Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod

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Items (175)
[TTT2/TTT/SB] Supersheep
Created by LeBroomer
If you don't like that item, please let me know why. I will try to improve the addon as good as I can. This is an addon for the gamemodes "Trouble in Terrorists Town" and "Sandbox". Please do not try to use it in any other gamemode and report errors or dow...
CS:GO Scar-20 for TTT
Created by Nahte
This is a addon created for TTT, it will NOT work in sandbox This isn't a reskin, and will respawn like a normal gun in TTT Credits: (Model, Textures, Sounds and Animations)...
CS:GO Negev for TTT
Created by Nahte
Made for TTT, it means will not work in Sandbox So, you love the negev from csgo? well, i made it for TTT. This weapon will autospawn, no need to change anything. Includes: -Custom icon! -Custom fire sound -Better than the M249 Credits: http://css.gamebana...
Created by Nahte
Is this gun overpowered enough? Check it out Doesn't work for sandbox Credits: (Model, Textures, Sounds and Animations) and Valv3, of course....
TTT - Door Locker
Created by Exho
Ever felt like locking a door and murdering the Innocents inside? Well now you can! **** Info: Billy Mays here, er.. This is a project I've been working on to add a change in gameplay and something cool to do on maps. You can Left Click a door (provided yo...
TTT - The Briefcase
Created by Exho
The Briefcase is a Traitor/Detective weapon that is designed to supply you and anyone around you, with needed ammunition to either save the Innocents or murder them! ***How it works: When you buy the item, you wont be able to see it until you scroll to the...
TTT - Speed Boost
Created by Exho
Have you ever been in a situation where you are probably going to die if you cannot outrun the Terrorists chasing you? Now you can solve that by buying a Speed Boost! On the purchase of this, you will recieve a large boost of speed for 15 seconds (by defau...
[TTT/2|Sandbox] Sandwich (Medkit)
Created by Zaratusa
Features The sandwich is a simple Medkit for Traitors and Detectives (configurable via ConVars), it heals 25 (configurable) life per use and can either be used on yourself or every other player. Primary attack to heal other player, secondary attack to heal...
[TTT/2|Sandbox] Mine Turtle (Proximity Mine)
Created by Zaratusa
This is the Mine Turtle! If you've seen the ASDF movies then you'll know exactly what this is. Features The Mine Turtle is a item buyable for Traitors and Detectives (configurable via ConVars) once per round or spawns at random grenade spawns, if both ConV...
[TTT/2|Sandbox] Golden Deagle V2
Created by Zaratusa
Features A pretty simple Detective weapon, if you hit a Traitor with it he will die, but beware if its any Innocent then you're dead. Otherwise it's just a normal Deagle. See below for different configuration. Type: Equip 1 Ammo: none Firemode: Semi-automa...
[TTT/2] AUG (CS:S)
Created by Zaratusa
NOTICE: This Addon only works for the "Trouble in Terrorist Town" and "Trouble in Terrorist Town 2" - Gamemodes. This weapon will not show up in sandbox mode. Features This Weapon has a sniper like scope and spawns random on the map. Type: Rifle Ammo: Rifl...
[TTT] Hermes Boots (Passive Perk)
Created by Zaratusa
NOTICE: This Addon only works for the TTT (Trouble in Terrorist Town) - Gamemode. For TTT2 (Trouble in Terrorist Town 2) use this version of the Hermes Boots. Features The Hermes Boots are a passive item for Traitors and Detectives (configurable via ConVar...
[TTT/2] Galil (CS:S)
Created by Zaratusa
NOTICE: This Addon only works for the "Trouble in Terrorist Town" and "Trouble in Terrorist Town 2" - Gamemodes. This weapon will not show up in sandbox mode. Features This Weapon spawns random on the map. Type: Rifle Ammo: Rifle-Ammo Firemode: Automatic M...
[TTT/2] Famas (CS:S)
Created by Zaratusa
NOTICE: This Addon only works for the "Trouble in Terrorist Town" and "Trouble in Terrorist Town 2" - Gamemodes. This weapon will not show up in sandbox mode. Features This Weapon spawns random on the map. Type: Rifle Ammo: Rifle-Ammo Firemode: Automatic M...
[TTT/2] G3SG1 (CS:S)
Created by Zaratusa
NOTICE: This Addon only works for the "Trouble in Terrorist Town" and "Trouble in Terrorist Town 2" - Gamemodes. This weapon will not show up in sandbox mode. Features This Weapon is silenced and spawns random on the map. Type: Rifle Ammo: Sniper-Ammo Fire...
[TTT/2] Detective P90 (CS:S)
Created by Zaratusa
NOTICE: This Addon only works for the "Trouble in Terrorist Town" and "Trouble in Terrorist Town 2" - Gamemodes. This weapon will not show up in sandbox mode. Features This Weapon comes with a sniper like scope and is buyable once per Detective. Type: Equi...
[TTT/2] M4 SLAM (Tripmine + Remote C4)
Created by Zaratusa
NOTICE: This Addon only works for the "Trouble in Terrorist Town" and "Trouble in Terrorist Town 2" - Gamemodes. This weapon will not show up in sandbox mode. It's already included by default under "Half-Life 2" Category. Features The M4 Selectable Lightwe...
[TTT/2] M3S90 (CS:S)
Created by Zaratusa
NOTICE: This Addon only works for the "Trouble in Terrorist Town" and "Trouble in Terrorist Town 2" - Gamemodes. This weapon will not show up in sandbox mode. Features This Weapon spawns random on the map. Type: Shotgun Ammo: Shotgun-Ammo Firemode: Pump-ac...
