go through the entrance behind the boxes, and down a hole, to get a view on Child 4, which is located behind a fence, and imprisoned in a prison cage.

the final prison cage is located behind a fence

To open the prison cage:
  • In the chamber with the fence, go through a tunnel to the right, go down a hole, and onward and upwards, past the prison cage. (Drawbridges will automatically lower when in close proximity to them.)
  • Upon reaching the upper section of the chamber with the prison cage, switch a lever. (This opens an entrance to a teleporter on the ground floor, and also opens the prison cage.)
  • After switchting the lever, jump down onto the prison cage, and rescue Child 4.
16. Key 4
  • At the prison cage, jump down from the plateau, to the ground floor below it, and enter the teleporter.
  • Exit from the teleporter, and go through the passageway, and back outside. Then return to the house which has a slope next to it.
  • Go up that slope, and jump onto the roof of the house.
  • From the roof of the house, jump into a small chamber close to the roof, and switch a lever. (This opens the gate in front of the house.)

a switch is accessible from the roof of a house
  • Go through the recently opened gate, and switch the lever on the right. (This opens a gate right next to the boxes (which have the hidden entrance behind them.))
  • Go beyond the opened gate, and through a passageway, then along some collapsed structures, and go up a slope.
  • Switch the lever located on top of that slope. (This opens a gate in the opposite direction.)
  • Enter a teleporter behind the now opened gate.
  • Exit from the teleporter, turn left, and switch a lever near a big gate. (The big gate will open.)
  • Situated on the balcony of the next house, is Key 4.
  • Go along the left side of that house (notice the retracted ladder when passing by), and then go inside of the house through it's main entrance, and switch a lever inside a chamber. (A hidden entrance somewhere else in the house opens up.)
  • Go out of the house, and return back towards the big gate, then turn around, and enter the house through it's backdoor.
  • Go past the previously hidden entrance, and switch a lever behind some bookcases. (The ladder outside will now extend.)
  • Go out of the house through it's backdoor, and climb up that ladder, to obtain Key 4.

Key 4 is situated on the balcony of a house
17. Key 5
  • After obtaining Key 4, enter the attic of the house.
  • Once inside the attic, switch a lever. (A gate near the ground floor entrance of the house opens, and leads to a teleporter.)
  • Enter that teleporter.
  • On exiting the teleporter, turn left, and switch a lever near some boxes. (This causes two nearby gates to open.)
  • Enter the gate to the right, and go through an alleyway, until arriving at Checkpoint Station: Port of Adia - City. Then turn left through a tunnel, and turn right when arriving at a wooden walkway, suspended above an abyss.
  • Turn right, and follow that walkway, jump down at the end, and onto the next walkway.
  • Continue going onward through a sequence of walkways, passageways, and ladders. (At some point, it is needed to overcome some adversaries from a distance.)
  • The walkboard section ends, as soon a Warp Portal can be seen in the far distance.

a Warp Portal can be seen in the far distance
  • Jump down from the walkway, then climb up a ladder to the left (near two boxes), and switch a lever. (This opens a gate, near the two boxes, and reveals another ladder.)
  • Climb up that ladder, and obtain Key 5.

Key 5 has company
18. Key 6
  • After obtaining Key 5, return outside, and climb up two ladders at a scaffolding.
  • At the top of the scaffolding, go through a passageway.
  • On exiting from that passageway, climb up a ladder to the left, and switch a lever. (A nearby drawbridge opens.)
  • After switching the lever, climb up a ladder opposite to it, and go up a passageway, and over the drawbridge, and go through another passageway.
  • After descending through that passageway (it debouches into an alley, which has two bridges spanning across it), climb up a ladder at the far end of the alley, and go over either bridges to get across the alley, and arrive at a large building with a fountain in front of it's entrance.

a fountain in front of a large building
  • Go beyond the fountain, and go up into the large building, and obtain Key 6 from it's balcony.

Key 6 is situated on the balcony of the large building
19. Warp Portal 2 (nuke)
  • Inside the large building, switch four levers. (This opens a gate somewhere earlier, far away from the large building, in the distance, beyond the fountain and the two bridges.)

the far gate leads to a nuke weapon part
  • Go through that far gate, and go through a passageway, to find Warp Portal 2.
  • To open Warp Portal 2, jump down on the walkway below it, and press a warp portal switch. (This opens Warp Portal 2.)
  • After pressing the warp portal switch, enter Warp Portal 2, and obtain a nuke weapon part.

on the walkway below, is a warp portal switch that opens Warp Portal 2
  • After obtaining a nuke weapon part, exit from the Port of Adia through it's exit warp portal, by returning to the alley, and go through it's final sections.
LEVEL 2 - River of Souls
1. Key 1
  • Mount a triceratops, and ride the triceratops to a far away stable. (To get there, destroy some turrets and artillery cannons.)
  • After reaching the stable, dismount, then climb up a ladder, and discover a teleporter near Checkpoint Station: River of Souls - City Entrance.
  • Enter the teleporter.
  • Exit from the teleporter, then lower a drawbridge (by hitting two levers near the bridge, with projectiles). A War Blade may also be present in this area.
  • Beyond the bridge, go through a tunnel, and turn right, and go through another tunnel.
  • After exiting the second tunnel, go through a hole in a wall, and discover another drawbridge.
  • Lower that drawbridge, by hitting a nearby lever with a projectile.
  • After the drawbridge, and upon reaching an intersection, follow either path up, and discover a teleporter.
  • Enter that teleporter.
  • Exit from the teleporter, and notice Key 1 situated higher up, on a plateau.

Key 1 is situated at a seemingly unreachable place
  • Jump down into the alley below, and follow the alley upwards. Circle around the plateau, and obtain Key 1.

obtain Key 1 by circling around it
2. Warp Portal 1 (nuke)
  • After obtaining Key 1, jump down into the alley, and go in either direction.
  • At the next meadow is a doorway, near a slope leading upwards.
  • Go through that doorway, and keep going onward, and going upwards.
  • Upon reaching a drawbridge, jump down, and overcome some adversaries for the drawbridge to lower.
  • Go over the lowered drawbridge, and turn left. Notice a green decorated door on the left, while following the path to the right.
  • Somewhere down the road, there at a barrel standing near a wall, and a drawbridge opposite to it. Hit that barrel with a projectile (this creates a hole in the wall behind it), then switch a lever behind it. (This opens the green decorated door.)
  • After switching the lever, go through the (now openen) green decorated door, then upwards through a corridor, and then over a bridge at a high altitude.
  • Beyond the bridge, use a projectile to hit the lever across the poisonous river. (This opens the drawbridge below, granting passage to a teleporter.)

use a projectile to hit a lever across the poisonous river
  • Return to the drawbridge below, and enter a teleporter.
  • Exit from the teleporter, and discover Checkpoint Station: River of Souls - Palace Entrance to the right, then go up a slope, and go through a corridor, until arriving at a plateau.
  • Climb up on the plateau by using a ladder, and go beyond a doorway to discover a luxurious gate, which needs to be unlocked by two keys, locked away underneath two nearby aqueducts.

a central slope leading to a palace
  • There are two high altitude walkways, spanning both sides of the area. Go over the high altitude walkway to the right side, and switch a lever. (This opens a hidden passageway to the right side of the central slope.)
  • Go through that passageway, and switch a lever near Warp Portal 1. (Switching the lever grants access to both keys below the aqueducts, which are required to gain entry into the palace.)
  • Use the keys to open the main gate, and enter the palace, go left beyond a pond, towards a closed gate, then switch a lever next to it. (This opens the gate.)
  • Go through the recently opened gate, then climb up on some boxes, and on a stack of planks, and press a warp portal switch. (This activates Warp Portal 1.)
  • Return to Warp Portal 1, and enter it, to obtain a nuke weapon part.

a Warp Portal leading to a nuke weapon part
3. Soul Gate 1
  • Go back inside the palace, and dive into the pond. Swim through an underwater tunnel, and switch a lever. (On the surface, a door right next to the pond opens.)
  • Swim back to the surface, and go through that door, and enter a teleporter next to some planks.
  • Exit from the teleporter, then turn left. While following that path, notice the building higher up, which has a bridge near it.

a building in the distance with a bridge near it
  • After having seen the bridge, use a projectile to hit a solemn explosive barrel with, in a corner, and to the left of a shelter with a flat yellow roof. (A wall is destroyed, and now allows passage.)
  • Go through that passage, and up the passageway, until arriving at at a drawbridge. Use a projectile to hit a lever which lowers the drawbridge, and go over it.
  • After crossing the drawbridge, continue following the passageway, until arriving at a decorated green door. Switch a lever next to it. (This opens the green door.)
  • After switching the lever, go onward, and through that door, until arriving at the rear of the previously mentioned building.
  • At the rear of the building, go around the building, to the front, then over the bridge, and then switch a lever. (This opens an entrance into the building.)
  • After switching the lever, enter the building and switch another lever inside. (This opens a doorway outside, higher up a plateau, further beyond the rear of the building.)
  • After switching the lever inside, exit from the building, then return to the rear of the building, and go up a slope to access this higher plateau.
  • From that plateau higher up, go beyond the opened doorway, to destroy Soul Gate 1.

the path further up, beyond the building, leads to Soul Gate 1
4. Sister of Despair 1
  • After destroying Soul Gate 1, go beyond the sarcophagus, past a doorway, then go up through a passageway, and enter a teleporter.
  • Exit from the teleporter, and go down a corridor, until arriving at an open area, with at it's centre a shelter.

before reaching a shelter, take a right turn, along a ledge
  • Do not go to the shelter, but instead go over the narrow ridge to the right (it's adjacent to the outside wall which surrounds the area).
  • Follow the ridge to a far doorway to the right, which connects to a doorway above it, leading to a walkway that houses a lever.
  • Switch that lever, up on the walkway. (This opens a passage near the puddle of water below.)
  • After switching the lever, jump down to the puddle of water below, and go onward through a tunnel, which transitions into a trench.
  • When the trench makes a left turn, climb up a ladder, which leads to a shelter.
  • From underneath the shelter, go up to an elevation near a fountain, and switch a lever. (This enables further passage, down through the trench.)
  • Continue onward through the trench. At it's end, climb up a stairs, beyond some fountains, until arriving at an obelisk.
  • Upon arriving at the obelisk, hit two levers with a projectile near the obelisk. (This raises the obelisk, and reveals a teleporter.)
  • Enter the teleporter underneath the obelisk.

an obelisk
  • Exit from the teleporter, and climb up a ladder, then turn right, and go through a low passageway.
  • In the passageway, take the first right turn, and then swim through an underwater passageway.
  • After swimming through the passageway, emerge on the other side, and go up a slope to a chamber, by using either left-, or right doorway. (Both doorways close, after passing through.)
  • Once trapped, use a projectile to hit a button, situated high up the wall between the two closed doorways, to escape from that chamber.

look for a button on the wall
  • On exiting the chamber with the trap, turn right, and go through a low passageway, avoid the ladder, and swim through the final part of the passageway.
  • Emerge from the water in front of the gates of a crypt, and enter a teleporter beyond that gate, and then banish Sister of Despair 1.

