Conan Exiles

Conan Exiles

1,568 ratings
ThrallSideKick 0.5.7
Weapons: Weapons
Balance: Balance
File Size
304.385 KB
13 Jul, 2019 @ 5:38am
15 Sep, 2020 @ 10:17am
18 Change Notes ( view )

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ThrallSideKick 0.5.7

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Optimise Conan Exiles
A Must for Server owners and clients!!!
Dedicated local server setup for testing mods or just playing single player

ModID: 1802389425

Direct Downloads
Thrall SideKick 0.4.9[]
Thrall SideKicks 0.3.16[]

Thrall Sidekick Update! 02/17/2020

Sidekicks will now gain XP whenever your player character kills something, no matter where they are as long as they are bound.
How to get XP for your SideKicks
  • First SideKick them
  • Kill something that will give you XP
  • Profit!


Bind up to 6 thralls as "SideKicks" to your bracelet.

!!!Now includes Pets!!!

Summon Side Kicks from anywhere at anytime.
Send Side Kicks home from anywhere at anytime from emotes menu.

Have you ever left a thrall somewhere and forgot?
Watched a thrall get dangerously low in health during combat?
Waited for them to show up after an adventure?
Die teleporting in Volcano?
Ever had a thrall fall through terrain, get stuck in foundations or float away?
Simply click "All go home" icon near where you think they might be.
Then check their home location.

Set Home location separate from the "Guarding spot" for Thralls. This way you can place thralls while you're on the go.
Send Thralls Home by selecting them. Or send multiple thralls home through emotes menu. (Must be within following range)

** !! Now you can send them home fast and safe by selecting them !! **

Name save feature, server side, has been implemented.
No longer do you have to remember the names of your thralls and rename on login.

To safely summon your "Side Kicks" please allow a safe distance around your character as seen below:

Larger animals require up to a 5x3 foundation size area for safe summoning.

Ever get trapped by your SideKicks? In your base, during combat or they just appear and bump you off the edge of a cliff?
Well now you can Ignore SideKick Collision. This only affects you and your SideKicks. Only you can ignore their collision.

Settings are using ModControlPanel. As a User or Admin press SHIFT END

Admin Settings
You can set the number of SideKicks in the Admin as well as set globally allowing ignore collision of SideKicks

User Settings
As a user you can toggle Ignore collision on and off, depending on server settings. Server settings override user settings. You can also toggle on and off the All Go Home and Summon Followers

Future Road Map
- Summon horse separately

Thrall SideKick
Sky Island map mod.
KrabbitWorld Exiles
Siptah Portal To Exile Lands
CharEditLite - Recompiled
Witchie Stuff
All About Eve
Lost Thralls
Infinity-Gaming Zamorian Thief Armor Color Update

Our Server Mod List
(in order)

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