[TTT] Lucky Horseshoe (Passive Perk)
Created by Zaratusa
NOTICE: This Addon only works for the TTT (Trouble in Terrorist Town) - Gamemode. For TTT2 (Trouble in Terrorist Town 2) use this version of the Lucky Horseshoe. Features The Lucky Horseshoe is a passive item for Traitors and Detectives (configurable via C...
[TTT/2] Jihad Bomb (Charred Corpse)
Created by Zaratusa
NOTICE: This Addon only works for the "Trouble in Terrorist Town" and "Trouble in Terrorist Town 2" - Gamemodes. This weapon will not show up in sandbox mode. Features Every Traitor can buy a Jihad Bomb once per round and/or spawns with it (configurable vi...
[TTT/2] P228 (CS:S)
Created by Zaratusa
NOTICE: This Addon only works for the "Trouble in Terrorist Town" and "Trouble in Terrorist Town 2" - Gamemodes. This weapon will not show up in sandbox mode. Features This Weapon spawns random on the map. Type: Pistol Ammo: Pistol-Ammo Firemode: Semi-auto...
[TTT/2] MP5 (CS:S)
Created by Zaratusa
NOTICE: This Addon only works for the "Trouble in Terrorist Town" and "Trouble in Terrorist Town 2" - Gamemodes. This weapon will not show up in sandbox mode. Features This Weapon spawns random on the map. Type: Rifle Ammo: Rifle-Ammo Firemode: Automatic M...
[TTT/2] Traitor Silenced M4A1 (CS:S)
Created by Zaratusa
NOTICE: This Addon only works for the "Trouble in Terrorist Town" and "Trouble in Terrorist Town 2" - Gamemodes. This weapon will not show up in sandbox mode. Features This Weapon is once buyable per Traitor. Type: Equip 1 Ammo: Pistol-Ammo Firemode: Autom...
[TTT/2] Traitor AK47 (CS:S)
Created by Zaratusa
NOTICE: This Addon only works for the "Trouble in Terrorist Town" and "Trouble in Terrorist Town 2" - Gamemodes. This weapon will not show up in sandbox mode. Features This Weapon is buyable once per Traitor. Type: Equip 1 Ammo: Rifle-Ammo Firemode: Automa...
[TTT/2] SG552 (CS:S)
Created by Zaratusa
NOTICE: This Addon only works for the "Trouble in Terrorist Town" and "Trouble in Terrorist Town 2" - Gamemodes. This weapon will not show up in sandbox mode. Features This Weapon has a sniper like scope and spawns random on the map. Type: Rifle Ammo: Rifl...
[TTT/2] SG550 (CS:S)
Created by Zaratusa
NOTICE: This Addon only works for the "Trouble in Terrorist Town" and "Trouble in Terrorist Town 2" - Gamemodes. This weapon will not show up in sandbox mode. Features This Weapon spawns random on the map. Type: Rifle Ammo: Sniper-Ammo Firemode: Automatic ...
[TTT2/TTT] Manipulation Knife
Created by LeBroomer
This is an addon for the gamemode "Trouble in Terrorists Town". Please do not try to use it in any other gamemode and report errors or downvote it due to that reason.
[TTT] Boomerang
Created by LeBroomer
This is an addon for the gamemode "Trouble in Terrorists Town". Please do not try to use it in any other gamemode and report errors or downvote it due to that reason.
[TTT/2] A Second Chance
Created by Hagen
This Addon only works for the "Trouble in Terrorist Town"-Gamemode. This weapon will not show up in sandbox mode. Features: If you buy this Item you will respawn 5 seconds after your death. The Chance is affected by your kills. Even if the Round normally s...
TTT Advanced Disguiser
Created by Hagen
This is the Advanced Disguiser for the Traitor. ( Doppelgänger in german) And you can "knife" someone to steal his identity. If you steal an Identity your name changes ( if someone looks at you ) I fixed it and reworked it. If it will be asked I will Remov...
[TTT/2] Blue Bull
Created by Hagen
Features Try the New Blue Bull! For Traitors and Detectives! Its a passive Item so it doesn´t takes a slot. With it you can jump higher then ever before! And you can Jump in the Air again! Two Times! You can also run 50% faster! ConVars: ttt_bluebull_det =...
TTT Dead Ringer
Created by Hagen
This Addon only works for the "Trouble in Terrorist Town"-Gamemode. This weapon will not show up in sandbox mode. Features: Its the Dead Ringer from TF2, fixed, and now working with SpecDM (newest version of it, please look out for it)! If you buy and enab...
TTT Door Buster
Created by Hagen
This Addon only works for the "Trouble in Terrorist Town"-Gamemode. This weapon will not show up in sandbox mode. Features: The Door Buster is an item for the Detective and the Traitor. It is placable on doors. If somebody that's not you then the door will...
TTT Homing Pigeon
Created by Hagen
You can only shoot it if you look at a Player. It will fly automatically to him and explodes him. The map is ttt_waterworld. I take no credits for the Code Originally its from Ownage. I also fixed it up a bit....
TTT Homerun Bat
Created by Hagen
This Addon only works for the "Trouble in Terrorist Town"-Gamemode. This weapon will not show up in sandbox mode. Features: Its a HomeRun Bat, you guess what it does. If you hit a Player ist loses 1 Ammo and he will fly away instantly. Only loses Ammo If y...