a gate to a crypt
5. Sister of Despair 2
  • After banishing Sister of Despair 1, exit her crypt through a teleporter, and swim through an underwater passageway.
  • After resurfacing, press four buttons at the base of a pillar. (Pressing these four buttons opens four drawbridges above, and extends two nearby ladders.)
  • Climb up a ladder, then go over the first two extended drawbridges, then through a passageway, and over the final two drawbridges. Then go through another passageway, and go into a teleporter.
  • Exit from the teleporter, turn right, then climb up a ladder, and jump down all the way down to the ground floor.
  • Keep going onward, through a tunnel, and then up a slope to the left, through a corridor, and through a street (with shelters on both sides), and after that go through another corridor.
  • On exiting that corridor, there is another street with shelters on both sides. Search for an solemn explosive barrel, at the the far end of the street (underneath a shelter). Use a projectile to hit the barrel with. (The explosion will create a hole in the adjacent wall, creating a passage.)

there is a barrel at the far end of the street
  • Go through that passage in the wall to the left, and then go through a low passageway.
  • In the low passageway, take a right turn at the intersection.
  • When the passageway ends, look for a button on the wall outside, while remaining in the low passageway. Hit the button with a projectile. (Below, some metal rods are withdrawn, granting access to a passageway on the other side of a poisonous pond.)
  • Go through that passageway, and go right at the next intersection, and take another right turn after that. Then switch a lever. (Somewhere out of sight, another set of rods are withdrawn.)
  • After switching the lever, return to the intersection, and continue on going south, and beyond (the now) withdrawn metal rods.
  • At the first intersection after the rods, turn right, and locate a teleporter.
  • Enter the teleporter, and then banish Sister of Despair 2 on a graveyard.

the teleporter to Sister of Despair 2
6. Key 2
  • After banishing Sister of Despair 2, exit through a teleporter from her graveyard, and go back through the low passageway.
  • Once inside the low passageway, take two turns to the right, and then climb a ladder.
  • After climbing up the ladder, jump down, and go past a decorated door, go up through a corridor, until arriving at a bridge.
  • Jump down from that bridge (avoid jumping in the poisonous pond), and go through the passageway which has no withdrawn metal rods.
  • Follow that passageway, take a turn to the right, and go back through the hole which was created in the wall earlier, to return to the street with shelters on both sides.
  • After going through the hole in the wall, keep going onward, and take a left turn, and go through the unexplored corridor. At the intersection, take a right turn, and a left turn at the intersection after that, and enter a chamber with four ponds.

four ponds inside a chamber with spiders
  • One of these ponds has an underwater corridor. Swim through that underwater corridor, to find Key 2.

Key 2 also has some treasure below it
7. Sister of Despair 3
  • After obtaining Key 2, swim back through the underwater corridor, to the chamber which has the four ponds in it.
  • Leave that chamber, and turn left at the intersection. Go onward, until arriving at a lever near a decorated door. Switch that lever. (The decorated door will open.)
  • Go through that doorway, then go through a corridor, then go trough an alley, and go into another chamber with a decorated door (which automatically opens once approached).
  • When arriving at a pond near a shelter. Turn left, and enter the teleporter.
  • Exit from the teleporter to discover a large shelter, with a Warp Portal 2 underneath. (Notice that higher up, a gate can be seen.)

Warp Portal 2 underneath a large shelter
  • Go beyond the large shelter (with Warp Portal 2 underneath it), and go over a bridge which spans over a channel to the right. (Notice the Brown Eagle Feather higher up.)
  • After crossing the bridge, go through a corridor, and arrive at an area which contains a warp portal switch. Press it. (This activates Warp Portal 2.)
  • Continue onward and upwards, through the next corridor, turn left at the intersection, over a high bridge, beyond Checkpoint Station: Port of Adia - Courtyard, go down through a shaft, and through a decorated door (which automatically opens).
  • Turn right up the next slope, the slope leads towards a gate, with a teleporter behind it.
  • Enter the teleporter to a graveyard, and banish Sister of Despair 3.

a slope leading to the final sister
8. Key 3
  • After banishing Sister of Despair 3, return to the teleporter, and exit from her graveyard.
  • Exit from the teleporter, and go down the slope leading from the gate, then turn right, through a decorated door.
  • Exit from the teleporter, and go down the slope leading from the gate, then turn right, through a decorated door.

a decorated door leads to Key 3
  • Go through the corridor beyond the decorated door, and through an open area which has a shelter, and back into another corridor.
  • In that corridor, take a right turn at the intersection, then take a left turn, and go upwards, passing by a slope, until arriving at a second decorated door.
  • Go through that door, then over a high bridge. Overcome some adversaries, and enter a building.
  • Obtain Key 3 from that building.

Key 3 is in a building beyond a high bridge
9. Soul Gate 2
  • After obtaining Key 3, switch a lever behind the pedestal the key was on. (This opens a doorway to the Soul Gate 2, beyond the slope past earlier.)

a lever behind the pedestal Key 3 was on, opens the doorway to Soul Gate 2
  • Go to Soul Gate 2, by going back back over the high bridge, down the corridor, through the decorated door to the left, and up the slope (which leads to Soul Gate 2).

two adversaries in combat in front of the second soul gate
10. Warp Portal 2 (feather)
  • After destroying Soul Gate 2, return to the path down the slope, away from Soul Gate 2.
  • Go through the decorated door below, and turn right at the intersection towards the high bridge.
  • At the bridge, jump down from it, into a pond below.
  • Go up the slope, past a gate with a teleporter behind it, and jump down to the large shelter.
  • Go beyond the large shelter, to the canal, and notice a Brown Eagle Feather higher up.

an eagle feather seen from the large shelter
  • Go across the bridge which spans over the canal, then go through a corridor, and arrive at an area where there is a warp portal switch. Press it, if not already done. (This activates Warp Portal 2.)
  • After activating Warp Portal 2, go into the corridor, next to the warp portal switch, and keep following it, ignore the intersection which leads to a high bridge.
  • After going through the corridor, and when arriving at the high plateau, take the Brown Eagle Feather from the plateau.

the Brown Eagle Feather on top a high plateau
  • From the high plateau, jump down to the other side of the canal, to the right, and switch a lever. (Nearby, a wall lowers, and enables passage further up the canal, and to an exit warp portal (which should be avoided for now).)
  • After switching the lever, enter Warp Portal 2 at the large shelter, and obtain the Leap of Faith talisman.
11. Primagen Key 2 (foresight)
  • To locate the the passage which leads to Primagen Key 2, look at the far side of the canal, on a plateau where there is a shelter with a flat yellow roof. (Accessible by jumping down from the high plateau, where the Brown Eagle Feather used to be.)
  • Once on the lower plateau, destroy an explosive barrel to create a passage through a wall, underneath the shelter with the yellow roof.

on the other side of the canal, is a passageway to Primagen Key 2
  • It's not possible to do anything now, but after obtaining both the Leap of Faith talisman, from the River of Souls (from level 2), as well as the Breath of Life talisman, from the Death Marshes (from level 3), it is possible to gain access to this key.

Primagen Key 2 can be seen from the large shelter
  • This is the end of the River of Souls. Dive into the canal, near the large shelter, and swim to the exit portal. (Primagen Key 2 will be collected later, in the final section of this guide.)
LEVEL 3 - Death Marshes
1. Key 1
  • Go north, over a log bridge, to a nearby rock formation.
  • Jump down across some smaller rock formations, to get to the left side of a marsh, and on the next large rock formation.

jump from rock formation to rock formation to get to the left side of a marsh
  • After reaching the large rock formation on the left side of the marsh, continue going north over another log bridge, and to the right side of the marsh, along a path that leads onward.
  • At the end of that path, jump across a broken bridge to a path to the left side of the marsh, and continue along that path.
  • At the end of that path (near a wasp hive), take a left turn, and follow a path through a valley.
  • At the end of that path, turn right, and go over a floating log bridge, and towards another marsh.
  • Key 1 is situated across that marsh (beyond some floating log bridges), and at the beginning of a swamp.

key 1 is hard to miss
2. Prisoner 1
  • Go through the swamp, and past some banners.
  • Jump across smaller partly submerged rock formations to cross another marsh. (There is a settlement beyond that marsh.)

more perilous jumps
  • Prisoner 1 is at the far end of that settlement, beyond a bridge.
  • Take the locks off the prison cage, and rescue the Prisoner 1.

Prisoner 1 is held prisoner at the settlement
4. Ammo Storage Facility 1
  • After rescuing Prisoner 1, return to the nearby bridge (which led to the prison cage), and jump from that bridge towards a narrow ledge, across a marsh.
  • Jump on some rocks, and then towards solid ground, and obtain Satchel Charge 1.

jump towards a narrow ledge, and obtain Satchel Charge 1
  • After obtaining Satchel Charge 1, climb up a ladder. (Do not enter a teleporter after climbing up the ladder.)
  • Instead, remove four locks from a nearby armoury, and enter the teleporter inside the armoury. (This teleporter leads to Ammo Storage Facility 1.)
  • Destroy Ammo Storage Facility 1 by bringing Satchel Charge 1 to the largest ammo box at the back of a cave, and escape the explosion by exiting through the teleporter which was used to access that area.
  • After destroying Ammo Storage Facility 1, and exiting from the teleporter, enter the other teleporter, outside of the armoury.

a locked armoury
5. Key 2
  • After exiting the teleporter, go onward, and discover Checkpoint Station: Death Marshes 1.
  • After passing Checkpoint Station: Death Marshes 1, jump over two log bridges and a rock formation, to reach the other side of the marsh.

another hazardous stretch
  • On the other side of the marsh, is a settlement in a swamp.
  • At the far end of that settlement is Key 2. (Follow the central road, which leads through the settlement, to reach it.)

Key 2 is at the far end of the settlement
6. Warp Portal 1 (nuke)
  • After obtaining Key 2, enter a building behind the pedestal it was on, and go into a teleporter.
  • Exit from the teleporter, then turn left, and follow the high bridge which runs above the protagonist, and across a marsh and a swamp.
  • Follow the high bridge through the swamp, then go through a large settlement, until arriving at a tower.
  • Climb up that tower to get a bird view. Discover Checkpoint Station: Death Marshes 3 to the west of the tower.

a tower offers a bird view
  • Climb down from the tower, go over a nearby bridge that spans across a marsh, and go through a swamp that runs through a valley.
  • Do not enter the teleporter on the other side of that swamp. Instead turn right, and press a warp portal switch behind a wall. (This activates Warp Portal 1.)

a warp portal switch behind a wall activates Warp Portal 1
  • After pressing the warp portal switch that activated Warp Portal 1, return to the tower which offered a bird view earlier.
  • Climb up on that tower, then jump down from that tower to the roof of the nearest building, and go over a tree trunk into an enclosure.
  • Enter Warp Portal 1 within that enclosure, and obtain a nuke weapon part.

climb up a tower, to reach Warp Portal 1
7. Primagen Key 3 (foresight)
  • After obtaining the nuke weapon part, return to the tower, near Checkpoint Station: Death Marshes 3.

a part of Checkpoint Station: Death Marshes 3 is shown in the lower-right
  • From the tower, travel back through the large settlement.
  • Continue travelling back, along the high bridge, which runs above the protagonist.
  • Keep travelling back by following the high bridge, all the way back, to where the bridge originates in a rock formation.
  • An underwater passageway, in the marsh below, leads to Primagen Key 3. (It's not reachable before obtaining the Breath of Life talisman, from the Death Marshes (from level 3).)

there is a passageway in a marsh, below a bridge segment connected to a rock formation.
8. Ammo Storage Facility 2
  • After this foresight of the marsh tunnel that leads to Primagen Key 3, return to Checkpoint Station: Death Marshes 3, by following the high bridge, which runs above the protagonist, then through the large settlement, and back to the tower.
  • From the tower, turn left, over the bridge, and go through the swamp that runs through the valley.
  • Enter the teleporter at the end of the swamp.
  • Exit from the teleporter, and follow a wooden bridge over a marsh, to the west, and past a blue banner, until having a view on Satchel Charge 2.

