341 ratings
Machine Gun
File Size
40.685 MB
11 Nov, 2019 @ 5:02am
22 Feb, 2020 @ 5:34am
2 Change Notes ( view )

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Machine Gun


About MOD

Mod adds a new weapon Machine Gun. The entire supply of ammo for the entire game is only in this room.
*For the weapon to appear, you must start the game again.
The weapon is very lethal and is intended for the mass destruction of enemies.

The mod may not be compatible with other mods that add new weapons.
A mod can be poorly compatible with mods that replace some animations.

There are no errors in the mod files, game.log is clean.

I would like to thank the
developer for the provided .graph files. Without them, this mod would never have happened.


О моде

Мод добавляет новое оружие Machine Gun. Весь запас патронов на всю игру только в этой комнате.
*Чтобы оружие появилось, необходимо игру начать заново.
Оружие очень убойное и предназначено для массовых зачисток.

Мод может быть не совместим с другими модами, которые добавляют новое оружие.
Мод может быть плохо совместим с модами заменяющими некоторые анимации.

В файлах мода ошибок нет, game.log - чист.

Хочу выразить благодарность разработчику
за предоставленные файлы .graph. Без них этот мод не получился бы никогда.


Why didn’t anything change after the update?!

Try using Steam to verify the integrity of Haydee files. (Tab "Library" -> Right-click "Haydee" -> "Properties" -> Tab "Local files" -> Click "Check the integrity of the game files")

UPDATE v.0.1
- The mod has become compatible with the mod Shotgun v 2.1.
- Moved the location of Machine Gun from W_Grip to W_Climb.
- For the update to start working, you must start the game again.
- If your weapon is already in inventory, then there is no need to go through again.
- Мод стал совместим с модом Shotgun v 2.1.
- Перенесено размещение Machine Gun из W_Grip в W_Climb.
- Чтобы обновление начало работать, необходимо игру начать заново.
- Если у вас оружие уже в инвентаре, то заново проходить нет необходимости.

Update v.0.2.

- Added compatibility with the Venus-machine(namely, compatibility of animations with the Model-9 Ponytail hairstyle)
linomiya 2 Jun, 2023 @ 3:13am 
theres a lock :(
real_m9ico  [author] 14 Oct, 2022 @ 2:22am 
I'll think about this offer
Silly Rabbit 13 Oct, 2022 @ 4:09pm 
Can you make this with infinite ammo available?
Grimble The Horrid 23 Jun, 2022 @ 6:36pm 
Minigun? Fucking perfect.
Jiggle effects to mach? Even better!!!!
G4 14 Jul, 2021 @ 11:46pm 
Luv me Miniguns
Luv me Robo Tiddies
Luv me Dakka
Simple As
real_m9ico  [author] 18 Jul, 2020 @ 9:33am 
I wanted to say that without the original Haydee.graph file (New animation v5 mod) I cannot make the Machine gun mod compatible with the New animation v5 mod.
TH3Gamer21 17 Jul, 2020 @ 3:12pm 
Unfortunately, I do not know how to make changes to mods.
real_m9ico  [author] 16 Jul, 2020 @ 11:46pm 
The compatibility of the Minigun and New animation v5 mods can be made, but to do this you need to make the same changes from Haydee.graph (New animation v5) to Haydee.graph (machine gun). Then compile to Haydee.anim. Then change the compiled Haydee.anim into mods New animation v5 and Machinegun
TH3Gamer21 16 Jul, 2020 @ 7:23pm 
I have found that this mod conflicts with the New Animations V5 mod. When you pull out the minigun it gets stuck in the animation.
real_m9ico  [author] 22 Feb, 2020 @ 5:46am 
Update v.0.2.

- Added compatibility with the Venus-machine(namely, compatibility of animations with the Model-9 Ponytail hairstyle)