TTT Sawed-Off Shotgun
Created by Hagen
I just fixed the fixed the Physics of the Normal one and made an Icon. The Original addon is : from fortyeightthousand This is NOT a sandbox version so please do not try using it for sandbox ...
TTT Randomat
Created by Hagen
This Addon only works for the "Trouble in Terrorist Town"- Gamemode. This weapon will not show up in sandbox mode. Features: The Randomat is an Item for the Detective which will, after it was used, do something random. I will try to add new things every we...
TTT Lemonade + LemonadeLauncher
Created by Hagen
This script was primary made by them I only converted it into TTT, but when you think now that was easy, you are wrong, it took me like 4 hours, so not easy at all. Lemonade ( Traitor Item ) W...
[TTT/2] Zombie Perk Bottles
Created by Hagen
This Addon only works for the "Trouble in Terrorist Town"-Gamemode. This weapon will not show up in sandbox mode. The normal version is this one: I just fixed it. Features: Juggernog - You wi...
(Trouble in Terrorist Town) TTT Silenced Shotgun (V2)
Created by xbeastguyx
Old description: Trouble in Terrorist Town Silenced Shotgun! Have you been looking for a cool unique TTT weapon? Here you have it! The Silenced Shotgun!. This weapon is in the Traitor shop for one credit and can be used for silent killing! Also, this weapo...
Holy Hand Greande + TTT
Created by Hds46
Donate to support me and for more stuff Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch(Worms). Made for Sandbox/TTT. Features Worms: Armageddon style explosion effect. Custom sounds and models. Nice icons. Big damage and radius. Sandbox/Trouble in Terrorist Town(Traitor) su...
Explosive Melon Launcher TTT Edition
Created by Skate
I got requests on my original melon launcher for a TTT one. This SWEP is a traitor weapon that launches one explosive melon. If you have any suggestions or comments post them in the comments! Visit ...
Super Discombobulator (TTT)
Created by Ikkou@:)
Works exactly like a normal discombobulator, but on a much much bigger scale. Throw it and watch people fly. (Warning: No Cape included.)...
Orbital Bass Cannon: Indoor Edition(TTT)
Created by Jase
A modified version of the Orbital Bass Cannon for TTT, this one works indoors! I originally used the first version of the weapon(found here:, then noticed it did not work on ANY indoor maps. So I modified it...
TTT - Cloaking Device
Created by Lykrast
I'd first like to thanks v_hana for helping fixing bugs. A functionnal cloaking device for our dear traitors in TTT. For 1 credit (like all equipments), you can buy this wonderful piece of technology. Simply hold it in your hand to be nearly invisible (loo...
TTT - Defibrillator
Created by sophie
Pretty simple modification that allows traitors to purchase a one-time defibrillator that can bring allies (or enemies) back from the dead. Installing Workshop addons on servers GitHub
TTT - Grapplehook (WITH ICON)
A re-upload of the TTT - Grapplehook with a fixed icon....
TTT Banana Bomb
Created by GHXX
This Addon adds a Banana Bomb which releases many small, explosive Bananas. It was originally made by schnul44. I updated it. Causes error in Sandbox, but you can just ignore them. This addon works for both Sandbox and Trouble in Terrorist Town (trouble to...
TTT - Minifier
Created by Lykrast
WARNING : it's buggy for reasons I don't know, it will requires multiple clics to (de)activate and will print scripts errors in the user's console. Other than that it works fine. A real tool to annoy those pesky innocents, for 1 credit any traitor can affo...
TTT Defibrillator for Detective
Created by PixL
Detectives can buy it in the equipment menu.It's just like the traitor defibrillator, so it revives a corpse. Original by Willox:
TTT Melon Mine
Created by BocciardoLight
Stand close to a wall to plant the mine. Detonates when enemy is within visible range CREATED BY Phoenixf129 Edited by BocciardoLight Tags: TTT, Traitor, Shop, Item, melon, launcher, mine, bomb, melone...
TTT Pistol Pack
Created by Lykrast
Requires CS:Source (for the hands). Includes 2 new weapons for the TTT gamemode, all 2 using deagle ammo. All spawn along with other weapons if the current map has random weapon spawns. Remington Fires faster but deals less damage than your traditional Dea...
TTT Weapon Collection
Created by Fuzzik
THIS IS NOT A SANDBOX/SINGLE PLAYER ADDON! This content is for TTT servers only (listen and dedicated). None of these weapons will show up in sandbox. TTT doesn't take advantage of all available CS:S guns by default, so this addon takes those unused models...
TTT Toxin Pack
Created by ✪ Killberty
This is the Toxin Pack for TTT. Contents Hemotoxin Gun (Traitor) A gas pistol utilizing a hemotoxic agent. Causes tissue damage and results in a painful death if not treated quickly. Spazmax Gun (Traitor) A non-lethal poison that causes muscle spasms. Vict...
TTT SpartanKick
Created by Porter > This is the SpartanKick for Trouble in Terrorist Town < It's converted into TTT by myself. I don't make the original and if the Owner wants, I will take it down. -...
[Gamemode: TTT] Detective Portal Gun
Created by RustyPrime
This is for TROUBLE IN TERRORIST TOWN only! DON'T DISLIKE IF YOU ARE TRYING TO USE THIS FOR ANOTHER GAMEMODE THAN TTT ! This Addon adds the Portal Gun from Portal to the Detective Shop in Trouble in Terrorist Town. Please report any Bugs you encounter and ...
[TTT] Orbital Friendship Beam
Created by SgtConti
- Notes - Modified merge between OFC and OBC. Added custom MLP: FiM sounds. Original OFC: Original OBC: Sandbox Version (Spawnab...
