Divinity: Original Sin 2

Divinity: Original Sin 2

93 个评价
GM tools : NPC control tools
Type: Add-on
Game Mode: GM
3.233 MB
2019 年 7 月 2 日 上午 9:53
2019 年 12 月 7 日 上午 5:58
23 项改动说明 ( 查看 )

GM tools : NPC control tools

在 Luxen 的 2 个合集中
Luxen GM
36 件物品
Luxen's GM Tools
14 件物品
NPC Control Tools is getting a little brother : Ultimate GM Toolbox. It is basically the same mod but with much more powerful tools and fix several base GM mode issues (like some statuses not behaving as they should like Taunt if the GM controls characters). It's in beta and not out on the workshop yet, but you can find it on my Discord server for you to try ! https://discord.gg/AYpVFA4 Requires Norbyte's script extender.

This mod provide tools for the GM to manage several NPCs at once. It allows you to mass move, activate, deactivate but also provide a patroling and character follow feature.

How does it work
All tools are present in A_gm Tools in Items panel. First, select NPCs either by drag&drop a Select (selection confirmed by a "S") either by setting Selected status and then use the feature you wish by drag&dropping it.

- Move (walk/run): makes selected NPC(s) to move straigth to the position. Tip : you can lock select NPCs and double-click on Walk or Run to move them like units in a strategy game ! Be careful though, their final formation will be the one they had at the moment you gave the last order.
- Activate/Deactivate : pretty self-explanatory.
- Patrol : makes selected NPC go on the position and get back to its initial place indefinitely. You can stop patroling by removing the status.
- Multipoint patroling : Target an NPC, place checkpoints and let it go !
- Follow : you have to put the Targeted status on the target first. Then select NPC(s) and drag&drop the Follow feature on terrain. You make a NPC stop following by removing the Follow status. Warning : do not manually move the follower as a GM or it will stop following.
- Sheathe/Unsheathe : selected NPCs will draw their weapons or sheathe them.
- Mass copy status : the status that are on the targeted NPC will be copied on all selected NPCs.
- Freeze/Unfreeze players : This stops players from doing anything (move, using items, changing equipment, attacking, ending turn, ...) . It's useful for showing players things on the scene without pausing the game. Freeze/Unfreeze all players if your selection is empty
- Transform : The selected character will take the appearance of the targeted character.
-Bossify/debossify: The selected character(s) will have a fancy border on its health/armor bar. Furthermore, its death animation will always be a simple one (no crush or pile of ash).
-Make Party Follower : Select a character you want to make follow a plyer character and target that player character. Once made follower, the player can now control this NPC like a summon. Note: The UI doesn't update on the GM side until possess a NPC or load a map. To make the character stop follow, just select it and use the tool. Don't forget to enable "Follow party" otherwise the character won't follow the party across maps !
-Make Player Character : Select a character and use the tool. The character is now a full player character, like the one from the Character Creation.You can also remove a player character.
Warning: This feature is a bit unstable. If you remove a character from the character creation and make it an NPC, be sure to make it "Follow the party" otherwise it can lead to crashes. Also never ever delete a character that have been made PC once. The safe way to get rid of them is to create a trash scene, make the character follow the party, go to that scene, make the character stop following the party, change scene and then delete the trash scene.
Note: Never save while a player have the control of a NPC turned into player character. In the case you did it, just duplicate the character and use the procedure to delete the old one.
-Assign character to player : Select a character, and target a character that is owned by the player you want to give the control. If the player don't have any character, use the Party management menu to temporarily give him/her one. Useful when you have 5+ player characters.

/!\Warning/!\ : since this mod use story scripting, if you load a save where you had set up stuff from this mod, it might not work properly since databases are emptied at each load (unfortunately, that's harcoded in the engine and I can not do anything about it). You will have to set it up once again.

Please don't hesitate to give a feedback. Give your opinion, report a bug, suggest a new feature, all of this could help me to improve this mod.
Discord server : https://discord.gg/AYpVFA4

Special Thanks
Murderbot for his help on aesthetics.
Baardvark, LaughingLeader, Feenex for their precious advices on scripting.

Moved patch notes into the workshop changelog

Discord server
Game Master community : https://discord.gg/zBZ9bme
Luxen's GM workshop : https://discord.gg/AYpVFA4
70 条留言
Captain Fabulous [P.W.D] 3 月 20 日 上午 9:50 
are the tools meant to be physical objects in the world that can be picked up? or have i most defiantly broken something?
KingKenna 2022 年 1 月 17 日 下午 4:15 
Nice! Looking forward to it
Luxen  [作者] 2022 年 1 月 17 日 下午 4:09 
UGMT has a visual set randomizer tool. Check out my workshop Discord server to get it (will be available on the workshop when extender hit v56 public release)
KingKenna 2022 年 1 月 17 日 下午 4:00 
Any chance of an NPC randomiser which randomises visual sets like in the editor? Can be a pain filling out towns.
pistolpete10 2021 年 4 月 25 日 上午 10:03 
I'm on it thank you.
Luxen  [作者] 2021 年 4 月 25 日 上午 9:58 
There's no order, and if that issue happen that mean there's a compilation error with one of the mods.
pistolpete10 2021 年 4 月 25 日 上午 9:42 
does this need to be in a specific load order, it worked before but now it just places icons instead of selecting.
Melo 🐉 2021 年 1 月 23 日 上午 10:05 
hi, now it's ok with the V2 :) thx a lot
Luxen  [作者] 2021 年 1 月 23 日 上午 2:56 
Can you join my workshop discord server to discuss in detail about that issue please ? I stopped working on this mod for a little while, I'm working on a V2 using the extender where patrols persists through reloads so in the worst case, you will switch to the new one (not released on the workshop yet, but available on the discord server)
Melo 🐉 2021 年 1 月 22 日 下午 8:08 
Hello Luxen, at first, thx for your amazing job ! all ur mods are crazy and i love it! But here it is, i can't perform multiple partrol function. I don't know why, but the steps below doesn't work for me (Taget with select in gm selection, set waypoints and then start multipoint patroling) when i do that, nothing happens, NPC(s) are just staying at the same spot ^^'. Also I tried to perform these steps while the game's paused or by checking the addon setup just to make sure that's not from my PC. Only simple patroling is working, but tbh i need multiple patroling so hard :c If you have any idea about that... sorry for my english if i made some grammar mistakes!