

項目 (75)
The Gathering : Core Object 1.2.2
建立者 Inter-object
Modified the core object of the TW:TK script to make the game run more reliably 삼탈워 엔진의 코어 오브젝트를 개조하여 게임이 더 안정적으로 돌아갈 수 있도록합니다 修改了TW:TK脚本的核心对象,以使游戏运行更可靠 In TW:3K, events are like the heartbeat of a game. The core object is a...
더 결집 : UI 1.3.22
建立者 Inter-object
Character Browser, Biographies, Reset skills, Trait add/remove, Governor slots 장수 검색, 열전 보기, 부상 치료, 스킬 리셋, 트레잇 추가/제거, 태수 슬롯 등 패널 조정 人物搜索,传记,治愈伤口,重置技能,“添加/替换”特性UI,“府署/太守”面板 Update Notes 1.3.2 - The WuXing 300 table is removed. Now only diplays WuXing 200~30...
TUP family Tree Events 简体中文汉化
建立者 darknesswei
放在TUP Family Tree Events本体之上,在之前的汉化包上补全了翻译。只需要订阅本体和这个汉化mod就可以。 之前的汉化包一直不更新,自用分享下。 PS:排序上,tup家谱的排序要高于大集结:沙盒mod, 例: TUP家谱汉化 TUP家谱 大集结:沙盒2.3.55 ...
TUP Family Tree Events
建立者 Ironic
Translations A Big thanks to Supergluez for his translation of both Traditional and Simplified Chinese: 简体中文翻译 (Simplified) 繁體中文翻譯 (Traditional) Korean: Thanks to 암월 for making the translation. 한국인 Notice: You no longer have to choose between the compatibi...
The Gathering : Heroes 1.5.41
建立者 Inter-object 1.5.4 - TUP 1.7.1v update 1.5.3 - Prevent famous heroes from suffering "Unfortunate Events" when they are in the recruitment pool for long turns. 1.5.1 - Fixes CA issue where 'Zhuge Liang' and 'Sama Yi' are not spawning to A...
建立者 Toshin
说明 2021年6月18日更新:大政奉还后采用刘宏的汉旗,国号为“大汉”。 本MOD原有的旗帜部分,已发布新的MOD作为补充,若需要请点击《体现国号的旗帜》。 若希望将刘备、曹操、孙氏的旗帜、衣甲、战役地图配色恢复到原版,请点击《恢复刘、曹、孙三家原版配色》。 此为简体中文版,若需要繁体中文版请点击《遊戲文本優化:國號、爵位與外交》。 This MOD fixes some errors in the Chinese localisation pack. English speaking players w...
建立者 Toshin
说明 2021年6月28日更新:更改袁绍麾下部分人物称号及其描述。 一些同音字的错误,不是本MOD造成的,是CA在database中引用错误的代码,如:杨洪、卢志、陆绩等,如有发现此类问题,烦请去跟CA反馈,单靠本MOD修改文本解决不了根本问题。 2021年3月15日更新:修改三公九卿描述,更正“张机”为“张济”。 此为简体中文版,若需要繁体中文版请点击《遊戲文本優化:人名、稱號與官職》。 This MOD fixes some errors in the Chinese localisation pack...
(已更新1.7.1版本) 戰役世界地圖及地名重置
建立者 lizshaw
This mod is displayed in Traditional Chinese, for English version, please click the following link. 本模组将以繁体中文呈現,简体中文版本请点击以下链接。
建立者 liumingbao1121
看到有的朋友要求不需要韧性的,不需要伯长的,那那我就发布一个纯净的没有虚构武将版本 这个没有韧性加一 , 没有伯长功能, 没有汉黄巾武将池通用功能,只是禁止了汉势力和盗贼势力的虚构武将的产生。 需要的朋友可使用这个 ...
生育率0/No kid
建立者 CUI
绝育npc,解决后期卡顿 all generals can't have children...