[TTT] Freeze Gun
Created by Ping
Tired of the hot Flare Gun? Try it's cool brother, the Freeze Gun! This weapon freezes it's target so that it can't move, turn around, shoot or basicly do anything. It doesn't deal any damage. ConVars: ttt_freezegun_traitor (def. 1): Should the Freezegun b...
Beretta for TTT
Created by KäseT0T
For DETECTIVE. I did not make this! I modified it only a little bit....
Bloody Knife
Created by MidZM
The Bloody Knife is a Trouble in Terrorist Town traitor weapon that will cause a yellow trail of blood to follow someone who kills an another person for 5 seconds. The color of the blood can be changed if the server owner so wishes. All you have to do is o...
Bullet Bill Launcher (TTT & SANDBOX)
Created by Paul
-UPDATE: Now tracks sandbox NPCs (not nextbot yet) and also new launcher!- Bullet bill launcher for TTT! Made by me, Paul for ttt servers. Links to models used are below. I built a Bullet Bill gun as a traitor weapon! You have the option of eit...
Dragon Deagle SWEP - TTT Edition
Created by xbeastguyx
Original Description: This is a powerful, stylish, weapon that will truly pack a punch. Primary fire is a single power-packed bullet. Secondary fire is a whole bunch of power-packed bullets. See for yourself. Explosive version can be found here: http://ste...
GPX TTT - Waffen 1/2
Do not subscribe if you have not been told to. For servers of
GPX TTT - Waffen 2/2
Do not subscribe if you have not been told to. For servers of
[TTT] Ghost Knife
Created by Fuchsro
This Item is for TTT only! Source: Ghost Knife on GitHub This Ghostly looking Knife is a Traitor Item. How does it work?: Well, its a throwing Knife.. but instead of doing much damage, it will switch places with your target. In the end it's a "High Risk - ...
Head Crab Launcher
Created by Primus
Hitmarkers for Gmod!
Created by Exho
This + Doritos playermodels + Intervention SWEP = MLG PRO *** Info: I saw that there was a lack of free, updated and good hitmarker addons on the Workshop so I decided to try creating my own! This addon works in BOTH singleplayer and multiplayer (only if t...
Ice Knife (Trouble in Terrorist Town)
Created by Fuchsro
Gamemode: Trouble in Terrorist Town Source: Ice Knife on GitHub This traitor item will freeze your victims. Primary Attack: Freezes your victim on close range for 5 Seconds and deals 15 DMG overtime. Secondary Attack: Throws the Ice Knife instead, will fre...
M9K Full Content
Created by aloneincadiz
READ! THIS IS JUST CONTENT. YOU WON'T BE ABLE TO USE THE WEAPONS IF YOU DON'T HAVE THE LUA. This content pack includes all the original m9k weapons content (models/materials/sounds...) but you will need the lua files. This is just the content that users wi...
Molotov Cocktail for TTT
Created by Maul Pax
Left click throws it and right click drops it, it then explodes after 4 seconds. The secondary attack causes a bit more damage as it is more difficult to place the molotov unseen. If you want to change the damage yourself: -The addon folder contains a sent...
Omae wa Moe Shindeiru (feat. Steve Harvey) [TTT Traitor Weapon]
Created by fishtrousers
I didn't make this addon, I just made it so the nani was Steve Harvey. Sorry. Credits: Original Addon: My boy Steve:
Oneshotty [TTT Traitor SWEP] by Boyx
Created by boyx
===============Oneshotty by Boyx=================== --------------------------Features-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adding a Oneshotty to the Traitorshop. It can kill Enemys with only one shot but you have only ...
Puncake for TTT
Created by KäseT0T
For TRAITORS. I did not make this! I modified it only a little bit....
Realistic Blood
Created by Head Creeps
This addon replaces the default blood textures with HD and more realistic blood textures. All credit goes to hiphopopotomus...
Remote Sticky Bomb [TTT]
Created by Marcuz
The Remote Sticky Bomb General information The Remote Sticky Bomb is a traitor weapon for TTT that allows you to plant a C4 on a target player, doing so requires a lot of stealth as the traitor can be seen holding a C4 in his or her hand. When successfully...
Short Gas Grenades
Created by [π] AnaxMinos
Due to popular demand NPC DAMAGE AND KILLER DATA Short Duration Poison and Health grenades Poison Grenades take health overtime (5 hp/s) Short duration 60 seconds Health Grenades give health overtime (1 hp/s) Short duration 30 seconds Thumbs up if you like...
Silenced Scoped Deagle for Traitor/Detective
Created by PixL
A silenced AND scoped Deagle for TTT to buy in the equipment menu. Uses the models of the P99 Nighthawk...
TTT - (Detective) P99 Nighthawk
Created by Altamas
TTT - AK47 cloaked as a Deagle
Created by Bumbo Schreiner
This is a weapon for the traitor shop. It looks like a Deagle but shoots like an AK47. This weapon deals less damage than the normal traitor AK47....
TTT - CS:S Detective M3
Created by Ailgam
The CS:S M3 for Detectives in Trouble in Terrorist Town (TTT). Includes .vmt and .vtf weapon icon. You will need Counter Strike: Source to be able to see the weapon! How to install: 1 • Download GMAD Extrator: 2 • Browse t...
TTT - Chance Revolver
Created by Elch
A Traitor SWEP that kills in one hit, but also has a chance to kill the Traitor. 6 bullets, 6 bullet magazine. Kills you or your target. The fewer bullets are left the higher the chances that you'll die. You'll only be killed if you hit a target. When some...
