Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Dead 2

950 人が評価
-6DB Helicopter sounds
Game Content: Sounds
6.541 MB
2019年6月14日 8時29分
1 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

-6DB Helicopter sounds

мяFunreal 作成の 2 件のコレクション
мяFunreal's Miscellaneous Mods
35 アイテム
мяFunreal's Pilot mods
21 アイテム
I know helicopters are supposed to be loud, but i don't want my ears to hurt when there's one in the game.

This mod reduces the volume of all helicopters, including the loud tarp from the "No Mercy" intro by 6DB.

This item is not authorized for posting on Steam, except under the Steam account named мяFunreal; Steam id "funreal"
Modifications or Redistribution without explicit permission is prohibited.
I have my own Discord server[discord.gg] where i post WIP screenshots. We can also just chat.

29 件のコメント
мяFunreal  [作成者] 9月17日 12時53分 
because "haha, ear rape funni, my speaker broke and need to buy new ones, teehee"
People nowadays are odd.
Wrigley 9月17日 11時56分 
why would you ever want them louder?
мяFunreal  [作成者] 2023年10月27日 5時27分 
then why would you ask before looking yourself.
Bors Pepsi 2023年10月27日 5時00分 
I just took a look and yes. yes there is.
мяFunreal  [作成者] 2023年10月27日 4時02分 
I have no idea.
Bors Pepsi 2023年10月27日 1時19分 
Is there a mod to make them louder?
Iberia55 2023年9月23日 13時06分 
The chopper sauce
#1 Kestrel Fan 2023年7月23日 1時41分 
THANK YOU FOR THIS MOD!:steamthumbsup:
Shadow 2023年4月20日 20時31分 
mod conflict with no rain sound mod.
Nietabs 2022年2月19日 4時19分 
Thank you!