Assignment Panel Fix
建立者 Ironic
Simple mod that allows the assignments to loop back around, instead of going off screen. For more than 10 assignments you will need this mod Compatibility Uses the assignments_panel.twui.xml file. How to Replicate In assignments_panel.twui.xml follow assig...
Puzzle3D (v1.7.1)
建立者 artmongky
KOREAN 퍼즐 전용 모델링 342개가 추가됩니다. 전용모델링을 아직 못만든 일러스트의 경우 일러와 모델링이 일치 하지 않습니다.(약100개) 해당모드는 MTU와 Puzzle, WDG2를 필수로 필요로 합니다. *WDG2 mtu addon은 필요 없습니다. 함께 제작에 힘써주신 '화성까마귀, 서량기병마등, k.han, 딴또딴또'님께도 응원 부탁드립니다. 그리고 제작에 도움주신 '김펀치, MTU제작팀, 술취한판다'님께도 감사드립니다. ENGLISH 342...
建立者 guel
Mode introduction Campaigns used: 182/190/194/200 This mode provides illustrations for clone generals who appear as historical objects. This is a mode that gives each general a personality. We provide 380+ illustrations, including famous historical objects...
[WDG2] MTU(TROM) Add-on
建立者 artmongky
*WDG2와 MTU의 호환성 모드 *Compatibility mod for WDG2 and MTU (TROM) 오직 MTU와 WDG2만 쓸때 사용하세요. Only used with mtu and wdg2. Order MTU Add-on MTU or TROM WDG2
[WDG2] Season2 update!!!
建立者 artmongky
모드 호환성 / mod compatibility / mod互換性 : With MTU? ,With Puzzle?, With WU? : << Add_on Required With Generic Generals Overhaul? NO! With DIY Face? No / With Cloak Fix(망토 추가 모드)? No / ***WDG를 다른 모드들보다 위로 해주세요. ***Put WDG above other mod. Use case MTU + PUZZLE ...
MTU简体中文补丁完全汉化版2024(Make Them Unique 3.3 )
建立者 雷歪
2024年1月6日新增修正了 ”da“,”xiao“=大 小 WANG= 王 ------------------------------------------------- 感谢procrastinator对MTU长期以来翻译及更新 此补丁修正了对 “武安国” 的姓名,称号,武器,护甲,专属技能等词条进行中文翻译 若procrastinator更新将关闭此MOD ------------------------------------------------- **请将此MOD置于MTU本体之上,本MO...
Make Them Unique 3.3 (Wu Anguo)
建立者 Illustrator.noob *This is graphic oriented mod but at the same time it also overhaul mod. *There are no mod privileges due to sponsorship. Sponso...
RMK: Remake Original Characters - A Girl Worth Fighting For - 1.7.0 support
建立者 NQ
Before you use This mod change the vanilla girl art, so if you like the vanilla one, don't use this The art style is base on 'REAL PERSION' in realife so sometime i'll be update until we feel it perfect
【黑熊mod系列】史实派系领袖性别 (已支持新DLC)
功能: 这个mod将禁止所有AI派系的女性角色成为派系领袖,除了以下例外角色: 郑姜 何皇后 吴夫人 南蛮文化的派系不受影响 玩家派系不受影响 具体机理: 每个AI派系的回合结束时,检测其派系领袖角色是否为女性,且文化不是南蛮 如果为女性,且不是上述例外角色,则从该派系的所有30岁及以上的男性角色中选取一名角色成为新的派系领袖。如果无法找到符合标准的角色,则不做任何改动。 兼容性: 理论上兼容任何非类似功能mod。 旧档兼容。 由于是脚本mod,请不要在开档后关闭本mod。 感谢: 感谢武将合集制作组的木木...
