The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

601 ratings
Legend of Zelda Skyrim Mod


This mod is ONLY for Men Players (Skyrim Models) Please note that if you use a Female (Skyrim Models)the meshes will look weird and bad plus Link is a Man not a Girl.

I recommend to use a HIGH ELF with this mod mainly because Link looks a lot like one and to use a DARK ELF with the Dark Link Armor so it looks good and make him a vampire for the eyes.

Craft everything related to Armor and Weapons in the Smithing Forge.
Smelt the Elven Firewood in the Smelter but the Elven Wood Sticks are crafted on the Smithing Forge.


Dark Link's Hat
Dark Link's Robes
Zora Link's Hat with Waterbreathing
Zora Link's Robes with Waterbreathing
Goron Link's Hat with 100% Fire Resistance
Goron Link's Robes with 100% Fire Resistance
Link's Robes
Link's Braces
Link's Boots
Link's Hat
Navi Ring


The Master Sword
The Kokiri Sword
The Magical Sword
Biggoron's Sword
The Megaton Hammer
Link's Long Bow
Link's Bow
Elven Wood Arrows with Light!


The Hylian Shield
Mirror Shield (Magic will not affect the shield)
Magical Shield


Elven Firewood
Elven Wood Sticks
Link Follower


Elven Firewood and Elven Wood Sticks:

To craft the bows you will need Elven Firewood and Elven Wood Sticks.
To make Elven Firewood you will need the Normal Firewood from Skyrim and a Moonstone Ore and it'll give you 3 Elven Firewood in the Smelter and with those you can go to the Smithing Forge to craft 30 Elven Wooden Sticks which are used to Craft Elven Wood Arrows.

Elven Wood Arrows:

30 Elven Wood Sticks
1 Iron ingot
1 Steel Ingot

Link's Long Bow:

1 Elven Firewood
1 Firewood
2 Iron Ingots
2 Steel Ingots

Link's Bow:

1 Elven Firewood
1 Firewood
1 Iron Ingots
1 Steel Ingots

The Master Sword:

1 Dwarven Ingot
2 Ebony Ingots
2 Iron Ingots
2 Steel Ingots

The Hylian Shield:

1 Firewood
1 Dwarven Ingot
3 Iron Ingots
4 Steel Ingots

The Mirror Shield:

1 Silver Ingot
3 Moonstone Ingot
3 Quicksilver Ingot
4 Garnet Gems

The Kokiri Sword:

1 Firewood
1 Garnet Gem
1 Steel Ingot
2 Leather Strips

The Megaton Hammer:

1 Iron Ingot
1 Leather
3 Leather Strips
5 Steel Ingots

Navi Ring:

1 Gold Ingot
1 Candle Light Spell Tome

Link's Clothing:

Dark Link Hat
1 Void Salts
1 Vampire Dust
3 Leather

Dark Link Robes
2 Void Salts
2 Vampire Dust
3 Leather Strips
5 Leather

Goron Link Hat
5 Dragon's Tongue
3 Leather

Goron Link Robes
10 Dragon's Tongue
3 Leather Strips
5 Leather

Zora Link Hat
1 Waterbreathing Spell Tome
3 Leather

Zora Link Robes
1 Waterbreathing Spell Tome
3 Leather Strips
5 Leather

Link Hat
3 Leather

Link Robes
3 Leather Strips
5 Leather

Link Boots
2 Leather Strips
3 Leather

Link Bracers
1 Leather
2 Leather Strips

All The Armor is LIGHT ARMOR

You can TEMPER the clothing with the same ingredients but not the same quantity.


Link's Bow:

10 Elven Wood Sticks
1 Firewood
1 Iron Ingot
1 Steel Ingot

Link's Long Bow:

1 Elven Firewood
1 Firewood
1 Iron Ingot
1 Steel Ingot

The Master Sword:

1 Ebony Ingot
1 Iron Ingot
1 Steel Ingot

The Hylian Shield:

1 Iron Ingot
2 Steel Ingots

The Mirror Shield:

1 Moonstone Ingot
1 Quicksilver Ingot
1 Silver Ingot

The Kokiri Sword:

1 Steel Ingot
1 Leather Strip

The Megaton Hammer:

1 Leather
4 Steel Ingot

To get the Link Follower go to Warmaiden's then go to the second floor and open the strong box and the spell book will be inside it with a little easter egg :P

To start the quest go to Frostfruit Inn and speak to the elf.

Soon to be added:

Standard Shield
Dark Link NPC Encounter
Deku Shield
Goddess Sword
A Legend of Zelda Shout to call Epona. (NOT EVEN STARTED)

Models: Quechus13, Bethesda Softworks
Textures: Quechus13, Bethesda Softworks

Copyright Information:

All Models and Textures are property of Quechus13 aka Luis Skinfill.
Models and Textures by Bethesda Softworks will remain Bethesda Softworks's Copyright.

You may NOT use these models for another game without my Permission.

Items (13)