Transport Fever 2

Transport Fever 2

320 ratings
CB asset TpF2 Era_B
Building: Town Building
Tags: Asset, building
File Size
12.427 MB
21 Dec, 2019 @ 9:14pm
17 Oct, 2020 @ 6:10pm
10 Change Notes ( view )

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CB asset TpF2 Era_B

In 2 collections by AV
CB (City Building)
10 items
22 items
assets of buildings TpF2 2 Era_B.

ассеты зданий TpF2 Era_B.


other buildings assets:

- CB asset TpF1 Era_C -
assets of residential buildings from Transport Fever 1 Era_C.

- CB asset TpF2 Era_C -
assets of residential buildings from Transport Fever 2 Era_C.

- CB asset TpF2 Era_A -
assets of residential buildings from Transport Fever 2 Era_A.


other "CB" ("City Building") mods:

- CB + TpF2 Era_B releveled auto construction -
added and releveled Era_B buildings to auto construction of Era_C cities.

- CB + TpF1 Era_C + TpF2 Era_B releveled auto construction -
added Era_C buildings from TpF1 and Era_B buildings from TpF2 to auto construction of Era_C cities. changed levels of residential and commercial buildings.

- CB + TpF1 Era_C auto construction -
buildings from Transport Fever 1 added to auto construction of cities.

- CB + TpF1 Era_C releveled auto construction -
added buildings from Transport Fever 1 to auto construction of cities and changed levels of residential and commercial buildings of TpF1 and TpF2 . high buildings since 2 lvl, skyscrapers since 3 lvl. only highest skyscrapers on 4 lvl.
more high buildings! more skyscrapers! bigger cities!

- CB releveled auto construction Era_C -
changed levels of residential and commercial buildings. high buildings since 2 lvl, skyscrapers since 3 lvl. only highest skyscrapers on 4 lvl.
without TpF1 buildings and assets.


другие ассеты зданий:

- CB asset TpF1 Era_C -
ассеты жилых зданий из Transport Fever 1 Era_C.

- CB asset TpF2 Era_C -
ассеты жилых зданий из Transport Fever 2 Era_C.

- CB asset TpF2 Era_A -
ассеты жилых зданий из Transport Fever 2 Era_A.


другие моды "CB" ("City Building"):

- CB + TpF2 Era_B releveled auto construction -
в автозастройку городов Era_C добавлены и изменены по уровням здания из Era_B.
в городах будут строиться здания из двух эпох.

- CB + TpF1 Era_C + TpF2 Era_B releveled auto construction -
в автозастройку городов Era_C добавлены и изменены по уровням здания из Era_B и здания из TpF1 Era_C.
самый большой сборник зданий из всех "CB". в городах будут одновременно и небоскребы из ТпФ1 и все здания из двух эпох ТпФ2.

- CB + TpF1 Era_C auto construction -
здания из Transport Fever 1 добавлены в автозастройку, города будут строиться с новыми зданиями.

- CB + TpF1 Era_C releveled auto construction -
в автозастройку добавлены здания из Transport Fever 1. города будут строиться с новыми зданиями. изменены уровни жилых и коммерческих зданий TpF1 и TpF2. высокие здания строятся уже на 2 лвл, низкие небоскребы - на 3 лвл, на 4 лвл только самые высокие небоскребы.
самый "высотный" мод из всех "CB".
больше высоких зданий! больше небоскребов!

- CB releveled auto construction Era_C -
изменены уровни жилых и коммерческих зданий Era_C. высокие здания строятся уже на 2 лвл, низкие небоскребы - на 3 лвл, на 4 лвл только самые высокие небоскребы.


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oblickigraphics 14 Jun, 2022 @ 4:56am 
Asset after placing a building with a road connection, when generating vehicles causes the game to crash.
brunna 26 Apr, 2021 @ 7:19am 
I placed a lot of building when this mod was new ( with the old version).
If I open the "Configure" button, the pop-up is empty for this (old) buildings.
If I do the same with a newly build house (with the current version of this mod), I can modify the capacity and some options.

Can I somehow change capacity of the old buildings also?
This will be very good because the old buildings have no street connection, and many people can only walk or use only the publictransport.
Zyntax 9 Aug, 2020 @ 2:59am 
Is it possible for the assets to have a resource demand like ordinary buildings? I.E industries demanding fuel etc?
Quo 7 Apr, 2020 @ 11:15pm 
Oh, silly of me to not try the street connection. You explained it well, now I will add the "0" asset with street connection enabled.

Thank you!! :)
AV  [author] 7 Apr, 2020 @ 9:33pm 
people who live/work in these buildings can use cars only if buildings are built with enabled options "street connection (for cars)", that is only if buildings are built with part of road.
i dont know other way to make them to use cars like at automatic generated buildings.
as variant, if you dont want to disfigure the view by roads under buildings and by a lot of crossrads you can build "0" asset with street connection and with high capacity and build buildings around it. you can decorate place around "0" by painted ground and cars assets. people will come not to building but as if to parking near building)
sory for bad english)
Quo 7 Apr, 2020 @ 8:54pm 
Hi AV :) Firstly thank you very much for this mod, its awesome!

Having the capacity of each building is great and spawns actual people, but I noticed none of those people ever own a car and use the car. They only like to walk, which results in my city having no cars.

I am wondering if it is possible to allow the people from these buildings to have a car? :D

Thank you :)
VTG-1800 12 Feb, 2020 @ 1:39am 
Lennep 7 Feb, 2020 @ 9:21am 
thanks for all these buildings.
Is it possible to do a set with buildings from era A - the old 1800s style? these are the only ones missing
TA1900 4 Feb, 2020 @ 9:49am 
@AV: Thank you :)
AV  [author] 3 Feb, 2020 @ 8:37pm 
capacity of all buildings = 5. maybe i will make different capacity for all buildings later. or maybe not. i dont know yet.