荀彧、郭嘉投奔曹操派系(仅玩家) | Xun Yu & Guo Jia Join Cao Cao (Only Player)
建立者 原味牛战士
历史上,荀彧是曹操的重要谋士。早在初平二年(191年),荀彧就离开袁绍转投到了曹操麾下。然而,在曹操集团中如此重要的一位人物,CA却没有给他设置投奔曹操的事件,我认为这是一个严重的错误。 并且,尽管官方制作了荀彧举荐郭嘉的事件,不过我从来没有触发过这个事件,所以我自己做了一个荀彧向曹操举荐郭嘉的事件。 In the history, Xun Yu is one of the most important chiefs of staff. As early as in 191 AD, Xun Yu left ...
New Court: Multilingual Version (Need to subscribe to the translation MOD)
New Court: Multilingual Version ================Mod Introduction================ Court interface: Beheaded、Consolation、Abdicate Family tree interface: MarryWife、MarryConcubine、DeposedEmpress、Adopt、SwornBrothers The MOD can be turned on and off at any time ...
单位增加伯长与死亡男爵兵种兼容|Captains For All Units Lite&&Dead Roster Expansion Project
建立者 月影枫桥远
请将本mod置于两个mod之上,务必确保它们都开启了,否则就会发生闪退!Please put this mod on top of both mods, make sure they are both enabled, otherwise it will crash! 为死亡男爵兵种包添加伯长。 这是别的大佬为兵种包做的汉化。
单位添加伯长|Captains For All Units Lite(Revive)
建立者 月影枫桥远
为所有单位添加伯长 主要是为原mod做的更新,将官渡dlc中的部队也都添加上伯长。 为减少与其它mod的冲突,在land_units_templates_tables表单中为所有单位额外添加了一个血量是普通士兵4倍的伯长,因此部队人数将由240->241/60->61。 此mod并非原创,感谢ProPanda的原mod:
死亡男爵兵种包汉化文件(Dead's Roster Expansion Project)
建立者 leoyu89
本MOD属于Dead Baron作品Dead's Roster Expansion Project模组的汉化。 单独使用无效!!! ...
Dead's Roster Expansion Project
建立者 Dead Baron Please if you enjoy this mod Hello Everyone! Consider this mod done and open source. Do whatever you want you have my permission. Just credit me! Please refer to the info-graphics for pertinent information This is a project of...
Generals Skills Reshuffled 重组武将技
建立者 Mopei_ECO200Y
捆绑包 Collection: 汉化补丁 -> This mod aims to reshuffle existing general skills, moving them in the skill tree so that they are more...
AI Won’t Execute Characters AI 不处决人物
建立者 Alex Zhao
This mod prevent AI execute captured character, now they will only recruit or release them. However characters killed in a battle still will be dead. I also decreased the relationship bonus from releasing captive....
Recruited unique character can use their special units
建立者 Alex Zhao
Introduction: This mod allows most unique character can recruit their "original" faction's special units. If I play as Liu Bei and Xiahou Yuan in my function can still recruit Tiger and Leopard cavalry and Heavy Tiger and Leopard cavalry. This is done by a...
more friendly grant independence//更友好的授予独立
建立者 hidde
在授权太守独立后,这个MOD使得“允许我方独立”一项的好感度大幅提升(从50提升至150,视ai性格略有不同),并且永远不会衰减,从而大幅降低授权独立的太守派系叛变的可能。 主要是ca原版的数值太过扯淡,后期独立的太守出来就红脸就很离谱…… 与大部分MOD兼容,可能与部分大修MOD冲突,但置于冲突MOD之上应该就行了,毕竟修改的项目很少,不影响大局。 只对新独立的有效,已经独立的无效 ———————————————————— After grant independence, the mod greatly...
Supplies Matters
建立者 Shatti
-all supplies aspects have been balanced to introduce a well tuned supply system. -armies consumes -20 supplies. -reduced supplies from attribute cunning. -new recruited army starts with 45 supply amount instead of 60 supply amount -supply penalty from cas...
