Planet Coaster

Planet Coaster

104 valoraciones
Surf City California
Etiquetas: park, scenario
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13.619 MB
1 JUN 2019 a las 7:57
8 JUN 2019 a las 8:44
4 notas sobre cambios ( ver )

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Surf City California

*Please read Description* *Important, download Drop-box items and TMTK items*

Take a jump back into time into the Roaring 50's in my California Surf themed Park. Please take note these coasters were made using the 4M smoothing and are best used in track view. If you use the Peep POV on ride you can sit in the coaster without the shaky camera. Please note i have used custom images and music that really makes this park what it is. If you don't download the Dropbox content, you wont be able to experience this park the way it was meant to be played. Be sure to look for 'Surfside Orlando', A sister park coming soon from "Pretzl"

Special thanks to the following people for some items from the Thememakers toolkit.
This is not a actual scenario. But will be found in the scenario section.

*Deadeye Duck * Jayreplay * Zekins * Woutbelt * Zigfreed107 *
28 comentarios
PixleStar 22 ENE 2022 a las 20:42 
Dropbox items are deleted when clicking the link
Bouma 8 MAR 2021 a las 17:35 
Which DLC's does this require?

Looks amazing and definitely worth a play.
aydon14 22 ABR 2020 a las 19:21 
I want to add more guests
retronex 11 SEP 2019 a las 19:10 
Requires DLC.
Helena 10 JUN 2019 a las 4:32 
Ah ok! Then you might write it in your description. :)
♡Ⲙⲁⲛ𝓰ⲟ♡  [autor] 10 JUN 2019 a las 2:19 
Just a park saved as a scenario. Just so i can move the entrance of the park around.
Helena 9 JUN 2019 a las 23:13 
Looking lovely! I have to ask; is this an actual scenario gameplay or just a park saved as scenario but without gameplay?
♡Ⲙⲁⲛ𝓰ⲟ♡  [autor] 9 JUN 2019 a las 0:42 
C:\Users\YOURNAME\Documents\Frontier Developments\Planet Coaster @lowell
Lowell 9 JUN 2019 a las 0:37 
Location to place files? :steamhappy:
Stale Blitz 8 JUN 2019 a las 19:36 