TTT - Death Faker
Created by Exho
*** Info: Another Coderhire addon recreated for free! This is the Death Faker for TTT, all you have to do is shoot the weapon to create your fake body or you can mess with the Reload and Secondary Fire keys to configure what your dead body will be like. If...
TTT - Defibrillator - Detective
Created by Shiratori
Modified Defibrillator only for Detective...
TTT - Devils AWP
Created by Bumbo Schreiner
A Traitor and Detective weapon. The target will become blind for 8 and will burn for 10 seconds. ...
Created by Bumbo Schreiner
This is a Trouble in Terrorist Town item for the traitor. This is a rocket launcher. Its rocket freezes everyone in its explosion radius for 4 seconds and damages them slightly. ...
TTT - Medkit (Traitor)
Created by Roy301
Medkit for TTT ----------------------------------- Controls: Left-Click: Heal people! Right-Click: Heal yourself! ----------------------------------- It's for the traitor! ----------------------------------- Made by Roy301...
TTT - Prop Disguiser
Created by Exho
-Insert witty Prop Hunt joke here - *** Info: My rendition of the old Disguise SWEP of the same basic function, this time converted for TTT. The SWEP was old and lacked the ability for props to have health so I took it upon myself to fix it up as a fun lit...
TTT - Regeneration Pistol
Created by Bumbo Schreiner
This is a Trouble in Terrorist Town Detective weapon. After shooting someone the target starts to regenerate his health. (2 hp per second) The target keeps this buff until the round ends. The gun needs 100 ammo to shoot. It regenerates 1 ammo every second....
TTT - Spray N' Pray Shotgun
Created by Bumbo Schreiner
This is a TTT traitor weapon. This weapon shoots 150 bullets at once. Each bullet deals 8 dmg. Due to its high spread you have to be really close to your enemies....
TTT - Traitor Frag Grenade
Created by jason2010
Honestly uploaded it to make managing my server files easier when switching hosts. This does damage through walls, Traitors can only buy it once....
TTT A-3000 Pistol
Created by Hagen
My First GMOD Addon I coded 100% Myself This is NOT a sandbox version so please do not try using it for sandbox and then complain. Basic SWEP The models I do have from Gamebanana The Map is ttt_waterworld ...
Created by Hagen
This is NOT a sandbox version so please do not try using it for sandbox and then complain. Basic Info: Clip: 60 Damage: 20 Recoil: 1.75 ShotDelay: 0.08 All models from Gamebanana The map is ttt_waterworld....
Created by dhkatz
A TTT version of the AR-15 with modified code to implement it into the TTT gamemode. Original code not by myself, just modified to implement with this weapon. This is NOT a sandbox version so please do not try using it for sandbox and then complain. Basic ...
TTT AUG Reskin
TTT AWP for traitors (Less Damage)
Created by DerRene
I dont like the AWP with 2 bullets and a damage of 101! Now i modified it with the following changes: - Set damage to 75 - Its not anymore a damage of 50 but i can't change the icon :( - 3 bullets (not 2 bullets anymore) - Headshot multiplier 2x - Silenced...
TTT Ak47 Reskin
TTT Amaterasu
Created by Dilusionz
Based on the Amaterasu in Naruto, you can buy this as a traitor and it will allow you to set the next person you look at on fire, however this is at the cost of your vision. When on fire from the Amaterasu, the fire can only be extinguished by being hit wi...
TTT Assault Pack 2
Created by Lykrast
Requires CS:Source (for the hands). Includes 3 new weapons for the TTT gamemode, all 3 using SMG ammo. All spawn along with other weapons if the current map has random weapon spawns. MR-CA1 High damage and low rate of fire with very little recoil, with an ...
Created by Keydose
This is an automatic spawning weapon (doesn't require any work to spawn it in your TTT maps), it is currently not purchasable in the detective or traitor shop, although you could modify the .lua file if you would like. If you would like the .lua file, down...
TTT Banana Bomb
Created by BocciardoLight
Banana Bomb like the in from Worms CREATED BY Phoenixf129 Edited by BocciardoLight Tags: TTT, Traitor, Item, Shop, Banana, bomb, worms...
TTT Bee Grenade
Created by Mangonaut
Features: Throw grenade -> spawn 5 to 20 bees 15 to 25 dmg to innos 5 dmg to traitors Addons I used: Jenssons TTT BeeNade My Links My uploaded Addons My TTT Addon Collection My Steam Profile ...
TTT Bomb Station
Created by BocciardoLight
When innocents use this health station, it will beep before exploding. Traitors will simply deplete the fake charge. Left-Click: Place Bomb Station...
TTT Cannibalism
Created by Dr. White
Provides ability to eat dead bodies and regenerate your health. Added attack animation on knife. Access: Only for traitors & sandbox free 4 all. Sandbox: For eating npc , you need to allow "Npc corpses" For eating your friends you need to allow creating co...
TTT Cloaking Device
Created by BocciardoLight
Hold it to become nearly invisible. Doesn't hide your name, shadow or bloodstains on your body. Created by Lykrast and reworked by BocciardoLight Tags: TTT, Traitor, Shop, Items, Cloaking Device, Invisible...
TTT Deagle Reskin
TTT Defibrillator Detective/Traitor
Created by DarkIce
I reuploaded this defibrillator: All credits are going to Willox. This is only for Trouble in Terrorist Town and it wont work in sandbox. However this defibrillator can be bought by trator and...
