X4: Foundations

X4: Foundations

147 beoordelingen
Player owned AI Veteran
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8.468 KB
16 apr 2020 om 7:34
23 jun 2023 om 5:20
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Player owned AI Veteran

This Mod is made to make All player owned AI to slowly become veteran over time a lot faster than normal.

Can conflict with other mods that does the same or change the same scripts.

Other mods also made to make the game easier to progress with:

Included in to a combined mod: ISEEU0 MODS COMBINATIONS

These adds extra modules to the game, that can improve your game in different way's:
10x modules variations
10x modules Split Vendetta dlc
10x modules Cradle of Humanity dlc
10x modules Tides of Avarice dlc
10x modules Kingdom End dlc
Universal Combined Modules
100m Universal Storage + 100K Habitat

A random assortment of mods that can help U as well:
Player owned auto level cheat
Player Owned Immortal Property
1 min modules build times
2x Habitat and Storage Capacity
Free Research No Cost No Time
L Miners 3x Drones
Ships build 50% faster
Equipment Mixing
Mineable resource only use 1 volume

Cheat Menu and its alternative activation methods:
Cheat Menu Alt activation list
31 opmerkingen
iseeu0  [auteur] 16 jul 2024 om 1:33 
@萌新的滑稽 - This mod gradually increases the level of player ai, there is another mod i made that will instantly max them for the player

萌新的滑稽 4 jul 2024 om 7:21 
萌新的滑稽 3 jul 2024 om 3:32 
iseeu0  [auteur] 2 jul 2024 om 14:05 
@萌新的滑稽 - It fully supports game update 7.00

萌新的滑稽 2 jul 2024 om 6:51 
Lucky 1 sep 2023 om 7:58 
@iseeu0 oh ye, looks like it is. Right after i write comment, in next 30 mins(today sessian) My polots break line 2 stars, they already get almost 3 stars, for couble hours of gameplay, dud, Thanks you, it is really great mod.
In vannila i played 30-40 hours, and 2 stars looks like MAX without books.
Thanks again!!!! for me, it is the best mod in whole steam workshop!
ps. Orange Cursor great too ;)
iseeu0  [auteur] 31 aug 2023 om 22:01 
@Lucky - IT does work, I can increase the amount if it is still to slow.
Lucky 31 aug 2023 om 10:35 
@iseeu0 , are this mode still works? I send Mineral ship on minerals, and he was like, 1.5 stars of piloting. After 1-2 hours of mining, he gain 2nd full star, and like he do not grow above it, about 3-4 hrs he sit on 2 stars Pilot.
I have almost no mods installed, Cursor, nofog, better monitor, improvedscouts (+20 range for all scout ships).
Andastre 23 jul 2023 om 23:11 
I forgot to add great work on the mod love it.
Andastre 23 jul 2023 om 23:09 
Is there a option to modify the speed at wich pilots level ? I find them leveling up to fast, 1 to lvl2 and 2 to 3 is ok, but from then on it should slow down from 3 to 4 would be ok if that alone would take up to 10-12 hours of continous work and then from 4 to 5 double of that. This would make the mod even more realistic. I love to tweak settings where possible so if there is a option to do this myself for personal use that would be great.