建立者 Too Navie
怎么介绍这个mod呢? 上次发布的《得粮草者得天下》做的修改有点多,算是2.0吧。 知道你不想看长篇大论,我简单说下测试的效果。 1.军队补给特别重要,尤其在中前期,AI飞地受到了巨额的惩罚,长时间在非本土区域作战会使战斗力锐减。以逸待劳在中前期非常常见。 2.可囤积的派系粮食以及其提供的buff充分体现了兵马未动,粮草先行的特点。粮草不足时不要贸然发动长时间大规模的战争。长时间大规模军队对派系粮食是一个不小的考验。 3.铁匠铺升到三级对应提升部队不同属性的加成,冶兵室生产更好的兵刃增加部队的攻击,对应铸甲...
Better Walls 更好的城墙
建立者 Alex Zhao
Increased hit point of city walls by 50%, also increased the hit point and ignition threshold of wood walls during encampment....
Better Gate Pass 更好的关隘
建立者 Alex Zhao
This mod buffed the gate pass by making them decrease enemy army's supplies in nearby own regions, increase garrison replenishment and stats, having better garrison units, garrison replenish faster and one administrator cap. Gate pass are also almost impas...
Faster General Mounts 更快的武将坐骑
建立者 Mopei_ECO200Y
捆绑包 Collection: This mod aims to make general mounts (horses) faster for everything that is from bronze to gold and all of the unique mounts in the game. Specifically this mod aims to make hors...
Dead Unit Tell No Tales
Description If your unit wiped out in battle, they would return after a few turn in vanilla. This mod make generals LOSE broken units like other Total War series. - Garrison Unit would NOT break. They would be in reinforcement right after battle even thoug...
5턴 2개혁 모드 / 2 Reforms in 5 Turn mod
建立者 carrypotrick
매 5턴 (봄)이 될 때 마다 개혁이 두개가 열립니다. Every 5 turn, when the spring comes, you can do 2 reforms than 1 reform in vanilla. 한나라 팩션에 해당하는 한 황실, 삼국, 군주, 주목 팩션만 이 모드에 영향을 받으며, 황건적, 도적, 남만 및 팔왕 팩션에게는 해당 모드가 적용되지 않습니다. The Han dynasty, the Coalition, and the empire fact...
EXP Boost!!!
建立者 leoyu89
character -50% level up exp required. level 8 9 10 add 1 skill point. compatible most MOD. have fun, fellows !...
Everyone can command the army.pack
建立者 elenion
# 갈라진운명 적용완료 (2021. 3. 12) 통솔장군에서 소외받는 지휘관과 감시자,모사를 위한 모드입니다 특정스킬에 추가능력치를 부여합니다 한나라 1. 이해 :캠페인이동거리증가25% 2. 안정 :수행원 유격배치부여 3. 정확 :통솔시 충원5% 도적 1. 신속: 켐페인이동거리증가 25% 2. 변수: 수행원 유격배치부여 3. 정확: 통솔시 충원5% 이외에도 용장과 선봉장 스킬 '복수'를 통해 불화살 효과를 부여 (활용예시: 기본제공 궁수or 백마의종 공손...
Harder Water Transaction 限制水路
建立者 Alex Zhao
Rivers shouldn’t be highways. I tried to increase movement point cost on water but it didn’t work, so I just increased the movement point cost of transition from land to river and river to land at places other than harbor. Now transitions will cost almost ...
Horse Armor For Generals 将领马甲
建立者 Alex Zhao
This mod adds horse armor for most generals' horses: Unique: Heavy cataphract armor Expesional: Cataphract armor Refined: Leather armor Di Lu、Red hare、Shadow Runner already have unique models so I didn't change them. Only affects the model but not stat....
建立者 小王一个
以下所有效果在战役中生效(对玩家和ai都生效,仅玩家生效的请看我另一个mod): 1.增加了 40% 部曲招募 和 30% 维护费用 (毕竟汉末民生凋敝,武备废弛。可以略微减少部队数量,缓解一丢丢卡顿) 《太平御览》记载曹操在官渡之战后有言:“本初马铠三百具,吾不能有十具。见其少,遂不施也”。 2.每季部曲经验+200 3.骑兵: 冲锋加成+80 冲锋速度+50 重量+40% 近战伤害+20%(火系和土系) 《三国志·武帝纪》:“(曹)公军每渡渭,辄为超骑所冲突,营不得立”。 (骑兵更快更强了,追逃也有了进...
