Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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Toronto Style Elementary School 9
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Toronto Style Elementary School 9

In 2 collections by JSF-1
Toronto Collection
176 items
JSF-1's Toronto Schools
62 items
The ninth Elementary school in my Toronto Schools collection. This is a recreation of Henry Kelsey Senior Public School (7-8).

This school is yet another that is based off of a Middle School and not an Elementary. Henry Kelsey Sr PS opened in 1971 and is built in the concrete box style of many schools of the time (the "Board Cube" era as I refer to it). The School itself used to have an open concept floor plan on the second floor, however that has since been replaced with permanent classrooms.

The facility includes 17 Standard Classrooms, 2 Science Labs, Carpentry Shop, Cafeteria with Kitchen, Double Gymnasium, and a Library.

Cost to Build: $20,000
Upkeep: $320
Size: 7x9
Student Population: 600
Psycho Shit 13 Jan, 2020 @ 2:58am 
@JSF, is this Charles Gordon!?
jaydog 23 Oct, 2019 @ 4:44pm 
looks like mci
wildfire 15 Sep, 2019 @ 12:59am 
I just studied the layout of this building, and I notice the fact that there are a lot of classrooms that have actually no windows to the outside, so that these poor little kids are deprivated from daylight while sitting in those classrooms. That's kinda sick, I think. And I know that this is not your fault - some architect is to blame...:steamsad:
Saplaiceen 11 Aug, 2019 @ 10:18am 
as always great additions to your school collection. ive kinda been wanting to see early 20th century schools in american styles