Call of Duty: Black Ops III

Call of Duty: Black Ops III

881 ratings
File Size
6.349 GB
17 May, 2020 @ 11:05am
25 Oct, 2020 @ 1:20am
5 Change Notes ( view )

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A Broken Arrow Facility containing a number station that transmits cryptic messages to all fellow facilities, agents and spies. Primis arrives to uncover the final message’s meaning and the untold story of this lost site.

- BO4 Weapons
- BO4 Ray Gun Z-2, E-2, M-2, Y-2
- BO4 Ray Gun Mark ll
- BO4 Stylized Perk Icons
- BO4 Stylized Powerup Icons
- BO4 Hitmarkers
- BO3 DLC Weapons
- Music Easter Egg (Alpha Omega: Frequency)
- Avogadro mini-boss
- Custom Pack-a-Punch Camo
- Shootable Mannequin Easter Egg

Author’s Note:
I got the chance to revamp Frequency after rediscovering the map file on my PC. I have improved all of the xmodel materials, fixed most of the issues, and altered the weapon balancing for all of the weapons to perform more like BO1 and BO2. Also, I personally believed that improvements were needed in the visual quality and fidelity of the map, so I have altered the bake quality, the shadow detail, added volumetric lighting, etc. Lastly, I’m happy to announce that I got the opportunity to work with a scripter to add a small EE in the map.

Zombie115201 - Level Design / Exporting BO4 Xmodels / Weapon Adjustments

Ultra - Mannequin Easter Egg Scripting
The Black Death - HUD Reticle Pack
VerK0 - PBR textures / ReLUTs / Lighting Tutorials
Scobalula - Greyhound
robit - BO4 Perk Shaders / Powerup Shaders / Hitmarkers
Clix - BO4 Hitmarkers
D3V Team - L3akMod
TheSkyeLord - Modified BO4 Weapon Ports
Kingslayer Kyle - Modified BO3 DLC Weapons / GK Timer
Steviewonder87 - BO4 Ray Gun Mark ll Port
JBird632 - Tutorials / Music Easter Egg Script / Traverals
Dick_Nixon - Avogadro mini-boss
Zeroy - WW2 Xmodel Packs
Erthrock - Moon Zombie Models / Tutorials
OffTheGrid - Modified BO4 Ray Gun
Treyarch - Thank you for all your amazing games and for giving us modders to release custom maps and mods to BO3
Activision - For publishing Treyarch, Infinity Ward, and Sledgehammer games
Brian Tuey - Frequency - BO4 Alpha Omega OST
Icegrenade - Custom Perk and Powerup Icons / Tutorials
Uptownpapi25 - Tutorials
Program115 - Tutorials
UGO aka Wakka - Tutorials
Madgaz - Tutorials
Garrett - AO Round Change Sounds
Pepergogo - Modified BO4 announcer
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ - BO4 Max Ammo Script
Wafflez - Zombie Chronicles Sound Pack
ConvictioNDR - Disabled Zombie Collision with other Zombies Script
GCPeinhardt - Wonder Weapon FXs
Planet - BO4 Stylized Perk Bottles
Humphrey - Broken Arrow Perk Bottle Glass

Patch Notes:
- Added RPK-74, AKS-74U, MSMC, AN-94, China Lake, and MP40
- Added Weapon Inspect for Most BO4 Weapons
- Added a Timer
- Added Spare Change under Perks
- Added More Traverals for Zombies
- Changed Mantling Anims for Zombies
- Changed Pack-a-Punch Camo
- Improved Br-r-ah RPM during Acceleration Period
- Improved some Materials for Xmodels
- Improved Penetration for all Sniper Rifles, Revolvers, and Tactical Rifles
- Immune to Splash Damage from Ray Gun Y and Z for both PaPed and Non-PaPed
- Nerfed Quartermaster's Repeater Damage Multipliers and Decreased Max Damage Range
- Buffed Both PaPed and Non-PaPed Ray Gun Z Torso Damage Multipliers
Popular Discussions View All (2)
24 Jan, 2023 @ 3:44pm
Neon Slice
27 May, 2023 @ 6:08pm
Easter Egg Guide
spimau928 7 Feb @ 11:12pm 
far as I can tell the only thing missing from this map is the character voice lines. really sucks not having them.
Karl 28 Dec, 2024 @ 6:48am 
The avogadro keeps getting glitched under dead zombies!
JPN Shiro 12 Nov, 2024 @ 6:04am 
Are there any good camping spots?
Officer McNaughty 23 Sep, 2024 @ 11:25am 
It's a fun map.
TDawg262 17 Jul, 2024 @ 11:30am 
Hey, do you by any chance have a download for those BO4 Rayguns? I've been looking everywhere for a good port of them, and none have been released publicly I don't think...

Great map btw. We need a proper Nuketown map, and the one by Clix is great, but suffers from not being compatible with mods, as well as bugs...
Zombie115201  [author] 10 Jul, 2024 @ 7:16pm 
It's hard to say when the re-imagining will be released. I would rather not give an estimation of expectation. I don’t want to disappoint, since I could be wrong about it. I have projects that I switch between constantly. I promise to release the re-imaging in the future. Regardless, I appreciate the comment sent!
killman47 8 Jul, 2024 @ 7:16am 
holy shit, you're making a re-imagining of this map? that's great to hear, dude! this has been one of my favourite go-to survival maps in the workshop just cause i loved the aesthetic of Alpha Omega and this had a really fun layout, although I do agree with MyJellyDonut's comment that this map holds tons of potential to include way more. is there an ETA for the release?
Zombie115201  [author] 20 May, 2024 @ 6:58pm 
Well to start, We know the four variant wonder weapon concept didn’t appear until the end of Black Ops ll, Origins. I’m treating this version as an original Black Ops zombies map. That’s been remastered like the other Black Ops zombie maps on Chronicles. There are going to be new gameplay elements that replace the prototype ray guns, so it might be fine. I know the Prototype variants are iconic for this map, but it has been taken to a new direction. I do plan on making a BO4 mod in the future, but I don’t know if it will happen for sure. When I started working on it I was sure to include the original that way, since it’s BO4 weapons like the original version of the map.
tommytooner 19 May, 2024 @ 9:11pm 
Why not include the custom ray guns in the new version you plan to release? Its the most unique aspect of the map. When you take out the best part of your map it losses a lot of the attraction to play it.
Zombie115201  [author] 14 May, 2024 @ 7:16pm 
Melee the Avogadro multiple times until a certain point. I suggest doing this process with one or two zombies left wandering around. Quick Tip, You can speed up the process by getting a bowie knife!