Horse Equipment Overhaul 2 | 给马装备马铠
建立者 deema
This mod distributes horse armors to top tier and general bodyguard cavalry units. This mod is a version of my Horse Equipment Overhaul mod which I personally use. I put some effort into making this. So, I thought I might as well release this. Bodyguard Ch...
No X
建立者 sadness
改善将领之间的关系,即使是仇人也很难出现×,张飞、夏侯惇再讨厌我试试? Improve the relationship between the generals, even if it is an enemy, it is difficult to appear ×...
Release Captives and take weapons 释放俘虏并拿走武器
建立者 Gold
Items should have never been part of bargain for life. 物品绝不应该成为终身讨价还价的一部分。 Compatible with almost everything. 与几乎所有东西兼容。...
Stronger Northern Army 更强的北军
建立者 Alex Zhao
This mod buffed Northern Army's units' stats. Now they should be better than generic units, but still not as good as faction special units. Also increased their recruitment and upkeep cost. They are more familiar with northern climate, so they won't suffer...
Unlock prime minister
建立者 Little Fighter
Function: Han: unlock "Prime Minister" Bandit: unlock "Right Hand" Nanman: unlock "Advisor" when new campaign start Not Compatible with MODs also modified minister system...
ui general select 武将过滤
建立者 牦牛叔叔
ui 武将过滤 为了武将数量过多的情况下便于操作 军队招募界面添加了根据武将的五行类别过滤的单选按钮,目前只能过滤金、木、水、火、土 20210418: 用图标代替文本,文本语言本地化很困难 20210420 增加右侧的武将过滤 ui general filter In order to facilitate the operation when there are too many generals The army recruitment interface has added a radio butt...
【1.7.1】Faster Craftmen Settlement Production
This mod will increase the productivity of craftmen settlements by 100% when they produce weapons, armours and mounts. Higher the level of settlements, faster they will produce. Original MOD link:
建立者 Waibo
一、古都:增加了成都、北海、雍州、扬州、南阳、荆州、河东、建邺、安平。加上原本的邺,彭城,长安,洛阳,总共12个。 古都作为政治文化经济中心和军事要地,政治方面:声望25,全局将领满意度加3;经济方面:郡国内文化300,所有产值300%,人口8000增长;军事方面:补员加10,士气20。 二、关隘:雄关漫道:声望15,太守1,本地敌军移动范围-75%;据关死战:本地我军不溃,支援100%。 三、奇观: 1.白马寺:礼佛养性,全局渴望高位-10,本地文化300。 2.长白山:人参续命,全局将领血量20%,本地...
建立者 liumingbao1121
这个模组作用就是,没有军事通行权,不可穿越非友军领地,AI玩家通用。 已知弊端,会一定程度阻碍AI的发展,AI不可能穿越好几个势力跑来打你,会降低游戏难度。 玩家如果强制穿越没军通的势力城市时,会几率出现下回合按钮无法点击,必须读档,否则无法进行游戏。 所以请谨慎使用...
建立者 寒风吹起
禁止玩家与AI收养义子 Disable Adoption_Player and AI ...
没有入赘 | Ban Male Royal Consort
建立者 原味牛战士
我已经受够了AI袁绍让袁谭入赘到韩馥派系的操作。 从现在开始,AI派系之间的任何入赘婚姻都会被修正,女方会加入男方的派系,也就是没有入赘婚姻了。 在当时,这种入赘婚姻本就是少见的。强如曹操也没有让孙策的弟弟孙匡入赘。 对玩家无效。 I am tired that AI Yuan Shao let his elder son Yuan Tan join Han Fu by a diplomacy marriage. Form now on, all the male royal consort between...
