Section 8: Prejudice

Section 8: Prejudice

FOV + Max Player Cap + Disable Movies Guide
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This guide will tell you how to change FOV to whatever you want, how to change the max player cap for multiplayer matches, and how to disable the beginning movies.
To change the FOV go to:
C:\Users\USER\Documents\My Games\Section 8 Prejudice - PC\S9Game\Config\S9Game.ini

Open S9Game.ini in a text editor and search for "FOV" by pressing CTRL + F at the same time (for pc).

There are 3 numbers you have to change: PawnFOVScale=1.0 under sections [Engine.PlayerController], [S9Game.S9PlayerController], and [S9Game.S9PlayerControllerConquest].

An FOV scale of 1.0 (the default scale) is 70 degrees. 80 degrees is 1.142 and 90 degrees is 1.285.

Every 10 degrees is 0.143 and every 5 degrees is 0.0715.

For example, I use an FOV of 105, so here is the equation to get 105 FOV:

1.0 (70 degrees) + .429 (30 degrees) + 0.0715 (5 degrees) = 105 FOV

After you have calculated the FOV you want change all three PawnFOVScale numbers to your new FOV number.

Sometimes the game decides to reset the fov so I recommend making S9Game.ini a read-only file.

You can do this by right clicking the file, and at the bottom click and check mark the "Read-Only" box.
Max Player Cap
To change the max player cap of a multiplayer game go to:

C:\Users\USER\Documents\My Games\Section 8 Prejudice - PC\S9Game\Config\S9Game.ini

Open S9Game.ini in a text editor and search for "MaxPlayers" by pressing CTRL + F at the same time (on pc).

You should find four lines of code:


To be safe change all of them to 64.

Save the file and and make it read only. This is the same file with FOV in it so make sure before editing it's not read-only.

To make it read-only right click and at the bottom click the "Read-Only" box.

If this does not work for you go to your default directory of the game. If you don't know how to go to your steam library, right click section 8 prejudice on your game list and click properties. Go to Local Files > Browse local files.

Then go to s9game > Config > DefaultGame.ini

Open DefaultGame.ini and again, search for "MaxPlayers". The same 4 lines of code from S9Game.ini will show up, change all of their values to 64.

Disable Movies
The movies are the little company intros at the startup of the game. Since these intros are not effected by your audio settings they usually ear-rape me everytime I startup the game.

To disable them go to:

C:\Users\USER\Documents\My Games\Section 8 Prejudice - PC\S9Game\Config\S9Engine.ini

Find these lines of code:


Change them to:

1 則留言
Talicen 2020 年 7 月 25 日 下午 6:03 
Thank You