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9 Aug, 2023 @ 7:24am
26 Change Notes ( view )

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Adjustment and QOL Mod

Game-Version: 1.188

Mod Version 2.78

:::: 2.0: Highlights of Changes
These changes can all be controlled or disabled - please see the full listing for control settings.

Full Listing of Changes can be found in the discussion threads:

:::: 2.1: Adjusted ability cost and points gained from leveling
Ability Cost and Ability points per level are now fixed, instead of scaling and per difficulty.

:::: 2.2: Characteristic Growth at level up
Ability to gain characteristic points during level-up for the player and/or teammates.

:::: 2.3: Starting Distinctions
Dropped Distinctions: Ascetic, Cannibal, Glutton, Technophobe, Slick Dealer, and Unlucky Optimist

Anabolics: +3 Str; +20 Carry Weight; -1 Int; -8 Dodge; -5 Radiation and Toxic Resistance.

Blackbelt: +1 End; +15 Martial Arts and Melee weapons; +5 to Dodge; +2 Melee Damage; -20 to Gun-Related Skills.

Circus Education: +1 Dex; +10 Sneak, Lock Picking, Pickpocket, and Throwing; +10 Dodge; -5 Carry Weight; -20 Technology.

Child Prodigy: +1 All Characteristics; -25% EXP gain.

Cursed Sniper: +3 Attention; +10% to aimed shot hit and critical chance; -2 Luck; -10% to ordinary shot hit chance.

Diplomat: +3 Per; +20 Speechcraft; +15 Barter; -1 Dex; -10 to all Combat Skills.

(New) Fast Shot: All weapon attacks cost 1 less Action Point; Unable to use aim attacks; No Inherent Critical Chance.

(New) Hoarder: +2 End; You often find extra items in containers; +16 Carry Capacity; You become hungry twice as fast; -25% to resist knockdown.

Hobby Engineer: +1 Int; You start off with basic crafting recipes; +20 Tinkering and Technology; +20% to Crafted Weapon damage; -1 Attention.

(New) Immortal One: +10 Health and Regeneration; +5 Health per level; -2 Action Point; -5 Sequence.

(New) Jinx: +1 Agi; +1 End; +3% Critical Chance; Your Critical Effects Increased; Everyone around you often have their effects increased as well!

Leader: (When accompanied - Everyone:) +20% XP earned; (When accompanied - You:) -1 Action Points; -5 Sequence; (Followers:) +1 End; +1 Dex; +1 Att.

Lone Wolf: (When alone) +2 Att; +5 Damage Resistance; +1 Damage Threshold; +10 Carry Weight; (When accompanied) -2 Attention; -20 Survival; -7 Sequence.

Morphine Doctor: Effects stack up to 3 times; +1 Int; +10 First aid; +50% addiction chance.

(New) Motion Economy: Increases Action Points based off your Dexterity; It takes twice as long to get hungry; -1 Str.

Lucky: +3 Luck; +2 Per; +20 Gambling; -1 End; -10 to all skill except Barter, Gambling, and Speechcraft.

Savage Hunter: +1 Att; +15% to damage; you can skin animals without a knife; More violent deaths; -2 Per; -10 Speechcraft and Barter.

Sex Appeal: +1 Luck; +2 Per and +15 Barter with the opposite gender.\n-2 Per and -15 Barter with your own gender.

Shooting Gallery Fun: +1 Str; +15 to Gun-Related Skills; +4 single shot ranged damage; Faster Reload and Jam Clearer; -1 End; -15 to Martial Arts; -15 to Melee Weapons; -15 Survival.

(New) Spray and Pray: +1 Str; +1 End; +14 Critical Chance (Burst Mode only); -5 Critical Chance; -4 Skill Learning Rate

:::: 2.4: Adjust abilities Tree
Shield Bearer and Think Like the Enemy now requires Oaken Skin

Dropped Perks: Fisherman (Slippery as a Fish in Water) and Master of Unlocking (Master of Thievery)

Feeling Good: Modified fixed health bonus to be +1 Health per level instead.

Good Immune System: Increased Rad Resistance and Toxic Resistance to 25%.

Hands of Gold: Added +1 Int.

Hunting: Added +5% Critical Chance, +10 Stealth.

Liver of Steel: Added +3 Per while drunk.

Lover of Healthy Foods: Added +5 Sequence.

Lubricator: Added +10 Technology and Tinkering.

(New) Master of Thievery: Old Master of Unlocking benefits plus added automatic success on pickpocket attempts if pickpocket skill is at least twice the target's alertness level.

Nurse: Added +10 Health.

Poison Ivy: Added +1 End.

Self-Sufficient: Added +2 Att while under the effects of a drug.

(New) Slippery as a Fish in Water: Added +10 to Dodge.

