Transport Fever 2

Transport Fever 2

666 ratings
Siemens Avenio T Munich
Scenario: Europe
Vehicle: Tram
Tags: germany, MVG, Munich, MVV
File Size
27.710 MB
20 Dec, 2019 @ 4:21am
7 Jul, 2021 @ 1:40pm
10 Change Notes ( view )

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Siemens Avenio T Munich

In 1 collection by marc345
Marc345 Mods
16 items
This mod adds the Siemens Avenio T Munich.

Due to problems with the wheels and the approval of the predecessor vehicle, the Stadler Variobahn, the MVG decided not to use the option and instead ordered 8 Avenio trains from Siemens, which have been in passenger service since 2014. They are currently supplemented with the second series Avenio TZ.

You will get two versions. One normal and one with illuminated interior for darker environments (Night Mod)

All common Transport Fever 2 features are integrated:

- Passengers interior
- Lights and door animations
- Many camera angles
- Individual color painting
- Emissive direction signs and variable line number, end station (first stop of the line) and next stop on the inside. Supports CommonAPI2 line destination signs.
- Original sounds
- Dirt
- Lods
- Automatic pricing
- DDS textures, low storage & performance usage
- Blinking lights when turning (Thanks UG for finally implementing it!)

Available from 2014
Life span: 40 years
Passenger capacity: 54
Loading speed: 8
Power: 720 kW
Pulling power: 80 kN
Maximum speed: 70 km/h
Weight: 48t

If you like the Avenio you can support me via [] or [] . Thank you!

Check out the Variobahn Munich

Triangles: 17000

Without my express written permission, the further use of this mod in parts or as a whole is prohibited.

marc345  [author] 7 Jul, 2021 @ 1:45pm 
Urban Games finally added blinking lights for trams and fixed the door animation bug :)
Blinking lights are now added and the door workaround is disabled so animations are a lot shorter now.
Have fun with the patch!
marc345  [author] 31 Dec, 2020 @ 8:56am 
13 seconds for me
marc345  [author] 31 Dec, 2020 @ 8:51am 
That's due to vehicle unbunching. That's the games fault. After a while they close faster.
The door animation is longer, that's true. That's because of a bug (UG didn't fix it after one full year...) Otherwise the tram would start driving with open doors - it's a workaround.
Nevertheless, it's not 30 seconds. Never ever.
Kai Gaming 30 Dec, 2020 @ 3:06pm 
This mod is great and really beautiful but i noticed that they stop for around 30 seconds but the urban games tram only for 10 seconds and it becomes a problem sometimes especially on a busy street
YourLocalNiceGuy 28 Nov, 2020 @ 7:39am 
how to make this
marc345  [author] 20 Nov, 2020 @ 12:35pm 
YourLocalNiceGuy 20 Nov, 2020 @ 12:25pm 
your mods are nice
marc345  [author] 19 Nov, 2020 @ 12:26pm 
What do you mean? You can mod your own mod but what does it have to do with my mod?
YourLocalNiceGuy 19 Nov, 2020 @ 12:10pm 
can i do a TW6000
marc345  [author] 12 Nov, 2020 @ 1:33pm 
Yeah. I‘m sorry that the community has to pay for their failure.

At some point the price for the community is higher than waiting longer to protest against UG - then I will release it.
If UG doesn‘t improve with the next two patches I probably won‘t keep the tram back, because it‘s useless then. If UG doesn‘t improve until then they will never do