Satchel Charge 2 can be seen across a marsh
  • To obtain Satchel Charge 2, climb up a nearby tower, and jump down into the enclosure where Satchel Charge 2 is situated.
  • Obtain Satchel Charge 2, climb up out of the enclosure, by using a ladder, and return to the teleporter used to enter the area.
  • At the teleporter, climb up a tower, near a high bridge and a yellow banner, near the teleporter used to access the area.
  • Close to the tower, jump across a marsh to reach that tower.
  • After climbing up the tower, jump down from the tower, and go over a log, to reach an armoury door, secured by four locks.

an armoury can be reached from a tower near a high bridge
  • Remove the locks, and enter the teleporter inside the armoury.
  • Destroy Ammo Storage Facility 2, by bringing Satchel Charge 2 to the largest ammo box at the back of a cave, and escape the explosion by exiting through the teleporter that was used to enter Ammo Storage Facility 2.
9. Prisoner 2
  • After exiting from the teleporter from Ammo Storage Facility 2, return to the tower near the enclosure (where Satchel Charge 2 was).
  • From that tower, go south, and jump across three floating logs over a marsh.

cross another marsh, by getting over three floating logs
  • After the logs, enter an encampment by climbing up a tower.
  • After climbing up the tower, jump down from the tower, into the encampment, and enter a teleporter inside a building.
  • Exit from the teleporter, and go over a high bridge.
  • At the end of that high bridge, turn right, and jump across a gap, towards a nearby rock formation.

jump across a gap, to the next rock formation
  • After crossing the gap, continue onwards, and go inside a building.

enter the building, to reach a plateau above it
  • Exit from the building from it's backdoor, go up a slope, and discover Checkpoint Station: Death Marshes 2. Then go into a teleporter.
  • Exit from the teleporter, and then past a gate decorated with three purple banners, and walk over a lengthy high bridge.
  • Nearing the end of the bridge, look to the right, to locate the prison cage.
  • Jump down on the prison cage, and remove the locks to rescue Prisoner 2.

Prisoner 2 can be located at the end of a lengthy bridge
10. Prisoner 3
  • After rescuing Prisoner 2, climb up a ladder, near the prison cage.
  • After climbing up the ladder, go through a large gate, and enter a teleporter.
  • Exit from the teleporter, and walk through a narrow passage, to the left of that teleporter.

there is a narrow passageway, to the left of the teleporter
  • After the narrow passageway, crawl through a hole in a wall.
  • A prison cage is located to the left. Remove the locks, and rescue Prisoner 3.

Prisoner 3 is very close to Prisoner 4
11. Prisoner 4
  • After rescuing Prisoner 3, look for Prisoner 4, in the same area.
  • Remove the locks, and rescue Prisoner 4.

Prisoner 4 is in the same area as Prisoner 3
12. Warp Portal 2 (feather)
  • After rescuing both prisoners, keep following a path along a marsh.
  • At a tree, look upwards to see the Blue Eagle Feather, and Warp Portal 2.

beyond a tree, jump over a marsh towards a ladder
  • Beyond the tree, jump towards a ladder on the other side of the marsh, and climb up.
  • After climbing up the ladder, notice a broken wall segment, this broken wall segment can be used to climb up the wall, which is essential to do. Climb up that broken wall segment.

climb up a broken wall segment to get on that wall
  • Once on the wall, turn around, and jump from one of the two vertical wall reinforcement pieces, to the wall on the other side (where the Blue Eagle Feather is).
  • After obtaining the Blue Eagle Feather, keep walking over the top of the wall, and take a right turn at the intersection.
  • The wall ends at a ledge, follow that ledge along another wall.
  • There is another broken wall segment, at the end of that wall. Climb up on that broken wall segment, and press a warp portal switch. (This activates Warp Portal 2.)

another broken (and climbable) wall segment
  • Return to Warp Portal 2 (near the first broken wall segment), and obtain the Breath of Life talisman.
13. Prisoner 5
  • After obtaining the Breath of Life talisman, exit Warp Portal 2, and walk over a tree log over a marsh, then over a wall, and jump down from the wall, towards a high tree.
  • Beyond that high tree, go through a doorway with a torch close to it.

jump down from the wall, towards the high tree
  • Go through that doorway, and locate a prison cage.
  • Remove the lock, and rescue Prisoner 5.

Prisoner 5 is nor far from a warp portal switch
14. Ammo Storage Facility 3
  • After rescuing Prisoner 5, return to the climbable wall section (near Warp Portal 2).
  • Climb up that wall, turn around, and make the jump to the other side.
  • Once on the wall segment on the other side, follow the wall to the intersection.
  • At the intersection, turn left, then make a leap to the prison cage, and obtain Satchel Charge 3.

Satchel Charge 3 is on a prison cage
  • After obtaining Satchel Charge 3, jump down from the prison cage, and continue onwards, passing by a barred off gate.
  • After passing by the barred off gate, enter a teleporter.
  • Exit from the teleporter, and move up a hill.
  • Up the hill, go through a passage, and notice a ladder to the left.
  • Climb up the ladder, and over a wall segment, to reach an armoury.
  • Remove the locks from the armoury, and enter the teleporter inside.
  • Destroy Ammo Storage Facility 3 by bringing Satchel Charge 3 to the largest ammo box at the back of a cave, and escape the explosion by exiting through the teleporter which was used to access the area.

bring Satchel Charge 3, from the prison cage, to the armoury
15. Key 3
  • After destroying Ammo Storage Facility 3, and leaving the armoury, enter a teleporter to the south, past the wall segment.

go through the southern teleporter
  • Exit from the teleporter, and a gate will open, which leads into an arena.
  • Obtain Key 3 inside the arena, and overcome some adversaries.

Key 3 is inside an arena
  • This the end of the Death Mashes. Leave through an exit portal to the south, beyond the arena.
LEVEL 4 - Lair of the Blind Ones
1. Primagen Key 4 (foresight)
  • From the start, go past a pond.
  • Beyond the pond (and upon arriving at Checkpoint Station: Blind Lair - Entrance), notice particles going upwards.
  • It's not possible to do anything here now. Only after obtaining the Whispers talisman, from the Hive of the Mantids (from level 5), the protagonist may proceed here.

particles in the distance indicate the way to Primagen Key 4
  • From Checkpoint Station: Blind Lair - Entrance, turn right, and go through a valley.
  • At the end of the valley (at a hole leading into the earth), Primagen Key 4 can be seen.

the Whispers talisman is required to reach Primagen Key 4
2. Key 1
  • After having the foresight on Primagen Key 4, jump down into a hole into the earth.
  • Once in the cavern below, follow a stream of water.
  • At the stream's base, go into a tunnel, and then fall into a hole.
  • Beneath the borehole, follow a tunnel that leads to a teleporter. Ignore it, and turn left at the intersection. (A passageway opens up, when approached.)
  • After going through that passageway, jump into tunnel, and fall into a lake.
  • Swim through that lake, and go up a slope to the right, and out of the water.
  • After going up that slope, turn right, and go into a cavern with a large column.

there is a large column, behind a yellow leaping adversary
  • Past the column, turn left, go through a tunnel, and dive into another lake, and get out over a slope on the other side of that lake.
  • Switch a lever, next to a climbable cavern wall. (This opens a passageway, beyond the climbable wall.)

a lever near a climbable wall
  • Climb up the climbable wall, go into a tunnel, then turn left at the intersection, and ignore a teleporter.
  • At the next intersection, turn right, and go into another borehole.
  • Beneath the borehole, take a right turn inside a cavern where there is a small column, and then go through a tunnel, and go into a cavern where there are spider webs.
  • In the cavern where there are spider webs, overcome some adversaries. (A stone disk rolls aside after the battle, revealing a passage.)
  • Go through that passage, and go through a tunnel.
  • On exiting the tunnel, go into another cavern, this cavern has a locked door with a standing stone in front of it. The cavern also has a lower carvern area, with a fair amount of water standing in it. Switch a lever at the far end of the cavern. (This opens up two tunnels, one on each side of the lower cavern area.)
  • At the end of both tunnels, in a cavern above them, a lever can be seen. Use a projectile to hit these levers with. (This opens a gate in the lower cavern area.)

hit a lever above each tunnel
  • With the lower cavern area gate now opened, swim through the water standing in the lower cavern area.
  • Climb up a ladder on the other side of the water, and up another ladder, up to a higher plateau, then turn around, and walk over a high bridge.
  • At the end of the bridge, obtain Cave Door Key 1, and bring it to a standing stone below, to open a door below, which was locked.

Cave Door Key 1 is needed on the standing stone, to open a cave door
  • After opening the cave door, hit an explosive barrel with a projectile, on the other side of the cave door. (The explosion will cause a nearby column to tumble forward.)
  • Walk over the column, which now serves as a bridge.
  • Continue going onwards, through a series of tunnels and bridges, until arriving at a ledge.
  • Go to the right, across the ledge. Upon reaching a tunnel, turn right to obtain Key 1.

it's a challenge to miss Key 1
3. Warp Portal 1 (feather)
  • After obtaining Key 1, defeat some adversaries, and go south, through a tunnel, then over a bridge, and then through another tunnel.
  • Exit from the second tunnel, then go into a cavern, and hit an explosive barrel near a column, by using a projectile. (The explosion will cause the column to tumble forward.)
  • Walk over that column (it now serves as a bridge), then go up a slope, and walk through a tunnel leading to Checkpoint Station: Blind Lair - Caverns 1.

go past Checkpoint Station: Blind Lair - Caverns 1
  • Go over a stone bridge past Checkpoint Station: Blind Lair - Caverns 1, then switch a lever on a wall, by using a projectile. (This opens a passage next to the lever.)
  • Continue going onward through the opened passage, and over two stone bridges, then use a projectile to hit another lever on a wall. (This opens a passage next to it.)
  • Go through that passage, and turn right at an intersection, then go into a borehole.
  • The tunnel beneath the borehole has a teleporter at the end. Ignore it, and take a right turn at an intersection, and go through another tunnel.
  • On exiting the tunnel, the Red Eagle Feather can be seen. Obtain it by jumping across some platforms, and over a waterfall.

jump across some hovering platforms, and over a waterfall, to reach a feather
  • After obtaining the Red Eagle Feather, return all the way back to the beginning of the Lair of the Blind Ones, by going back through the tunnel at the hovering platforms, and through all three teleporters that were ignored earlier. (Go all the way back, avoid going down any boreholes, and go into every teleporter, because all three of them lead upwards.)
  • After exiting the third teleporter, and upon being teleported into to the cavern with the large column with a leaping yellow adversary, dive into the lake at that location, and look for an underwater tunnel inside the lake.
  • Swim through that tunnel, and ignore the next underwater tunnel, leading north. Instead press a switch at the far end of a subterranean lake. (This activates Warp Portal 1, at a hidden location.)

a switch in a subterranean lake, all the way back, opens Warp Portal 1
  • From the subterranean lake, swim through the underwater tunnel to the north (which was ignored earlier).
  • On exiting that underwater tunnel, get out of the water, and go across some rock formations connected by bridges, and climb up the central rock formation, by leaping towards a climbable wall.

climb up a large rock formation, then walk over a log bridge
  • After climbing up that high central rock formation, walk over another log bridge, then go through a tunnel.
  • Past that tunnel, and at a high altitude, jump down out of the tunnel's exit, and go into another tunnel.
  • Exit from that tunnel system, then go into an area where there is a waterfall, and a high bridge above a lake.
  • Walk over the high bridge, and over a ledge along a wall, to discover Warp Portal 1.
  • Enter Warp Portal 1 to obtain the Heart of Fire talisman.