Supplier: Added +10 Speechcraft.

Throwing: Added +10 Throwing.

Quick Reload: Added +1 Dex.

:::: 2.5: Adjusted difficulty
Many common creatures have their speed adjusted by debuffing their sequence and action points a bit.

Lowers the count of healing items random encountered spawned enemies will have in their inventory.

Lowers the actual amount healing items will heal enemies.

:::: 2.6: Fishing Master
Adjusted chance to catch fish, including the Golden Fish. Luck requirement for Golden Fish removed.

:::: 2.7: Small Adjustments

  • Show needed value, skill or characteristic, to pass checks in Dialog
  • Display log will show the lock level of a locked container or door when you attempt to open it
  • Looser Camera Control allowing lower angles, closer and farther away views, disabled by default
  • Teammates will be healed as well as the player by medics in the village and towns
  • Teammates will now get the same non-battle XP as the player
  • A newly joined Teammate will receive XP to bring them up to within 90% of the players XP
  • Love the scaling UI, did not like the game defaults - allows overriding of game settings
  • Greatly increased chances that random encounters caves and mines will have enemies
  • Display log will now show attacker and defender during combat
  • Display log will now show shield block information during combat
  • Display log will list all wounded teammates "Current HP / Max HP" after a battle is over
  • In combat added the name of the target you are currently hovering over
  • Dead Bodies will now highlight in yellow, if they have no items in inventory after you first search them
  • Item name with simple mouse hover - no need for hold and navigate to the Information sub menu
  • Barter and Pocket Inventory HUD double clicking will automatically move it to the next panel without manually dragging the item
  • Auto succeed on pickpocket attempts if pickpocket skill and luck are maxed, disabled by default
  • Alertness level of a pickpocket target will be shown on the display log
  • Trader's Barter level will be shown on the display log
  • Nikolay "Red Fighter" can craft different ammo types, overriding his 12g slug ammo creation
  • Added option to stop hunger level increasing for people that find eating annoying, disabled by default
  • Added option to allow the "Geiger Counter" and "Scanner" to function while in the player's inventory
  • Added option to cap toxic and radiation zone damage
  • Added ability to adjust colors used for highlights for colorblind players
  • Locked containers will highlight a different color
  • Ability to forcing on global public events regardless of date.
  • Fast looting where dead enemies inventory will be combined for easier pickup

:::: 2.8: Melee Weapon Balancing - Melee Weapons seem to fall behind Martial Weapons in terms of usefulness
Melee has been enhanced by adding a base damage bonus based off the melee skill a user has, this is the same magnitude that Martial Weapons currently get from Martial Arts.

Melee Weapons have also been adjusted - for the most part this is just a reduction of Action Point cost to put them on a more even footing.

:::: 2.9: Teammate Controls

F1: Makes all teammates equip a ranged weapon if they have one.
F2: Makes all teammates equip a closed weapon if they have one.

:::: 3.0: Cheats - Disabled by default

F7: Heals the player and all teammates
F8: Kills all enemies
Popular Discussions View All (28)
28 Nov, 2024 @ 12:20pm
Conversion to Unity Mod Manager?
York Crescentia
24 Sep, 2022 @ 11:43pm
Crashing in Inventory
26 May, 2021 @ 12:05am
Master of Dodging bug
Franzosisch 14 Oct, 2024 @ 1:26pm 
@Play For War If you have UMM, only the UMM version will work.
Play For War 14 Oct, 2024 @ 9:43am 
After doing some testing (including checking the config to make sure the mod didn't have everything disabled for some reason), the steam workshop version does not seem to work at all, while the UMM one on moddb appears to be functionning as advertised.
Play For War 14 Oct, 2024 @ 9:34am 
This mod unfortunately does not appear to be working at all (glutton is available at character creation for example).
Franzosisch 14 Aug, 2024 @ 11:43am 
The enhanced camera controls options only seems to kick in if I die and I have to kill my character each time I load up the game for it to work.

Using the UMM version.
Boris911 2 Aug, 2024 @ 2:11am 

Well, I add translation to the czech language (Neuron.txt):
WhatIsSol  [author] 1 Aug, 2024 @ 8:53pm 
yes that should work
Boris911 1 Aug, 2024 @ 9:03am 
If I right understand for czech language is enought copy lines which start "en." to end of Neuron.txt file, change "en." to "cz." and translate it via DeepL, isn't it? 👍
WhatIsSol  [author] 16 Jul, 2024 @ 8:00am 
Should have added it can be translated into any language the game supports
WhatIsSol  [author] 16 Jul, 2024 @ 7:59am 

Human Translated: English, Russian, Spanish
Google Translated: Polish, French, Japanese, Chinese
FeralZ 14 Jul, 2024 @ 3:16pm 
hello, does this support all languages? thanks