Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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Benchmark samples And method
By stmSantana
I tried to compare benchmarks - Simulation speed and fps -, under the same conditions using two PC systems. (Old Low Performance and New Middle Performance)
Same SaveData, same graphic option. And the same Mods & Assets.
In addition, I made some MODs Enable, then benchmarked and checked the change in score performance hits.
I will share that score and method.
It would be fun to compare and share your score with my score...
In order to prevent the score from being affected by Mods and Assets, I compared almost in the vanilla setting.
All assets are Disabled.
However, for benchmarking, Enable several Mods.

I searched and downloaded vanilla SAVEDATAS which does not require DLC, MOD or ASSET from Workshop.
(Savedatas Population Over 100,000, Over 240,000, Over 380,000)
However, I have enabled all DLC except Radio DLC.
STEP 1: Back up the current settings.
Back up the current settings, Then turn off all Mods, Assets, District styles.
The procedure is in the guide below.
STEP 2: Get Mods and SaveDatas for benchmark.
2-1: Go to Workshop and subscribe to the following Mods.
2-2: Enable these four Mods in the Content Manager.

Mods Listing (Save and load mods config)
FPS Display
Simulation Speed Benchmark
Loading Screen Mod [Test]

2-3: Subscribe and Enable following Save datas.

Data1: 100,000 Pop

Data2: 240,000 Pop

Data3: 380,000 Pop

STEP 3: Graphics and Gameplay options.

STEP 4: Load savedatas and Benchmark.
After loading the data, I went to a specific place on the map and got scores in the distance view and close view.
These were Benchmarked after standing for 1 minute at Speed: x1 at each measurement location.

Yeol's Brussels
Population: 103,849

Data1 - Distant view

Data1 - Close view

Data1 - Scores
Distant view PC1 Simulation Speed: 19.7 - 14.7
Distant view PC1 fps: 14.7 - 20.9
Close view PC1 Simulation Speed: 16.4 - 16.5
Close view PC1 fps: 10.4 - 11.3

Distant view PC2 Simulation Speed: 7.7 - 7.7
Distant view PC2 fps: 40.1 - 41.0
Close view PC2 Simulation Speed: 8.1 - 8.3
Close view PC2 fps: 23.8 - 24.0

Distant view PC2-2 Simulation Speed: 8.1 - 8.4
Distant view PC2-2 fps: 30.1 - 32.8
Close view PC2-2 Simulation Speed: 8.8 - 9.1
Close view PC2-2 fps: 18.7 - 19.6

Distant view PC2-3 Simulation Speed: 7.9 - 7.9
Distant view PC2-3 fps: 12.7 - 13.9
Close view PC2-3 Simulation Speed: 8.3 - 8.6
Close view PC2-3 fps: 10.9 - 11.2

Population: 241,058

Data2 - Distant view

Data2 - Close view

Data2 - Scores
Distant view PC2 Simulation Speed: 11.1 - 11.1
Distant view PC2 fps: 35.4 - 35.5
Close view PC2 Simulation Speed: 11.4 - 11.4
Close view PC2 fps: 24.6 - 24.7

Distant view PC2-2 Simulation Speed: 10.6 - 10.8
Distant view PC2-2 fps: 25.7 -25.9
Close view PC2-2 Simulation Speed: 11.2 - 11.2
Close view PC2-2 fps: 9.4 - 9.9

David's City #7
Population: 384,848

Data3 - Distant view

Data3 - Close view

Data3 - Scores
Distant view PC2 Simulation Speed: 12.3 - 12.3
Distant view PC2 fps: 34.9 - 35.2
Close view PC2 Simulation Speed: 13.0 - 13.0
Close view PC2 fps: 26.8 - 27.0

PC Systems
MB: msi H55-GD65 (INTEL/H55)
CPU: intel Core i7 870 (2.93GHz) 4core 8threads
RAM: DDR3 4GB*4 (16GB)

MB: msi Z390-A PRO (INTEL/Z390)
CPU: intel Core i5 9600K (3.7GHz-4.4GHz) 6core 6threads
VGA: msi GTX 1070 GAMING X (8GB)
RAM: DDR4 16GB*2 (32GB)

PC1 and PC2-1 Used Memory
Cities.exe - Commit(KB):10,346,456 - Working Set(KB):4,743,644

Same system as PC2-1 (With 33Mods[] and 6 assets by NE2)
PC2-2 Used Memory
Cities.exe - Commit(KB):14,994,272 - Working Set(KB):6,595,064

Same system as PC2-1 (With 62Mods[] and 6 assets by NE2)
PC2-3 Used Memory
Cities.exe - Commit(KB):15,397,656 - Working Set(KB):7,076,940