Warp Portal 1 can be found at a high altitude, in a cavern where there are waterfalls
4. Thermal Vent 1
  • After obtaining the Heart of Fire talisman, jump down into the lake below. (This is an already explored area.)
  • Climb up the climbable wall nearby, go through the tunnel, and ignore the teleporter.
  • Instead, turn left, and then turn right, through the tunnel, and go into the borehole.
  • Beneath the borehole, in the cavern which has a column and some stalagmites, take a right turn, and go into the tunnel.
  • Move onwards through the tunnel, and go into the cavern with the spiderwebs, and then further south, and go through the next tunnel.
  • Beyond that tunnel, turn left, through the cave door. (Which required Cave Door Key 1 to be opened earlier.)
  • Continue moving onwards (it's a linear path), through a series of tunnels and bridges, and past Checkpoint Station: Blind Lair - Caverns 1.
  • At some point, turn right, and go down into a borehole.
  • The tunnel beneath the borehole has a teleporter. Ignore it, and turn right at an intersection, until reaching the cavern that has the hovering platforms.
  • In the cavern that has hovering platforms, go down the central hole, and follow a stream of water.
  • Where the stream becomes a waterfall, jump down, and notice Satchel Charge 1 on a rock formation above.

Satchel Charge 1 is past the cavern with hovering platforms
  • Follow the stream of water, then go down another waterfall, and go into a lake, with a teleporter below the water surface. Ignore that teleporter.
  • Swim to the very end of that lake, and use a projectile to hit a lever. (This opens an underwater passage below the lever.)
  • Swim through that underwater passage, and go through a tunnel.

Cave Door Key 2 can be seen from the lake, as well
  • At the end of the tunnel, turn left over a walkway, and go into another tunnel. (Notice Cave Door Key 2 on a rock formation, while walking over the walkway.)
  • At the end of the walkway, go into another tunnel.
  • Exit from the tunnel, and go into a cavern, and overcome some adversaries. (After the battle, a passageway opens.)
  • Continue onwards through the passageway, and after crossing a bridge, go through a tunnel, then jump down on the rock formation to the right, to obtain Cave Door Key 2, and switch a lever. (This opens a passage in the nearby tunnel.)
  • After obtaining Cave Door Key 2 and switching the lever, go up again. (Jump towards a climbable wall, nearby.)
  • Back inside the tunnel, go through the now opened gate, and onward through the tunnel.
  • After exiting from the tunnel, go over a few bridges. (The third bridge grants access to a Satchel Charge 1.)
  • On the third bridge, turn left to see Satchel Charge 1 situated on a rock formation.
  • Jump from the bridge to the rock formation, and obtain Satchel Charge 1.
  • After obtaining Satchel Charge 1, while standing on the rock formation, jump towards a nearby tunnel entrance.

a tunnel leading to Thermal Vent 1 is behind Satchel Charge 1
  • At the end of the tunnel leading to Thermal Vent 1, go down into a borehole.
  • In the tunnel beneath the borehole, take a right turn, and ignore a teleporter.
  • After exiting from the tunnel, bring Cave Door Key 2 to a standing stone. (This opens the cave door to Thermal Vent 1.)
  • Beyond the cave door, bring Satchel Charge 1, to a large stalactite above the vent to seal it.

open Vent Chamber 1 with Cave Door Key 2, and seal it by using Satchel Charge 1
5. Thermal Vent 2
  • After sealing Thermal Vent 2, go back into the tunnel that lead there, and take a right turn at the intersection, then go into the teleporter that was ignored earlier.
  • On exiting that teleporter, take a right turn at the next intersection, and go through the tunnel, and back to the tunnel entrance. (Near the rock formation that lead to Thermal Vent 1.)
  • At that tunnel entrence, jump towards the rock formation, and then jump from that rock formation, back to the bridge.
  • Once back on the bridge, go south, and go into the next tunnel.
  • In the tunnel, and at an intersection, take a right turn, and go down into a borehole.
  • Beneath the borehole, go through a tunnel, ignore a teleporter, but instead take a left turn, and go down another borehole.
  • Beneath the borehole is a cavern with deep water standing in it. Dive underwater, and swim through an underwater tunnel.
  • In the underwater tunnel, turn right at the intersection (past a closed underwater gate), and continue swimming through that underwater tunnel.
  • At the end of the underwater tunnel is a cavern, in which to resurface. In that cavern, climb up on some rock formations, then go over a rotating wooden platform, and then climb up a wall, and switch a lever. (The underwater gate, which was closed, now opens.)
  • After switching the lever, swim back through the underwater tunnel, and through the now opened underwater gate.
  • After reaching another closed underwater gate, take a left turn, and continue swimming through the underwater tunnel.
  • At the end of that underwater tunnel there is a cavern as well. In that cavern, also, climb up on some rock formations, go over a rotating wooden platform, climb up a wall, and switch a lever. (The other underwater gate, which was closed, now also opens.)

go down a borehole behind Satchel Charge 2
  • After switching the lever, obtain Satchel Charge 2, and go down into a borehole, and then go down into another borehole.
  • Beneath that borehole is the cavern with deep water standing in it. Dive underwater, turn left at the first intersection, and turn right at the next intersection. (Through both the gates which were recently opened.)
  • In the next underwater cavern, there is a 3-way intersection. This 3-way intersection has a small column at it's centre, and some purple water plants. Swim into the underwater tunnel in the southern direction.

the southern tunnel, between the purple plants, leads to Thermal Vent 2
  • The southern underwater tunnel leads to a cavern that has a teleporter in it. That teleporter leads to Thermal Vent 2.
  • Before placing Satchel Charge 2 at Thermal Vent 2, make sure to pick up Cave Door Key 3, then leave Thermal Vent 2 through the teleporter which was used to access the area.

Thermal Vent 2 has Cave Door Key 3 on a wooden platform
6. Warp Portal 2 (nuke)
  • After sealing Thermal Vent 2, and exiting from the teleporter, go back into the underwater tunnel.
  • When arriving at the underwater cavern (this is a 4-way intersection), swim into the underwater tunnel in the western direction.

take the western underwater tunnel, behind the purple plants
  • Swim through that tunnel to the west, ignore the next intersection, and keep swimming onward through the tunnel.
  • Upon resurfacing from the water, enter a teleporter in a nearby cavern.
  • Exit from the teleporter, and bring Cave Door Key 3 to a standing stone. (This opens a nearby cave door.)
  • Switch a lever, inside the next cavern. (A stone disk rolls aside, revealing a tunnel.)
  • Move through that tunnel, and exit from this tunnel into a large cavern. (Notice beams of light shining through a wall.)
  • In that large cavern, go down a slope, and then go down towards six glowing craters.

during going down towards six glowing craters, Warp Portal 2 may be seen higher up
  • Near the glowing craters, switch a lever. (A stone disk rolls aside, revealing a tunnel.)
  • Go through that tunnel, and past a cavern where there is lava, and eventually over a bridge of stone.
  • Beyond the stone bridge, in the next cavern, take a left turn, along a ledge.
  • At the end of the ledge, below a spiderweb, press a warp portal switch, located behind some barrels. (This activates a Warp Portal 2.)

a warp portal switch can be found in an area below a spiderweb
  • After pressing the warp portal switch, follow the ledge in the other direction, and climb up a climbable wall at the end of the ledge.
  • After climbing up the wall, and going through an adjacent cavern, enter Warp Portal 2 in the next chamber, and obtain a nuke weapon part.

a cliffside beyond Warp Portal 2 gives a bird view of the large cavern
7. Key 2
  • After obtaining a nuke weapon part, look down, past Warp Portal 2, and jump down towards some odd platforms, to the left side.

these strange platforms are elevators
  • After landing on the floor below, go to these peculiar platforms. (The platforms are actually elevators.)
  • Use these elevators to get up higher, go into a tunnel entrance, up high in the cliff.
  • At the end of that the tunnel higher up, walk over a lengthy stone bridge, and go into another tunnel.
  • At the end of that tunnel, jump down into a borehole.
  • In a tunnel beneath that borehole, take a left turn at an intersection, and ignore a teleporter.
  • At the end of that tunnel, enter a cavern where there is lava.
  • Hit a lever on a wall, above that lava, by using a projectile. (This opens a passage, in the tunnel up ahead.)
  • Beyond that tunnel up ahead, move up along a ledge to the right side of a large cavern, where there is also lava.
  • That ledge above the lava leads to a tunnel, which leads to a cave, where there are some adversaries which need to be overcome. (After that battle, a passage to a tunnel opens.)
  • Go through the tunnel which opened up, then go over a high stone bridge, then go through another tunnel, then go over another high stone bridge, and then go into another tunnel.
  • Inside that tunnel, at an intersection, take a left turn, and go down into another borehole.
  • In the tunnel beneath that borehole, take a right turn at an intersection, and ignore a teleporter.
  • Overcome a few adversaries in the next cavern, and a tunnel opens up.
  • After that tunnel there is a very large cavern. In that cavern, continue onwards along a ledge at the right side.

a very large cavern
  • At the top of that very large cavern, discover Checkpoint Station: Blind Lair - Caverns 2, and overcome some adversaries.
  • Past Checkpoint Station: Blind Lair - Caverns 2, go through a tunnel, then jump across an abyss, and follow a stone bridge, spanning over the abyss. (Notice Cave Door Key 4 on a walkway above, while walking over the stone bridge.)
  • At the end of that bridge, go through a tunnel.
  • After exiting from that tunnel, enter a large cavern. (Cave Door Key 4 is needed to continue.) Walk over a stone bridge inside that cavern, and look for a plateau below. (Notice there is a tree growing on that lower plateau.)

a lower plateau, below the stone bridge, leads to Cave Door Key 4
  • Jump down from the stone bridge, on the plateau with the tree growing on it, and go through a tunnel.
  • On exiting that tunnel, walk over the walkway, and obtain Cave Door Key 4.
  • After obtaining Cave Door Key 4, jump down from the walkway, on the stone bridge below the walkway.
  • After landing on the stone bridge, go through the tunnel under the walkway, and follow the tunnel leading into the large cavern.
  • In the large cavern, bring Cave Door Key 4 to a standing stone. (This will cause the cave door, next to the standing stone, to open.)
  • Beyond that cave door, overcome some adversaries inside a cavern, and go through another tunnel. (It will open after the battle.)
  • Obtain Key 2 at the end of that tunnel.

Key 2 can't be missed
8. Thermal Vent 3
  • After obtaining Key 2, overcome some adversaries, then continue onwards, and go into the next tunnel.
  • Overcoming all adversaries in the next cavern opens a path, beyond an intersecting stone bridge section.
  • Further up ahead, and inside a tunnel, is Satchel Charge 3. (Go over the intersecting stone bridge, and obtain it.)