TTT Demon Thompson
Created by Jesus Fistus
This is a Traitor Weapon for the gamemode TTT. I did not make this weapon nor the model i just ported it to be compatible with TTT. This Addon will only work in TTT! Credits. Creator of the Weapon...
TTT Desert Eagle V2 For Traitors and Detectives
Created by Hagen
This is NOT a sandbox version so please do not try using it for sandbox and then complain. Only Buyable in the Traitor and detective shop Basic Info: Magazine: 16 Damage: 50 ShotDelay: 0.4 Recoil: 3.5 All models from him: Gamebanana The Map is ttt_waterwor...
TTT Detective Rifle
Created by Zuko
A Rifle I made that can be used on TTT. It's a Detective Rifle so only the Detective can buy it. I got the model and materials from the M9K Packs but coded the lua file myself (with a little help from some friends)....
TTT Detective Shield Gun
Created by dhkatz
Left click to charge up ammo - The ammo defines the strength, accuracy and view punch of the SWEP. As more ammo charges, the more bullets you shoot, meaning more damage. Release to shoot your weapon - Fully charged ammo gives a little bonus damage. Right c...
TTT Detective Shotgun
Created by Zuko
A Detective Shotgun I made for TTT. Only Detectives can buy it. Use it to kill those pesky Traitors! I made it using models I got from the M9K Heavy Pack....
TTT Dual Berettas
Created by Buddy
I do not take credit for any of the models I post. They are for the server I run. I was wanting some more akimbo weapons so I searched for one and gave it a shot. At first I was a bit disappointed with both the models and the sounds but after about 5 minut...
TTT Dual Elites - Detective Only
Created by SovetskiDuck
Features Buyable for Detective's Only High Firerate Dual Berettas with a total of 30 rounds Balanced for TTT, lower recoil and damage TTT icon matching the original D Menu asthetic. Full weapon description Traitor Only TTT Dual Elites Traitor Only Credits ...
TTT Eagleflight
Created by marcel
This addon adds the item "Eagleflight Gun" into the TTT-Traitorshop. With the "Eagleflight Gun" you can fing yourself onto other players to kill them. Try it out! Have fun! Github: Update : you'll not be st...
TTT Explosive Baby Launcher
Created by ChriskyBusiness
Give your enemies the gift of childbirth! Force parental responsibilities upon them by unleashing an explosive rocket propelled baby upon them. They won't know what's just happened, and will simply stare at the marvelous creature before it starts crying an...
TTT Explosive Corpse
Created by BocciardoLight
When you identify the corpse it will explode Created by DaywalkerNo1 and reworked by BocciardoLight Tags: TTT, Traitor, Shop, Item, Boom, Body, Expolsive, Explosion, Corpse...
TTT Explosive Deagle
Created by Sportacus
It may look like an ordinary Deagle, but in reality it's a bomb in disguise. This Deagle will explode instantly when beeing shot by a Terrorist. Traitors can use it in a suicide attack or drop it for an unsuspecting victim. - Will always kill its user - Qu...
Created by Hagen
This is NOT a sandbox version so please do not try using it for sandbox and then complain. Zooms like a sniper. All model credits to modderfreak from Gamebanana The Map is ttt_waterworld...
TTT Fake Shotgun
Created by Sportacus
This unsuspicious shotgun will set its user on fire when being shot. Otherwise this weapon looks and behaves like a standard vanilla shotgun. It can be dropped by a Traitor to spread death and confusion among the Terrorists. - It is only available for Trai...
TTT Fart Grenade (Traitor)
Created by Mr.Dark
This grenade creates a big deadly fart. Every player inside it will lose health over time....
TTT FiveSeven Reskin
TTT Flashbang (also for Detective)
Created by Keksgesicht
Original Addon is Now it will also be buyable by Detective....
TTT Glock Reskin
TTT Grenade Dropper
Created by ☙Hipstream❧
Traitor item. Looks like a pistol but places instantly exploding incendiary grenades where you click. Has 3 ammo. Use this to cause chaos kill groups of people without looking too suspicious....
TTT Hooplas TTT Rifles (german)
Created by DasNerdwork
The Addon ( ) translated in German for the German server. Additional changes: -Blue icon for the traitorshop AK-47...
TTT Icons For M9k
Created by Adam
Icons created for the Trouble in Terrorist Gamemode for anyone who has an M9k based weapon pack in their server. Keep in mind you may need to adjust the directories of the icons in your weapon configs to match the ones in this addon....
TTT Lifesteal Gun
Created by alex
Mysterious weapon that steals life from your enemies. By default this weapon will steal 35 life and 35 damage and it ignores body armor. This weapon cannot miss and only has one shot. When the shot is fired the weapon will play a sound and disappear, switc...
TTT M1A0 Cat Gun Improved - Detective Only
Created by SovetskiDuck
Let Me Show You It's Features Buyable as Detective Only Both Firerate and damage has been balanced for TTT server's. Specificaly my own (Sovetski TTT) New TTT icon to match the original D Menu asthetic. Full weapon description, press 'R' to inspect Detecti...
TTT Cassidy (McCree) Peacekeeper (Its High Noon)
Created by Hagen
This Addon only works for the "Trouble in Terrorist Town"-Gamemode. This weapon will not show up in sandbox mode. Features: It´s McCrees Revolver, if you use it with PrimaryAttack, you will start to walk realy slow and it will get announced in chat. Then a...
