Grand Theft Auto V 传承版

Grand Theft Auto V 传承版

47 个评价
How to setup a whitelisted (private public) lobby for playing with your friends. (CodeSwine)
由 Miles (Tails) Prower 和其他 1 人合作完成
Currently, GTA Online has several problems, which prevents you to progress or enjoy to play with your crewmates & friends. I am here talking about cheaters (do not confuse with modders), high lvl players with militarized weaponry (Opressor MK II, Hydra, etc.), and players destoying your objectives.

In this guide I will cover the ability to make your own solo session, where only your friends (which you can trust) can join, while randoms are not. And yet, it stays public, thus you can use everything, unlikely to friends only session.
My main language is russian, thus I apologize for any mistakes, which made you uncomfortable upon reading this guide. Also, some screenshots may contain russian language. I will translate the exact moments, where and what I used & try to translate that close as my knowledge of english allows me.

Some of the moments, like portforwarding, might be not be similar for you, so be adviced, use Google as reference to your own problems. And if something didn't worked to you, you have to figure the workaround by yourself. Sure, I might direct you if you don't understand some particular moment, but I haven't experienced through all of possible problems, so with some moments I can not just help you.

And the last - some terms & explanations and "how does that work" stuff might be inaccurate in terms of purpose of specific feature.
What do we need?
For this guide we need 2 programs downloaded to our PC:

  • GTA Online Private Looby (Link[])
  • PFPortChecker (Link[])

Note: If some of the programs doesn't work for you in terms of launching executable file, you need to find requirement for those programs.
What are we looking for?
So, in order to be sure, what the program will work as intended, we need to eliminate the issues right away. Lucky for us, developer of the whitelisted lobby program, CodeSwine, has already mentioned some issues:

To anyone having issues: - if you can: port forward 6672 - disable or make an exception in your antivirus - make sure your NAT type is not strict - can't connect to a public lobby anymore? (can't really happen codewise but ok) run the following commands in cmd as administrator to make sure: netsh advfirewall firewall delete rule name=”GTA5 CodeSwine - Private Public Lobby Inbound” dir=in netsh advfirewall firewall delete rule name=”GTA5 CodeSwine - Private Public Lobby Outbound” dir=out

So, when I had problems to launch, I went through all of those steps, except the last one. That last step is for issue, when you can't load to public lobby with randoms after turning off the whitelisted lobby. By completing all the steps, my program worked as it should be.

So, We have a list, now we gonna do the setup of this program.
Step 1. Download & preparing to use our programs.
Ok, first of all, we have to take care of the main guest - whitelisted lobby program by itself. Download it from the link in "What do we need?" section by finding green button "Clone or download" button, it should download latest version and all files are contained in archive.

Now prepare the folder for this anywhere. DO NOT MOVE THIS DIRECTORY AFTER! You will later realize why. Unpack your archive, and there's should be 3 files inside it:

Now right mouse click on executable and select properities in context menu. There's a compability section, set option "Run as administrator" as on. The reason why we do this is because if you look at GitHub website inside Setup section, it requires us to run this .EXE as administrator.

Now install PFPortChecker. This one is a useful tool to make sure, if any port you portforwarded can receive TCP & UDP packages (if packages being received, then your port is open). But we gonna use it in the end.
Step 2. Portforwarding port 6672 in the router options.
Ok, this one might be hard for you, if you haven't managed to get your hands on router options. And what makes this step even more difficult is non-unified admin panel for all ISPs. So most of the operation here you must figure it out about "how can you enter admin panel and what login & password you have" on your own. Take physical manual, use google, find a YouTube video, do anything, but have access to the admin panel. You can enter there by typing your local IPv4 (use command prompt and type ipconfing).

Got inside? Ok, there's 2 methods on how you can get port open. We need 6672 port, preferably with both protocols, since CodeSwine didn't mentioned about which one exactly requires.

1st method: if your router has DmZ option (demilitarized zone), you just simply need to put either external or local IP of yours (depends which one is being shown through ipconfig command). With that, I do believe, all ports will be opened. Keep in mind, this is insecure method, since there's some ports, which being used by malware programms, hackers, etc. USE IT ON YOUR OWN RISK!

2nd method: It's hard to tell, where does the option of adding port rules in the router lies. You have to coordinate all knowledge from internet to pinpoint this feature inside your router. All you have to do is manually set the rules for TCP & UDP protocols.

Let me show an example of how it's done in my router panel. My ISP ,"Rostelecom", provided me router Sagecomm F@ST 1744, v4. I entered the panel and I see some menu like that:2 options, mentioned in this section I can found in advanced => NAT menu as DMZ (1st method), and Virtual Server (2nd method). I have to set user defined name, WAN & LAN ports (there will be the port, which I need to open) and local IP (again, ipconfig) for manual portforwarding.

Step 3. Portforwarding port 6672 in the Windows OS.
Ok, once we are done with specific port inside in the router options, I have tried to use whitelisted lobby, but that didn't worked for me. Ok, there's actually 2 more methods, but those can be tuned inside OS Windows.

1st method: You have to locate Windows firewall. For Windows 10, use search near Windows start menu and type windows firewall. Icon should be something like brickwall with world. Now, locate advanced settings on left side of the windows firewall window. There should be window like this:

Now, on the left side of this window there's "Inbound rules". Click on it, and on the right side click on add rule. New Rule wizard will appear on your screen, choose the option "Port", since, it's obvious, we need ports. After this, choose one of the protocols (forgot to tell, what you have to do rule add twice for TCP & UDP). And type Specific remote port - 6672. As being mentioned, do this for another protocol.