Satchel Charge 3 is hard to miss
  • Inside the tunnel where Satchel Charge 3 was, go down a borehole.
  • In a tunnel beneath the borehole, turn right, and ignore a teleporter.
  • Instead of going in the teleporter, go inside an underground habitat, and obtain two cave door keys. (Obtain cave Door Key 5a from the left chamber, and obtain Cave Door Key 5b from the right chamber.)

chambers along the left-, and the right side of the wooden bridge, each hold a cave door key
  • After obtaining both cave door keys, go through the habitat, and bring the two cave door keys to two standing stones, at the far end of the habitat. (This opens a cave door.)
  • In the cavern beyond the cave door, bring Satchel Charge 3 to a large stalactite, to seal Thermal Vent 3.

Thermal Vent 3 is beyond an underground habitat
9. Key 3
  • After sealing Thermal Vent 3, exit through the teleporter which was ignored earlier.
  • Exit from the teleporter, then walk over a stone bridge inside the very large cavern, and go down a borehole.
  • In a tunnel below the borehole, take a left turn at an intersection, and ignore a teleporter.
  • On exiting from that tunnel, make six jumps across six rotating platforms.

six rotating platforms lead to Key 3
  • In a cavern past these six rotating platforms, destroy an explosive barrel. (The explosion will cause a column to tumble forward.)
  • Walk across the column that now serves as a bridge, and obtain the Key 3.

there is an exit portal beyond Key 3
  • After obtaining Key 3, overcome some adversaries, and exit from the Lair of the Blind Ones through an exit portal.
LEVEL 5 - Hive of the Mantids
1. Key 1
  • Inside the first arena, destroy four ceiling defences. (This lowers a forcefield in the centre of the arena, granting access to a teleporter.)
  • Enter that teleporter.

four ceiling defences need to be disabled
  • Exit from the teleporter, and destroy a nearby forcefield generator. (A nearby forcefield lowers, granting a passage into a passageway.)

destroy a forcefield generator, to lower a forcefield
  • Walk through the opened passageway, and destroy another forcefield generator. (A second forcefield lowers, in the previously explored chamber.)
  • Return to that explored chamber (where the first forcefield generator was), and walk through a now open passageway.
  • Beyond that passageway, in the next chamber, jump up on a small platform (it will move up automatically), and then enter the next passageway.
  • This passageway transitions into a semi transparent passageway, which connects to a chamber, where there are a few eggs.
  • From that chamber, move through the next passageway, and into another chamber where there are two ceiling cannons. (This chamber also has Key 1, situated higher up, on a plateau.)
  • Press a switch, in an adjacent chamber. (This enables access up to the plateau, and opens a passageway to the east.)
  • Jump up on the plateau, by going over some hovering platforms, and obtain Key 1.

jump across four hovering platforms to get up to Key 1
2. Key 2
  • After obtaining Key 1, move onwards into the next (eastern) passageway, and then enter a teleporter at the end.
  • Exit from the teleporter, and go through a door, and take a left turn at an intersection, past a passageway that has a forcefield blocking passage.
  • Exit from the passageway through a door, and enter a large chamber, with an abyss below.
  • Take a left turn, and walk over a path along the abyss.
  • At the end of the path, make a deep jump down onto a lower plateau, coming from the abyss below.

jump down onto a lower plateau coming from an abyss, to find a way onwards
  • From that plateau, jump down towards another plateau, and down towards another, then disable a ceiling cannon (this will cause a door up ahead to open), and jump up a hovering platform, then go through the door, and into the next chamber.
  • The chamber is a 4-way intersection, take the middle (the eastern) doorway.
  • Destroy a forcefield generator past that doorway. (This lowers the forcefield which was passed by earlier, before the abyss.)

another forcefield generator
  • After destroying that forcefield generator, return to the chamber that has the spinning device, and go through the door to the south.
  • The next chamber has an elevator. Use a hovering platform to go up a shaft, and through a nearby door.
  • The chamber beyond the shaft has ceiling cannons in each corner of the chamber. Disable the ceiling cannons, and enter a passageway on the other side of this chamber.
  • Continue onwards through the passageway, until arriving at a chamber where there are two hovering platforms.
  • Press a switch in the adjacent chamber. (This will cause a one of the hovering platforms to continually move up and down.)
  • Use this hovering platform to get up higher, and up on another plateau.
  • Press another switch, on top of that plateau. (Another hovering platform will start moving diagonally.)
  • Use that hovering platform to get into a passageway higher up.
  • Past that chamber, and up high, jump over two more hovering platforms (this is at a high altitude, in the chamber with the four disabled ceiling cannons), and onwards into the next passageway.
  • Walk through this passageway, and at the end, jump down from a semi transparent section, into a chamber where there are a few eggs.
  • Exit from the chamber that contains eggs through a door, to reach a 4-way intersection.
  • At that 4-way intersection, walk through the passageway to the left (the south). (This passageway was blocked by a forcefield earlier.)
  • Beyond that southern passageway, is a chamber with another spinning device. Go beyond that spinning device, and eventually into a teleporter.
  • Exit from the teleporter, and walk into a chamber with another central device.
  • Once again, go beyond the spinning device, and continue onwards, until arriving at a large chamber that has a large central structure. (This structure composed out of four chambers, where each chamber has a switch.)

a large central structure houses four switches
  • Press all four switches. (This will cause a hovering platform to continually move up and down inside the chamber that has the large central structure.)
  • Jump up on that hovering platform, which goes up and down, and then go through a door, and walk into the next passageway.
  • After going through that passageway, eventually discover Checkpoint station: Hive - Worker Chamber.
  • Beyond Checkpoint station: Hive - Worker Chamber, walk through another couple of passageways, and then go into a teleporter.
  • Exit from the teleporter, and arrive at a large chamber that has an abyss below. Jump down onto a plateau coming from this abyss.

jump down onto another plateau coming from an abyss
  • In a chamber beyond the plateau coming from the abyss, disable four ceiling cannons, and destroy a forcefield generator in an adjacent chamber. (This disables two forcefields blocking a path ahead, both out of sight, and opens 2 nearby doors; one leading to Warp Gate 1, and the other to an elevator platform.)

destroy a forcefield generator beyond an abyss
  • After destroying the forcefield generator, enter the door that leads to the elevator shaft, and go up, on a hovering platform.
  • At the top of the elevator shaft, walk through a semi transparent passageway (This passageway runs through an earlier explored chamber, which has the plateau coming from the abyss.)
  • Exit the semi transparent passageway, into a chamber (note: This chamber is where previously there were two forcefields. This chamber may potentially have been explored, as it is connected to the large chamber, that has the plateau coming from the abyss.)
  • Inside this chamber, beyond the northern door, is Key 2.

the northern door leads to Key 2
3. Warp Portal 1 (nuke)
  • After obtaining Key 2, destroy a wall behind the pedestal it was on, then press a warp portal switch. (This activates Warp Portal 1.)

a warp portal switch is hidden behind the pedestal that held Key 2
  • After activating Warp Portal 1, head south, and enter the chamber that has a plateau coming from the abyss.
  • In the chamber that has the plateau coming from the abyss, once again, jump down on that plateau, and enter the adjacent chamber.
  • In the adjacent chamber (the one with the four disabled ceiling cannons), enter the north passageway, it will lead to a now activated Warp Portal 1, and obtain the nuke weapon part.

after activating Warp Portal 1, find it by jumping down again, onto the plateau coming from the abyss
4. Warp Portal 2 (feather)
  • After obtaining a nuke weapon part, return to the previous chamber. (The one with the four disabled ceiling cannons), then go south, and eventually up, by using an elevator.
  • At the top of the elevator shaft, walk through a semi transparent passageway, and jump down into a chamber at the end, which is a 4-way intersection.
  • At that 4-way intersection, walk through the western passageway (the one up ahead), and eventually into a teleporter.
  • On exiting from the teleporter, move onwards. When arriving at a spinning device, take a left turn, and continue through a passageway.
  • At the end of that passageway, when arriving at an abyss, jump down on a lower plateau, which leads to a lower passageway.

jump down on the lower plateau below, across an abyss
  • Beyond that passageway, is a central structure (it's a 4-way intersection) in the middle of another abyss. Press a switch on the left side, at the end of a path, near a forcefield. (This activates a hovering platform, granting access to the central plateau.)

press a switch near a forcefield to get up to a central plateau, via a hovering platform
  • Upon arriving at the central plateau (it's a 4-way intersection), head towards the west, down onto a plateau below.

jump down from the central plateau, to a lower plateau, to the west
  • In the western chamber, press a switch. (This opens a door in the northern chamber (accessible from the central plateau), and also activates a hovering platform to get back up there.)
  • After pressing that switch, overcome some adversaries that lay in ambush, and return to the central plateau (the 4-way intersection) in the previous area.
  • Upon reaching the central plateau, jump towards the northern passageway. (This passageway has recently opened up.)
  • Look for a passageway between two tunnel protrusions, emerging from the floor, and go through that passageway.
  • Press a switch in the chamber beyond the two tunnel protrusions. (This activates another hovering platform to the south, in the area with the central plateau (the 4-way intersection).)

go beyond a doorway between two tunnel protrusions, emerging from the floor
  • After pressing the switch, in the chamber beyond the two tunnel protrusions, and surviving an ambush, return to the chamber with the two tunnel protrusions.
  • Destroy a wall in the chamber with the two tunnel protrusions. (Destroying this destructible wall grants access into a hidden chamber.)

there is a forcefield generator behind a destructible wall
  • Destroy a forcefield generator in the chamber behind the destructible wall. (This disables a forcefield in an earlier section, which blocked the passageway to Warp Portal 2.)
  • After destroying the forcefield generator in the hidden chamber, return to the central plateau (the 4-way intersection) in the previous area.
  • Upon arriving at the central plateau, go into the southern passageway.
  • While heading south through that passageway, notice a destructible wall to the left. Destroy that wall, and step up an elevator platform.

there is a destructible wall in the passageway to the south
  • At the top of the elevator shaft, walk through another passageway.
  • Continue onwards until arriving at a large chamber with five small plateaus coming from an abyss.
  • Ignore the plateaus, instead jump across three hovering platforms, and go through a door on the right.

jump across some platforms toward a door on the right
  • Beyond that door to the right, and behind some eggs, is a warp portal switch. Press it. (This activates Warp Portal 2.)
  • After pressing the warp portal switch, go back, and now jump down across the five small plateaus coming from the abyss, and obtain the Purple Eagle Feather. (It's on the lowest plateau.)

jump down across five small plateaus, to obtain the Purple Eagle Feather
  • After obtaining the Purple Eagle Feather, head into a nearby passageway, and into a chamber with a spinning device.
  • Past the chamber with the spinning device, take a left turn at an intersection, and take another left turn at an intersection after that, to return to the area with the central plateau (the 4-way intersection).
  • Upon arriving on the central plateau, step on the hovering platform to the east.
  • Once on the other side, enter the passageway to the far right. (There was a forcefield blocking that passageway earlier.)
  • At the end of that passageway, enter Warp Portal 2, and obtain the Whispers talisman.