TTT Mercy Weapon
Created by Bomber
Adds Mercys Weapon as a Traitor Weapon. Original Addon (not compatible with TTT) : Skin made by:
TTT Minigun
Created by NgYuKang
Working Minigun FOR TTT NOTE: I OLNY TAKE CREDIT FOR FIXING IT UP.ORIGINAL CREDIT GOES TO Bolters ( I olny fixed this for my server and for learning lua,but i'm just posting it here for ever...
TTT Mirror Fate
Created by Hagen
This Addon only works for the "Trouble in Terrorist Town"-Gamemode. This weapon will not show up in sandbox mode. Features: After you buy it, you can choose a time and a method how and when your killer should die. Then after your death this will happen to ...
TTT Pascals Babymaker
Created by Gladiolus
PASCALS BABYMAKER This is a modified version of the popular Babylauncher. - You have 1 shot to insert your baby into your opponents :3 - If you hit your target, IT WILL BE DEAD! To be clear: The source does not belong to us; we just used the given Babylaun...
TTT Prop Exploder
Created by Hagen
This Addon only works for the "Trouble in Terrorist Town"-Gamemode. This weapon will not show up in sandbox mode. Features: After you buy it, you can choose a valid prop that you want and left click it. Then you can press right click and the Prop will expl...
TTT Recombobulator Traitor Weapon
Created by cygiel5420
This addon is not my own work! I uploaded this addon to workshop before, but I took it down, now I am reuploading it again. As far as I know, this addon was buyable from Coderhire. So it's an old addon, but works well. If you want to check out what it can ...
TTT Scout Reskin
TTT Silenced Pistol Reskin
TTT Silenced TMP (Traitor Weapon)
Created by Concrete Werk
I take no credit for the View, or World Models, however I did modify, or "make" everything else myself, the picture has been re-uploaded, downlaoded, and resized many times, and it was to public access. Trying to find what suits me best on the workshop, an...
TTT Space and Time-Manipulator
Created by Hagen
This Addon only works for the "Trouble in Terrorist Town"-Gamemode. This weapon will not show up in sandbox mode. Features: The Space and Time-Manipulator (short SATM) can change many things. Rightclick to change mode. Leftclick to activate. Type: Equip 2 ...
TTT Spartan Kick
Created by BocciardoLight
THIS IS SPARTAAAAAAA! Converted by Porter and reworked by BocciardoLight Tags: TTT, Traitor, Shop, Item, Sparta, Kick...
TTT Spring Mine
Created by BocciardoLight
Spring Mine that kick Innocents/Detectives into the air. Can be purchased in the Traitorshop CREATED BY Phoenixf129 Edited by BocciardoLight Tags: Spring, Mine, TTT, Traitor, Item...
TTT Throwable Manhacks
Created by BocciardoLight
Throwable Manhacks like the ones from Half Life CREATED BY Phoenixf129 Edited by BocciardoLight Tags: TTT, Traitor, Shop, Items, Manhacks, throwable, drone...
TTT Tranquilizer
Created by PenitentParadox
This a is Functional tranquilizer for TTT It is based off of UselessGhost's Tranquilizer M9 , so if you want it in sandbox, download that addon to do so. It works on ot...
TTT VSS for traitors
Created by Nahte
Vss Vintorez coded to work in ttt, doens't work in sandbox. Credits: (Model, Sounds, Animations and Materials)...
TTT Waffenkollektion
Created by Ralle1998
Eine TTT Waffenkollektion zusammen gestellt und bearbeitet für den ehemaligen TTT Server "Taverne zum kleinen Zwerg". Ich betone auch gleich mal, dass ich keiner dieser Waffen selbst erstellt habe, sondern nur bearbeitet. Links zu den Originalen stehen wei...
TTT Weapon Collection Addon
Created by hanz98
This is an Addon for the original TTT Weapon Collection Addon! You need to install this addon the orignal addon first! This Addon is a addon for TTT Weapon Collection which change the Silence...
TTT Weapon Turret
Created by TTT Weapon Turret
This is a Weapon Turret for Trouble in Terrorist Town (TTT). This is accessible via the Traitor menu....
TTT Yee Bass Cannon
Created by MilfSniffer
TTT Traitor Item. Its just the Normal Orbital Bass Cannon but..... WITH THE FUCKING "YEE" MEME feat. DUBSTEP SHIT Bass Drop from the song "Ganjaman"...
[TTT|2] Camera [WEAPON]
Created by mexikoedi
What is this? This is a camera that can be placed on objects and walls. You can watch through a window at the top right of your HUD which shows the view of the camera. You can also pick it up again or align the camera at the placement. But be aware that th...
[Gamemode: TTT] Traitor Harpoon
Created by RustyPrime
This is for TROUBLE IN TERRORIST TOWN only! DON'T DISLIKE IF YOU ARE TRYING TO USE THIS FOR ANOTHER GAMEMODE THAN TTT ! This Addon adds a throwable harpoon to the traitor shop in Trouble in Terrorist Town. Please report any Bugs you encounter and I will tr...
[TTT && Sandbox] Dart Gun
Created by 󠁳⁧⁧Lure
Description The Dart Gun is a Poison type Gun. It has 3 Types of darts, Poison, Muteness and Blindness. You can change dart type by clicking on the right mouse button (aka SecondaryFire). This script works with TTT gamemode and Sandbox gamemode. Features -...
[TTT/2] Sience Show (ASDF-Movie SWEP)
Created by GengarDC
Summary -The Science Show!- "Pianos!" *CRASH* "Who's idea was this?!" You get a Gun with 2 rounds. When you hit a player he is doomed to replay the "Science Show" scene from ASDF movie. But be careful, the "Science Show" sound is emitted from the gun when ...
