Airships: Conquer the Skies

Airships: Conquer the Skies

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Bandit-class landcruiser
Type: Landships
Role: Small, Cruiser, Tank
Modding: Modded
Cost: $4000+, Cheap
Theme: Steampunk
File Size
42.744 KB
12 Jan, 2019 @ 12:17am
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Bandit-class landcruiser

Landships like the Bandit are essential in frontline combat, with multiple turrets, it can support infantry and destroy smaller enemy landships, with dual tracks it can also traverse terrain well while keeping a good top speed allowing it to break through enemy formations, it lacks air defense however.
Used mods: The Royal Armoury, cataclystic expansion, WhiteFox3030's Modules MKII, Karda's Air Arsenal, Shaping unified, DocPeabody's Modpack MKII, Ramming Speed, Yellow's Mega Dependencies Pack, Professor Aluminum's Maniacal Menagarie of State Funded Mad Science And Fun!