a forcefield on the eastern side of the central plateau should already be lowered
5. Key 3
  • After obtaining the Whispers talisman, return to the central plateau (the 4-way intersection).
    At the central plateau, go into the passageway to the south.
  • In that southern passageway, take a right turn at the first intersection, take a left turn at the second intersection, and then enter a teleporter.
  • Exit from the teleporter, then go through a passageway, and enter an area that has some columns in it.
  • Exit the area that has columns through a passageway to the east. The eastern passageway leads to a chamber with a central device.
  • Go through the chamber where there is a central device, and into the next passageway.
  • Past that passageway, there is an area with a large central structure, which is connected to a semi transparent passageway higher up.
  • Press a switch on the outside of that structure. (This opens a nearby door.)
  • Inside the now accessible chamber, discover Checkpoint Station: Hive - Engineering.
  • After discovering Checkpoint Station: Hive - Engineering, return to the previous area (where there is a large central structure (that has a switch on the outside), and go through a closed door in this area.
  • Beyond the door is a passageway, which leads to a chamber that has water standing in it, and a central structure, which is partly underwater (it may be reached by a hovering platform). Go to the other side of this central structure.
  • At the other side of the structure is an underwater passageway that leads to a forcefield generator. Locate this underwater passageway, and swim through it.

there is an underwater passageway leading into the central structure
  • After swimming through the underwater passageway, destroy the forcefield generator. (This lowers a forcefield, higher up, and out of sight.)
  • Having destroyed the forcefield generator, swim back to the outside the central structure, and back to the where a hovering platform moves hither and forth.
  • Step on a hovering platform (it's an elevator platform), and up to onto the hovering platform above, that leads to the central structure, and go inside that central structure.
  • Once inside the structure, look outside for some more hovering platforms, and jump across them to get into a chamber with a spinning device.
  • Walk into a passageway beyond this chamber, and step on an elevator platform at the end of a passageway.
  • At the top of the elevator shaft, enter a passageway, and keep following that, through a semi transparent section.
  • This semi transparent section leads to multiple forcefield generators, which are protected by ceiling cannons. Destroy all the forcefield generators.

more ceiling cannons to worry about
  • After destroying all forcefield generators, a forcefield lowers, and a nearby hovering platform activates. Step on that hovering platform, and go through a passageway higher up.

a hovering platform enables access higher up, into a passageway
  • The passageway leads into a chamber where there are four columns in a row. Key 3 is situated beyond a door to the south.

there may be an ambush before obtaining Key 3
6. Queen Embryo 1
  • After obtaining Key 3, go through a passageway beyond it, and enter a teleporter.
  • Exit from the teleporter, and move through another (centrifuging) passageway. (The next few areas are of a more organic nature.)
  • Exit from that passageway into an area where there is a bridge spanning high above the floor. At the end of that area, climb up a climbable wall.

there is a climbable wall leading into a passageway
  • After climbing up the wall, and going into the passageway higher up, turn right (to the south) at an intersection, and continue onwards.
  • On exiting from the passageway, climb up another climbable wall, in an adjacent chamber.
  • After climbing up the wall, walk over a bridge. (The bridge spans high above the floor (in the same area discovered earlier).
  • At the end of the bridge, go through a door, then into a passageway, and into a teleporter.
  • Exit from the teleporter, into a chamber where there are quite a few mysterious vertical structures.

it's a mystery what these vertical structures represent
  • Beyond the chamber where there are mysterious vertical structures, go into an oval passageway full of eggs.
  • Make a way to the far end of the oval passageway, and enter an inner chamber.
  • Inside the inner chamber, destroy Queen Embryo 1.

Queen Embryo 1 is inside an inner chamber
7. Queen Embryo 2
  • After destroying Queen Embryo 1, return to the oval passageway, and exit through the western passageway.
  • At the end of that passageway is a chamber where there are mysterious vertical structures. Move into another passageway at the end of that chamber (to the north-west), and into a teleporter.
  • On exiting from that teleporter, go through another passageway, and into a next chamber, then move all the way down in that chamber, and then climb up a climbable wall, at the far end of that chamber.

climb up a climbable wall, after moving down
  • After climbing up the climbable wall, walk over an organic bridge, and look for a destructible wall to to the east. (To the west there is a passageway that leads to Checkpoint Station: Hive - Breeding Grounds. Discover it.)

a destructible wall at the end of a bridge, is located to the east of a checkpoint station
  • After discovering Checkpoint Station: Hive - Breeding Grounds, and destroying the destructible wall, enter a teleporter behind the recently destroyed wall segment.
  • Exit from the teleporter, and go into a chamber with more mysterious vertical structures.
  • Beyond the chamber with the mysterious vertical structures, is another oval passageway. Destroy Queen Embryo 2 inside an inner chamber.

an oval passageway leads to Queen Embryo 2
8. Primagen Key 5 (foresight)
  • After destroying Queen Embryo 2, go through the southern passageway (it is connected to the oval passageway).
  • After exiting from the southern passageway, walk along an abyss (notice a plateau to the right, which may only be reached when having obtained the Leap of Faith talisman), and then go through a door, at the end of the path, and into a teleporter.
  • Exit from the teleporter, then go through a passageway, and into a chamber which was discovered earlier (near the organic bridge, which connected to a destructible wall segment).
  • Jump down onto the bridge (stay on the bridge), and take a left turn (to the south), where the bridge intersects.
  • Beyond the bridge, and past a few doors, is a climbable wall coming from hazardous liquid below. (The hazardous liquid requires the Breath of Life talisman (from the Death Marshes), to swim through).
    Primagen Key 5 can be obtained beyond this hazardous liquid. (This may be done in the final section of this guide, or any time in between at leisure.)

hazardous liquid conceals a subterranean passageway, leading to Primagen Key 5
9. Master Computer
  • After the foresight on Primagen Key 5, climb up a plateau by using the climbable wall coming from the hazardous liquid. (Notice there are two passageways; one at a low altitude to the east, and one at a high altitude to the south.)

a low altitude passageway leads to the satchel charges
  • Go through the low altitude passageway, to the east.
  • Exit from the eastern passageway, into a area, which houses all four required satchel charges. Obtain Satchel Charge 1, at the beginning of the area, near some hovering platforms.

Satchel Charge 1 is near some hovering platforms
  • After acquiring Satchel Charge 1, obtain Satchel Charge 2 and Satchel Charge 3, at the end of the area, near an exit portal. (Ignore the exit portal.)

Satchel Charge 2 and Satchel Charge 3, are near the exit portal
  • After obtaining Satchel Charge 2 and Satchel Charge 3, go into a teleporter within a small pond, which was passed by earlier.

there is a teleporter inside a small pond
  • Exit from the teleporter, then go through a door, and over an organic bridge, and obtain Satchel Charge 4.

Satchel Charge 4 is obtained soon after entering a pond
  • After obtaining the final satchel charge, jump down from the organic bridge it was on, and exit from the chamber through the northern passageway. (Which leads to the chamber with the low,- and high altitude passageways.)

a high altitude passageway leads to the master computer
  • Climb up a climbable wall, and enter the high altitude passageway, to the south. (Climb up another climbable wall to get there.) This passageway leads into a teleporter. Go into the teleporter.
  • Exit from the teleporter, then disable six ceiling cannons, and bring all four satchel charges to the master computer to destroy it.

six ceiling cannons protect the master computer
10. Queen Embryo 3
  • After destroying the master computer, go back into the teleporter used to gain access to it.
  • Exit from the teleporter, and return to the chamber with the high,- and low altitude passageways.
  • Once again, go through the low altitude passageway, to the east.
  • Exit the eastern passageway, and access the previously visited area (this area has the pond with the teleporter inside), go into the teleporter inside the pond.

go into this pond again
  • Exit from the teleporter, and walk over the organic bridge, and go through the door at the end, and into another teleporter.
  • Exit from that teleporter, and enter a chamber with some mysterious vertical structures.
  • After exiting from the chamber with the mysterious vertical structures, jump and climb over some rock formations above lava, and press a switch. (This activates a hovering platform nearby.)

three switches need to be pressed here
  • Use that hovering platform to get up higher, and press two more switches. (This unlocks a door into a nearby passageway, and leads onwards.)
  • Move through that passageway, into a chamber where there is shallow water.
  • Wade through the water, and climb up a climbable wall on the other side of the shallow water.
  • The next passageway leads to an oval passageway.
  • At the end of the oval passageway, destroy Queen Embryo 3 inside an inner chamber.

the entrance to the final embryo chamber
  • After destroying Queen Embryo 3, return to the shallow water in the previous chamber, then go past the lava, and into the chamber where there are mysterious vertical structures.
  • Beyond the chamber where there are mysterious vertical structures, go into a teleporter.
  • Exit from the teleporter, then jump down from the organic bridge, and exit from the Hive of the Mantids, through the exit portal in this area.
LEVEL 6 - Primagen's Lightship
1. Primagen Key 6 (foresight)
  • Walk through the first passageway, and enter the ship's main hub. (It serves as a 6-way intersection.) Initially, only the passageway to the south-west is accessible. Notice there is a central forcefield. This forcefield is powered by four geometrical shapes. All four must be disabled, in order to lower the central forcefield, and to be able to obtain Primagen Key 6. The directions to where the geometrical shapes point to, relate to the directions needed to be taken in order to disable them. If there are sparkling green lights on a geometrical shape, it means the forcefield is still empowered by it, and can be deactivated in the direction that geometrical shape points to.)

from the ship's main hub, take the south-west passageway
2. Power Generator 1
  • After the foresight to Primagen Key 6, enter the south-west passageway. (Initially, the only passageway accessible.)
  • In that passageway, at an intersection, go south, then turn a handle to activate a teleporter.
  • Enter that teleporter.

the lightship uses teleporters that require activation before they can be used
  • On exiting from the teleporter, move into a passageway and head west. (The door east leads to some equipment.)
  • Move through that western passageway, and past some doors.
  • At a next intersection, take a door to the south. (The door west leads to some equipment.)
  • Behind the door to the south is a large chamber. Ion Capacitor 1 is up in the air, and near it, a rotating fan. Use the fan's airstream to get up on a higher plateau, and obtain the Ion Capacitor 1.