2nd method: this one I've been searched somewhere in Call of Duty guide. Open your explorer, and locate network section:

There's should be your router device. Right click it and select properities - now there's should be only 2 sections and on the first one there's should be one button - options. It will be the window with some rules for your router, click "Add". This one is pretty straightforward: Put custom name in the first box, 2nd is your local IP (Here we go again - ipconfig), 3rd and 4th if the 6672 in our case. Don't forget about setting TCP & UDP. So, you have to do it twice.
Step 4. Making sure, what our network doesn't having any bad types of NAT.
You might skip it, but if you at the end gonna have some issues, try to do that as well.

So, you know, some games, like Call of Duty is being really naughty with NAT. Well, GTA Online has sorta problems with NAT too, because if you have strict NAT, you will not gonna play or be able to connect to others and be forever alone. In that case, you should, don't be mad, portforward all ports, what are required by GTA itself. All procedures already mentioned in the step 2 & 3. It's the same, but sometimes you have to do only one protocol.

Here's the list of which ports you might require to open, according to official Steam & R* pages:

You can check your NAT status in-game. Press home, find gear button, settings and find network info. If NAT type is open, you don't have to worry about it, it's a good sign.
Step 5. Antivirus exception.
If you have any different antiviruses than Windows Defender, find any info on how to do it on your own antivirus. As for now I am gonna tell you how to add exception on Windows Defender on Windows 10.
  1. Open Windows Defender Security Center.
  2. Click Virus & threat protection.
  3. Click the Virus & threat protection option.
  4. Under "Exclusions," click the Add or remove exclusions option.
  5. Click the Add an exclusion button.
Now, add you folder with the Whitelisted lobby program to your exclusions, and just in case, the .exe file. We're done here.
Step 6. Final preparations & checks.
Ok, if you did all of the steps (except 4, if you skipped that one), I think it's time to check if we did everything right. But first, do old fashioned reboot, so everything should work from there alright.

Remember the PFPortChecker program? Since some internet services in my country are a bit wrong, I just have to use this one, because it's accurate in terms of port status. So, launch this program, put in the "Port Number To Check" box port 6672 and check both UDP & TCP. I checked them and it's still have UDP locked.

Well, for such case I have to just test it out and see how this will gonna work.

Update: it seems UDP protocol doesn't affect connections. I just manage to sell using 2 accounts 2 cargo storages. Don't sweat it, if you haven't managed to open UDP 6672.
Step 7. Creating whitelisted lobby.
Now it's time to coordinate with your friends and ask their EXTERNAL IP (not this time, ipconfing). Once you have their ip, launch the whitelisted lobby program, add their ip in the list. You can do it while game is loading or you are in single player.

Well, the instructions are simple - load into singleplayer, click activate rules button (CTRL+F10), then load into GTA online. You noticed, you will gonna be alone in the session. Now, if you still haven't put ip in the list, you need to deactivate rules, put ip, then activate again. Test it out with your friend, and if he can join you, then you are done, enjoy you private public lobby.
Final words/special thanks
So, I covered basically everything I did for myself to manage those lobbies. I think only one downside of this is when the host is gonna leave the lobby, it will act to be a normal public, so the host must not leave the session.

I want to say big thanks to my crew, Happy Helpers GTA Online, which helped me in testing this method:

I also want to say thanks to this user for consulting and demonstrating the work of this. Without him, I wouldn't have any direction for creating those lobbies:

And hope everything did worked for you!

16 条留言
SandersXL 2020 年 11 月 1 日 上午 9:20 
Is this affected by the new update? I've been using it for over a year now and it crashes whenever I have it active like it does in RDR2.
bottomtext 2020 年 5 月 16 日 下午 7:52 
Ive tried everything i just cant get it
Miles (Tails) Prower  [作者] 2019 年 2 月 5 日 下午 11:25 
@Jazzy, Yeah, I know that program. I am woking on guide to cover some features.
Queek Breadtaker 2019 年 2 月 5 日 下午 7:08 
There's another program i use and love called Guardian. I don't think it needs to be installed, just downloaded, and the only requirement is that you run it as Administrator. It's fairly simple to use and allows for solo lobbies, whitelisted lobbies, and blacklisted lobbies (which only keep specific people out). I can send OP a link if you wanna post it as an extra alternative.
creepercreeperman5 2019 年 2 月 3 日 下午 2:38 
Sweet guide. I'll try this once my friend can get on so we can grind Doomsday prep
mrk 2019 年 1 月 27 日 上午 9:36 
GJ mate!
insolent1 2019 年 1 月 26 日 上午 5:51 
thx for this guide, good work
iMoveFasterAlone 2019 年 1 月 25 日 下午 12:28 
@Rev. If you are tired of mindless cheaters and griefers you should know where to find us if you want to team up.
Rev 2019 年 1 月 25 日 下午 12:13 
yeah i get you on that
Miles (Tails) Prower  [作者] 2019 年 1 月 25 日 上午 11:58 
@Rev, first, I mentioned as cheaters & high lvl players with militarized weapons, preventing you to progress as different problems, not as whole . You probably misunderstood there.

Second, it's the basic method you provided, but people still gonna join you after some time. With method of mine, the only friends you wanted to, will join and you can do the sales without any hostile encounters of players. I had some moments, when I help my crewmates (for which I basically wrote the guide) sell goods, we got players preventing us to do so. There were cheaters or basically just opressor dudes. We are playing like a week with this method and we got 0 cheaters and griefers preveting us to have fun with our sales.