建立者 蜀汉刘双刀
甘梅,糜夫人,夏侯姬,李傕/郭汜的独特技能,需要mtu+tup 更新增加朱桓...
建立者 江雾
为几个兵种添加技能 2个技能:虎豹骑,西凉骑兵 3个技能:陷阵死士,重装虎豹骑,重装西凉骑兵 4个技能:羽林枪骑...
NGC新武将合集人物生平/NGC character bio
建立者 Sleeping-Rowlet
人物详细界面会有新的一个书图标,鼠标移上去后可以看到人物生平资料。 目前已预先注册了1065个人物,全部由预设传记文本。 独特简易家谱功能 显示活人亲属关系(父母死人也会显示) 新增显示死亲属(非远亲)功能,点一下图标即可...
全派系基础3000基业 | All Faction 3000 Base GDP
建立者 原味牛战士
原版非主要派系的家庭基业很低,现在所有派系的家族基业基础值都是3000。这是家族基业的基础值,所以袁绍、刘备这种开局基业有加成的依然生效,袁绍还是4500,刘备还是1500。 自用的mod,因为之前不小心搞坏过这个mod,所以放到工坊算是备份,顺便水一个mod。 In original game, the other factions' GDP is low, now all faction base GDP is 3000. Its base value, so Yuan Shao and Liu Bei...
更新支持1.6。 修改差事回合数为999,不影响经验的获取,其他方面没有任何修改包括差事总数上限。 觉得差事时间太久的可以用25回合的mod:
Capture Chance On Faction Destroy
建立者 Havie
You can ignore the launcher warnings about being up to date , and test yourself if its working before commenting. Capture Officers On Faction Destroy Compatible with everything single player --might have issues with MP This mod allows the player to capture...
默认的旗帜数量过多, 严重遮挡了观战视野, 现将旗手的数量减半 【说明】 可能与更改了军队人数的MOD不兼容; 对将领单位无效; 没有更改生命值; ----------------------------------------------- 完...
建立者 Alex Zhao
有一些网友说后期全都是天地卫禁军五龙,所以尝试限制一下,这个mod为全部禁军、天地卫、五龙军与重铁骑添加了招募数量限制: 各类禁军&天地卫:每占领十个地区+1(不是整数进,似乎会四舍五入,达到0.5就+1,下一次1.5然后+2),每控制一个皇位+1,建造皇宫+1,刘协个人技能最多+3,刘宏派系额外+3、军阀党影响力最多额外+4。(5级关隘与皇位还会有个隐藏加成抵消驻军里的天地卫) 五龙军&重铁骑:每占领十个地区+1,每控制一个“古都”地区+1,每个五龙与重铁科技+1。 无需新档,兼容方面不建议和TROM、军...
随从立绘 | Followers Icons
建立者 Oo.Xiao
2020.09.07:更新匹配游戏版本。 2020.03.26:更新匹配游戏版本。 2020.01.31:更新天命DLC新增的两个随从。 原版的随从立绘,服饰有唐宋风格,人物刻画相对粗糙,个人不太喜欢,因此拿了其它游戏素材做修改,做了这套立绘。 —— Machine translation —— The original version of the follower's freehand painting, dress style of Tang and Song Dynasty, character p...
没有附庸/NO Vassal
建立者 Sam
袁绍的狗群?刘备的寄人篱下?王朗的逆来顺受? 不,东汉末年男儿膝下有黄金,再没有任何一个势力愿意屈膝 本MOD的原理是将附庸的外交基本观点变成-888,包括玩家附庸AI,AI附庸玩家,AI附庸AI 一个没有犬吠的乱世,要么合邦,要么死磕到底! 另外将称帝后的退位也改成了-888,不能退位,AI、玩家都有效 不需要新档,关此MOD就关闭禁附庸和退位,随时可以开启,也不用过回合 应该兼容一切...