Ion Capacitor 1 floats above a fan which can be used as an elevator
  • After obtaining the Ion Capacitor 1, and while on the higher plateau, move into a western passageway. (A passageway east, leads to some equipment.)
  • In the western passageway, at an intersection, go through a door to the south. (Going through the passageway west, leads to some equipment.)
  • Beyond the southern door is a chamber that has a central structure, with a walkway around it. Get on the walkway by going up a stairs at the far end of that structure.
  • Walk over the walkway, and jump on another plateau (in front of the structure), to obtain Ion Capacitors 2 and Ion Capacitor 3.

a walkway around a central structure, leads towards two ion capacitors
  • After obtaining Ion Capacitors 2 and Ion Capacitor 3, get up on the walkway once more.
  • Walk over the walkway, once again to the front of the structure, but now jump towards an (elevator) platform.
  • The elevator platform will allow access to an inner chamber inside the structure, turn a handle at the far end of the inner chamber. (This opens a door to a nearby passageway.)
  • Enter the passageway, and turn east at an intersection. (A door to the north at the intersection leads to Checkpoint Station: Lightship - Tech Centre. Discover it.)

a door to the north leads to a checkpoint station
  • After exiting from the passageway, there is an area where there are particals going upwards, and where there are four passageways on the other side of an abyss.

the upper passageways can only be reached by using the Whispers talisman
  • At the area where there are particles moving upwards, go under a nearby stairs, stand on a (Whispers) symbol, to float to the other side of the abyss, and continue onwards, through the upper passageway, on the other side of the abyss.

notice a (Whispers) talisman symbol below a stairs
  • After that upper passageway, stand on another (Whispers) symbol to float to the other side of the abyss, and continue going, until arriving at a chamber where there is a handle near some screen panels. Turn that handle. (This disables a forcefield at the ships' central hub area. (Three more have to be disabled, in order to obtain Primagen Key 6).)

turn a handle to disable the first of the four forcefield generators
  • After turning the handle, return to the abyss (where there are particles moving upwards).
  • At the area where there are particles, walk up a stairs, and jump across the abyss, towards the lower-right passageway. (Make a long jump across the abyss.)
  • Follow that passageway. Go west at an intersection, and turn a handle. (This extends a bridge to Ion Capacitor 4.)
  • Obtain Ion Capacitor 4, but don't cross the bridge. Instead go back into the recent passageway, and upon reaching the intersection, now go north.
  • Head north again, at the next intersection, to discover Power Generator 1, and bring the collected ion capacitors to the power generator recalibrate it.

four ion capacitors are needed to recalibrate Power Generator 1
3. Power Generator 2
  • After recalibrating the Power Generator 1, leave the generator room, then go east at the intersection, and turn a handle. (This activates a nearby teleporter.)
  • Enter the teleporter, and keep heading north until coming back to the ship's main hub (but while standing on a higher plateau), where there is a handle nearby. Turn it. (This opens a door to the north-west, at the ship's main hub area.)
  • Enter that north-west passageway.
  • At the end of that passageway, turn a handle (it activates a teleporter), and go into the teleporter.

blue coloured lighting renders this teleporter blue
  • On exiting from the teleporter, enter a chamber where there is a rotating fan and a bridge.
  • In that chamber, use the fan's air stream to get up higher, and turn a handle across a bridge. (This activates a hovering platform.)
  • Jump up onto the plateau above the bridge, and turn another handle. (This opens a passageway below, to the west.)

use an air fan's updraft to get up higher
  • Move into that now accessible western passageway, then go north at an intersection, and go west at the intersection thereafter.
  • In the next room, turn a handle behind a screen panel. (This opens a passage to a chamber where below there are lasers and fans.)
  • Jump on the nearest rotating air fan in that chamber to get to a higher platform, then jump to a platform where Ion Capacitor 1 is on, and obtain Ion Capacitor 1.

the first ion capacitor (which is to be used for the second power generator) can be found near some air fans
  • After obtaining Ion Capacitor 1, turn a handle near some screen panels, on the same platform Ion Capacitor 1 was on. (This opens a door, in the previous area.)
  • Return to the previous area, and enter the recently opened passageway.
  • At the next intersection, go through the northern door. (The door south leads to some equipment.)
  • Past the door north, is a large air tunnel with air fans on both ends. There is a high-, and low altitude passageway in the air tunnel.

in an air tunnel, a high altitude passageway leads to a checkpoint station
  • Enter the high altitude passageway, and discover Checkpoint Station: Lightship - Sewers.

this pyramid structure is Checkpoint Station: Lightship - Sewers
  • After discovering Checkpoint Station: Lightship - Sewers, return to the air tunnel, and now take the low altitude passageway.
  • Exit from the low passageway, and enter a chamber that has a screen panel on a lower level, with a handle near it.

there is an unidentified handle in this chamber
  • Jump down on the lower walkway, and turn a handle. (This activates a hovering platform.)
  • Stand on the hovering platform to reach a walkway above, and turn another handle. (This does something, but it's not obvious what it does exactly. But turn it, just in case.)
  • After turning the handle, go into a vent to the right, and to the left of two glass wall sections, then move through a few vent chambers. (This takes time to accomplish.)
  • Exit from the vent chambers into the chamber visited earlier, but on the other side of the glass walls.
  • In that chamber, obtain Ion Capacitor 2, and turn two handles. (The first handle extents a bridge to a previous area, the other handle opens a door to the north.)
  • Ignore the bridge, and move through the opened door to the north, into a passageway, then head east at an intersection to locate an Eye of Truth symbol. (This path leads to a handle that needs to be turned, to disable part of the forcefield at the ship's main hub area.)

this path needs to be revisited, after obtaining the Eye of Truth talisman
  • Without the Eye of Truth talisman, it is impossible to proceed. So, instead, return to the previous intersection, and go north, to discover a teleporter.
  • Activate the teleporter, and enter it.
  • Exit from the teleporter, and turn a handle inside an oval passageway. (This opens a nearby doorway for a limited time.)
  • After turning the handle, quickly go through that doorway, and into an elevator platform.
  • When the elevator platform arrives at the top floor, go in either directions.
  • The next chamber houses Ion Capacitor 3 and Ion Capacitor 4. Turn a handle near some screen panels. (This opens two doors behind the ion capacitors, for a limited time.)

obtain both ion capacitors, before heading onwards
  • After turning a handle, quickly jump over an abyss, and through either doorways, to obtain Ion Capacitor 3, and enter the next chamber before the doors close.
  • There are four handles in this chamber. Turn either handles at the panels near the outer edges of the chamber, to reopen the doors (which closed after a limited time). Turn the appropriate handle, and jump back into the previous chamber, to obtain Ion Capacitor 4.
  • Once more, turn the handle near some screen panels. (This opens the two doors, for a limited time.)
  • After turning the handle, quickly jump through either doorway, and into the chamber with the four switches (and obtain Ion Capacitor 4, if not already done).
  • Once back inside the chamber with the four handles, now turn both central handles. (The handle to the north opens a doorway to the north-east, the other handle opens a door to the south-east.)
  • Enter the doorway to the south-east, and recalibrate Power Generator 2.

the second power generator should also be recalibrated
4. Power Generator 3
  • After recalibrating Power Generator 2, return to the chamber with the four handles, and now enter the passageway to the north-east.
  • At the end of that passageway, turn a handle, and enter a teleporter.
  • On exiting from the teleporter, go south at an intersection, until arriving at the ship's main hub, while standing on a higher plateau.
  • Turn a handle near some screen panels on that high plateau. (This opens the north-east passageway, at the ship's main hub.)
  • After turning the handle, move down from the plateau, and go through that north-east passageway.
  • In the passageway, turn a handle, once trapped, then turn another handle and enter a nearby teleporter.
  • Exit from the teleporter and go north at an intersection. (The path to the south leads to some equipment.)
  • At a next intersection, go through a doorway to the north. (The passageway to the west leads to more equipment.)
  • Exit from the doorway into a chamber where there is a handle on a plateau. Get up on the plateau by using a elevator platform below.)
  • On the plateau, turn the handle. (This activates another hovering platform.)

Ion Capacitor 1 is in a tunnel, behind a plateau with screen panels
  • Jump on that hovering platform to get unto the higher walkway at north side of the chamber. (Also obtain Ion Capacitor 1 in a tunnel to the west.)
  • From the higher walkway, walk up a stairs, and go into a next passageway to the north.
  • In the passageway, turn three handles. (This opens a passageway to an inner chamber.)
  • In the inner chamber, obtain Ion Capacitor 2.

Ion Capacitor 2 is inside an inner chamber
  • After obtaining Ion Capacitor 2, turn a handle, and exit through the passageway south-east. (Continue onwards.)
  • In that passageway, ignore a tunnel that leads through a wall, instead enter a door, and discover Checkpoint Station: Lightship - Control Deck.

before entering a tunnel in a wall, discover a checkpoint station
  • After discovering Checkpoint Station: Lightship - Control Deck, return to the tunnel in the wall, and climb in.
  • Crawl through a series of vents, and eventually exit from the vent system into a passageway.
  • In the passageway, at an intersection, go south. (North leads to a room with some equipment.)
  • At the end of the passageway, turn a handle (this activates a nearby teleporter), then enter a teleporter.
  • On exiting from the teleporter, go west at an next intersection. (The pathway south leads to some equipment.)
  • At a next intersection is a Leap of Faith symbol, step on it to locate a handle. Turn it. (This disables the one of the four forcefields at the ship's main hub.)

the Leap of Faith symbol leads to a handle which disables a forcefield at the ship's main hub
  • After turning the handle, step on another Leap of Faith symbol, and at the previous intersection now go through a doorway to the west, and into another passageway.
  • Exit from the passageway into another chamber, where is a handle beyond a stairs. Turn it, this opens a doorway to the west of the handle for a limited time.
  • Quickly go up another stairs, and go inside the chamber beyond that opened doorway, and obtain Ion Capacitor 3.

some doorways only stay open for a limited time, after turning a handle
  • After obtaining Ion Capacitor 3, turn a nearby handle. (A doorway to the east now opens, for a limited time.)
  • Quickly go up another stairs, and go inside the chamber beyond the recently opened doorway and obtain Ion Capacitor 4.

the final ion capacitor
  • After obtaining Ion Capacitor 4, turn a nearby handle. (This opens a doorway underneath the centre switch, in the previous chamber.)
  • Enter that passageway, and turn a handle behind a screen panel. (This opens a passageway to the west, which leads to Power Generator 3.)

Power Generator 3
5. Assembly Plant 1
  • After recalibrating Power Generator 3, go back to the previous chamber (the one with the screen panels), and through the eastern door, and into a teleporter. (The teleporter needs to be activated first.)
  • On exiting from the teleporter, go south, up to a plateau which leads back to the ship's main hub.
  • While standing on the higher plateau, turn a handle. (This opens a doorway to south-east in the ship's main hub.)

a handle near the ship's main hub opens the south-east passageway
  • After turning the handle, go down from the plateau, and enter the south-east passageway.
  • At the end of the south-east passageway, turn a handle. (This activates another teleporter.)
  • After turning the handle, enter the teleporter.
  • Exit from the teleporter, then go through a door, and enter an area where there are two pillars. (Both pillars have screen panels around them).
  • In the area with the two pillars, continue going west.
  • Either route west will lead past a passageway higher up, which cannot be reached from below. Continue going onward, to eventually locate a lower area, where there are two handles, and obtain Ion Capacitor 1 from that place.
  • After obtaining Ion Capacitor 1, turn both switches. (This opens a nearby door, granting access through a western passageway.)

Ion Capacitor 1 can be found near two handles
  • Beyond a door, and inside the western passageway is an inactive teleporter. Turn a handle to activate the teleporter, and then go into the teleporter.
  • On exiting from the teleporter, move through a passageway, and enter Assembly Plant 1. (Ion Capacitor 2 can be seen, when entering the Assembly Plant 1.)

Ion Capacitor 2 can be found in Assembly Plant 1
  • Move east, over an orange platform, and then go north at an intersection, and up a stairs to a higher area.
  • At the higher area, turn a handle. (This opens a door to the south, beyond the intersection.)
  • After turning the handle, head south, past at the intersection, and into a now open passageway.
  • The passage leads past two (high pressure) tanks, then through a tunnel, and into a chamber with a handle.
  • Inside the chamber where there is a handle, turn the handle. (This opens two doorways to the north, for a limited time.)
  • Quickly run through both doorways, and into another chamber with a handle. (Turning this handle will release an adversary.)
  • Continue onwards past that chamber, and into a corridor, and step onto an elevator platform at the end of the corridor.
  • Get off the elevator platform, and move onto a higher area, where there are some creatures inside containment tanks, and turn a handle located on that higher area. (This activates the orange platform below, which can then be used as a bridge, to cross over to another higher area, where there are more containment tanks.)
  • Before using the orange platform to cross over to the other side, obtain Ion Capacitor 2 by jumping towards it.