[TTT/2] The Little Helper
Created by Hagen
This Addon only works for the "Trouble in Terrorist Town"-Gamemode. This weapon will not show up in sandbox mode. Features: After you buy it, you can press a key bind in the console (bind "a key that you want" "thelittlehelper" Then you get invincible for ...
[TTT/2|Sandbox] Predator Blade
Created by Zaratusa
Features The Predator Blade is once buyable per Traitor. It one hits, if you attack the head or from the back. For each kill you get a speed boost of 10% for 10 secs as long as you use this weapon. Primary attack to attack, secondary attack to jump, reload...
[TTT] Advanced Death Faker (Traitor)
Created by lIX
This is a better version of the Death Faker. Use right-click to open the customization GUI for the fake body and left-click to spawn it. Features: - changing the corpse's name - changing the corpse's role - selecting whether the corpse should be confirmed ...
[TTT] Star Wars - The Force
Created by LeBroomer
This is an addon for the mode "Trouble in Terrorists Town". Pls don't report errors or leave negative comments if you tried it in another mode.
[TTT] Thunder Thighs
Created by krrrrrrk
Alternative Transportation Method for Terrorists and Detectives. -Slot 8 -3 Uses This will probably kill you. Left Click launches you towards where you are aiming. Right Click will launch you upwards only. Some form of fall damage reduction is advised. (Fo...
[ttt] Rotationgun
Created by λ_Lambda_λ
This weapon is available at the Traitor and Detective shop. it rotates your target every shot by 20° and does 10 dmg...
GMN TTT Snowball
Created by GMN | TheClonker
Yada yada OP Item / TTT & GMN ist tot ... Sagt wenn ihr nen Bug findet! Frohe Weihnachten zusammen :^]...
[TTT] The Present of Fate
Created by Fuchsro
Made for TTT only! Source: The Present of Fate on GitHub Traitor Item: Make your Friends a Present or just keep it for you! This Item has a chance of 80% to heal yourself for 50 HP. So guess what could be the other 20% ? Yep. This other 20% will trigger an...
TTT Jarate
Created by Yashirmare TF2 IS NOT REQUIRED! Jarate Traitor and Detective weapon for TTT. Make your enemies take twice as much damage when they get covered in your piss! Effect lasts for 20 seconds and has a medium range, works the same as any othe...
TTT Random Damage
Created by gaggei
You can find this weapon in the Traitorshop and when you use it, it deals random damage to someone alive on the server. Thanks to c0r3, Furouco and flowinator...
TTT Shurikens
Created by BocciardoLight
3 Sharp ninja star blades for the Traitors Left-Click: Throw CREATED BY Phoenixf129 Edited by BocciardoLight Tags: TTT, Traitor, Shurikens, Item, Shuriken,...
[TTT2] Silentstep
Created by LillyPoh
This is a Traitor item, which removes the footsteps of a player. Thats it, i hope you enjoy my addon. For bug reports | improvements use the forum / comments This item requires TTT2! Icons/Graphics by Mineotopia & EntranceJew...
[TTT/2] Slowmotion with Icon
Created by Hagen
I TAKE NO CREDITS FOR THIS I only uploaded it to use it for my Server. I only fixed the icon. To use it you need to type into the console : bind x "SlowMotion" and then press x The original is:
TTT - Amaterasu
Created by Holger Stengel
Grüße, ich präsentiere das "TTT-Amaterasu", ein Traitor-Item welches für zwei Zwecke genutzt werden kann: 1. Schuss auf den Boden - platziert ein kleines aber wirksames Feuer. Besonders gut in engen Räumen! 2. Schuss auf einen Spieler, ein Prop etc. - betr...
TTT Cannibalism 2016
Created by spiderbob
This is an updated version of the TTT Cannibalism mod by Luke. How it works: LMB on a corpse and eat it, you will gain 30hp and it doesn't matter how much hp you already have. Now you can eat 2 corpses and you can drop your knife for your fellow traitors. ...
[TTT/2/T] Golden Deagle [WEAPON]
Created by Alf21
This is a modified version of . It is compatible with - TTT - TTT2 - TTT Totem....
[TTT2/TTT] Death Faker (fixed and improved)
Created by LeBroomer
This is an addon for the gamemode "Trouble in Terrorists Town". Please do not try to use it in any other gamemode and report errors or downvote it due to that reason. If you have ideas on how to improve the item or run into technical issues, feel free to p...
TTT[2] Beartrap [Updated]
Created by NickCloudAT
TTT Beartrap Addon This is NOT the original addon! Things I changed: - I dont know how much damage the original beartrap made, this one does 8 by default (Cvar) - You have a 3% Chance of escaping the trap (Cvar) - Only the placer can pickup the trap, excep...
[TeamAlgee][TTT2] Exho's TTT Prop Disguiser Fixed
Created by AlgeeTwice
Original found here: I've modified this addon for the use on my server. Fixed a bug with TTT2 on my server....
[TTT2] SpartanKick [WEAPON][FIXED]
Created by Alf21
Fixed version of Fixed error messages and improved code. TTT2 is required to perform a strong kick against the targeted player or door. Icon by Mineotopia (https://raw...
[TTT2] Minifier [WEAPON]
Created by Tim | Mineotopia
This minifier is a fixed version of all those minifiers out there with some extra features added. Discord: Source: (report issues here) When using the minifier, the players size is halve...
In 1 collection by Takra
TTT2 Roles
37 items