合理的爵位/Better progression
建立者 Sam
原版汉家称公和称帝太快了,即使不建宫府序列也不太符合爵位所对应的地盘大小,工坊有很多提高阈值的MOD,但不是捆绑了其他内容就是数值不符合我的预期 MOD改动如下: 提高了汉家派系(玩家和AI)称公和称王(帝)的声望阈值 这里要声明一下,原版里不同剧本的一小部分汉家派系在称公和称王时所需声望阈值有微小差别,在这里我全部用统一声望阈值 原版称公:玩家 300 AI 270 MOD将玩家和AI称公的声望阈值提高50%,即 MOD称公:玩家 450 AI 405 原版称王(帝):玩家 500 AI 450 MOD将...
Better Credibility 信誉调整
建立者 Alex Zhao
Credibility will falloff slower and won't falloff below 25, but it also provide less imperial favor....
战场只有晴天The battlefield is only sunny
建立者 Marks
MOD简介: 修改战斗地图中晴天出现的机率改为100%。 雾天,雨天和雪天改为0%。不影响大地图的季节方面的任何数据或者加成。 讨厌雨天等天气的画面效果的同学可以使用,显著提高FPS,低配档的福音。 兼容性:兼容所有MOD Introduction to MOD: Modify the chance of appearing on a sunny day in the battle map to 100%. Change to 0% for fog, rain and snow. Does not affe...
建立者 Sam
原版的火将和土将太守技能都太拉跨,本MOD给火将和土将添加了和金/木/水相当的太守技能。 土将的“高尚”技能 添加 农业产值+20%(和木的“信任”相同) 商业,丝绸和香料产值+40%(和金/水的“学识”相同) 火将的“激情”技能 添加 补员+10%(所管理郡国的军队) —————————————————————— 打上MOD后 金将 工商产值+公共秩序(原版) 水将 工商产值+粮食+储备(原版) 木将 工农产值+粮食+储备(原版) 土将 农商产值(MOD)+公共秩序+减建筑维持费(原版) 火将 补员(MO...
Random hero has no resilience
建立者 Little Fighter
In vanilla, hero will gain resilience at rank 4. This mod remove resilience from random heroes. Historical heroes are not affected. This mod make a compatibility with 1.7.2 Bug Fix ...
汉帝国和黄巾乱军补充包/ Han/Rebel enhancement
建立者 Phantathos
★ 强化汉帝国、黄巾乱军部队 * 这是个娱乐MOD,请勿过分纠结平衡性 * 汉帝国军队和黄巾乱军会主动攻击敌对势力 ★ 可独立加载 ★ 更专业的士兵:乱世群雄 兼容MOD 点击此处查看我的所有MOD! _____________________________________________ * 我的MOD分为红绿蓝三种文字背景,蓝色可单独生效,红色必需在与全局调整MOD「更专业的士兵:乱世群雄」合用时生效,绿色则表示其内容已包含在「更专业的士兵:乱世群雄」中。...
Ultra Aggressive & Smart AI
建立者 Hecleas
AGGRESSIVENESS The intelligence, aggressiveness, behavior, tactical movements, decisions of the AI ​​has been completely revised, it will no longer be inactive, will seek to conquer the world, you attack as soon as possible. He will not do suicidal action,...
Better Economic & Military Management AI
建立者 Hecleas
ECONOMY & MILITARY !!!No bonuses have been added!!! -The AI ​​will recruit a lot more armies, better quality and as much as possible! -The AI ​​will invest its money more intelligently its money, it will be mainly distributed between the armies and the con...
Fairplay AI
建立者 Atenvardo
Overview A personal mod of mine that I decided to upload in case anyone else would enjoy it as I do, especially as the Three Kingdoms Modding scene has slowed down. This Mod makes changes to the AI, alongside removing all their cheats and bonuses across al...
1.7.2 BUG FIX
建立者 Alex Zhao
This mod made by all the community fixed 124 bugs that CA will never fix. Please let we know if this mod has any problem, or there are bugs you think we might can fix. This mod doesn't require new campaign, and should be compatible with everything. TROM al...