Ion Capacitor 2 can be obtained after passing by some containment tanks
  • Once having reached the other higher area by using the orange platform, locate a box that has moving cylinders inside of it. Remove the lock, and destroy the machinery inside the box. (This will destroy Assembly Plant 1.)

attack the machine box to destroy Assembly Plant 1
6. Warp Portal 1 (feather)
  • After destroying Assembly Plant 1, press a warp portal switch, next to the ruined machine box.

left of the ruined machine box is a warp portal switch
  • After pressing the warp portal switch, turn a handle near some screen panels, to open a nearby passageway to the south.
  • Move through the southern passageway, and notice Warp Portal 1, beyond a doorway to the east. (It requires the Grey Eagle Feather, which is nearby.)
  • Ignore Warp Portal 1 for now, and instead go into a southern corridor, and turn a handle to activate a teleporter, and enter the teleporter.
  • On exiting from the teleporter, move through a glass passageway. (Through the glass, Assembly Plant 2, can be seen.)
  • Walk all the way around Assembly Plant 2, by following the passageway, until arriving at a pink device.
  • Walk around the pink device, and obtain the Grey Eagle Feather.

the Grey Eagle Feather is hidden behind a pink device
  • After obtaining the Grey Eagle Feather, walk back through the glass passageway, around Assembly Plant 2, and back into the teleporter (which is already activated because it was used earlier).
  • On exiting from the teleporter, go through the doorway to the east, and into Warp Portal 1, to obtain the Eye of Truth talisman.

return to the Warp Portal 1, after obtaining the feather from behind a pink device
7. Assembly Plant 2
  • After obtaining the Eye of Truth talisman, return to the teleporter to the south, and enter the teleporter.
  • On exiting from the teleporter, move through the glass hallway. (Through the glass, Assembly Plant 2 can be seen.)
  • Walk all the way around Assembly Plant 2, by following the hallway, until arriving at the pink device.
  • Destroy the pink device to destroy Assembly Plant 2.

this device keeps the Assembly Plant 2 from breaking down
8. Assembly Plant 3
  • After destroying Assembly Plant 2, obtain Ion Capacitor 3 near the pink device.

the disabled pink device has Ion Capacitor 3 near it
  • After obtaining Ion Capacitor 3, leave through a teleporter to the south. (This requires the teleporter to be activated first, by turning a nearby handle.)
  • On exiting the from teleporter, notice an inactive Warp Portal 2 to the north.

Warp Portal 2 leads to a nuke weapon part
  • Go through the doorway to the west, and through a glass passageway. (Through the glass, Assembly Plant 3 can be seen.)
  • Beyond that passageway there are red lasers, blocking a path onward.
  • At those red lasers, move through an eastern passageway, then through a doorway that leads into another passageway.
  • This passageway has a screen panel, with a handle near it. Turn that handle. (This opens the door to Assembly Plant 3.)
  • Inside the assembly plant, obtain two blue laser cells.

take two blue laser cells, from Assembly Plant 3
  • After obtaining both blue laser cells, travel back through the passageway, and bring them to the device that creates the red lasers. (This turns the red lasers into blue lasers, which are harmless, and now grant passage. Make sure to also obtain the two red laser cells that previously powered the blockade.)

exchange two red laser cells, with two blue laser cells
  • After obtaining both red laser cells, travel back through the passageway, and bring them to Assembly Plant 3. (This destroys Assembly Plant 3.)

bring two red laser cells to Assembly Plant 3, to destroy it
9. Warp Portal 2 (nuke)
  • After destroying Assembly Plant 3, head back into the passageway, to the blue lasers (which now granting access into a passageway beyond them), and obtain Ion Capacitor 4.
  • After obtaining the capacitor, look for a warp portal switch near it, and press it. (This activates Warp Portal 2, which was passed by earlier.)

press a warp portal switch to activate Warp Portal 2
  • After pressing the switch, go north, up the stairs.
  • Past the stairs, go through a passageway, and through a door, then go north to now activated Warp Portal 2, which leads to a nuke weapon part.

enter Warp Portal 2 to obtain the final part of the nuke weapon
10. Power Generator 4
  • After obtaining the nuke weapon part, move through the western doorway, and past the glass passageway.
  • After the glass passageway, move past the blue lasers.

Power Generator 4 is beyond the lasers
  • Beyond the blue lasers is Power Generator 4.

at Power Generator 4 is a tunnel beneath the surface of some unidentified liquid
  • Bring the four collected ion capacitors to Power Generator 4 to recalibrate it.
  • Dive into the liquid that surrounds Power Generator 4, and swim through a tunnel that leads to a chamber with a handle. Turn the handle. (This disables one of the four forcefield generators at the ship's main hub.)

this handle will disable the third of the four forcefield generators, at the ship's main hub
  • After recalibrating Power Generator 4, go north past the blue lasers, and then into a teleporter to the west. (It requires activation by turning a nearby handle.)
  • Exit from the teleporter, and enter an area which was visited earlier, then head west, into another teleporter.
  • On exiting from the teleporter, keep going west at the next intersection, until arriving on a plateau higher up, near the ship's main hub.
  • On the higher plateau is a handle. Turn that handle. (This opens a doorway to the north of the ship's main hub.)
  • Enter the passageway north of the main hub, and exit the Primagen's Lightship, through it's exit portal. (Primagen Key 6 will be acquired in the final section of this guide.)
LEVEL 1 to 6 - Primagen Keys
1. Primagen Key 1
  • Quick warp to Checkpoint Station: Port of Adia - Village.
  • Exit from Checkpoint Station: Port of Adia - Village, and keep following the street, until there is a palm tree to the east. This leads to Primagen Key 1.

the way to Primagen Key 1
  • After obtaining Primagen Key 1, return to Checkpoint Station: Port of Adia - Village.

return to Checkpoint Station: Port of Adia - Village, by walking back the same route
2. Primagen Key 2
  • Quick warp to Checkpoint Station: River of Souls - Courtyard.
  • Exit from Checkpoint Station: River of Souls - Courtyard, and head east, down into the passageway.
  • Keep following the passageway until arriving at the high plateau, above the canal. Jump down across the canal to the west, to find Primagen Key 2, beneath the shelter with the flat yellow roof.

the way to Primagen Key 2
  • After obtaining Primagen Key 2, jump down from the platform it was on, and head north over a bridge, to get back to Checkpoint Station: River of Souls - Courtyard.

the way back to Checkpoint Station: River of Souls - Courtyard
  • Return to Checkpoint Station: River of Souls - Courtyard, by jumping off a nearby bridge.

jump down from a bridge, to return to Checkpoint Station: River of Souls - Courtyard
3. Primagen Key 3
  • Quick warp to Checkpoint Station: Death Marshes 3.
  • Dive in the river near a Breath of Life symbol, and keep following the river up north.

the way to Primagen Key 3
  • Swim through a subterranean tunnel beneath the marsh, for it leads to Primagen Key 3.

a subterranean tunnel leads to Primagen Key 3
  • After obtaining Primagen Key 3, swim back down the river, and return to Checkpoint Station: Death Marshes 3.

return to Checkpoint Station: Death Marshes 3, by swimming back through the river
4. Primagen Key 4
  • Quick warp to Checkpoint Station: Blind Lair - Entrance.
  • A Whispers symbol is right next to Checkpoint Station: Blind Lair - Entrance, to the west.

the way to Primagen Key 4
  • After obtaining Primagen Key 4, go through a valley to the west, and return to Checkpoint Station: Blind Lair - Entrance.

return to Checkpoint Station: Blind Lair - Entrance, by going through a valley
5. Primagen Key 5
  • Quick warp to Checkpoint Station: Hive - Breeding Grounds.
  • Move to the south, until reaching a bridge.
  • Walk over the bridge, and take the door to the south.
  • At the Breath of Life symbol, swim through a nearby subterranean tunnel, underneath the surface of some unidentified liquid.

a subterranean tunnel nearby, leads to Primagen Key 5
  • Exit from the subterranean tunnel, then walk over a bridge, and go into a teleporter, and continue, until arriving at an Eye of Truth symbol.

the yellow path shows the way to Primagen Key 5
  • Primagen Key 5 is at the end of a yellow path, leading over an abyss, near the Eye of Truth symbol.
  • After obtaining Primagen Key 5, return to Checkpoint Station: Hive - Breeding Grounds. (Go back over the yellow path, into the teleporter, then over the bridge, and through the subterranean tunnel, then (at the second high bridge), go through the western door.)

return to Checkpoint Station: Hive - Breeding Grounds, by taking the western door, while crossing the second high bridge
6. Primagen Key 6
  • Quick warp Checkpoint Station: Lightship - Sewers.
  • Walk through the passageway, that exits into the air tunnel. Take the lower passageway out of the air tunnel.

exit from the air tunnel through the lower passageway
  • In the chamber past the air tunnel, go into the narrow tunnel in the wall, near the glass wall segments.

use the elevator to get up higher, and locate the narrow tunnel in the wall
  • After going into the narrow tunnel, move through a ventilation system.
  • Exit from the ventilation system, and go into the chamber with the glass wall segments, but on the other side of them.
  • In that chamber, take the northern doorway, behind the blinking devices. At the next intersection, take the eastern doorway, and keep going east, until arriving at an Eye of Truth symbol.
  • Follow the yellow path, and turn a handle, to deactivate the final forcefield generator at the ship's main hub. (All the other forcefields generators have already been deactivated, if all is in order.)

move up the yellow path and turn a handle, to deactivate the final forcefield generator at the ship's main hub
  • After turning the handle to deactivate the forcefield generator, go back over the yellow path, and back into the chamber with the glass wall segments.
  • In that chamber, turn a handle near the glass wall segments. (This extends a nearby bridge, if it has not already been extended.)

extend a bridge to get back to Checkpoint Station: Lightship - Sewers
  • Walk over the bridge, and back into the air tunnel.
  • In the air tunnel, take the upper passageway, to return to Checkpoint Station: Lightship - Sewers.
  • Quick Warp to Checkpoint Station: The Hub.
  • At The Hub, enter the Warp Portal to level 6, Primagen's Lightship. (It's a warp portal that lies beyond the symbol of a crescent moon.)

warp to level 6, to obtain Primagen Key 6
  • On exiting from the Warp Portal to level 6, walk to the ship's main hub, and obtain Primagen Key 6.

Primagen Key 6 is the final item needed to complete Turok 2: Seeds of Evil
  • After obtaining Primagen Key 6, return to a nearby warp portal and quick warp to The Hub, and finish the campaign.
5 opmerkingen
AustrAlien2010  [auteur] 21 nov 2024 om 14:01 
I've corrected it.
Wiggy 21 nov 2024 om 12:52 
The Whispers Talisman is acquired in Level 5, not Level 4 as currently listed in Level 4's Primagen Key location
purpl3 h4z3 28 mei 2024 om 14:23 
you are a legend. i wish every guide on internet were very well written like this one. amazing :praisesun:
slayerdude72 25 dec 2023 om 9:42 
fantastic guide, thank you
ChubbiChibbai 14 dec 2023 om 17:01 
Amazing guide. Thanks so much. This is proving to be really useful when i get stuck in a few places.