Miles (Tails) Prower
Sergey Efremov   Tula, Russian Federation
Greetings! Need some information? You can find it below Achievements Showcase.
Just a decent player, who likes to get achievements. If they didn't exitst for specific game, then objective - get to the ending. Mostly playing the old games, sometimes use emulators to meet some of them, get introduced to some gems or something like that. The Languages - Russian & English.

I think, I should clear out some things for you. Let's split some information into blocks:

Well, as I say above, I love getting them, because it's the motivation to play some games a little bit more. They will point you out, with which games I am done, and there's a small chance to return to them. Because there's still many games need to be done, within steam or without.

I prefer every single way to get them, except that shady program, which allows you to get all achievements in one click. As soon as it's legit, I am fine with it.

If you need some help with achievement, I'll be glad to help, unless I Am busy, or I don't have the game installed.

Why Tails?
Throughout all my gaming experience (starting from the 4 years, from Dendy times), this is my most favourite character. I met him at 2002, when I had MegaDrive and old TV, where I played Sonic 2 a little bit (not my cartridge). Even though I am not consider myself a big fan of series, I am still looking forward to get through the games by date release (starting from 1991) and do the games, what I like and I can emulate. Otherwise, we have YouTube for it. Just for knowing, what is this games.

Preferred games
No matter of genre, no matter of how bad is it, I play the games, what I like. Simple.

What the other things, what I do?
Well, I like to learn something new in English. The more knowledge, the better, right?

Sometimes, I like to walk in a Steam discussion boards, maybe I could learn something new about game or something.

Also, I like to draw some stuff in GIMP (little bit). Also, if I complete some games and like the soundtrack from it. And I start doing some YouTube (Only for hobby, screw the money).
Last words
If I did some mistakes in English, I apologize for that. But if you read all of that information, have a nice day and good luck.
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331 hrs on record
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701 hrs on record
last played on 22 Sep, 2022
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